1、单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,.,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,.,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,.,*,S,kopostheorie,1,.,目录,练习与总结,翻译策略,定义,导入,2,.,参考译文,Dont be infatuated with me for Im only a legend.,3,.,1,.definition,What is Skopostheorie?,Skopos,is the Gree
2、k word for,aim or purpose,and was introduced into translation theory in the 1970s by,Hans J.Vermeer,as a technical term for the purpose of a translation and of the action of translating.,Any form of transnational action including therefore translation itself,may be conceived as an action,as the name
3、 implies.Any action has an aim,a purpose.The word Skopos,then,is an technical term for the aim or purpose of a translation Further,an action leads to a result,a new situation or event,and possibly to a new object,4,.,翻译目的论是功能派翻译理论中最重要的理论,由德国翻译理论家,Vermeer,和,Reiss,创立于,20,世纪,80,年代。,翻译目的论有三个基本准则:目的准则、连贯
5、首要目的。它并不是给中国人自己看,而是把汉语的意义内涵用英语传递出来,让渴望了解这类语言的外国友人能够领会,实现这一特殊的“交际目的”;二是预判由文化差异所带来的受众反应。应面向目标文化受众,考虑他们的文化背景和表达习惯,以确保实现信息传递目的;三是熟悉源语和目标语语体风格与规范。,6,.,(一)直译,哥吃的不是面,是寂寞,参考译文:,What Im eating is not noodles,but solitude.,7,.,(二)直译加注,参考译文,:,Jia Junpeng,mom wants you back home fordinner,!,Jia Junpeng is a vir
6、tual character of an average boy and this catchphrase,which is originally a colloquial message of a boys mom taken by his playmates,can be used to greet a childhood friend who had become lost,especially in the virtual world.,8,.,信春哥,得永生,信曾哥,不挂科,参考译文,1 Believe in Bro Chun,youll live a long life;belie
7、ve in Big Zeng,youll pass every exam.,Bro Chun(Li Yuchun as her full name)and Big Zeng(Zeng Yike as her full name)are nicknames for two famous“Happy Girl”singers in a talent show of Hunan Satellite TV.Their resemblance became the subject of spoofs on the Internet with fans of the two used the saying
8、 to promote their popularity,while those who didnt like them used the saying to make fun of their tomboy looks.,9,.,(三)意译,参考译文,“,Ive paid the debt of gratitude by selling myself!”,10,.,参考译文,1,“There is no lack of money!”,参考译文,2,Moneys not a big deal!(or Moneys not a problem!),11,.,(四)改译,例:被就业,In Chi
9、nese,when an ordinarily active verb is deliberately twisted into passive form and bei,the usual equivalent to be in English passive voice,is added before the verb,it often implies the helplessness of the person in controlling his own fate.”,,,12,.,参考译文,1,:,Tableware is to the table what tragedy is t
10、o life.,参考译文,2“The newly coined Chinese phrase beiju is a homonym of the word tragedy.Chinese Internet users banter about life using the humorous metaphors.”,参考译文,3“Life is like interjection with cries of woe.”,13,.,1 小草有生命,脚下请留情。,2 拜天地,3 小心碰头,4 五讲四美,14,.,参考译文,1 Keep off the grass.,2 go through the
11、wedding ceremony,3 Mind your head.,4“five stresses and four points of beauty”(compare with:five merits to advocatecivilized behavior,common courtesy,hygienic conditions,proper discipline and public morality;and four virtues to promotelofty sentiments,refined language,good manners and environmental a
12、wareness);,15,.,1 I have read your articles.I expected to meet an older man.,2 Frighten is their only punishment.,3 Down with George W.Bush!,4 It was Friday and soon theyd go out and get drunk.,16,.,参考译文,1 我看过你的文章,没想到你这么年轻。,2 他们虚惊一场。,3 打到布什。,4星期五发薪日到了,他们马上就要上街去喝的酩酊大醉。,17,.,Summary,综上所述,翻译目的论反映了翻译理论的全面转向,即由原先占主导地位的语言学以及侧重形式的翻译理论转向更加注重功能和社会文化因素的翻译观。目的论认为译本的预期目的决定翻译的方法和策略。在翻译过程中应遵循三个原则,目的准则、连贯准则和忠实准则。,18,.,Thank You!,Add your company slogan,19,.,