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1、疯狂英语(新读写)“我”8岁时开始滑冰,至今都记得第一次踏上溜冰场的情景:“我”小心翼翼地向前滑行,但还是一次又一次摔倒了。Standing up afterfalling down跌倒后重新站起来Chen XiangBorn and raised in Beijing,I beganskating when I was 8 years old.I remember the first time I stepped onto the rink.Iglided forward cautiously.“Be bold!”myfather shouted.“Take a bigger step!”B

2、ut Ilost my balance and fell again and again.Even as a young girl,I saw skatingnot only as a sport,but also as my ticket toa top Beijing middle school.I spent mostof my time outside school at the rink.Thenone day,two intense years later,I had hadenough.I told my parents I couldnt do itanymore.Thankf

3、ully,my loving father andmother understood.They let me stop.Buteven after I quit,guilt and pressure stayedwith me.My parents had sacrificed somuch for me,and I felt I d failed theirexpectations.Evenso,Istillenjoyedwatching figureskating on TV from time totime.I admired the skaters who won honorsfor

4、our motherland.They were realizingthe dream I used to have.Ten years later,eventually,inspiredby the Beijing 2022 Olympic Winter Games,I put on the skates my father had boughtfor me.I carefully stepped onto the ice at arink.And this time,I was skating withoutpressure,without winning or losing.To lea

5、rn to skate,one must get upafter a fall.One cannot learn withoutfalling sometimes or often.I did fall again,but 10 years later Ive finally gotten upagain.I hear the echo of my fathers exhortation(敦 促)to me as a little girl,“Bebold!Take a bigger step!”ReadingCheckWhat can we learn from the story ofth

6、e author?53Crazy English 2023.7100岁的笔友,85年的友谊Reading Check14CBAC努力推进中国文化遗产Reading Check14ABAD水下自行车停车场Reading Check14ADBALanguage study1.features2.abandon3.available4.removed5.considerable地球上最古老的陆地动物Reading Check14ACBD神奇的方式,特别的生日Reading Check14ACAD综合视野公交站的爱心长凳Reading CheckHe hopes the benches continu

7、e toinspire more and more people to make adifferenceintheworldandperhapsexpand to other cities.跌倒后重新站起来Reading CheckAny answer can be possible as longas it makes sense.世界上最小的兔子Reading CheckBecause the population is limited andthe pure DNA of the breed died as the lastpurebred male and female died ma

8、nyyears ago.小举动,大不同Reading CheckAny answer can be possible as longas it makes sense.百岁老人的新开端Reading CheckAny answer can be possible as longas it makes sense.充满爱的房间Reading CheckConsiderate,careful and loving.写作园地优化动作描写,刻画人物形象案例导引1.slipped2.murmured3.burst into tears4.glaring at me silently5.dragged;reluctantly/unwillingly6.gun in hand7.knelt down8.glanced;took a deep breath9.Standing10.drooping;wondering78

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