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1、-31-(810007)K281 A 10052089(2023)02031010 ()163 2023 (2023)-32-(893-955)“905”955 “”“M 2003:476.M 2020:152-33-”“(987)(986)”“/?/”“”“”M 2010:432 M 2013:13,9.J2016(3):53.1996:80.-34-“”960(喀喇汗)“”986 M 2013:1.回鹘 班玛更珠.藏传佛教上路弘法与古格王朝的文化选择.J 中国藏学2021(04):161.-35-(黄博)“”“”“”“黄博.1013世纪古格王国政治史研究.M 社会科学文献出版社 2021:

2、35.M 2013:18,19.-36-”(石硕)“(凝聚力)”“(986)()”M 2012:394.M 2020:151 石硕.青藏高原的历史与文明.M北京.中国藏学出版社 2007:13 M 2013:13.-37-1076 “”黄博.拉喇嘛与国王:早期古格王国政教合一制初探 J中国藏学.2010(04)11:“政权与教权虽有不同的人执掌但却都同时集中于一个狭小的核心政治集团内,比如兄弟、父子、叔侄之类,因此这一设计中二元权力又是合为一体的,是政教合一制的一种具体表现,与政教合一制的精神完全一致。”M 2006:560.-38-“”“”1626 (Antonio de An-1996:8

3、6.M 2013:20.-39-drade)()-40-拉喇嘛益西沃开启上路弘法的政治理念研究仁青东智 更尕昂秀内容摘要:拉喇嘛益西沃作为藏传佛教后弘期推动佛教发展的重要历史人物,其为弘扬佛法而进行的诸举措为研究吐蕃王朝分裂时期的政治制度提供了极具价值的史料。现有的诸多研究成果只是将其以宗教人士、以弘法者和学者的身份进行分析外,很少结合后弘期的社会思潮反思其政治理念。文章主要以吐蕃王朝解体后,形成地方分裂割据的历史时期为研究背景,探讨了第三代古格王拉喇嘛益西沃汲取吐蕃王朝兴衰的历史经验,从而进行一系列弘扬佛教和社会整治举措,使古格王朝政教两方得到了极大的恢复与发展等情况,并据此提出拉喇嘛益西沃

4、大力推动上路弘法,具有一定政治目的的观点。关键词:拉喇嘛益西沃;上路弘法;政治文化;政教合一作者简介:仁青东智,男,青海民族大学藏学院历史文献学 2021 级硕士研究生。更尕昂秀,男,青海民族大学藏学院教授,研究方向藏文古典文献。Research On Lha-bla-ma-ye-shes-ods Political Thought Of Propagating Dharma From The Down PathRin-chen-don-grub kun-dga-dbang-pyugAbstract:As an important historical figure in promoting

5、the development of Tibetan Buddhism in the later period,Lha-bla-ma-ye-shes-ods actions to carry forward Buddhism provided valuable his-torical materials for the study of the political system during the period of the separation of the Tubo Dynasty.Many existing research results only analyze him as a

6、religious person,a propagator and a scholar,and seldom reflect on his political thought in combination with the social trend of thought in the later period.In this paper,based on the historical period when the Tubo Dynasty was disintegrat-ed and divided,it is discussed that Lha-bla-ma-ye-shes-od,the

7、 third generation king of Guge,learned from the historical experience of the rise and fall of the Tubo Dynasty and carried out a series of measures to develop Buddhism and social improvement,which greatly restored and developed the politics and religion of Guge Dynasty.Based on this,the author put forward that the propagation of Dharma from down path,which was conducted and vigorously developed by Lha-bla-ma-ye-shes-od,has certain political significance.Keywords:Lha-bla-ma-ye-shes-od;Propagating Dharma from Down Path;Political Culture;Inte-gration of Politics and Religion 2021

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