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1、大 理 中 民 大 酒 店项目推荐说明书 (酒店立面效果图) 转让价:4.5亿人民币北京博股通金产权经纪有限公司 张靖伟 联系电话:8610-5131924913910116685 ffs目录项目推荐说明书1n 主要指标1n 项目区位1n 市场定位2n 酒店简介3n 酒店功能与设施41)沃尔玛购物广场二层(约6,700)。(非酒店经营范围)5n 合作伙伴7n 公司简介7n 政府支持8BEST WESTERN CHARMING CITY HOTELDALI9n Main Index9n Geographic Location9n Market Orientation11n Introductio

2、n to the Hotel11n Hotel Function and Facilities14n Our Partner16n Company Profile16n Governments Support17BEST WESTERN CHARMING CITY HOTEL DALI18中民大酒店洱海远观20酒店立面图22项目推荐说明书大理中民大酒店(以下简称“项目”)是我公司投资的一家国际标准五星级酒店,项目选址于大理市洱河南路以南,泰安路以东,吉昌路以北,双鸳路以西,占地76.8亩,总建筑面积超过10万平方米,于2005年8月与大理市人民政府签订投资协议,当年10月开始投资建设。项目土地

3、严格按照国家土地出让政策办理,属商业用地,使用期40年。项目土地权属清晰,手续完备。n 主要指标 总用地面积:48064.19 酒店区建筑面积:74475 (含酒店主体、沃尔玛、地下一层建筑面积)酒店主体建筑面积:42134 沃尔玛建筑面积:17276 地下一层建筑面积:15065 建筑高度:127 米(建筑主体高100米,顶部造型 27米) 共25层(地上24层,地下1层)客房总数:320间(套)客房套内面积: 30-50平方n 项目区位项目位于中国著名旅游城市和滇西交通枢纽大理,面洱海,背苍山。大理历代均为滇西的政治、军事重镇,与纳西、汉、藏等民族经济文化交往的枢纽。在元代前,大理一直是云

4、南政治经济文化的中心。元代云南省建立,云南政治经济文化的中心由大理移至昆明。尽管如此,大理仍然是滇西政治经济文化的中心。大理先后设有路、府、行政专员公署等地区行政机构。1956年实行民族区域自治,建立大理白族自治州。 大理同时也是滇西的交通枢纽。改革开放以来,大理已成为滇西的商贸旅游中心城市。项目位于高速发展并充满生机的大理下关新商业中心 中民城市广场内,与大理下关传统商区咫尺之遥。酒店楼高25层,为大理市标志性建筑。 酒店矗立于泰安桥南,可俯瞰洱河秀水、洱海风光,远眺苍山美景,是难得的同时拥有山景与海景的酒店。从大理机场及大理古城前往酒店仅需15分钟车程,是各类宾客进行商旅活动的最佳休憩之地

5、。根据统计,2005年大理共接待国内外游客481.47万人次,实现旅游业总收入23.89亿元。2006年,大理市共接待国内外游客520.2万人次,其中接待海外旅游者17.11万人次,旅游总收入28.89亿元. 2007年1至2月,大理市共接待游客90.89万人次,其中海外旅游者22048人次,旅游总收入5.5亿元。旅游联盟2007-9-30提供:旅游资源大全,免费旅游交易平台,旅游社区,旅游软件,根据相关部门所做的调查,大理旅游平均消费为538.88元/人(过夜),338.54元/人(一日游),海外游客171.61元/人。旅游联盟2007-9-30提供:旅游资源大全,免费旅游交易平台,旅游社区

6、,旅游软件,旅游部门所提供的统计数据表明,作为高端消费人群的海外游客的人数,一直在逐月上升,真正打开了国际化旅游的良好开端。旅游联盟2007-9-30提供:旅游资源大全,免费旅游交易平台,旅游社区,旅游软件,项目严格按照国家五星级标准建造,建成后将作为大理州的标志性建筑,也是唯一一家国际连锁五星级酒店。项目目前的设施设备及整体建筑风格都堪称滇西档次最高、接待能力最强的酒店,百分之六十的客房面积超过铂金五星级酒店。酒店集山景、海景、旅游观光、会议接待为一体,将会是云南省最具竞争力的酒店之一,其优越的地理位置及强大的会务功能,为酒店提供了良好的赢利前景。n 市场定位 中民大酒店位于大理市中心,按国

7、际五星级标准建造。以接待境内外的高端政务访问、商务、旅游客户,以及接待境内外的大、中、小型会议、奖励活动、展览会等活动为主。大理是享誉国际的著名风景名胜区,而长期以来,当地酒店的接待功能和接待能力远远不能满足政府与市场对高端商务和旅游接待的要求,至今仍然没有一家完全符合标准要求的国际五星级酒店。中民大酒店作为大理州、市的重点招商引资项目,得到了当地各级政府的高度重视和大力支持。目前项目建设顺利,2007年7月土建结构顺利封顶,2008年初将建成并投入使用。 n 酒店简介 建设中的大理首座五星级酒店中民大酒店,其挺拔俊朗的身姿矗立于风光秀丽的西洱河南岸,是大理城市的新地标建筑。这是中国西部地区唯


9、中民大酒店的商业楼层与沃尔玛超市对接贯通,酒店客人可以象在自己居住的城市一样很方便的自行购物;在中民大酒店的西餐厅,中西式自助早、午、晚餐、情侣套餐、亚洲美食一应俱全,常年为宾客提供优质出品与服务; 而中民大酒店的豪华燕鲍翅海鲜酒家,由香港名厨主理,以粤菜为主,荟萃滇、川、沪、浙等不同菜系,可满足各界贵宾的需求。酒家开业后将成为大理市最高端餐饮食府之一;中民大酒店的大型国宴厅可筵开50席,可承接各类商务、喜庆等大型宴会活动;来自海内外的高端旅游团队在中民大酒店集中下榻,可以享受到国际水准的现代大酒店专业服务;商务客房内的配备与设施能够为来自国内外的各类大型商务会议、活动提供全方位的接待服务和商

10、务支持;值得一提的是中民大酒店中非常富于家居特色的公寓式套房,将让常驻大理的商旅人士倍感家一般的亲切自在;中民大酒店的行政客房,设有独立接待中心、专用餐饮、商务设施;中民大酒店最值得自豪的是总统专属楼层,包括总统套房、专属图书室、会议厅、餐厅、随从房、护卫房等,设施完备,具备国家元首级别的接待与服务能力;酒店顶层的观景酒廊充满假日的浪漫气息,在此可俯瞰洱海烟波,远眺苍山雪峰,驰目骋怀,风光无限。 中民大酒店与世界高档酒店的第一连锁企业美国最佳西方集团已经建立了全面深入的合作关系。依托最佳西方集团在海内外强大的营销网络,拥有五星级软硬件设施的中民大酒店,将为完善大理的旅游接待条件,招揽国内外高端

11、商旅人士,全面提升大理的旅游、投资环境,强有力地促进大理的旅游、商业发展发挥关键性的作用。作为大理州、市政府高度重视和支持的中民大酒店,总投资超过4个亿,将是大理旅游业大跨越、大发展的里程碑!在大理州、市政府的支持和指导下,万众瞩目的中民大酒店正加快建设的步伐,成为大理蓬勃发展的新见证,为大理的旅游事业再添生力军!n 酒店功能与设施 地下一层:约15,000。酒店地下停车场(280个车位,与沃尔玛超市共用)、机电设备用房、洗衣房、布草房、员工更衣间(洗手间)、员工食堂、收货区、冷库、冻库、食品仓、百货仓、工程仓、后勤办公室。 酒店一层(地下)1)沃尔玛购物广场一层(约11,000)(非酒店经营

12、范围)。2)地面停车场,约120个停车位。(由酒店、沃尔玛超市、商业街客户共用)。 酒店二层(地上一层)1)沃尔玛购物广场二层(约6,700)。(非酒店经营范围)2)酒店门前平台、造型景观,露天区域.停车,下客区域,一、酒店A座一层共4032平方米,包含:西餐厅共1682平方米:包括吸烟区、扒房、西餐大厅、可视厨房、6间西餐厅包间(VIP)室外餐区二、二层共3967平方米,包含:中餐大厅、中餐厅包房19间.其中,豪华大间 2间, 中包房9间,小包房8间.三、三层共4775平方米,包含:1、宴会前厅2、宴会厅949平方米3、会议室2间(设有活动隔断可分为5间)四、酒店C座1、娱乐健身部分:棋牌室


14、有行政餐厅、阅览室、商务洽谈室、小型商务上网区。22层有13间客房,其中两间为套房。5、23层总统套房总统套房设有保安室、秘书房、会客厅、餐厅、厨房、会客厅、书房、主人房、夫人房。面积691平方米。6、24层星光酒廊 24层星光走廊设有观光厅、4间包房、1间豪华包房。面积691平方米。 垂直运输系统1) 主楼客用电梯:采用苏州迅达永磁同步电梯 x 4,25层站,载重1000公斤,速度2米/秒。可由地下一层停车场通往主楼各层至24层顶层。 2) 主楼服务电梯:采用沈阳博林特永磁同步电梯x 2,25层站,载重1600公斤,速度1.75米/秒。可由地下一层停车场通往主楼各层至24层顶层。 3) 南裙

15、房客用电梯:采用苏州迅达永磁同步电梯 x 2,5层站,载重1600公斤,速度1.75米/秒。可由地下一层停车场通往南裙房各层至4层顶层。4) 南裙房服务电梯:采用沈阳博林特永磁同步电梯x 1,5层站,载重1600公斤,速度1.5米/秒。可由地下一层停车场通往南裙房各层至5层顶层。5) 北裙房观光电梯:采用沈阳博林特无机房观光电梯x 1,5层站,载重1000公斤,速度1.5米/秒。可由地下一层停车场通往北裙房各层至5层顶层。6) 北裙房服务电梯:采用沈阳博林特永磁同步电梯x 1,5层站,载重1150公斤,速度1.5米/秒。可由地下一层停车场通往北裙房各层至5层顶层。n 合作伙伴2006年5月23


17、的租赁协议,并已完成建设,将于2007年内开业。沃尔玛的入驻极大地推动了大理地区的商业发展,首期近600万的收益以及每两年的增浮,也给公司带来了可观的经济回报。n 公司简介大理中民大酒店由云南中民合众投资有限公司所属大理中民合众房地产投资开发有限公司投资建设。2005年3月,由云南本土十余家民营企业投资组建了“云南中民合众投资有限公司”。公司是目前云南省联合企业最多的经济实体。公司按现代企业制度建设,以集“中”一切“民”间力量、联“合”大“众”企业为公司的发展方针。公司目标是发展成为面向海内外的以房地产开发为龙头,金融运作为基础,多产业有机组合的企业集团,为云南省社会、经济发展做出积极的贡献。

18、目前,公司联合企业的总资产超过15亿元,可直接投资10亿元以内的项目,可融资开展50亿元以内的项目。公司愿竭诚与政府、国内外企业、金融机构携手共进,发展互惠互利的合作关系,推动云南经济的发展。n 政府支持 云南中民合众投资有限公司是中国民主建国会云南省会员企业组建的,企业的发展受到省委民建和民建中央的高度重视,企业成员有云南省、昆明市人大、政治常委、委员、代表、学术技术带头人、特等劳动模范;有经济学、MBA、自然科学博士、硕士、学士、高级经济师、高级工程师、工程师、经济师、设计师、一级律师。中民大酒店也是大理市政府的重点招商引资项目,整个项目在建设过程中,各级部门特事特办,大力支持,公司与政府

19、结下了良好的信用关系。BEST WESTERN CHARMING CITY HOTELDALI (hereinafter referred to as “this project”) is an international standard five-star hotel that is invested by our company. This project is located in the south of Erhe Road (south), the east of Taian Road, the north of Jichang Road and the west of Shuan

20、gyuan Road in Dali City, covering a land area of 76.8mu and total building area of over 100,000m2. The investment agreement of this Project was made and entered into by and between the peoples government of Dali City and our company in August 2005, and the construction was commenced in October 2005.

21、 The land used for this project shall be handled strictly in accordance with national policy of land transfer, with 40 years for land used for commercial purpose. The project has clear land tenure and complete formalities. n Main Index Total land area: 48064.19m2Area for Hotel: 74475 m2 (including t

22、he area for Hotel Block B, Wal-Mart, 1st floor under the ground)Hotel Block B:42134 Wal-Mart:17276 1st floor under the ground:15065 Building Height: 127m (100m for main-body structure, 27m for top structure), 25 floors in all (24 floors on ground and 1 floor under the ground)Guest Rooms: 320 rooms (

23、suites)Area for Guest Room: 30-50m2n Geographic LocationThis project, which is located in Dali, a famous tourism city and traffic hub in the west of Yunnan Province, faces Erhai Lake, with its back to the Cangshan Mountain. Dali is the important city of politics and military affairs in the west of Y

24、unnan Province, and the core area of economic and cultural exchange with Naxi, Han and Tibetan ethics. Prior to Yuan Dynasty, Dali has been the center of politics, economy and culture of Yunnan Province all along. In Yuan Dynasty, Yunnan Province was established, and the center of politics, economy

25、and culture was moved from Dali to Kunming. Notwithstanding, Dali is the center of politics, economy and culture in the west of Yunnan Province. The regional administrative institutions such as LU, FU and the institution of administration-supervising commissioners were set up early or late. The ethi

26、cal regional autonomy was carried out in 1956 and Dali Bai Nationality Autonomous Prefecture was established. Dali is also the traffic hub of Western Yunnan Province. It has become the trade and tourism zone in the west of Yunnan Province since the reform and opening up. This project is located in Z

27、hongmin City Plaza, a new commercial center in Xiaguan, Dali, full of vitality and with a high-speed development, and it is very close to the traditional commercial district of Xiaguan, Dali. It is designed for 25 floors and it is the landmark building in Dali. It is erected in the south of Taian Br

28、idge, from which the guests may look down the picturesque Erhe River and Erhe Lake, and look upon the beautiful Cangshan Mountain. As a result, it is a resort hotel possessing both mountain and sea sceneries. It is only 15 minutes away from Dali Airport to Dali Ancient City and it is the optimal res

29、t place for guests to make trade and tours. The statistics indicate that Dali has received domestic and oversea tourists of 4,814,700persontime in 2005, with a total tour income of 2.389 billion Yuan. Dali has received domestic and oversea tourists of 5,202,000person time in 2006, including 171,100

30、person time, with a total tour income of 2.889 billion Yuan. Dali has received domestic and oversea tourists of 908,900person time, including 22,048 person time in January through February, with a total tour income of 550 million Yuan. The investigations show that the average tour consumption is 538

31、.88 Yuan/person (stay over), 338.54Yuan/person (one-day travel) and 171.61Yuan/person for oversea tourists. The statistics provided by the tourism department show that the number of oversea tourists as the top consumption group has been risen months by months, which has really launched the good begi

32、nning for the internationalized tour. The hotel will be built strictly according to national standard of five-star hotel, the landmark building in Dali and the unique international chain five-star hotel. Upon its facilities, equipment and whole architectural style, the hotel can be called the hotel

33、with the highest grade and the strongest reception capacity, and 60% of its guestroom area has exceeded the platinum five-star hotel. Combined with landscape, sea scenery, tour and conference, it will be one of the most competitive hotels in Yunnan Province, and its advantageous geographic location

34、and strong conferencing capacity will provide a good profiting prospect for this hotel. n Market Orientation Dalis Best Western Charming City Hotel is located in the centre of Dali city and it is built according to the international standard of five-star hotel, specialized in receiving the visitatio

35、ns of oversea governmental delegates, commercial affairs, tour teams, as well as receiving the large, middle and small-scale conferences and incentive activities and expositions at home and abroad. Dali is a world-famous scenic spot and historic site. However, the reception function and reception ca

36、pacity of local hotels has far been unable to meet the requirement of the government and market on the top-grade commercial affairs and tourism for a long time. So far, there is no international five-star hotel that completely complies with the standard requirement. As the important project for inve

37、stment promotion of the Prefecture and City, the project has aroused the highlight concern and won the support of local governments at various levels. The construction of this Project is nowadays smooth and the civil engineering structure has been finished by July 2007 and it will be finished as a w

38、hole and put into operation by early 2008. n Introduction to the HotelDalis Best Western Charming City Hotel is the first five-star hotel in Dali, and it is erected in the south bank of picturesque Xier River and the landmark building in Dali City. It is the unique international standard five-star h

39、otel in West China with mountain scenery, sea scenery and city landscape at the same time. The uniquely elliptical structure will be seen to soar gracefully in keeping with its landscaped surroundings. The integral structure is characterized its own style and full of imagination, and expresses the m

40、etropolitan modernism style full of times sense. As the key reception facility of tour in Dali, Best Western Charming City Hotel shares a height of nearly 127 meters and it will be the highest landmark building in Dali and the new symbol of future tour and city image. It includes 24 floors on the gr

41、ound and one floor under the ground, totaling 320 rooms (suites). The vast majority of the guestroom areas will be built according to the national platinum five-star hotel standard. After its completion, it will become the ideal option for various trade and tour activities in Dali City. Main facilit

42、ies of the Hotel are distributed as follows: The underground floor is for large underground parking lot, with nearly 300 car parks, and it will be nowadays the largest underground parking in Dali. The commercial stories of the Hotel are shared with Wal-Mart SuperMarket and the guests of the Hotel ma

43、y go shopping conveniently here. The western restaurant in the Hotel will provide self-service Chinese-western breakfast, lunch and supper, dinner for two deals, and Asian delicacy, and the excellent service to the guests. The deluxe seafood restaurant of sharks fin and birds nest is in the charge o

44、f famous cook from Hong Kong, which will mainly offer the dishes of Guangdong, supported by different dishes of Yunnan, Sichuan, Shanghai and Zhejiang, and it can meet the demands of various VIP guests. After it is opened to the public, it will become one of the most top-grade dining restaurants in

45、Dali City. The large-size state banquet hall of the Hotel can hold 50 catering desks and undertake various large-scale banquet activities including commercial affairs and celebration affairs. The top-grade tourist teams from China and abroad may enjoy the professional modern hotel service of interna

46、tional standard in this Hotel. The equipment and facilities in the guestrooms for commercial purpose can provide the omnidirectional reception service and commercial support to the large commercial meetings and activities of all kinds from China and abroad. Whats the most important is that there are

47、 apartment suites full of family feature, and the businessperson staying in Dali for a long time may enjoy the family-like coziness. The executive rooms of the Hotel are equipped with independent reception centre, special dining facilities and commercial facilities. There are also president-exclusive stories in this hotel, including the presidential suite, special reading room, conference hall, dining hall, attendants room, guards room. They have complete facilities and are of the

部分上传会员的收益排行 01、路***(¥15400+),02、曲****(¥15300+),
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