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1、田岗知行村TIANGANG ZHIXING VILLAGE设计:袈蓝建筑地点:河北省保定市Design:SYN Architects Location:Baoding,Hebei Province98特辑:文旅为媒,城乡共生 CulturalTourismasaCatalystforUrban-RuralSymbiosis鸟瞰 Aerial view 直译建筑摄影 Archi-translator 992022.12 建筑实践ArchitecturalPractice业主原戈文化主持建筑师邹迎晞设计团队田岗艺术中心:高博、金楠乡村会客厅:刘建生、金楠田园市集:蒋志华田园大讲堂:蒋志华一座农桥:

2、蒋志华结构设计北京中和建城建筑工程设计 有限公司室内设计夏福强、何敏、曹真真、钱国兴、刘婷婷、李倩茜、冯炎、郭萌佳、李辉景观设计李贝贝、张俊超、刘爽、梁景琪、石青青施工单位中外建华诚工程技术集团有限公司基地面积田岗艺术中心:2,736 m2乡村会客厅:1,610 m2田园市集:700 m2田园大讲堂:800 m2建筑面积田岗艺术中心:2,586 m2乡村会客厅:1,110 m2田园市集:580 m2田园大讲堂:406 m2设计周期2020.22020.8建造周期2020.52021.4距离北京约 100km、石家庄约 200km 的太行山脚、易水湖畔,河北保定市易县的村庄在两年的时间中经历着巨

3、变:袈蓝建筑用一条“最美乡村路”串联起田岗艺术中心、乡村会客厅、田园市集和田园大讲堂等功能空间,并见缝插针地置入艺术家驻留的选点,用艺术与景观构筑出人与场域的丰富关系,一个原生态古村落正在为“古朴”融入时尚、艺术。面临交通闭塞、基础条件差、群众观念保守、劳动力文化水平普遍偏低等各种问题,易县深山中的田岗村虽环山临水,坐拥秀美风光和悠久、独具特色的民俗文化(武术会、九曲黄河灯会等),却常年无计致富,2013 年曾被列入省级扶贫开发重点村。幸得2016 年河北省首届旅发大会和产业扶贫的东风拂过,田岗村的基础设施得到改善、特色产业初见端倪,却因缺少健全的产业、资金、人才链条而无法形成规模化经济势能。

4、因田岗村已完成基础的资产梳理和设施革新,原戈文化与袈蓝建筑希望借田岗村形成带动作用,激活易水湖湖西片区的发展,最终形成“联盟村”。袈蓝进入乡村,从方法论、产业配方、新农人、内生力和解决问题五大维度培育“土壤”,让它变得有厚度、有营养,足以承托产业,为乡村的可持续发展和城乡融合赋能。基于这些思考,袈蓝“知行村”IP 被引入田岗:知,即以“做好土壤”为方法论,通过帮扶、激活的方式解决问题;行,即有效地付诸“破冰、松土、播种、浇水”等行动步骤。原戈和袈蓝在建设同期“陪伴式运营”,通过知行合一的行动,推动认知的变革,播种希望,逐步建立起村民、投资者、开发商等所有相关群体对项目的信心,引导其不遗余力地投

5、入。2021 年 4 月,原戈田岗知行村正式完工,对外开放,“易水三年展”在此前已悄悄入驻。两三年间,不间断的艺术家驻留及在地创作让“驻留”本身成为一场艺术活动,艺术表达乡村、带动传播,为知行村播下了希望的种子。与此同时,袈蓝团队陆续引入了咖啡、讲堂、民宿、市集、研学、垂钓、经济作物种植等各类产业及产品,它们与艺术一样零散分布于全村,往来穿梭的当地人则担当“路标”,这种刻意的分散成为打破城乡隔阂的手段,而寻觅中对乡村的沉浸式体验则让人真正放松了被城市绷紧的神经,真正融入当地、融入艺术。整体组团示意图 Diagram of the overall cluster 袈蓝建筑 SYN Archite

6、cts 田岗知行村鸟瞰 Aerial view of Tiangang Zhixing Village 直译建筑摄影 Archi-translator 100特辑:文旅为媒,城乡共生 CulturalTourismasaCatalystforUrban-RuralSymbiosisCLIENTIVYONEGROUPCHIEF ARCHITECTZOUYingxiDESIGN TEAMTIANGANGARTCENTER:GAOBo,JINNanTIANGANGVILLAGE“LIVINGROOM”:LIUJiansheng,JINNanTIANGANGZHIXINGMARKET:JIANGZhi



9、ALL:406m2DESIGN PERIOD2020.22020.8CONSTRUCTION PERIOD2020.52021.4The project,located over 100 km from Beijing and more than 200 km away from Shijiazhuang,lies at the foot of Taihang Mountain,and is adjacent to Yishui Lake.The village in Yixian County of Baoding City,Hebei Province has undergone trem

10、endous change during the past 2 years.SYN Architects has employed the concept of a“scenic rural road”to connect various programmed spaces including the Tiangang Art Center,Tiangang Village“Living Room”,Tiangang Zhixing Market,and Lecture Hall,along with a number of artist residences located at selec

11、ted points.By doing so,a rich relationship between the inhabitants of the village,visitors,and the landscape is established,forming the basis for an innovative eco-village which integrates current trends in art and culture with the simplicity of tradi-tional country life.Tiangang Village lies deep i

12、n the mountainous region of Yixian County,with abundant beautiful scenery of tall peaks and rivers,and a heritage of uniquely profound,long-standing folk culture(martial arts society,the Jiuqu Yellow River Lantern Festival,among others).However,the area has faced various challenges such as traffic c

13、ongestion,poor basic living conditions,conservative atti-tudes of the local population,and a general lack of skilled labor.Attracting money and investment to the area throughout the calendar year has proven to be difficult,so in 2013,it was designated a key village for poverty alleviation and openin

14、g up by the province.Following that,The First Conference of Hebei Tourism Industry Development took place in 2016,and the policies for reducing poverty began to take effect.The infrastructure of Tiangang Village had been improved,and featured industries began to move in.However,due to the lack of a

15、sound industry,capital,and talent chain,the potential for a large-scale economy could not be met.Upon the foundation of assert sorting and infrastructure upgrading,IVYONE GROUP and SYN Architects set about planting the first seed(Zhixing Village)in Tiangang Village,with the intent of spur-ring new d

16、evelopment in the area west of Yishui Lake,and ultimately creating“a village uniquely allied to its surrounding environment”.SYN Archi-tects approaches the countryside with the intent of cultivating the“soil”of 5 dimensions:methodology,solutions for industry,new farmers,endogenous strength,and probl

17、em solving.They fuse together,to support the industry and provide a path towards contributing to the sustainable development of the countryside.This would also entail a thorough integration of urban and rural areas.Based on these considerations,the process utilized at Zhixing Village was introduced

18、into Tiangang:cultivating“good soil”as a metaphor and methodology,and solving problems through the principles of assistance and activation;and further-more taking“breaking ice,loosening soil,sowing,and watering”as guiding precepts.IVYONE GROUP and SYN Architects temporarily lived in the village in o

19、rder to oversee the construction process.By uniting their knowledge with action,they encour-aged recognition revolution,and hopeful attitudes,gradually gaining the confidence of villagers,inves-tors,developers and other groups involved with the project.In April 2021,IVYONE GROUP Tiangang Zhixing Vil

20、lage was officially completed and opened to visitors,while the“Yi Shui Triennial Exhibition”had quietly settled in before then.In the past 2 or 3 years,the uninterrupted stays of artists in residence and their local creations have associated the notion of“residence”here with cultural activity.Art ha

21、s the ability to express the countrysides reality and promote communication,providing a fresh and for-ward-looking perspective for Zhixing Village.Mean-while,SYN Architects team has introduced various industries and products to the overall project such as coffee,lecture halls,guesthouses,public mark

22、ets,scientific research,fishing,and cultivation of cash crops successively.They are scattered throughout the village like art installations,and the locals who shuttle back and forth assume the role of direct-ing visitors where to go.This deliberate dispersal has become a means by which to break down

23、 the barrier between urban and rural areas.The immer-sive experience of discovery within the countryside encourages urbanites to relax nerves that have been tightened by the city,and to truly integrate into the local scene and the art that has been produced there.1 田岗艺术中心2 乡村会客厅3 田园市集4 田园大讲堂5 一座农桥1

24、Tiangang Art Center2 Tiangang Village“Living Room”3 Tiangang Zhixing Market4 Lecture Hall5 The Agricultural BridgeN06030150m总平面图 Site plan123451012022.12 建筑实践ArchitecturalPractice田岗艺术中心Tiangang Art Center田岗村曾建设过一个半圆形的“游客服务中心”:它位于环湖路的重要节点,视野开阔,场域条件相对优越,却因没有游客光顾而空置了三四年。这座“烂尾楼”正是田岗艺术中心的前身。建筑师拆除原有建筑的一部分

25、,并为之“续一笔”:一个带状体量沿着半圆内弧盘旋而上,渐次完形;一座连续、无界、圆融的建筑,延绵山水、延续文脉,也关联着艺术,并以此链接产业、链接城与乡的脉脉温情。改造后,建筑装载着艺术馆、酒店、餐饮等复合功能,成为艺术家和艺术事件的汇聚地。原始建筑体的半弧面向河滩与远山,故将 14 间客房设于此;面向村落和主路的一侧是建筑与场地的交界点,故平行于道路设接待、餐饮等公共空间,并在中部预留大面积的圆形展厅。展厅、盘道、屋顶露台、廊道、建筑外环境等多样化的展场被“一笔漩涡”串联在一起,实现了墙面与屋面不同维度的转换。建筑师在原始建筑的混凝土结构基础上混搭了钢结构,让主立面逐渐扭转,向外、向上倾斜,

26、完成了由挑檐向墙体的转变;并在结构满足力学要求的前提下让新增柱子呈现出相对无序的状态,像是自然生长的丛林。建筑主体选用白色颗粒涂料,保持颜色的纯粹,成为日光的捕捉器。屋面的采光天窗均匀地照亮室内,形成了丰富的光影效果。当时间被引入空间,艺术中心便成为一种生活的剧场,落成之后为整个村子带来了源源不断的“外来”艺术家、游客和投资人,知行村开始了属于它的热闹。鸟瞰 Aerial view 郑焰 ZHENG Yan原游客服务中心 Original tourist service center 中外建华诚工程技术集团有限公司 HCCI Urban Architectural Planning and D

27、esign Co.,Ltd.改造后的田岗艺术中心 Tiangang Art Center after renovation 郑焰 ZHENG Yan102特辑:文旅为媒,城乡共生 CulturalTourismasaCatalystforUrban-RuralSymbiosis123456789101112N0215m一层平面图 First floor plan1 入口2 问讯处3 展厅4 简餐5 厨房6 庭院7 储藏室/中控室8 卫生间9 画廊/坡道10 客房11 后场12 后勤入口1 Entrance2 Reception3 Exhibition hall4 Cafe5 Kitchen6

28、Courtyard7 Storage/CCR8 Toilet9 Gallery/Ramp10 Hotel room11 Backcourt12 Logistics entrance室内展览空间 Interior exhibition space 郑焰 ZHENG Yan1032022.12 建筑实践ArchitecturalPracticeTiangang Village once built a semi-circular“tourist service center”,which was located at an important juncture of Huanhu Road and

29、 had a panoramic view of its surroundings.The general condition of the area is excellent,but it has been largely vacant for the past 34 years due to a lack of tourists.This“unfinished building”is the predecessor of the Tian-gang Art Gallery.The architects demolished part of the original building and

30、 then“continued”it:a slender orthog-onal volume curves and spirals up along the inner arc of a semicircle,gradually completing the shape;a continuous,unbounded,circular architecture of balanced proportions forms an extension to the landscape,furthers the existing cultural context,and is additionally

31、 associated with art.It links the areas industry to the city and warm associations between the city and the countryside.Following the renova-tion,the building is replete with multiple functions such as art galleries,hotels,and catering services.It is different from traditional scenic spots and resor

32、t gateways,acting as a gathering place for artists and art-related events.The half arc of the original building faces the rivers shore and distant mountains,so 14 guest rooms are set within it.The side facing the village and the main road is the primary interface between the building and the site,so

33、 public spaces such as reception and catering have been set parallel to the road,while a large circular exhibition hall is placed in the middle of the volume.The exhibition hall,wind-ing road,roof terrace,corridors,and external areas of the building are spatially connected through the form of a“swir

34、l vortex”.Taking the concrete structure of the original building as a base to be extended and augment-ed,the architects has added a new steel structure,allowing the main facade to gradually twist and tilt outwards and upwards,transforming from walls to eaves,while satisfying the load bearing require

35、ments and making the columns appear to be scattered within the space somewhat randomly,like a naturally growing jungle.The main body of the building is coated with white granular paint to main-tain a purity of color.It becomes a kind of enormous sunlight-catching object.The curved skylight pro-vides

36、 even illumination throughout the main spaces,generating rich light and shadow effects throughout the day.With the element of time having been introduced into the space,the Art Center has become a kind of theater of life.Following its establishment,the Art Center and the surrounding buildings have a

37、ttract-ed a steady stream of curious artists,tourists and investors,so that Zhixing Village has established a new identity as a place of lively activity.1 户外展台2 360观景台/坡道3 露台4 客房1 Open stage2 360Sky deck/Ramp3 Terrace4 Hotel room二层平面图 Second floor plan12340215m104特辑:文旅为媒,城乡共生 CulturalTourismasaCatal

38、ystforUrban-RuralSymbiosis乡村会客厅Tiangang Village“Living Room”“乡村会客厅组团”由原村委会、卫生站、戏台改造而来。作为组团的主体,乡村会客厅的改造充分保留了原村委会的建筑主体结构,并在上下两层分别置入咖啡馆和儿童活动区。在内容运营和资源引入方面,因地制宜丰富其内容:雇用当地村民担任咖啡师和服务人员;运营团队在“会客厅”二楼为村中儿童集中开设课程、举办活动;建筑师还在增建部分布置了“村民全家福”和“生活掠影”,并创办知行村志田岗人家读物建筑成为提供公益服务和教育服务的空间载体。原村委会是一个有着 5 个拱门的单层外廊建筑,建筑师依托“拱”

39、的母题,在原拱东北侧延长线上扩大“拱”的尺度,形成喇叭状体量,由混凝土薄壳结构统领屋顶和墙面,并在贴着沿街面的墙身再造出一个尺度一致的拱形体量作为入口。此外,建筑师以一排单侧三角形天窗覆于壳体之上,重新约束雨水的流向,并将光线引入室内,带来丰富的光影变化。建筑朝向田园一侧的立面整体由大面积落地玻璃覆盖,让目之所及便是山野风貌和大地艺术。除此之外,原戏台和卫生站及建筑围合而成的广场均有改造动作。原卫生站延续了拱元素,并择一门洞放大,强化其形象;戏台则延续其功能与基础面貌,成为村落的“戏剧中心”和“生活剧场”。鸟瞰 Aerial view 直译建筑摄影 Archi-translator 改造前 B

40、efore renovation 袈蓝建筑 SYN Architects总平面示意图 Site plan diagramN1052022.12 建筑实践ArchitecturalPracticeThe group of buildings referred to as the Village“Living Room”have been transformed from the original village committee building,health clinic,and communal stage.As the main component of the architecture

41、 cluster,the renovation of the“Liv-ing Room”retains in full the main structure of the original village committee building,and introduces a cafe and childrens activity area on the upper and lower floors respectively.To activate the building,the model of operation has been introduced:vil-lagers have b

42、een employed as baristas and service personnel;the buildings operation team has ar-ranged for preschool and non-preschool children in the village to attend courses and activities on the second floor“reception room”;as an added touch,the architect also arranged for family portraits and snapshots of v

43、illagers lives to be displayed in var-ious parts of the building,and founded the journal Tiangang Zhixing Village Chronicle,and so on.The building has become associated with providing renewed public services and educational spaces.The original village committee building was comprised of 5 single-sto

44、ry arches and porches.Taking the arches as a starting point,the archi-tects has expanded their scale on the northeast extension of the original arches,forming a series of trumpet-shaped volumes,with the roof and walls formed by a thin curving concrete shell structure.An additional arched volume has

45、also been created with a similar scale along the wall facing the street,creating a public space adjacent to the building and providing a welcoming entrance for visitors.More-over,the architect covered the concrete shells with a row of flat triangular skylights,which re-route the flow of rainwater an

46、d facilitate the placing of drain-age pipes within the structure below;the skylights also introduce natural illumination to the buildings spaces,bringing a rich interplay of light and shadow onto their curved surfaces.The side of the building which faces the countryside is made up of a large facade

47、of floor-to-ceiling glass.In addition to the main building of the Village“Living Room”,the original stage,health clinic and adjacent public square have been renovated.The original health clinic also employs the same archi-tectural language,and utilizes a door within an arch to emphasize its presence

48、.The communal stage continues its function and basic appearance where theater plays may be enjoyed,as well as the every-day“theater of life”in the village.N0215m一层平面图 First floor plan123451 亲子图书馆2 走廊3 咖啡及文创店4 卫生间5 村史展览1 Parent-child library2 Corridor3 Cafe&cultural and creative shop4 Toilet5 Village

49、 history exhibition二层平面图 Second floor plan从田野看向乡村会客厅 View from the field 直译建筑摄影 Archi-translator 局部立面 Partial elevation 直译建筑摄影 Archi-translator 106特辑:文旅为媒,城乡共生 CulturalTourismasaCatalystforUrban-RuralSymbiosis田园市集Tiangang Zhixing Market作为常设或节庆时“赶集”的空间,田园市集接纳着本村、北部山村以及过往的人群。市集由朝向村落的圆弧一笔而成,以一道屋脊连接两个曲面

50、,一端与地面相接,另一端则留出亲近外部的空隙。钢架和拉索支撑起可遮风避雨的灰空间,均匀分布的柱体随着屋面的高低形成空间秩序的细微变化。田园市集的功能定位发源于田岗村特有的民俗文化,其运营亦交还当地居民。在自发形成的社群交易活动中,外来客与本地人实现沟通、建立情感与信任,将“田岗知行村”与外部世界连为一体。As a permanent space for“going to market”also available for local festivals,the Tiangang Zhixing Market accommodates the local village,the nearby n

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