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1、 Which brand?Which brand?Who?What?Why?Plot AnalysisPlot AnalysisChapter 1 The perfect trainersChapter 2 Kevin BeadleChapter 3 Jake tries them outChapter 4 Anna works it outChapter 5 It wont prove anythingChapter 6 Jake makes up his mindChapter 7 Where are the trainers?Chapter 8 The big raceChapter 9

2、 The trainers get their own backChapter 10 Back to wheneverChapter 1Chapter 6-8Chapter9-10Chapter 2-5Chapter 1Introduction You cant just take them.Theyre not yours.These will give me a chance.Im going to try them out in the park after school.Chapter 2-5Build-up Chapter 2Chapter 3Chapter 4&5What happ

3、ened?It wont prove anything!Chapter 6-8Climax Chapter 6Why?Chapter 7Who?What for?Chapter 8The first:But Jake?Chapter 9-10Resolution The trainers:got angry and punished BeadleBeadle:got punished and turned the trainers inMariah and Luther:went back to their time with the trainersJake:lost the game bu

4、t realized the true meaning of winningAnna:to read a thriller next instead of time travel booksSummary:Chapter 1Chapter 6-8Chapter9-10Chapter 2Chapter 3Chapter 4-5Reading aloudReading aloudAnnaJakeNarratorChapter 4:Role-playRole-playDiscussionDiscussionWhat would happen if anyone could easily win a

5、game?On page 42,it says“whatever happened,it was up to him,not the trainers”.So as for Jake,whats the real meaning of the race?In your opinion,whats the real meaning of a sports game?Do you remember the Olympic slogan?What does it tell us?How do you view winning and losing?Character AnalysisCharacte

6、r AnalysisVocabulary DevelopmentVocabulary DevelopmentRUNNINGRun fastrun amazingly fastwhizz byzoom around,flash byRunning racedo warm-up stretchesdo four lapsset out at a light jogset off at an amazing paceleapt into the airsoared high oversprinted to the frontmade their final chargepicked up speed

7、pushed onreached top speedWritingWritingWrite a story that follows the pattern of The Ultimate Trainers.Firstly make notes to show you will get the equipment,how you will find out what it does,what decision you will have to make and what will happen when someone steals and uses the special equipment.Write a summary of this story in no less than 150 words.

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