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“和”“与”“及”用法有何不同 (1).pdf

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1、模型构建与验证 J.职业技术教育,2 0 2 2,43(8):5 2-5 9.6向丽.高质量发展视域下高职教师专业发展的新内涵与路径选择 J.职业技术教育,2 0 2 2,43(1 0):5 3-5 8.7程静,蒋丽华.产教融合趋势下重庆市高职教育专业对接支柱产业优化探究 J.职业技术教育,2 0 1 9(2 2):3 9-44.8朱冠华,王浩.高职教师课程开发能力及培养策略研究 J.职业技术教育,2 0 1 9,40(2 9):5 8-6 2.【9 李晓娟.职业院校“双师型”教师实践教学能力提升的困Research on Teachers Professional Competence Im

2、provement Path Under theBackground of Vocational Undergraduate Education Construction1.School of Economics and Trade,Anhui Vocational College of Industry and Commerce,Hefei 230000,China;2.Science and Technology School of Anhui,Anqing 246001,ChinaAbstract:Vocational undergraduate education is facing

3、a good opportunity for development.The construction ofteaching staff is the fundamental guarantee for the development of vocational undergraduate education,and the keyto promote its development is to enhance teachers professional ability.Starting from the development background ofvocational undergra

4、duate education,this paper explores the connotation of vocational undergraduate education con-struction.According to the requirements of connotation construction,the paper analyzes the realistic difficulties facedby teachers in further improving their professional ability from five aspects:Professio

5、nal knowledge ability,curricu-lum development ability,industrial post ability,social practice ability and lifelong learning ability.It puts forward theoptimization path from three aspects:Leading by party building and strengthening the drive of teachers develop-ment;Innovating mechanism and system t

6、o provide institutional guarantee;Promoting technical skills and creating asocial atmosphere.Key words:Vocational undergraduate education;Teaching staff;Professional ability;Optimization path境及路径研究 J.高等职业教育探索,2 0 2 2,2 1(2):7 3-80.10 ASCH S E.Effects of group pressure upon the modificationand distor

7、tion of judgments M/Organizational influenceprocesses,Routledge,2016:295-303.11何莎薇,徐国庆.深化人事制度改革是提升技能型人才社会地位的关键保障J中国职业技术教育,2 0 2 1(12):63-67.HUANG Qunqun,ZHU Dan?(责任编辑:周博)53535353535353535353535353535353535353“和”“与”“及”用法有何不同连词“和”“与”“及”比较起来,“和”用得最广泛,口语和书面语中都很常见。“和”可以连接名词性成分,也可以连接动词性或形容词性成分,表平等联合。例如:老师和学生都赞成这个意见。表示3 项以上成分的平等联合时,“和”要放在最后两项之间,前面的成分用顿号连接。例如:北京、天津、上海和广州都进行了这项工作。另外,在连接较长的词组时,“和”的前面可以有一个停顿,书面上用逗号隔开。“与”较多连接名词性词语,也可连接动词性、形容词性词语,多用于书面语,书名、标题中常见。例如:批评与自我批评是消除分歧,增强团结的有力措施。“及”一般连接并列的名词性成分,多用于书面语。跟“和”相同,连接3 项以上成分时,“及”要用在最后两项之间。值得注意的是,“及”连接的成分往往有主次之分,“及”后的成分是次要的。例如:图书、仪器及其他物品已经搬进了新教学楼。84

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