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1、同等学力申硕英语统一模拟真题 Part I Oral Communication (15 minutes, 10 points) Section A Directions: In this section there are two incomplete dialogues and each dialogue has three blanks and three choices A, B and C, taken from the dialogue. Fill in each of the blanks with one of the choices to complete the dialo

2、gue and mark your answer on the Answer Sheet. Dialogue One A. Um . . . about 1978. I think, when I was eighteen. B. What about you? C. Yeah, I really like that. Steve: Francesca, whats your favourite piece of music, would you say? Francesca: I think its Pie Jesu by Andrew Lloyd-Webber. Steve: Really

3、? Fancesca: (1)_ Steve: When did you first hear it? Francesca: Oh, about five years ago my sister was in a choir concert and that was the first time I heard it, and I thought it was really beautiful. (2)_ Whats your favourite? Steve: Well, its a big piece. Its Mahlers second symphony. Francesca: Oh!

4、 What, the whole thing? Steve: Oh yeah, yeah! Francesca: When. when did you first hear that? Steve: (3)_ Francesca: A long time ago. Steve: Yeah. But it stays with me and Ive seen it performed several times since then. Dialogue Two A. I didnt realize you were such a good cook B. Ill do them myself l

5、ater C. Well, you know, if you want to John: Oh Anne, that was a wonderful dinner. Thats the best meal Ive had in a long time. Anne: Oh thank you! Thank you very much. John: Can I give you a hand with the dishes? Anne: Uh-uh, dont bother. (4)_. Hey, would you like me to fix some coffee? John: Uh, th

6、anks a lot. Id love some. Uh, would you mind if I smoke7 Anne: Why, not at all. Here, let me get you an ashtray. John: Aw, thanks very much . . . Oh Anne, (5)_. Anne: Actually, Ive only just learned how, you know. Its because Ive been taking these courses. John: Why, I cant cook at all, cant even bo

7、il an egg. Anne: No kidding. (6)_, you could take a couple of classes over at Sheridan College and learn how to do it too. John: Aw, thanks a lot. Section B Directions: In this section there is one incomplete interview which has four blanks and four choices A, B, C and D, taken from the interview. F

8、ill in each of the blanks with one of the choices to complete the interview and mark your answer on the Answer Sheet. A. Thats right, John. B. Why should we believe you this time? C. But Mrs. Faulkes, you said that five years ago when you were campaigning for the last general election. D. Hows the c

9、ampaign going? Interviewer: In our radio car we have Geraldine Faulkes who is on the campaign trail in the constituency of Liverpool north-east. Good morning, Mrs. Faulkes. Mrs. Faulkes: Good morning, John. Interviewer: Now, Mrs. Faulkes. Its only three weeks till the general election. (7)_ Mrs. Fau

10、lkes: I am fully confident that the Conservative Party will win this general election and that the people of this country will welcome five more years of good Conservative Government. Interviewer: I see. Now I believe that your party is promising tax cuts if it wins the election. Mrs. Faulkes: (8)_

11、We are the party of low taxation and we be- lieve that our economic policies over the past five years have been the right policies. Our economy is growing stronger and now is the right time for income tax cuts. Interviewer: (9)_ You said you would lower taxes five years ago, but you didnt, did you?

12、Mrs. Faulkes: Our economic policies over the last five years have given us one of the strongest economies in Europe with some of the lowest interest rates. We said that we were going to lower interest rates at the last election and we have delivered our promise. And whats more we believe that intere

13、st rates will remain low if we are elected for another term. Interviewer: But I dont think low interest rates are the same as lower taxes. You said you would lower taxes and you didnt. (10)_ Mrs. Faulkes: The economy of the country is now very healthy thanks to good government, and I believe that no

14、w is the time for tax cuts. Part II Vocabulary (I0 minutes, I0 points) Directions: In this part there are ten sentences, each with one blank. Choose the one from the four choices marked A, B, C and D that best keeps the meaning o f the sentence. Mark your answer on the Answer Sheet. (11) Chinas trad

15、e surplus with the US accounted for 73 percent of its total surplus last year, but China had a trade_with other countries, including 58 less-developed countries. A. increase B. deficit C. decrease D. surplus (12) To succeed in todays global market place, it is_ to learn as much as possible about the

16、 conditions in overseas markets. A. essential B. interesting C. suitable D. negligent (13) The source informed the reporter that though the fire in the TV show house spread rapidly, a team of four specifically trained staff_ it immediately and put it out in ten minutes. A. paid attention to B. looke

17、d up to C. attended to D. attached importance to (14) According to Global Times, Hainan Province has_ an am- bitious plan to attract more international tourists by upgrading the islands entire transportation network. A. took on B. improved on C. put on D. embarked on (15) Cyber technology is among t

18、he few core technologies whose ed- ges must be sharpened domestically to maintain social stability and_ the national interests. A. safeguard B. prevent C. protest D. save (16) Cultural exchanges will mark a milestone in the history of China- Australia cultural relations and will lead to ongoing cult

19、ural for years to come. A. collaboration B. elaboration C. distribution D. expansion (17) Members of a Britains biggest trade union walked out Friday after talks with British Airways on a _ over working conditions broke down. A. conversation B. negotiation C. dispute D. lecture (18) In , GM Daewoo,

20、the South Korean subsidiary of US car giant General Motors, _ more than 58,000 vehicles because of defects in the blow to Asias crisis-hit auto industry. A. recognized B. recorded C. reconciled D. recalled (19) Doctors gave the serious anemia patient a series of injections and started her on an _cou

21、rse of vitamins. A. urgent B. ardent C. evident D. emergent (20) Gold prices soared to the highest level on January 25, in the US. And the_ metal surged to $1,720. 35 an ounce on the London Bullion Market-the highest level since December 9, . A. previous B. distinctive C. precious D. innovative Part

22、 III Reading Comprehension ( 45 minutes, 25 points) Section A Directions: In this section, there are four passages followed by questions or unfinished statements, each with four suggested answers A, B. C and D. Choose the best answer and mark your answer on the Answer Sheet. Passage One Childhood ex

23、posure to a group of chemicals, which are used widely in a variety of products, including water-resistant clothing and microwave popcorn, could reduce the effectiveness of common vac- cines, a new study has found. Researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health in Boston looked at over 580 childr

24、en and found that those who had higher concentrations of these perfluorinated (全氟化) compounds (PFCs) in their blood had lower immune responses to diphtheria(白喉) and tetanus (破伤风) vaccinations. An insufficient immune response to a vaccine can mean a child is actually vulnerable to catching a disease

25、even though they have been vaccinated against it, the researchers said. When we take our kids to the doctor s office to get their shots, we expect that the vaccines are going to work. What we found was that there was an increasing risk that they didnt work if the kids had been exposed to the PFCs, s

26、tudy author Philippe Grand-jean was quoted as saying by LiveScience. (21) What makes the childrens common vaccines less effective ac- cording to the new study? A. The exposure of chemicals they used in childhood. B. The reduction of a series of chemicals in childhood. C. Childhood consumption of che

27、mical products. D. Childhood contact with chemical products. (22) The Harvard School of Public Health experts found that there was _ relation between concentrations of chemical deposits in blood and immunity. A. no direct B. an unilateral C. a direct D. an unpredictable (23) The word vulnerable (Par

28、a. 3) is closest in meaning to “_” A. difficult to be affected B. impossible to be affected C. possible to be affected D. easy to he affected (24) The increasing risk of low immunity which children face is caused by_. A. their exposure to chemicals B. their refusal of getting shots of vaccines C. th

29、e doctors irresponsibility D. the poor quality of vaccines Passage Two In our society, we must communicate with other people. A great deal of communication is performed on a person-to-person basis by the simple means of speech. If we travel in buses or stand in football match queues, we are likely t

30、o have conversations in which we give information or opinions, and sometimes have our views challenged by other members of society. Face-to-face contact is by no means the only form of communication and during the last two hundred years the art of mass communication has become one of the dominating

31、factors of contemporary society. Two things above others have caused the enormous growth of the communication industry. Firstly, inventiveness has led to advances in printing, photography, and so on. Secondly, speed has revolutionized the transmission and reception of communications so that local ne

32、ws often takes a back seat to national news. No longer is the possession of information confined to a privileged minority. Forty years ago people used to flock to the cinema, but now far more people sit at home and turn on the TV to watch a program that is being channeled into millions of homes. Com

33、munication is no longer merely concerned with the transmission of information. The modern communications industry influences the way people live in society and broadens their horizons by allowing access to information, education and entertainment.The printing, broadcasting and advertising industries

34、 are all involved with their in forming, educating and entertaining functions. Although a great deal of the material communicated by the mass media is very valuable to the individual and to the society of which he is a part, the vast modern network of communications is open to abuse. However, the ma

35、ss media are with us for better, for worse, and there is no turning back. (25) The author probably means that speech on a person-to-person basis is the_ means of communication. A. primary B. secondary C. auxiliary D. optional (26) According to Paragraph 2, with the rapid communication speed,_. A. lo

36、cal and national news reach people at the same time B. national news reaches people even faster than local news C. local news reaches people faster than national news D. two factors make the face-to-face contact the only form of communication (27) The word confined (Para. 3) most probably means _. A

37、. limited B. confirmed C. related D. concealed (28) According to Paragraph 4, which of the following is NOT what modern communication does? A. Influencing peoples mode of life. B. Transmitting information. C. Broadening peoples horizons. D. Keeping people interested in industries. (29) The last para

38、graph implies that the mass media as the vast mod- ern network of communications is likely to face or have more_. A. criticisms B. praises C. condemnations D. opportunities Passage Three Recruiting the right candidate to fill a vacancy can be a difficult and costly task. Appointing the wrong person

39、could be an expensive mistake which could cause personnel problems for the whole depart- ment. And, as every HR manager knows, it is much more difficult to get rid of someone than it is to employ them. The HR managers first decision is whether to recruit internal applicants or advertise the vacancy

40、outside the company. Internal applicants are easy to recruit by memo, e-mail or newsletter. Further- more, they are easy to assess and know the company well. However, they rarely bring fresh ideas to a position. Moreover, a rejected internal candidate might become unhappy and leave the company. Recr

41、uiting outside the company means either advertising the vacancy directly or using an employment agency. If the company decides to advertise the vacancy directly, it has to decide where to place the advertisement. Traditionally this has meant newspapers and professional journals but now the Internet

42、is also very popular. The decision normally depends on the vacancy. Companies advertise blue-collar or clerical jobs in local newspapers and senior management positions in national papers or professional journals, while the Internet is one of the best ways of advertising IT vacancies or recruiting a

43、broad. How- ever, with the Internet there is a risk of receiving unsuitable applications from all over the world. An agency can be either a commercial business or a government employment center. A company often uses a government agency to recruit blue-collar workers but normally prefers a commercial

44、 agency for its white-collar staff. However, a commercial agency could be very expensive and the applicants are less likely to stay with the company for a long time. (30) The central idea of the first paragraph is that_. A. finding the right job applicant to fill a vacancy is never easy B. removing

45、an undesirable employer is more difficult than hiring him C. personal problems can come up if the manager employs a wrong candidate D. every HR manager knows the troubles and expenses of recruitment (31) The advantage of internal recruitment is that_. A. it is easy for the company to evaluate the in

46、ternal applicants B. the candidates know the company well enough to start work right away C. it is expensive to recruit by means of memo, e-mail or news- letter D. it is the HR managers first decision to make once he wants to recruit (32) What problem is the internal recruitment likely to cause? A. The boss new thoughts can not be brought to the jo

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