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1、单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,本幻灯片资料仅供参考,不能作为科学依据,如有不当之处,请参考专业资料。谢谢,旅游景点标识语,第1页,FUNCTIONS,指示性/提醒性,限制性,禁止性,第2页,指示性,表达周到详细,信息服务,导游服务,信用卡支付,提供轮椅,Tour guide service,Credit card acceptable,Wheelchairs available,第3页,限制性功效,对相关公众行为提出,限制、约束,要求,语言应用要求,直截了当,,不会使人感到强硬、粗暴、无理。,普通使用短语或祈使句表示,句中或短语中实意单

2、词首字母大写,介词、冠词小写。,仅限紧急情况下,车内发生紧急情况时,请按按钮报警,Emergency Use Only,Press Button in Emergency,第4页,禁止性功效,要求公众必须采取行动,语言,直白、强硬、没有商议,余地。,请勿登踏,请勿乱扔废弃物,Dont Step On,No Littering,第5页,珍惜文物古迹,勿乱刻乱涂,爱护草坪,足下留情,心触一片净土,爱博一片蓝天,湖区水深,注意安全,禁止停车,违者拖走,未经允许,不准停车,禁止摆卖,No Graffiti!,Keep Off the Grass,Keep the Environment Clean,D

3、eep Water!Beware.,Tow away Zone!,Assigned Parking only,No Venders,第6页,暂停服务,敬请谅解,六点停顿入园,狗便后,请清理。,需要帮助,请按铃。,小心台阶间跨度,仅作火警安全出口,请勿在此倒垃圾,无偿上网,Temporarily Closed.Sorry for the inconvenience,Last Admission:6:00,Clean up after your dog.,Ring for Assistance,Mind the Gap,Fire Exit Only,No Littering,Free Intern

4、et Access,第7页,请勿在本餐厅内进食非麦当劳食品,Seating Reserved for Consumption of McDonalds Food Only,老、弱、病、残、孕专座,Seats for the old,the sick,the handicapped and the pregnant.,爱护花木,请勿攀摘,Take care of flowers and trees.Dont pick and harm them.,Stay away from flowers and trees.,第8页,万千小心,注意安全!,Nice to live,pay attention

5、 to safety.,Caution:Steep&narrow zigzag road.Watch your steps.,第9页,小心碰头,Be careful of your head.,Mind your head,Caution:Low Ceiling,第10页,残疾人卫生间,Disabled Toilet,Wheelchair Accessible,禁止随地大小便!,No Peeing,Commit No Nuisance!,第11页,历史遗址,禁止刻画,No carving on the cultural heritage.,Please treasure our own cul

6、tural heritages.,第12页,高高兴兴上班去,平平安安回家来,Go to work happily,and come back safely!,Good Luck!,第13页,五讲、四美、三热爱,Five talks,four beauties,and three loves.,Stress on decorum,manners,hygiene,discipline and morals;beauty of the mind,language,behavior and the environment;love of the motherland,socialism and the

7、 Communist Party,第14页,1.因为不考虑中英文不一样语用标准,有译文语气生硬,不符合英文语用标准(,汉字强硬,英文委婉,),爱护草地,请勿入内,Care of the green,Please do not enter.,Keep off the grass.,禁止吸烟,Smoking is not allowed in this hall.,Nonsmoking,No smoking,第15页,游客止步,Tourists,Please stop.,Employees/Staff Only.,请节约用水。,Please save water.,Water conservati

8、on:every drop counts.,Dont take water for granted.,第16页,2.有译文标示内容不符合国际通例,专用车位,Appropriate Parking,Reserved Parking,收银处,收款处,结账处,Cashier,Settle Accounts,厕所,Toilet,W.C.,第17页,关联理论,独秀峰,Duxiu Peak,Solitary Peak,文庙,Wen Temple,Cultural Temple(Confucian Temple),第18页,景点介绍翻译,景点翻译包括各种学科。从自然科学到社会科学,从天文地理到风土人情,从美


10、括到人名、地名、节日名等专业术语或介绍景点资料等有更加好了解,这么译法将名称与其含义联络起来,便于读者记忆,加深他们印象,增加他们游兴。,E.G.,“西安古称长安”,可译为“Xi an was called Changan,or everlasting peace in ancient times。”,“天安门”可译为“Tiananmen,the Gate of Heavenly Peace”。,第20页,增补法,增补是为了易于读者了解而添加相关知识和背景资料。增补法适合人名,地名,名胜古迹,旅游景点翻译:我们译人名时,可补充这个人身份,在历史上地位和功劳等。,E.G.,“秦始皇”“Qin S

11、hihuang,the first emperor in Chinese history who unified China in 221 B.C.”,“林则徐”可译为“Lin Zexu,government official of the Qing Dynasty(16361911)and key figure in the Opium War”。,在译地名时,有时得为游客补充必要相关知识及其地理方位。,在介绍到名胜古迹时,总会包括到历史事件或朝代名称,考虑到国外游客对我国历史朝代不太熟悉,翻译时就需要增补该朝代或时期起止公元年份,,E.G.,清朝乾隆年间,扬州早已是一个兴旺发达城市了。,D

12、uring the reign of Emperor Qianlong(17361795)of the Qing Dynasty(16441911),Yangzhou was already a prosperous city.,第21页,转译法,转译法是指把汉字资料中相关内容转化为外国游客熟悉同类内容。,简练而较为准确地介绍人物或景点,使译文读者在自己文化基础上了解异国文化情调,加强文化交流与了解。,把外国游客感到陌生事件、年代等与他们熟悉事件、年代直接或间接联络起来,便于了解和接收,民间传说中“梁山伯与祝英台”可转作译为“罗密欧与朱丽叶”,把威尼斯比作中国苏州,北京王府井比作美国纽约第五大

13、街,郑州在其交通位置上可比作美国芝加哥,第22页,重组法,重组法是指在不损害原文内容前提下,不拘泥于原文形式,对不符合译文语言表示习惯词句、语序进行必要结构性改动和调整,重新组合,使译文更加好地适应外国旅游者审美心理,删减法,删去汉字资料中对译文了解没有帮助东西。旅游翻译中经常有些内容是中国传统文化特有产物,假如按字逐译成英语,对了解原文并无多大帮助,甚至外国旅游者根本看不懂,翻译时应在重视原文基本内容前提下给予适当删减,以利于游客了解,第23页,景点名称翻译,天坛:,the Alter to the Gods of the Soil and Grain,金銮殿:,Emperors Audie

14、nce Hall,圆明园:,Winter Palace,太和殿:,Taihe Dian/Hall of Supreme Harmony,拙政园:,The Humble Administration Garden,峨眉山,Mount Emei,武夷山自然保护区,Wuyishan Nature Reserve,西湖风景名胜区,Scenic Spots and Historic Sites of Xihu,第24页,Translation,Discover Australias destinations,starting with icons such as the Red Centre,Kakad

15、u National Park and the Great Barrier Reef.,探索澳大利亚旅游胜地,从红色中部、卡卡杜国家公园以及大堡礁开始。,These 16 natural treasures cover a breathtaking diversity of landscapes,from the mountainous Australian Alps to Fraser Islands sand dunes,rainforest and lakes.,这16座自然宝库涵盖一片片震撼人心多元化地貌,从连绵澳大利亚阿尔卑斯山到费雷泽岛沙丘、雨林以及湖泊,美不胜收。,第25页,中部

16、,卡卡杜,大堡礁,第26页,Just as distinct are Australias cities,where our laidback lifestyle and cosmopolitan culture meet.,正如澳大利亚特点鲜明城市,我们闲适安逸生活方式与汇聚各国风情多元文化在这里相会。,From beach-fringed Sydney to elegant Adelaide,youll find a melting pot of cultures and a medley of theatre,restaurants,nightlife and events.,从海滩围绕

17、悉尼到气质优雅阿得莱德,都是文化大熔炉;剧院、餐馆、夜生活和各类节庆活动交汇在一起。,第27页,Come,stay and celebrate,then spring into the rest of your Australian holiday.,来吧,在这里逗留,尽情欢乐,然后投入余下澳大利亚探索之旅。,Australia has so much for you to explore,whether you want nature,wildlife,outback adventure,islands,rainforest or reef.,不论您是喜欢大自然、野生动物、内陆探险、海岛生境

18、、神秘雨林,还是珊瑚礁,澳大利亚包罗万象,等着您来探索。,Australias unique beauty is spread across eight states and territories,so find out more about the distinct attractions within each.,澳大利亚独特之美遍布其八个州和领地,所以快来了解每个地方独特魅力。,第28页,Melbourne,Melbourne is a maze of hidden laneways,opulent bars,exclusive restaurants and off-the-beat

19、en-track boutiques.,Here you can soak up culture,hit the sporting grounds,taste the dynamic food and wine scene,dance til dawn or wander the parks and leafy boulevards.,墨尔本是一个由隐蔽巷道、奢华酒吧、高档餐馆和奇特精品店组成迷宫。,在这里,您能够汲取文化营养,参加体育活动,品尝美酒佳肴,通宵娱乐,或漫步于公园和林荫大道。,第29页,第30页,第31页,Perth,Cruise the Swan River past park

20、s and skyscrapers to 40 vineyards in the Swan Valley or the Perth Zoo.,巡游天鹅河(Swan River),经过众多公园和摩天大楼,抵达天鹅谷(Swan Valley)内 40 个葡萄园,或柏斯珀斯动物园(Perth Zoo)。,Visit Rottnest Island,where you can explore history,bike ride to secret beaches and kayak to secluded bays.Feast on seafood and soak up the carnival a

21、tmosphere in historic Fremantle.Discover the lookouts,landscaped gardens and Aboriginal heritage of huge Kings Park.,寻访罗德内斯特岛(Rottnest Island),了解这里历史,骑自行车到秘密海滩,或划皮艇去隐蔽海湾。在历史悠久弗里曼特尔(Fremantle)大吃海鲜,感受狂欢节气氛。探访巨大国王公园(Kings Park)瞭望台、景观花园和原住民传统。,Swim,surf,fish,windsurf and sail on clean and uncrowded beac

22、hes such as Cottlesloe or Scarborough.Then skip between the sunny boardwalks,beaches and marinas of the Sunset Coast.,在纯净空阔科特索(Cottlesloe)或斯卡波罗(Scarborough)海滩游泳、冲浪、垂钓、风帆冲浪和驾船。然后前往日落海滩(Sunset Coast)阳光下木板道、海滩和码头。,第32页,第33页,Gold coast,Tackle the huge waves off Broadbeach,snorkel through a shipwreck off

23、 Main Beach or walk golden sand fringed by high rises in Surfers Paradise.,在宽敞海滩(Broadbeach)冲浪,在主海滩(Main Beach)外沉船残骸中浮潜,或者在冲浪者天堂(Surfers Paradise)高楼外金色沙滩上漫步。,Get your thrills on virtual reality rides at Dreamworld,swim with dolphins at Sea World and watch movies being made at Warner Bros Movie World

24、.,在梦幻世界(Dreamworld)虚拟现实过山车中尖叫;在海洋世界(Sea World)和海豚同游;在华纳弟兄电影世界(Warner Bros Movie World)看电影拍摄。,Explore the waterfalls,rainforest,lookouts and scenic bushwalks of the lush Gold Coast hinterland.Shop til you drop in art and craft markets,huge airy malls and high-end boutiques.Then get into the Gold Cost

25、s glitz,glamour and fun at its bars,nightclubs and events.,探寻葱茏黄金海岸腹地,这里有瀑布、雨林、瞭望台以及沿途风景秀美健行路径。在艺术和手工艺品市场、巨大露天商业街以及高档专卖店血拼到脚软,然后在酒吧、夜总会和节庆活动中体验黄金海岸浮华、魔力和乐趣。,第34页,第35页,Beijing,Beijing,capital of the Peoples Republic of China,is the nations political,economic,cultural,educational and international tra

26、de and communication center.Located in northern China,close to the port city of Tianjin and partially surrounded by Hebei Province,Beijing also serves as the most important transportation hub and port of entry in China.,Beijing,one of the six ancient cities in China,has been the heart and soul of po

27、litics and society throughout its long history and consequently there is an unparalleled wealth of discovery to delight and intrigue travelers as they explore Beijings ancient past and exciting modern development.Now it has become one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world,with about

28、140 million Chinese tourists and 4.4 million international visitors in a year.,第36页,Guangzhou,Guangzhou is a prosperous metropolis full of vigor,is the capital city of Guangdong Province located along the south coastline of China.Being an excellent port on the Pearl River navigable to the South Chin

29、a Sea,and with fast accessibility to,Hong Kong,and,Macau,Guangzhou serves as the political,economic,scientific,educational and cultural center in Guangdong area.,Being the first cities benefited from Chinas Reform and Opening Up policy since 1978,Guangzhou acts as the pioneer of the economic develop

30、ment of the country,with thousands of large,small and medium-sized enterprises,which offer more job opportunities and make the city a heavily populated area.The city is especially prosperous in commerce,tourism,dining,finance and real estate.For travelers,Guangzhou shows much attraction through its

31、famous sights such as the Five Ram Statue in Yuexiu Park,Pearl River and White Cloud Mountain.,第37页,Shanghai,Shanghai,Hu for short,is a renowned international metropolis drawing more and more attention from all over the world.Situated on the estuary of Yangtze River,Shanghai serves as the most influ

32、ential economic,financial,international trade,cultural,science and technology center in East China.Also it is a popular tourist destination,visitors can sense the pulsating development of modern China.,In addition to its modernization,Shanghais multicultural flairendows Shanghai with aunique glamour

33、.Here,one finds the perfect blend of cultures,the modern and the traditional,and the western and the oriental.New skyscrapers and old Shikumen lanes together draw the skyline of Shanghai.Western customs and Chinese traditionsintertwined,form Shanghais culture,making avisitors stay truly memorable.,第38页,

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