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1、现在进行时态现在进行时态 表示正在进行的动作或事情。now,look,listen其构成形式是 主语+be(am/is/are)+动词ingTomplayfootball.isingLucy is reada book.ing主语主语+be(am/is/are)+动词ingLook,I reada bookamingYou runarening.now.一般将来时态一般将来时态 表示动作将要发生或打算要做的事情。tomorrow,next week,this eveningthis afternoon,tonight其构成形式是 1、主语+be(am/is/are)going to+动词原形原

2、形2、主语、主语+will+动词原形原形 I visit my grandparents Liu Yun go shopping tonight.am going tothis weekend.isgoing toMike clean the roomMy father and my mother this evening.willthis afternoon.are going to watch TV1)They_ going to play football _.2)Chenjie_ going to _ a _ 补充填空补充填空thisafternoon isthiseveningboo

3、kreadareHow do you usually go to Beijing?How do you go to Beijing?How are you going to Beijing?=I usually go to Beijing by plane.I am going to Beijing by plane.How does he go to Beijing?He usually goes to Beijing by plane.How does your mother go to work?She goes to work by car.Where does your mother

4、 work?She works in a car company.I can ride a bike.I like riding a bike.I often ride a bike on Sundays.Look!I am riding a bike now.I am going to ride a bike next Sunday.My mother is a teacher.No.She teaches Chinese.Does she teach math?Does+动词原形?但答句动词用第三人称单数+s或eslive in Beijing live in Guangzhou live

5、 in DongguanmotherWhere does your mother live?She lives in Dongguan.Does she live.?read newspapers watch TVclean the roomfatherWhat does your father do in the evening?He cleans the room.Does he.?goshoppingwrite a letterdraw picturessisterWhat does your sister do on the weekendShe draws pictures.Does

6、 she.?work in a bankwork in a schoolwork in a hospitalfather motherWhere do your father and mother work?They work in a bank.Do they.?A.Im washing the clothes.B.Im going to clean the room.C.I usually watch TV.A.I am going to the library.B.I often go fishing.C.We are going to the library.A.We are visi

7、ting grandparents.B.We are going to the theme park.C.I usually wash the window.A.No,its near.B.Yes,its not far.C.No,its not far.A.Next week.B.AT 7 oclock.C.At two oclock.Choose the right answers:where what when1、_ are they going to do in the park?Theyre going to have a picnic in the park.2、_ are you

8、 going next week?Im going to Guangzhou next week.3、_ is he going to the bookstore on Sunday morning?Hes going to the bookstore at 9:00 on Sunday morning.WhatWhereWhen A:Mom,where are you going in the evening?M:_ A:What are you going to buy?M:_.A:When are you going?M:_.A:Can I go with you?M:Sure._?A:

9、I am going to buy some food.M:_?A:Because we are going to have a picnic.M:_?A:We re going to have the picnic tomorrow eyeing.M:OK.Lets go to the supermarket together.一、介绍你和家人上学或上班的方式一、介绍你和家人上学或上班的方式 I go to school on foot.My sister goes to school on foot,too.My brother goes to school by bike.My fath

10、er goes to work by car.My mother goes to work by bike.二、介绍你和朋友各自上学的方式。二、介绍你和朋友各自上学的方式。I go to school by bus.My friend Amy goes to school on foot.John goes to school by bike.Mike goes to school bySubway.Sarah goes to school by bus.假如你是Chenjie,写写你下周的计划 the theme parkbookstorezoohome200米800米4000米Im going to the theme park this weekend.Is it far?by taxi/by bus by bikeon foot

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