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1、108 设计作品 WORKS OF DESIGN项目名称:西拉法叶健康中心业主:西拉法叶市建设地点:美国印第安纳州西拉法叶设计单位:帕金斯威尔建筑设计事务所建筑面积:6 782 m2项目负责人:Lindsey Peckinpaugh设计总监:Chris Kastelic项目经理:Brent Ross项目建筑师:Dylan Fischer制造商:EQUITONE,Sherwin-Williams,Abet Laminati,Armstrong,Arriscraft,Centria,Connor Sports,Darktonics,Floors Caesar Ceramics,WEST LAFAY

2、ETTE WELLNESS CENTER,USA西拉法叶健康中心帕金斯威尔建筑设计事务所Perkins&Will 收稿日期:20230111 Gared Sports,Kawneer,Knotwood,Mid America Tile,Mondo,PPG,Viracon土木工程:Schneider Geomatics景观设计:MKSK结构顾问:Fink Roberts&Petrie Inc.机电顾问:IMEG Corp.技术与声学:Design 27水生植物设计:Water Technology,Inc.设计时间:20162019年建成时间:2021年图纸版权:帕金斯威尔建筑设计事务所摄 影:

3、James Steinkamp1CA 2023/05 当代建筑 1092016年,西拉法叶的公园与休闲部门计划建设一个新的社区中心。政府就社区中心的场地选址、空间规划,乃至内部健身房和游泳中心的面积和平面布局等问题,征求了当地居民的意见。设计团队将“包容性”作为本项目的核心设计理念,旨在创造一个向所有社区居民敞开怀抱的场所。健康中心主任凯文 诺伊(Kevin Noe)表示:“这是一个包罗万象的健康娱乐中心,这座独一无二的社区中心将为受众营造热情、明亮和开放的氛围。”健康中心的洗手间和更衣室均采用包容性设计,可供所有会员和访客使用,该设计在全美国目前属于首创。为确保更衣室和洗手间的安全性,设计团

4、队将视觉关联性和行动便利性作为项目设计的核心。透过玻璃隔断和直接通往健身房、水上活动中心的出入口,可清楚地看到清洗区和储物区。设计团队将安全性作为设计的重中之重,如指示牌清楚地标明了更衣室和淋浴间的位置,厕所安装的是落地门而非短隔板。“设计包容性强的更衣室和洗手间设施,最核心的思路是保护使用者的隐私:无论使用者的身体状况、性别、年龄或家庭状况如何,他们都渴望获得更方便、更安全的设施服务。我们通过设计满足使用者的基本需求,让他们拥有归属感。”帕金斯威尔建筑设计事务所的芝加哥工作室总经理林赛 佩金博夫(Lindsey Peckinpaugh)说道。在建筑投入使用后,设计团队通过对社区的初步调查发现

5、,具有包容性的更衣室和洗手间凭借使用的便捷性、清晰的路标和各种安全措施,获得了人们的大力支持。更宏观地说,正如一位使用者的评价一样:“这种设计象征着对每一个人的尊重。”帕金斯威尔建筑设计事务所的项目建筑师迪伦 菲舍尔(Dylan Fischer)说:“我们旨在建造一座为所有人服务的健康中心,这个理念贯穿了项目设计和规划的每个阶段。每个健康中心都应该将包容性作为核心的设计原则。”宽阔的屋顶创造出一个醒目且温馨的主入口,随着屋顶的延伸,各类活动空间被串联起来。位于建筑中心的中庭是健康中心的核心,使用者可以在课前、课后于此会面。人们身处二层的露台,能够欣赏到坎伯兰公园(Cumberland Park

6、)的景色,并可以由此前往健身活动区和休息区。为使建筑能够满足各个年龄段和不同身体状况的个人及家庭的使用需求,整座建筑都采用了通用设计原则,如清晰的路标、室内儿童活动区及适合运动轮椅的宽门。游泳池设有零深度入口、无障碍坡道及一部电梯。设计团队希望通过石头外墙和水上活动中心的木质屋面,提升能源及用水效率,并让人们意识到健康中心的自然公园环境优美,以及开展环境保护和维护环境可持续性的重要性。建筑大量采用自然光照明,在保证使用者随时随地能够欣赏公园景致的同时,有利于他们的身心健康健康中心的核心目标。1 西拉法叶健康中心2 停车场3 游乐场4 坎伯兰公园5 池塘0 5 10 20 mN425131 健康

7、中心东立面2 总平面图2110 设计作品 WORKS OF DESIGNIn 2016,as the Parks and Recreation Department of West Lafayette began planning a new community center,input was sought from local residents on issues from site planning and community space to the size and layout of the gym and aquatics center.What emerged was a c

8、entral design vision of inclusivity-a facility that would welcome every member of the community.This is an all-encompassing wellness and recreation center that is instantly welcoming,bright and open,and unique to this community,says Wellness Center Director Kevin Noe.The Centers inclusive restrooms

9、and locker rooms are designed to be used by all members and visitors and are the first of their kind in the state.Visual connections and ease of movement are central to safety and security in the inclusive locker rooms and restrooms.Washing up and locker areas are clearly visible through glass parti

10、tions and openings directly to the gym and aquatics center.Security is paramount:signage clearly marks zones for changing rooms and showers;toilets have full-length doors instead of stall doors.It is important to remember that pri-vacy is at the core of every conversation about inclusive locker room

11、 and restroom facilities:the desire to use facilities that are easier and safer for users regardless of their ability,gen-der,age or family status stems from our basic human need to belong,says Lindsey Peckinpaugh,Principal and Managing Director of the Perkins&Will Chicago studio.Initial post-occupa

12、ncy community surveys found strong sup-port for the inclusive restrooms and lockers,citing ease of use,clearly-marked wayfinding and security measures,and,more broadly,as one user said,a symbol of appreciation for all.The idea of a facility that serves everyone drove the concept and every phase of t

13、he planning,says Dylan Fischer,project architect with Perkins&Will.The principle of inclusiveness should be central to every health and wellness center.The sweeping roof creates an impactful,welcoming entrance,and unites the various program spaces as it continues along the length of the building.A c

14、entral atrium serves as the heart of the building,where residents can meet before or after pro-grams.Second floor terraces provide views of Cumberland Park and access to areas for exercise or relaxation.Principles of Universal Design-such as clear wayfinding,an in-door child watch area,and wider doo

15、rs for sport wheelchairs-were implemented throughout the building to allow for use by individuals and families of all ages and abilities.The pool features a zero-depth entry and accessible ramp,as well as an entry lift.From the stone faade and the use of timber for the aquatics center roof,to the fo

16、cus on energy and water efficiency,the design is a reminder of the facilitys natural park setting and the importance of conservation and sustainability.For Wellness Center users,extensive access to natural light throughout the building and visual connection directly to the park aim to en-hance physi

17、cal and mental well-being-a core goal of a wellness center.3CA 2023/05 当代建筑 1113 健康中心东南侧透视4 室外休息区5 健康中心主入口45112 设计作品 WORKS OF DESIGN610710543298167 1 大堂 2 社区活动室 3 包容性洗手间 4 团体健身房 5 儿童看护 6 水上运动 7 包容性更衣室 8 体育馆 9 MAC体育馆10 室外平台CA 2023/05 当代建筑 1130 5 10 20 mN3341226 大堂7 一层平面图8 公共休息区9 夹层平面图981 健身房2 团体健身房3 跑道4 露台114 设计作品 WORKS OF DESIGN10 健身房11 室内跑道12 水上运动区13 包容性洗手间14 零深度水上活动区1011CA 2023/05 当代建筑 115141213

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