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1、第一人称第一人称:我,我:我,我们们(I,we)第二人称:你,你第二人称:你,你们们(you)第三人称:除了第一第二人称,其他都是第三人称:除了第一第二人称,其他都是第第三三人称人称单单数:数:男他男他,女她女她,动动物它物它(he.she.it),某人,某物,某件事某人,某物,某件事he.she.itEric.Jennymy unclea dog.a deskthe baseballmy school第三人称第三人称单单数数1-你能分辨出第三人称单数吗?this5 orangesshe ice-creamtheythe boyitthose sheBob and Tomwe his fath

2、erIthe catsome breadmy grandparents2-1.I _ three friends in England.2.2.They_ a big room.3.3.Helen _ two cats.4.4.Jack and Cindy _ a son.5.5.She _ a big apple.6.6.Do you_ a bag?7.7.Bobs brother _a nice watch.havehavehashavehashave用用 have or has 填空。填空。第三人称第三人称单单数用数用has,非第三人称,非第三人称单单数和复数用数和复数用have.has

3、3-1.I _ pears very much.2.2.They_ their school.3.3.Helen _ vegetables.4.4.Jack and Cindy _ bread.5.5.She _hamburgers with chicken.6.6.Does he_ fruit?7.7.Bobs brother _carrots.用用 like or likes 填空。填空。likelikelikelikeslikeslikelikes4-规则变规则变化化playaskfindthinklikewatchteachstudy不不规则变规则变化化havedogo动词动词的的第三

4、人称第三人称单单数形式数形式5-I like apples.I eat bananas.I need a book.I play soccer.I call Mary.I ask teacher.She likes apples.She eats bananas.She _a book.She _soccer.She _Mary.She _teacher.needsplayscallsasksI have a baseball.She has a baseball.Do you have a pen?Does she have a pen?I go to school.She goes to

5、school6-助助动词动词:1.助助动词动词有哪些?有哪些?2.助助动词动词有什么用?有什么用?do .does阅读课阅读课本本P90,2(实义动词实义动词)在有在有实实意意动词动词的句子中,的句子中,帮助构成帮助构成疑疑问问句句 和和否定句否定句:助助动词动词do/doesdo/does提前提前:do not/does not7-I have a baseball.(否定句)I _ have a baseball.(一般疑问句)_ you _ a baseball?(肯定回答)Yes,I _.(否定回答)No,I _.She has a tennis ball.(否定句)She _ _ a

6、 baseball.(一般疑问句)_ she _ a baseball?(肯定回答)Yes,she _.(否定回答)No,she _.8-1.I _ pears very much.2.2.They_ their school.3.3.Helen _ vegetables.4.4.Jack and Cindy _ bread.5.5.She _hamburgers.6.6.Bobs brother _carrots and rice.likelikelikeslikeslikelikes改改为为否定句否定句9-1.I _ pears very much.2.2.They_ their scho

7、ol.3.3.Helen _ vegetables.4.4.Jack and Cindy _ bread.5.5.She _hamburgers.6.6.Bobs brother _carrots and rice.likelikelikeslikeslikelikes改改为为一般疑一般疑问问句,并肯定句,并肯定/否定回答否定回答10-1.I like the schoolbag.2.He likes fruit.3.They eat bread.4.Helen eats chicken.5.My father plays soccer.6.I want to watch TV.7.She w

8、ants to have lunch.8.Eric goes to school.9.We think about food.10.Paul helps his classmates.改改为为否定句否定句11-1.I like the schoolbag.2.He likes fruit.3.They eat bread.4.Helen eats chicken.5.My father plays soccer.6.I want to watch TV.7.She wants to have lunch.8.Eric goes to school.9.We think about food.10.Paul helps his classmates.改改为为一般疑一般疑问问句句12-

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