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1、 对话部分 1.听力对话部分简介(1 1)听力理解的第一部分(Section A)由若干组长对话组成,每组对话后提3-43-4个问题,共1010题。(2 2)每组对话约为200200个单词,通常为一男一女之间就某个或者几个话题进行回答,以求得到彼此希望获得的信息或答案,或求得一致的意见。(3 3)听力对话内容涉及广泛,主要有生活、工作、学习、家庭、时事、风土人情或社会焦点问题等等。2.(4 4)题目出现顺序和听力录音顺序基本一致。(5 5)听力对话部分,考点位置分布比较均匀:开头中间结尾或开头中间中间结尾(6 6)从难度上来讲,材料开头和结尾的考点比较简单,而材料中间和通篇理解的考点相对较难。

2、3.对策*听前预测(1)速读选项 选项是句子(难)和短语(易)两种形式。注意标记句子中的关键词。(2)结合所有的题目进行综合预测*听时注意记笔记4.常考题型细节题54%推断题19%是非判断题26%主旨题1%(2006-2013)5.细节题考查点为时间;地点;数字;人物行为及事件原因6.时间:考查时间的题目通常用when或what time来提问或以填空形式出现。对话中可能有多个时间出现,也可能 只出现一个时间,但正确答案要经过简单运算或判断后才能得到。7.对策对策1:听前准备时要特别注意题目中所提到的事件。听时注意记笔记,最好把选项中提到的时间都做相关笔记。如:On which day doe

3、s the couple always go out?A.Friday.B.Saturday.C.Sunday.D.Any weekday.W:Right.Um,What do you do at the weekend?M:Well,on Fridays my wife always goes to her exercise classes,then she visits friends.W:Dont you go out?M:Not on Fridays.I never go out on Fridays.I stay at home and watch television.W:And

4、on Saturdays?M:0n Saturdays my wife and I always go sailing together.W:Really?M:Mmm,we love it.We never miss it.And then in the evening we go out.8.这篇对话还提到了周日的活动,所以要注意在听的过程中记笔记,以便最后做出判断。9.1.When is Anne available for the meeting?A.The third week of May.B.The third week of June.C.The eleventh of June

5、.D.The eleventh of May.M;lm fixing up on next project team meeting,and I just want to check some possible dates with you,W:Fine,let me just get my diary.Ok,which dates are you looking at?M:Ive spoken to the others,and they prefer either the third week of May or the second week of June.W:Yeah,both of

6、 the weeks are pretty clear at the moment except for the 11th of June.10.According to the hospital rules,at which of the following hours can visitors see patients?A.2:00 pm.B.5:00 pm.C.7:00 pm.D.6:00 pm.M:Yes.Nurse,can you tell roe what the visiting hours are?W:Yes,of course.They are in the afternoo

7、n from 2:30 to 4:30 and in the evening from 7:00 to 8:00,but remember that only two people can see you at the same.time.M:l see.What other rules are there?11.对策2.要注意对时间的修正。如:When will the lunch be held?A.Friday next week.B.Thursday next week.C.April 30th.D.This week.M:I wonder if you could do some c

8、atering for us next week.Were having a small reception.Its to launch our summer holiday advertising campaign.Would you be free?W:When exactly is it,Mr.Smith?M:April 21st,thats Thursday.Oh,sorry,no.It should be Friday.12.地点:考查地点的题目通常用where来提问或以填空形式出现。对话中可能有多个地点。对策:听前准备时要特别注意题目中所提到的事件。听时注意记笔记,将事件和地点匹配

9、。如:13.Where did they plan to meet?A.Outside the Town Hall.B.Near the bank.C.In Steves place.D.At the cinema.M:Ok,ok.Where are we going to meet?W:ltd be easier if we met at the cinema.M:Ok.Where is it?W:Oh,you know,the Olyang.M:Where is that?W:Near the Town Hall and opposite the bank.M:Oh,yeah.I know

10、 where it is.Ok,look,I will meet you there at fifteen past eight.14.Their meeting willprobably take place in A.London.B.Toronto.C.Mexico City.D.Chicago.W:So where is the meeting taking place this time?M:lt was going to be in London.But I spoke to Carlos in Mexico City,and he suggested Chicago.He thi

11、nks it will be more convenient for most of the team.W:Hes probably right.Itll certainly be much easier for me as well.Because I can fly from Toronto,and Im sure you can find a meeting room somewhere near the airport.M:Thats a good idea.15.数字:年龄、数量、速度和价格等等都有可能涉及,通常需要有简单的计算或判断才能得出答案。16.How many compla

12、ints did the customer make about the product altogether?A.Five.B.Four.C.Three.D.Two.M:Thats ridiculous.(6)But,anyway,its not the most important thing.I really am not happy about this other thing.W:And what is that?17.人物行为:某人什么时间会做什么事情。What will Mark Adams do the day after tomorrow?A.To come to the o

13、ffice again.B.To wait for the phone call.C.To call the office.D.To write to the office.Receptionist:Well then,if we find it,sir,shall we phone you or write to you?Mark:No.I think I will drop in the day after tomorrow to check out.Receptionist:Right you are,sir.Well do our best.18.事件原因通常以why来提问或要求完成以

14、because或because of引导的句子。听前准备时要注意问题中的事实,通常会在对话中提到。听时注意表原因和表目的的功能词。19.Mr.Robinson worked for the Indian Government because of.(A)university links.(B)government agreements.(C)company projects.(D)degree requirements.W:That sounds fascinating.How did you organize that?You see,it wasnt a British company t

15、hen.M:No,I know.My university had links with an Indian engineering university.So it was organized that level.20.推断题推断观点态度推断意图目的21.推断观点态度:对话双方发表对某人或某事的观点或态度是听力考试中常涉及的考点。(1)要特别注意表达观点态度的动词,如:think,believe,doubt,assume,want和形容词,如optimistic,negative,positive,相应的内容很可能是考点。(2)注意语音、语调。一般来说,升调表示对事物的怀疑和否定;降调表示

16、对事物的肯定。(3)注意言外之意。如:22.The customer was _ when told he might not have worn the headphones properly.A.annoyed B.surprised C.indifferent D.worriedW:Well,I am sorry.But it must be the way you are wearing the headphones.M:Look,I know how to put earphones in my ears.Thank you very much.But what I want to

17、know is what you are going to do about it all.23.推断意图目的 I wonder,I want to know,to24.是非判断题这类题目有难有易,注意听前分析,听时根据所听内容一一判断,最后得出结论。常见的题目形式有:The following details are true EXCEPT_.Which of the following statements is CORRECT?Which of the following is NOT correct?25.Which of the following is CORRECT?A.Lind

18、a is Janes friend.B.Mark is Janes boyfriend.C.John is Janes boyfriend.D.Mark and John are good friends.(2009/2/16:22)26.W:Hi,Mark.How are you?M:Actually,Im really fed up,Linda.Its Jean.W:Jean?Who is Jean?M:Oh,nobody really.Just a most stunningly attractive girl in my year school.W:Oh,is that all?So

19、whats the problem?M:Well,the thing is I just dont know how to make her notice me,or.W:Wait a minute.Ive got a brilliant idea I Why dont you try talking to her?M:But I wouldnt know what to say.1.W:Look,shes in your chemistry class,isnt she?Youre good at chemistry.You could offer to help her with her

20、chemistry homework.How about that?M:Not bad.Just one problem.W:What?M:Shes better than me at chemistry.W:OK,then?Well,there is that party at Johns on Friday night.You could invite her.M:Just another small problem.Johns her boyfriend.2(C)27.All the following information is new to Victoria EXCEPTA.how

21、 many people to attend it.B.B.why to hold it.C.where to hold it.D.what to cook.(2009/10/20:00)28.W:Hello,Happy Time Catering Services Victoria speaking.How can I help you?M:Hello,Victoria.This is Joe Smith from Country Holidays.(8/9)I wonder if you could do some catering(餐饮服务)for us next week.(10)We

22、re having a small reception.Its to launch our summer holiday advertising campaign.Would you be free?W:When exactly is it,Mr.Smith?M:April 21st,thats Thursday.Oh,sorry,no.(9)It should be Friday.W:Oh,Yes,I can do that.(10)Where will you be holding at?M:We thought we would have had it at head office an

23、d use the conference room because there is enough room for everyone there.29.W:OK,what sort of things would you like?M:Just a light lunch I think.So that People can eat while they move around and talk to each other.(10)You did something similar for us last year.We will be happy to have the same menu

24、 again.W:Right,I will look at my dairy and see what you had last time.Oh,I nearly forgot to ask you,(10)how many should I cater for?M:Well,I think most people will be able to come,perhaps around 30.No,lets say 35,to be sure.W:Right,thank you for getting in touch Mr.Smith.I will send confirmation of

25、the arrangements by the end of this week.M:OK.30.1.The following details have been checked during the conversation EXCEPTA.number of travelers.B.number of tour days.C.flight details.D.room services.(2010/1/16:38)31.W:OK.So lets go through the travel details again.Two adults,eight days in Britain from April 26th to May 3rd,flying from Beijing to London,and back with Air China,and youre in a double room.M:Yes,thats right.Umm,do you know what the flight times are?1(D)32.主旨题比较少,注意对话的开头和结尾。33.

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