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1、Oliver Twist Oliver Twist【雾雾都孤儿都孤儿】1-Charles Dickens,was the most popular English novelist of the Victorian era and one of the most popular of all time.He created some of literatures most memorable characters.The greatest representative(代表)of English critical realism(批判现实主义),About the authorAbout th

2、e author:2-Dickens loved the style of 18th century gothic romance,although it had already become a target for parody.One character vividly drawn throughout his novels is London itself.All aspects of the capital are described over the course of his body of work.3-狄更斯所处的 19 世纪,正是英国维多利亚的盛世时 代 当时的英国,一方面

3、是工业的蓬勃发展带来了社会全面的繁荣;另一方面,经济的快速发展,加剧了社会矛盾和劳资矛盾,贫富两级分化,贫民的生存问题日益严重,悲惨的城市流浪儿童成为严重的社会问题之一社会背景:社会背景:4-Dickenss novels works to expose social problems,such as almshouses,child labor,as well as gang absorption of young people involved in crime.This may also have the shadow of his experience.At the age of 12

4、,his father got some trouble and went in prison,Dickens was sent to London,a shoe polish field as an apprentice,working 10 hours a day.Perhaps because of this experience,makes Dickens more concerned about the living conditions of the working people who live in the lower rungs of society.About the bo

5、okAbout the book:5-About the book,I think,Dickens want to let the readers know the 19th-century Londons darkness,terror,violence,and deception!And also want us to see a boy named Oliver who had a tragic life but dont lose his kindness.Feeling of Feeling of 6-In a world full of poverty and crime,he h

6、ad many experience,he meet many people such as an odd man Fagin,a brave boy Dodger,a gentleman Mr.Brownlow,a pity girl Nancy,a ferocious guy Sikes all of them,give Oliver a different life and each of them give the reader a different thought.7-8-Memorable wordsMemorable words9-“Give me back!”Oliver c

7、ried.“those books belong to the kind old gentleman who took me into his home.Send him back the books and the money-hell think I stole them!”10-First,Oliver is a pity boy,who was born in a workhouse and treated cruelly there as was the norm at the time for pauper children.His life begin with pain tha

8、t made him timid and weakness.And thats why he trusts Fagin easily.However he still a kind boy,he would rather lead a wandering life,is not willing to become a thief.11-He yearns for the good life,and the yearning supporting him.He just wants a simple life which has a warm place to sleep,a meaning t

9、hing to do.And thats why he depends on Mr.Brownlow.One good turn deserves another Good report,Oliver had a good life with Mr.Brownlow after he experienced a twists and turns.I believe it can help him be strong!12-13-The girl shook her head.“Im chained to him,bad as they are.Ive gone too far to chang

10、e my life now.”she looked nervously over her shoulder.“I can feel those dreadful terrors again vision of blood and death.I must go home.”14-“Bill!”she said,pleased to see him.But when she saw his expression,the colour went out of her face.“Whats the matter?”she said in alarm.15-“you know what.”Sikes

11、 took out his gun,but realizing,even in his madness,that a shot might be heard,he beat her twice across the face with it as hard as he could.She fell,with a low cry of pain and terror,almost blinded by the blood that flowed from the cut on her forehead.The murderer staggered to a corner,seized a hea

12、vy stick and struck her down.16-Second is Nancy.Nancys moral complexity in several of the main characters and very unique.There is not much description of Nancy but her world we can slightly feel it:helplessness,anger,and contradiction.17-Nancy is a thief in her childhood,drinking excessive and she

13、is a prostitute,she plunged into steal,despised for her social,but when she sacrifice their lives to protect Oliver who she is not very familiar with.Her behavior is very touching.18-Third is Fagin.About him I think he is one of the most controversial figure.He is a bad guy and also a good guy.As a

14、bad guy,his greedy,cunning made him crazy and dead.But as a good guy he gives all children a place to live.19-Although Fagin lets the boys to steal,but he also takes good care of them,he makes them happy and gives all this orphan a place to live.That why Oliver made a prayer for him!20-21-This book to my deep feeling is olivers brave spirit,although have many hardship in the darkness of the experience,please did not let such a good heart covered by dust.22-

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