1、狐假虎威课本剧剧本The Fox and the Tiger人物:狐狸、老虎、小猴、斑马、小野猪、小松鼠、小孔雀、小兔子、小鹿等,由小演员带面具头饰表演。舞台布置:森林一角。大树、大石块、山花等错落其间。道具:各种动物的头饰。旁白:有一天,森林里的动物们在音乐声中做游戏,看,他们来了。狐狸上场:哈,伙伴们,我们一起玩吧!Hi! Friends, lets play together!白兔:我们才不和你一起玩呢,狡猾的狐狸。伙伴们,你们知道吗?上次乌鸦妈妈好不容易才找到一块肉给它的宝宝吃,就是被这只乌鸦给骗走的,我们才不会和你玩呢!We will not play with you, sly f
2、ox. Friends, do you know?Hes good at cheatingandtelling lies. Last time, Mother Crow found a piece of meat. It is he to cheat it. We will not play with you. 狐狸:哼,你们知道吗?就连老虎都怕我三分,你们不和我玩,有你们好瞧的!Well, you know, even tigers are afraid of me. You do not play with me, you wait and see!山羊:咱们换个地方好吧,咱们才不理它呢!
3、Lets play in another place, we dont play with him.动物(合):走喽!走喽!Lets go.Lets go.(狐狸下场。)旁白:有一只老虎正在森林里寻找食物。老虎上场:哇,哇!Wow, wow!老虎:我是凶猛的老虎。(唱:我是老虎,我是老虎,跑得快,跑得快,你看我的爪子,你看我的胳膊,壮不壮。)在森林里我是兽中之王,刚刚才吃了大灰狼,我还要吃啊呜! I am a ferocious tiger.(sing:I am a tiger. I am a tiger.Irun fast.Irun fast.You see my claws, you se
4、e my arms. How strong!) In the forest I am the king of beasts.I just eat a Gray Wolf. I want to eat . . Awu!动词1. ignore2. pay no attention to3. take no notice of4. refuse to acknowledge旁白:一只狐狸从老虎身边窜过。(狐狸伴着音乐舞一段。)狐狸唱:我是花狐狸,我长得真美丽。大家都夸我呀,说我多美丽,聪明的狐狸!I am a beatiful fox. How beautifulI am! Everybodysay
5、s: what a beatiful and clever fox! 老虎:咦,真是“踏破铁鞋无觅处,得来全不费工夫”。目标出现了。Hey, Im really in luck! There is the target.旁白:老虎扑过去,把狐狸逮住了。啊呜!狐狸:哎呀!Oops!老虎:我又可以享用一顿美餐啦!I can enjoy a good meal again!狐狸:虎大哥,求求你饶了我吧!Brother Tiger, I beg you let me go!老虎:NO!放了你,我吃什么? No! If I let you go, what shallI eat?旁白:狡猾的狐狸眼珠子骨
6、碌一转,扯着嗓子对老虎说。狐狸:你敢吃我!You dare noteat me!老虎:谁说我不敢?Who says I dare not?狐狸:你知道我今天是来干什么的吗?我呀是奉着老天爷的命令,专门来管理你们百兽的,你要是敢吃了我,就是违抗了老天爷的命令。我看你有多大的胆子!Do you know why I am here? Yes, I receive Gods order to be in charge in the forest. If you dare eat me, you disobey the order. I see how you dare do that!老虎:我怎么不
7、知道? Why dont I know? 旁白:老虎被蒙住了,松开了爪子。狐狸摇了摇尾巴说。狐狸:老虎,你要是不信的话,一会儿我带你到百兽跟前走一趟。让你看看我的威风,说不定你表现好了,我还会奖励你一顿美味大餐呢!Tiger, if you dont believe me, just follow me and see who the king of the forest is. Illlet you see my power and prestige.If you do well, I will reward you with a delicious meal.老虎:要是你敢骗我,有你的好看
8、。 If you dare to cheat me, I will let you dieright now.旁白:狐狸和老虎一前一后朝森林深处走去。狐狸:一只老虎,有啥好怕,狐狸怕虎 Only a tiger, I have nothing to be afraid. A fox scares a tiger?旁白:狐狸摇头摆尾,老虎半信半疑,东张西望。(狐狸、老虎退到幕后。森林里的动物们在做游戏。音乐起。)小猴:你怎么又来了? Why do you come back again?动物甲:他的身后是谁?Who is behind him?动物乙:呀!老虎快跑!Yeah! Tiger . .
9、 Run!(动物们退下。) 狐狸:看到吧,我的威猛!瞧,他们都怕我!他们全都跑了!Do you see my might,Tiger?Look! They are so frightened! They all run away!老虎:狐狸大人,你说得对。这是千真万确的。我非常惭愧。你是森林之王。我走。您请,您请! Yes, yes. Mr. Fox, you are right. Its true. Im very sorry. You are the king of the forest. I will run away. You please! You please!旁白:凶恶的老虎受骗了,狡猾的狐狸是借着老虎的威风把百兽吓跑了!这就是狐假虎威的故事。(伴着音乐演员谢幕。)