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1、Tracing the ancient city of Fuzhou 3 Lanes&7 Alleys nThree Lanes and Seven Alleys,located at the centre of Fuzhou City,is the well preserved architectural complex of the Ming and Qing Dynasty.It has 268 ancient houses.As a famous ancient block,Three Lanes and Seven Alleys is an important symbol to s

2、how the long history of Fuzhou city.It enjoys a reputation of the Museum of the buildings of the Ming and Qing Dynasty“.Nowadays,some of the local people are still living there.nThe three lanes are Yijin(衣锦)Lane,Wenru(文儒)Lane and Guanglu(官禄)Lane.nthe Seven Alleys are Yangqiao(杨桥)Alley,Langguan(郎官)Al

3、ley,Anmin(安民)Alley,Huangxiang(黄巷)Alley,Taxiang(塔巷)Alley,Gongxiang(宫巷)Alley and Jibi(吉庇)Alley.n衣锦坊衣锦坊是三坊的第一坊,是说坊内有人在外出仕做大官,现在衣锦还乡,荣耀乡里,其中的衣锦坊水榭戏台最具特色。于此观看戏剧演出n郎官巷,在杨桥巷南,南后街的东侧。中国近代启蒙思想家、翻译家严复的故居宫巷出了位两江总督沈葆祯亭台楼阁中,福州评话赛即将展开,人们在这里吹拉弹唱,品茗茶,享棋趣 旧时的南后街以经营柴米油盐、日常生活所需三十六店一应俱全。当铺在当时随处可见。nIn the Three Lanes an

4、d Seven Alleys,there are some former residences of the famous people in China.For example Lin Zexu,the national hero and famous politician in the Qing Dynasty.He is the first man who advocated Chinese to learn advanced technology from Western countries.Bing Xin is a famous poet,translator,and writer

5、 who has translated 10 works including 4 works of Tagore.Her literature has deep affection on Chinese people.Yan Fu,a Chinese scholar and translator most famous for introducing Darwins theory of natural selection to China in the late 19th century,came from the area.林觉民冰心n具有闽越古城的民居特色:布局严谨,院落相连,中轴对称,以

6、木结构承重,宅院四周或左右围有土筑的马鞍形风火墙,有的墙峰饰以飞龙飞凤、花鸟鱼虫及人物风景,具有浓郁的地方特色。南后街南后街福州三坊七巷不仅仅是三条“坊”和七条“巷”,还有一条闻名遐迩的南后街n当时生活的真实写照A landmark in the Three Lanes and Seven Alleys is Nanhou Street sitting at the axes of the whole complex.It used to be an important business street where is gathered the most shops of traditiona

7、l handcraft in Fuzhou,such as mounts and festival lanterns.The length of the street is 634 metres.Nowadays,this street has become a busy street with the modern businesses,like bars and cafes and shops of traditional feature.n如今的南后街俨然成为了人们休闲娱乐的场所nin Three Lanes and Seven,you can taste traditional Fuzhou dishes such asFuzhou fish balls,litchi meat(fried pork with potato in sweet and sour sauce),and Guobianhu(the crispy burnt rice at the botton and sides of the pan),and many more.n具有浓郁福州特色小吃:肉燕,吸引许多游客慕名前来品尝。n改造后的三坊七巷,更具有现代气息

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