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1、Crazy English 2023.7哥伦比亚盆地的侏儒兔是世界上最小的,也许也是最稀有的兔子品种。它的体重不到500克。The worldssmallest rabbit世界上最小的兔子Beverly L.JenkinsThe Columbia Basin pygmy rabbit isthe smallest and perhaps the rarest rabbitbreed(品种)in the world.It is native tojust one part of the Washington State Area,and weighs under 500 grams.There

2、 are plenty of tiny domesticrabbit breeds to choose from if you relooking for an adorable pet rabbit,but thetiniest of them all is actually a wild breedthat doesnt make a great pet.The ColumbiaBasin pygmy rabbit is skittish and nervous,but the main reason why youll most likelynever own one is its cr

3、itically endangeredstatus.The breed was declared endangeredin the wild in 2001,when the last 14specimens were scooped up from theirnative habitat and put into a captivebreeding program.Despite the best efforts of scientists,the Columbia Basin pygmy rabbit did notbreed as well as expected in captivit

4、y(圈养),partially due to inbreeding within thetiny population.The last purebred maleand female died many years ago.The pureDNA of the breed died with them,butconservationistsmanagedtosavethebreed by crossmixing it with the Idahopygmy rabbit.Adult pygmy rabbits weigh between375 and 500 grams,and have a

5、 body lengthof between 23.5 and 29.5 centimeters withfemales being slightly larger than males.There are no records of domesticatedpygmy rabbits,and with their numbers inthe wild still critically low,we probablywont hear of them as pets anytime soon.ReadingCheckWhy did the Columbia Basin pygmyrabbit

6、breed as well as expected in captivity according to the text?54Crazy English 2023.7100岁的笔友,85年的友谊Reading Check14CBAC努力推进中国文化遗产Reading Check14ABAD水下自行车停车场Reading Check14ADBALanguage study1.features2.abandon3.available4.removed5.considerable地球上最古老的陆地动物Reading Check14ACBD神奇的方式,特别的生日Reading Check14ACAD综

7、合视野公交站的爱心长凳Reading CheckHe hopes the benches continue toinspire more and more people to make adifferenceintheworldandperhapsexpand to other cities.跌倒后重新站起来Reading CheckAny answer can be possible as longas it makes sense.世界上最小的兔子Reading CheckBecause the population is limited andthe pure DNA of the br

8、eed died as the lastpurebred male and female died manyyears ago.小举动,大不同Reading CheckAny answer can be possible as longas it makes sense.百岁老人的新开端Reading CheckAny answer can be possible as longas it makes sense.充满爱的房间Reading CheckConsiderate,careful and loving.写作园地优化动作描写,刻画人物形象案例导引1.slipped2.murmured3.burst into tears4.glaring at me silently5.dragged;reluctantly/unwillingly6.gun in hand7.knelt down8.glanced;took a deep breath9.Standing10.drooping;wondering78

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