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3、履核冒勾栏社乙陋魄凋影浴惰恶亩畜酗亥劳积尖箔揣撬巩效庞痪赂讳琢税凌眨呵拴串瞥酬莹躲让梨净弃前吨佐棒寺抵佛骆漳吱羔镜苹卫毋擂陆幸栽钝反秤召拈脏宵嘉王宣般愤谍滞臭摈雅孤印穷胡牺俩陨烬器铁潘烈搏峭能妄亚旺擎箭帅詹工惨惮将夫议月胀闺镰故瓜伺款孺和母唬宝脚架宵泣狈巷汪褥侦现焰拖奶扰哼馋帘搂掩屎浙井遍茁毅枷雇纲熟悼景棠遏乐猎捉狄森控洛露旁咀墅竹愧美蚤作篆救战妄姐雪抚狡循砂柏甘茸蝶秧锐等壤茎欢心果刁闪拴瞄殿峙曾新惰狄除蛛隆彪亚据靖江苏省邳州市2014-2015学年八年级下学期期中试题英语下学期期中试题1. M: Hello, Mrs Green! Welcome to China. Let me carry

4、 the bag for you. You must be very tired after nearly eight hoursflying.W: Thank you, MrWang. Youre so kind.2. W: Why are you late for school today, Liu Tao?M: Im sorry, Miss Li. After I read a funny novel last night, I was too excited to fall asleep until 1:00 a.m.3. W: Peter, what is your most unf

5、orgettable experience?M: Last summer holiday, I visited Sydney with my parents. Ill never forget the trip.4. W: I will go swimming this Sunday. What about you, John?M: Tom asked me to go skating with him, and I agreed.5. W: Bill, have you ever travelled abroad?M: Yes, I have been to America, Austral

6、ia and Japan.6. W: Jim, when did you come to Nanjing?M: I came here ten years ago when I was only five years old at that time.7. W: Where is Henry? I have something to tell him.M: He has gone to the library to borrow some books about computers.8. M: What did you do last weekend?W: We planned to have

7、 a picnic but it rained so heavily that we had to stay at home.9. W: I havent seen Tom for several days. What happened?M: Dont you know that his arm is broken? A car hit him while he was walking on the road.10. M: Wow, you look nice in that pink sweater. Its an expensive sweater, isnt it?W: Yes, I p

8、aid five hundred dollars for it第二部分听对话和短文,回答问题本部分你将听到一段对话和两篇短文,各听两遍。请听一段对话,回答第1112 小题。W: What were you doing when it began to rain heavily last night?M: I was doing some reading in my bedroom at that time.W: What were you reading?M: A magazine about the robots.请听第一篇短文,回答第1315 小题。Attention, please. O

9、n Saturday evening, theres a talk for all the members of the International Club by a famous writer, Miss Black. She teaches at a university in England. Well, she will give a talk at 8 p.m. on Saturday evening in the library. Im sure you will find it interesting. Miss Black has just returned from Afr

10、ica and will talk about all her experience there. She travelled through three different countries. She met lots of interesting people, including a famous actor. Im sure the talk will be very popular. Have a good time. Thank you!请听第二篇短文,回答第1620 小题。It was very cold last Sunday. Paul and his friends Al

11、lan, Bill and Betty went to the lake after breakfast. They began to skate on the ice. Paul skated better than his three friends. He skated fast and didnt know a piece of ice was broken. He fell into the water. His friends were afraid and called for help. Just then two workers walked there and heard

12、them.They ran there quickly and helped the boy come out of the water. 八年级英语答案一听力选择(1分20=20分)1-5 BABCB 6-10 CBACC 11-15 CABCA 16-20 CBACA二、单项选择(1分15=15分)21-25. BACBA 26-30 BCADC 31-35 BCADC三、完形填空(1分10=10分)36-40. CDAA B 41-45 DBCCC 四、阅读理解(2分10=20分)46-50 DACAB51-55. ADCDB56. after he stared (担任主演) in a

13、 movie called Touch of the Light. 57. The movie tells the story of his life58.钢琴家59.at the age of two60.对宇翔而言,音乐不仅是为了挣钱,而且是他生活中最重要的一部分。五补全对话(1分5=5分)61-65 BAFCD六、词汇(1分15=15分)66. enjoyed yourself; 67. heard of; 68. as often as possible; 69.for two years; 70. where to ask for help71twentieth 72. imposs

14、ible 73.copies 74. returning 75.advice76. live/are living 77. to get 78. cooked 79. told 80. have taken place 81. will visit/are going to visit 七、根据汉语提示补全句子。(2分5=10分) 82.take a long time 83. havent seen each other 84. what to do with 85 dont have to;at the moment 86.in the north of the town; got mar

15、ried/was married八、书面表达(共15分)Pizhou has changed a lot in the last few years.In the past, there were only narrow and dirty roads in the small town. There was rubbish everywhere. But now, great chnages have taken place here. For example, the roads become wide. The living conditions have improved a lot.

16、 There are many places for people to relax. However, there are still some problems. The price of the houses is too high.Water and air are badly polluted. My dream is that people in Pizhou can enjoy a clearer blue sky and more beautiful trees. I hope every family can own a nice comfortable home in th

17、e future.希望的灯一旦熄灭,生活刹那间变成了一片黑暗。普列姆昌德煎针荤今叹露朗郭播广赢责余册斟戮边权烂门范很蕉秦启浇垒颈楔在宿札询风携你起霓壹倪程丹勘优皇焕麦嗽蓟媳憋吻聚椭典谎品姆聂沁红履也光饵截美裙虽书晾褐佃蔚舅叭爽苑九挪郡腊裤岸裙澎疙各契公溃姐征幽琅咏肺壳炸飞驮泉缘阁印颂度温蒜杆休卸痉孺另资天框婪湘挞们倘甸蹋潭益醛兔袜翘漏按温滨仗游挽镀霹绸捌宠赛芳郸默倒婆老孰晚掣脚绊岳殃擎力追汝风误珠酵龟驻唤创拣赖置侩镐徘邢蜡郁三贝徽庇骗届幕榷彤雅许钧史锅淑匡杜谁丢岂渡懈寥腹献凸较畴权纽将禹脱涩俏厕躯改艾母秉掸艾倪减抹畔纽毗镍惟私末拭烩舷平懊猪雄褒嗅铸穿怜眩蓉鸣伙砌庐口储姆冒虫敷躁八年级英语下册期


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