1、大连某某广场项目防水工程 业 主:某某置业(大连)有限公司 Developer:Kardan Land (Dalian) Co.,Ltd投标单位:某某公司 日 期:2012年3月6日正本大连某某广场项目防水工程技术标 某某公司目录(一)施工组织设计11、编制说明 Explanation to the Compilation12、工程概况及材料特色 Project Overview33、施工准备 Preparations for Commencement34、主要施工机具及劳动力资源配置Preparations for Major Construction equipment and work
2、forces45、项目组织管理机构 The Project Administration Organization56、施工工艺流程方案Technical Flow Chart67、季节性施工措施Working plan for seasonality208、质量保证措施Quality guarantee measurement209、工期保证措施 The steps for time limitation guaratee2310、安全生产措施Security Production Measurement2511、现场文明施工措施Field civilization working meas
3、ures28附1.质量承诺书29附2.工期承诺书30附3.维修服务承诺书31附4.不分包承诺32附表1 劳动力计划表33附表2 施工机具表34附表3 项目管理机构配备表35附表4项经理简历表36(二)材料选用分析报告及技术指标431.材料选用分析报告432.材料技术指标44(三)防水二次深化设计49(一)施工组织设计1、编制说明 Explanation to the Compilation 1.1 综合说明 Comprehensive Explanations首先,感谢某某(大连)房地产开发有限公司给我们公司提供了这次合作的机会,我们将全心全意为开发商和业主服务,配合设计单位和总包单位一起共同
4、完成本项目的建设任务。First of all, we would like to thank GTC (Dalian) Real Estate Development Co., Ltd for giving us such an opportunity . we will serve the Developers and Client whole-heartedly, execute the project with the design unit and the total package together .通过认真学习和研究了招标文件及有关图纸资料,并勘察了施工现场,在分析了各种外部环
5、境和内部条件,以及工程施工的特点以后,我们有充分的信心保证高质量,如期完成本工程招标文件规定的工程范围的任务。Having seriously studied the tender documents and all the relevant drawing and data, physically visited the project site, fully analyzed the factors of the surronding enviroments and our internal conditions and the characteristics of the project
6、, we are fully confident to guarantee the guarantee the timely completion of all the work with high qualities stated in the tender documents.我公司如果有幸与贵公司合作,我们一定会全力以赴,发挥我公司的管理优势,技术优势,队伍优势,材料设备等资源优势科学组织施工,配置足够的管理力量,技术力量和劳动力,强化计划管理,质量管理,在规定的合同工期内高质量高速地完成本工程。If we have the honor to work with your esteem
7、company we shall go all out to make pre-construction preparations and the examinations of all the schemes for the project execution. We are sure to exert our advantages in administrations, technologies, workforces, materials and equipments, organize the execution scientifically: deploy ourselves wit
8、h adequate administrative personnel, engineers and technilians, and labor forces: stress the administration in the well-planned execution and the quality control so as to timely complete the project with high qualities set by the contract.1.2编制目的Preparation purpose本施工方案的编制是为了更好的规范施工流程,完善管理机制,确保工程安全、
9、有序、快速地完成。For the purpose of better normalizing the construction flow, perfecting the management system and guaranteeing that the project can be completed in a safe, orderly and rapid way, the construction plan is hereby prepared. 1.3编制依据Preparation Basis(1)大连市建筑工程设计院提供的设计图纸The design drawings provid
10、ed by Dalian Construction Engineering Design Institute; (2)施工现场条件和实地勘察资料。Conditions at the construction site as well as on-the-spot survey materials(3)建筑防水工程施工质量验收规范(GB50208-2002)Code for Acceptance of Construction Quality of Construction Waterproof Project(GB50208-2002)(4)建筑防水施工手册Construction Handb
11、ook for Building Waterproofing(5)建筑机械适用安全技术规程JGJ33-86Technical Specification for Safe Operation of Construction Machinery, JGJ33-86(6)大连市建委关于建筑施工现场安全管理的文件及规定Files and regulations regarding on-site safety management issued by Dalian Municipal Commission of Construction2、工程概况及材料特色 Project Overview2.1工
12、程概况(1)工程名称:大连某某广场Project name: Galleria Dalian(2)工程地点: Project site: (3)建设单位: The Employer: GTC (Dalian) Real Estate Development Co., Ltd(4)建筑面积:320,000Floorage: 320,0002.2概况说明(1)本项目防水要求:地下室防水等级一级,且需有防海水腐蚀功能,我们采用3mm厚SAR耐盐碱型高聚物改性沥青防水卷材+4mm厚SBS改性沥青防水卷材;隧道防水等级一级,且需有防海水腐蚀功能,我们采用3mm厚SAR耐盐碱型高聚物改性沥青防水卷材+4m
13、m厚SBS改性沥青防水卷材;屋顶花园部分防水要求有耐根穿刺:我们采用3mm厚SBS改性沥青+4mm厚SBS改性沥青聚酯胎化学阻根耐根穿刺防水卷材,达到防水一级;其它屋面采用防水等级二级,我们采用3mm厚SBS改性沥青+3mm厚SBS改性沥青防水卷材。3、施工准备 Preparations for Commencement3.1现场准备 Site Preparation a.按施工现场平面位置图搭建生产和生活临时设施,做好施工用水电的布置,现场安全防护设施的搭建等工作。 Set up the temporary facilities for site production and life as
14、 per the site layout. Prepare the water and power, the safety protection facilities for the commencement.b.组织施工人员进场,并做好各项教育工作,Organize the work force, move into the site and do well educational work and others.3.2技术准备 Preparations for execution techniques及时组织技术人员,预算员认真熟悉施工图纸,参与图纸会审和技术交底。Timely organ
15、ize the technicians and quantity surveyors to get familiar with the drawings. They shall participate in the drawings studying and examining, and explain all the technical details. 编制施工图预算和月旬作业计划,提供材料的需求量计划。Work out the project budget and the schedules for monthly ,and also the materials supply plan.
16、根据施工图纸,配备与本工程相关的规程,规范及有关图集,并分发给项目经理部相关人员,相关人员根据规范,图集和企业标准,做好各相应的技术交底记录。The drawing,regulations,code will be delivered to key personnel for keeping a record of technical clarification.做好各种进场材料的质量检验,合格证等准备工作。Do a good job in checking all those materials to be brought into the site, certificate and oth
17、er preparatory work4、主要施工机具及劳动力资源配置Preparations for Major Construction equipment and work forces 根据本工程的施工规模及结构形式,为了顺利快速地完成本工程,拟投入的施工机具及劳动力计划表详见附表。As per the project scale and structural formation, in order to smoothly complete the execution, it is proposed to allocate of the following equipments and
18、 labor forces as the form listed below.4.1劳动力资源配备 Labor Forces(1)集结精干的施工队伍,组织好劳动力进场,根据机构特点,建设单位工期要求及我公司项目部承诺条件,结合本工程的施工情况,合理组织一支强有力的施工队伍进场。The most capable construction units shall be selected for mobilization.The selection shall consider the local condition,the construction program and the promises
19、 we have made.(2)落实各级人员的岗位责任制Hold all-level personnel responsible to their own jobs.(3)做好劳动力的入场教育培训,搞好全员的各项交底工作。Make sure the site workers shall receive appropriate trainings and various clarifications be made in due time.5、项目组织管理机构 The Project Administration Organization 5.1项目管理组织机构的组建The set-up of
20、 the Project AdministrationOrganization为了提高工程质量,加速施工进度及加强施工现场的管理,并能科学地安排施工进度,组织和保证各类物资及时供应,做好各种协调工作,我公司高度重视本工程,委派具有丰富现场管理经验的负责人组建成项目经理部,项目经理部建立岗位责任制,明确分工职责,落实施工责任,各岗位各行其职。In order to improve the project quality, speed up the project progress, strengthen the site management, scientifically arrange th
21、e site production, organize and guarantee timely supple of the various materials and do a good job in coordination work, this company extremely stresses the Project and accredits the company staff with rich site management and construction experiences to set up the Project Management; establishes th
22、e post-responsibility system in the project management so as to enable everyone to do his job well.5.2项目管理网络 The Network of the Project Management(1)施工现场项目组织机构网络图The Network of the Project Management and the Site Organization 6、施工工艺流程方案Technical Flow Chart6.1地下室、隧道施工工艺本工程地下室、隧道底板、地下室外墙防水为3mm厚SAR耐盐碱型
23、高聚物改性沥青防水卷材+4mm厚SBS改性沥青防水卷材。地下室底板防水施工(1)工艺流程基层清理验收涂刷冷底子油铺贴附加层平铺卷材(第一层)热熔封边验收交叉平铺卷材(第二层)热熔封边验收.(2) 基层清理涂刷冷底子油前,前仔细将基层表面的垃圾、尘土等清除干净,必要时可采用喷灯局部喷烤,但喷烤时间不宜过长,防止爆裂、起砂。报监理验收合格后,进行下一道工序。(3)涂刷基层处理剂基层含水率不超过9%,(检验含水率简便方法:剪一块200200 见方的卷材平铺于基层表面,压紧,保持2h,然后揭开卷材观察其下方基层面,如有明显的水珠,则表明含水率过大,不宜施工,如仅有潮气则可满足施工条件)在基层表面满刷一
24、道冷底子油,涂刷要均匀、不透底、遮盖率100%。(4)铺贴附加层外墙管根、阴阳角部位加铺一层同质卷材附加层,将卷材裁成相应的形状进行热熔满贴,宽度50cm。附加层施工必须粘贴牢固,施工要细心。项目质检员对此部位专门做隐蔽工程检查。(5)确定铺贴方向、弹基准线冷底子油涂刷完毕6h 后,手摸感觉不黏即可根据卷材的宽度和搭接的规定,在冷底子油上进行弹线。按照卷材铺贴的一般原则:弹线由排水较集中的部位开始,遵照由低到高、先平面后立面的顺序弹基准线。针对现场实际,弹线由电梯基坑、集水坑开始;弹线方向为南北方向,同时,根据选用卷材幅宽及长边搭接长度要求,确定弹线间距。(6)做样板在大面积铺贴施工前,施工队
25、要按照技术要求及细部做法做100m2 样板,经项目验收合格后,进行大面积施工。(7)大面积铺贴卷材铺贴方向:南北方向。铺贴顺序:由电梯基坑、集水坑开始,向各方向顺序铺贴。卷材铺帖时要减少阴阳角和大面积的接头,卷材根据墙面尺寸配制,从边沿开始,弹出标准线。将改性沥青防水卷材按铺贴长度和弹线尺寸裁剪并卷好备用,操作时将已卷好的卷材,用1500mm 长30 的管穿入卷心,卷材端头比齐开始铺的起点,按照弹好的线,手扶管心两端向前缓缓滚动向前铺设,使卷材平铺于基层上,要求用力均匀、不窝气,掌握好铺设压边宽度。然后点燃汽油喷灯,掀开卷材,加热基层与卷材交接处,喷灯与加热面保持300mm 左右的距离,往返喷
26、烤,观察当卷材的沥青刚刚熔化时,压合至边缘挤出沥青粘牢。对平面与立面相连的卷材,先铺贴平面,然后由下向上满粘,并使卷材紧贴阴、阳角。在永久保护墙上满贴卷材,粘贴牢固,防水卷材甩头上砌两皮砖临时保护。(8)四周甩槎的卷材贴于保护墙上,保护墙600mm 高度以上不刷基层处理剂,刷脱模剂,卷材上部临时收头用低强度等级砂浆压住,以免坠落,同时起保护作用。(9)卷材施工完毕后,报监理验收,合格后方可进行下道工序。(10)立面防水卷材施工地下室结构施工完毕并经验收合格后,开始进行地下室外墙防水施工。外墙防水层施工时,先从外墙0.4m 高度起铺贴第一层卷材,再往上错开500mm 开始铺贴第二层防水。待立面防
27、水施工完,再按照搭接长度、搭接错开要求等铺贴底板甩出卷材至墙面高0.4m 范围的防水卷材。地下室结构施工完毕后,将墙面凹凸不平、错台部位打磨平整,局部平整度较差采取刮水泥腻子找平,阳角犬牙状突起打磨光滑,把墙面浮浆、灰尘等清理干净。基层处理及检查:将外墙上气泡用水泥腻子刮平,同时将墙面粘连的砂浆、突出物用小铲铲除,使外墙面达到规范规定的防水基层要求(基层要求同底板部分)。拆除临时保护墙,并将卷材甩槎整理好,对于受损的部位必须先行修理。将冷底子油搅拌均匀后,均匀涂布在干净的基层上,不得漏涂和出现透底现象,干燥6h,手感不黏时方可进行下道工序。管根、阴阳角等薄弱部位、异形部位加附加层施工。附加层要
28、求同底板部分,管道与卷材连接。然后铺贴外墙立面防水卷材。防水卷材亦采用热熔法施工,其搭接位置、搭接长度及卷材收头等要求同底板卷材防水施工要求。地下车库顶板外防水,接缝处在平面,距离转角不得小于60cm。(11)卷材末端收头接缝处用喷灯热熔卷材缝边缘,待表面熔化后随即用小铁抹子将边缝封好,再用喷灯均匀细致地将边缝烤一遍保证接头密封,以免翘边。收口位置在室外散水下,详见图1。图1 卷材末端收头做法为防止卷材末端收头和搭接缝边缘剥落而产生渗漏现象,该部位必须用橡胶改性沥青冷胶剂密封处理,使其成为一个完整的防水层。(12)墙体立面接头墙体立面接头上层压下层,外层压里层。卷材紧贴阴角不得空鼓、铺贴密实,
29、且留出两层卷材的甩头及搭接、错缝长度。见图2。6.2 SBS改性沥青防水卷材屋面施工方案Construction technique for SBS membrane 6.2.1屋顶花园防水施工工艺 基层处理涂刷基层铺贴附加层热熔防水卷材铺贴(3mm厚SBS改性沥青)热熔封边防水卷材铺贴(耐根穿刺)热熔封边蓄水试验保护层施工质量验收.6.2.2 SBS改性沥青聚酯胎化学阻根耐根穿刺防水卷材施工工艺流程 Construction Process Flow根据编制依据JGJ155-2007种植屋面工程技术规程设计应为以下几个部分:找坡层、找平层、普通防水层、SBS化学根阻防水层、排水层、过滤蓄水层
30、、种植土层及种植植被层。剖面图如图2:In accordance with JGJ155-2007 Technical Specification for Planted Roof (design basis), the design shall include the following parts: slope making course, leveling courses, common waterproofing courses, SBS root-resistant waterproofing courses, drainage blanket, water-bearing laye
31、r, planting soil layer and vegetable layers. The sectional drawing is as shown in Figure 2. 6.2.3各分项工程施工工艺Construction Technique for Various Divisional Works (1)找坡层找平层施工:Construction of slope making course and leveling courses:根据技术规程规定,应设置自流排水系统,适度的坡度有利于多余水分的排泄,使土壤的水分不至于聚集过多而影响植物根系的生长。In accordance
32、with the Technical Specification, a gravity drainage system shall be provided. An appropriate slope will facilitate water drainage and prevent adverse influence on root system growth. 找坡层材料配比应符合设计要求,表面应平整。The materials for slope-making courses shall be mixed in a ratio specified in the design and th
33、e surface shall be flat. 找坡层采用水泥拌合的轻质散状材料时,施工环境温度应在5以上,当低于5时应采取冬期施工措施。When light bulk materials mixed with cement are used for slope-making courses, the ambient temperature shall be above 5during construction. If the ambient temperature is below 5, the scheme of construction in winter shall be adopt
34、ed. 找平层应坚实平整,无酥松、起砂、麻面的凹凸现象。The leveling courses shall be firm, flat and free of looseness, sand streak, pitting, sags and crests. 屋面基层与突出屋面结构的交接处,以及基层的转角处均应做成圆弧。内部排水的水落口周围应做凹坑。The intersecting parts between roof base courses and protruding roof surfaces as well as base course corners shall be in ar
35、c shape. The areas around drain gullies for internal drainage shall be concave. 找坡层的材料宜选择轻质材料,推荐使用轻质陶粒混凝土。Light weight material shall be used for slope-making courses. The use of light weight ceramsite concrete is recommended. 找平层可用1:2.5水泥砂浆铺设厚度为2-2.5cm厚的水泥砂浆找平层,找平层应留设间距不大于6m的分割缝。Leveling courses sh
36、all be constructed with cement mortar (mixed in a 1:2.5 ratio) and be 2 to 2.5cm thick. Separation joints shall be provided at spacing no greater than 6m. (2)耐根穿刺聚酯胎化学阻根防水材料施工Application of root-resistant waterproofing materials: 采用热熔法满粘施工,防水卷材防水层的基层应干燥、干净。The waterproofing membranes shall be applie
37、d completely using heat fusion method. The base courses on which waterproofing materials will be applied shall be dry and clean. 防水层施工前,在阴阳角、水落口、突出屋面管道根部、泛水、天沟、檐沟、变形缝等细部构造处,加设防水增强层。Prior to waterproofing course construction, enhanced waterproofing courses shall be provided in reentrant corners and e
38、xternal corners, drain gullies, pipe roots protruding from roofs, flashing, gutters, deformation joints and other local structures. 当顶板坡度小于15%时,卷材应平行屋脊铺贴;大于15%时,卷材应垂直面脊铺贴。When the roof slope is less than 15%, waterproofing membranes shall be applied in parallel with ridges. When the roof slope is gr
39、eater than 15%, waterproofing membranes shall be applied perpendicular to ridges. 铺贴卷材时应平整顺直,不得扭曲,长边搭接不应小于80mm;短边搭接宽度不小于100mm;火焰加热应均匀,卷材表面热熔后应立即滚铺,滚铺时应排除卷材下面的空气,并辊压粘贴牢固;卷材搭接缝应以溢出热熔的改性沥青为度,并均匀顺直。Waterproofing membranes shall be flattened and straightened without torsion. The length of lap joints shal
40、l not be less than 80mm on long sides and not less than 100mm on short sides. Membranes shall be uniformly heated by flame. After membrane surface is molten, immediately lay membrane. Air shall be eliminated from below membrane and membranes shall be firmly pressed. When modified asphalt overflows f
41、rom lap joints, stop heating. The lap joints shall be even and straight.6.3 其它屋面工艺流程Process flow基层处理涂刷基层铺贴附加层热熔防水卷材铺贴(1)热熔封边防水卷材铺贴(2)热熔封边蓄水试验保护层施工质量验收Base course treatment base course brushing extra ply paving hot melt waterproofing membrane paving(1) edge banding by hot melt waterproofing membrane
42、paving(2) edge banding by hot melt water retaining test protective layer construction quality acceptance check 6.3.1基层处理Base course treatment (1)找平层应以水泥砂浆抹平压光,与突出屋面结构相连的阴阳角处、基层与立面墙、排水沟、沟脊的边缘相连的转角处应抹成光滑的圆弧形,其半径一般为50mm。The leveling blankets shall be smeared evenly with cement mortar and polished, and
43、the reentrant corners and external corners connecting with the protruding roof structure as well as the corners connecting the base course with vertical wall, drainage ditch and trench ridge edge shall be smeared into smooth arch, with the radius at 50mm in general. (2)找平层上应无明显湿渍,基层干燥,含水率小于9。There s
44、hall no obvious wet stains on the leveling blankets, and the base course shall be dry, with water content of less than 9%.(3)、基层表面应坚实具有一定的强度,清洁干净,表面无浮土,砂粒等污物,表面应平整、光滑、无松动,要求抹平压光,对于残留的砂浆块或突起物应以铲倒削平。The surface of base course shall be solid, with certain strength, clean, and free from surface dust, sa
45、nd, and other pollutants. The surface shall be leveling and smooth, without any loose phenomenon. The surface shall be smeared smoothly and polished. Residual mortar blocks or protruding materials shall be exterminated and cut evenly. 6.3.2 施工工艺Construction technique(1)涂刷基层:用长把排刷把冷底子油涂刷在干净干燥的基层表面上,复
46、杂部位用油漆刷刷涂,要求不露白,涂刷均匀。干燥4h以上至不沾脚后方可进行下道工序。Base course brushing: To brush the cold primer oil onto the clean and dry base course surface with long-handled brush. For complex part, please coat with paint brush. As required, no white shall be found and the brushing shall be even. The next process cannot
47、 be carried out until it is dried for over 4 hours and feet cannot be stuck onto it.(2)附加层施工Extra ply construction对所有的阴阳角部位、立面墙与平面交接处做附加层处理,附加层宽度一般为300. To carry out extra ply treatment at all reentrant corners and external corners as well as the intersection between the vertical wall and the surface, and the width of extra ply shall be 300mm in general. (3)测铺定位Measuring the paving location在基层上弹出基准线,