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1、2015年全国职业院校技能大赛中职组“职业英语技能”赛项方案申报书2015年全国职业院校技能大赛比赛项目方案申报书类别(国赛已有项目)申报单位:中国职业技术教育学会教学工作委员会 全国基础外语教育研究培训中心中等职业外语教育中心高等教育出版社有限公司 外语教学与研究出版社有限责任公司拟举办年份: 2015年 方案申报负责人: 闵阅 吕志敏 电话: 010-58581807 010-88819994 手机: 13910396220 13501077603 邮件: minyue lvzm 通讯地址: 北京市朝阳区惠新东街4号富盛大厦22层 北京市海淀区西三环北路19号外研社大厦邮政编码: 1000

2、29 100089 申报时间: 2015年8月28 日 32目 录1. 赛项名称12. 赛项组别13. 所属产业类型14. 在现行中职(或高职)专业目录中的分类(全称)15. 赛项方案设计团队构成16. 赛项目的27. 赛项意义与设计原则28. 赛项方案的特色与创新点39. 比赛内容与规则310. 赛项简介(中、英文对照)411. 比赛样题512. 比赛方式2613. 比赛时间安排与流程2614. 评分标准制订原则、评分方法、评分细则2615. 奖项设置2716. 技术规范2717. 安全保障3118. 企业合作意向3219. 赛项使用设备平台的相关标准3220. 建议使用的比赛器材和技术平台

3、3221. 经费预算与保障方案3222. 比赛组织与管理3223. 教学资源转化建设方案3324. 筹备工作进度时间表3325. 筹备工作人员及裁判人员组成建议3426. 其他342015年全国职业院校技能大赛中职组“职业英语技能”赛项方案申报书1. 赛项名称2015年全国职业院校技能大赛中职组“职业英语技能”赛项2. 赛项组别中职组3. 所属产业类型第三产业4. 在现行中职(或高职)专业目录中的分类(全称)文化教育类5. 赛项方案设计团队构成行业8人、企业4人、职业院校2人 行业:崔 刚: 清华大学教授、博士生导师、中国职业技术教育学会中职英语教学研究会名誉顾问、国家基础教育研究中心外语教育

4、研究中心学术委员会主任、中国外语教学专业委员会学术委员会委员。年龄: 48岁,联系电话:13801114642。潘李秀丽: 博士, 香港职业训练局香港专业教育学院语言学科学术总监。联系电话(内地):13147576831。赵 雯: 东北大学外国语学院院长、教授、硕士生导师、教育部中等职业学校英语教学大纲研制组核心成员、中国职业技术教育学会中职英语教学研究会顾问。年龄: 48岁,联系电话:13304018566。王笃勤:北京石油化工学院教授、教育部中等职业学校英语教学大纲研制组组长、中国职业技术教育学会中职英语教学研究会顾问。年龄: 50岁,联系电话:13693562129。张连仲:北京外国语大

5、学教授,教育部中等职业学校英语教学大纲审定专家,教育部中等职业教育课程改革国家规划新教材评审委员会专家组组长,教育部中等职业课程改革国家规划新教材审定专家,全国基础外语教育研究培训中心常务副理事长。年龄:59岁,联系电话:13910738728。罗少茜:北京师范大学外国语言文学学院英文系教授、应用语言学博士。发表多部著作。研究领域包括语言测试与评价及英语教师教育。年龄:53岁,联系电话:13910743732。赖蓉莎:四川教育学院外语系副教授,全国中职外语教育研究中心常务理事,四川省教育学会外语教学专业委员会副理事长。年龄:50岁,联系电话:13709041820。郑 毅:重庆师范大学外国语学

6、院副教授,全国中职外语教育研究中心理事,中国澳大利亚职业教育改革项目成果推广专家。年龄:42岁,联系电话:13648416960。企业:查卫平:高等教育出版社副总编辑。年龄:54岁,联系电话:13911977345。梁琼妍:花旗软件技术服务(中国)有限公司人力资源总监。41岁,联系电话:13631318228。王 勇:外语教学与研究出版社副总编辑。年龄:43岁,联系电话:13910569369。姜 涛:英特尔亚太区资深架构师,英特尔中国大区智能家庭项目技术负责人。年龄:45岁,联系电话:13501085881。职业院校:田雪洁:北京财会学校校长、北京市中职英语教学研究会理事长,中学高级。年龄:

7、43岁,联系电话:13661369677。杨运齐:福建省职业技术教育中心主任,特级教师,高级讲师。年龄:55岁,联系电话:13509390432。6. 赛项目的以赛促学、以赛促教是本次大赛的目的。为全国中职学生及英语教师创建一个交流学习、拓展视野、展示才华的平台,推动中职英语教学模式和人才培养方式的转变,展现中职学校英语教学改革成果,着力于中职学生创新能力、思辨能力、沟通能力及职场竞争力的综合培养,服务于中职英语教学改革的发展需求。7. 赛项意义与设计原则(1)赛项意义第一,推动中职学校英语课程改革。中职组“职业英语技能”赛项对选手职业场景下的英语语言应用能力与基本职业能力的考查会引发中职英语


9、化竞赛内容。设计职场中可能出现的工作情境,考查选手用英语解决实际问题的能力,体现工学结合、学以致用的原则。第二,创新竞赛形式。竞赛形式包括在线测评、情境交流、职场应用和职业风采,对选手综合语言应用能力进行全面考查。第三,提高中职学生综合素质,展示中职学校风采。竞赛内容不仅反映中职学生在职场中运用英语的能力,更能展示中职学生的综合素质以及中职学校风采,从而进一步推动中职学生素质建设,树立中职学校良好的社会形象。8. 赛项方案的特色与创新点(1)赛项比赛内容与评价标准均根据现代服务业和工科专业对中职毕业生的要求及学生的实际水平设置,契合中职学生能力层级及就业需求。(2)赛项参与度广,由于英语的公共

10、基础课性质,参赛选手几乎覆盖中职所有专业。(3)赛项为中职学生量身定制,充分考虑中职学生的心理特征及多元智能发展需求。大赛各个环节通过不同形式帮助学生体验英语的实用性,展示英语学习成就,树立自信心。尤其是职业风采环节,更能展示中职学生的综合能力,也大大增强了比赛的观赏性。(4)与普通英语口语技能竞赛注重考查英语语言水平不同,本赛项强调学生在生活和职业场景下的综合英语应用能力,侧重考查学生应用英语在职场环境下表达思想、交流信息和完成任务的能力。9. 比赛内容与规则竞赛内容分为在线测评、情境交流、职场应用及职业风采四个环节。根据大赛执委会要求的时间公布各环节比赛样题及评分标准(细则)。(1)比赛内

11、容第一环节:在线测评 选手上机操作,使用职业英语能力测试系统(由高等教育出版社、外语教学与研究出版社免费提供),在线测评通用职业场景下的综合语言应用能力。每支参赛队2名选手卷面成绩的平均分乘以相应系数为此部分最终成绩。此环节限时1小时,满分20分。第二环节:情境交流 每支参赛队2名选手参加此环节比赛。选手从五组图片中抽取一组,图片呈现一个工作任务或事件,内容是与选手生活或将来工作紧密相关的场景。经过30分钟的准备,一名选手在90秒内用英语对图片内容做出描述并阐释个人见解,另一名选手与外籍裁判就图片主题及描述内容进行90秒的互动问答。此环节满分30分。第三环节:职场应用 选手以2人团队为单位完成

12、一个通用职业场景中的任务。比赛过程分为两个阶段:第一阶段在备赛室进行,选手抽取到任务后在30分钟内通过分工协作完成该任务。第二阶段在赛场内进行,一名选手在3分钟内向裁判陈述任务完成情况,另一名选手在2分钟内回答裁判就任务主题及完成情况提出的相关问题,此环节满分30分。第四环节:职业风采 选手以2人团队为单位表演节目,形式不限。要求使用英语,表演内容与所学专业或将来的职业相结合,能充分体现职业院校学生的英语风采和青春活力,鼓励原创。每队可以有1-2名助演嘉宾,但裁判只依据选手的表现打分。此环节限时3-5分钟,满分20分。(2)比赛规则比赛为期2天。每个比赛环节期间,参赛选手不得离开规定的比赛场地

13、。在线测评环节所需电脑由组委会统一提供。职业风采环节所需道具(包括音频、视频文件)由选手自行准备,若有需要搬动的道具,须在赛前报知组委会,并按照组委会的规定提前准备到位。10.赛项简介(中、英文对照)职业英语技能赛项为团体赛。按报名选手所学专业分为服务类专业组和其他类专业组,比赛内容包括在线测评、情境交流、职场应用、职业风采四个环节。选手在线测评通用职业场景下的综合英语应用能力,使用英语现场描述指定图片中的工作或生活场景,合作完成职场真实任务,自主展示职业风采。每省限报2支参赛队,服务类专业组和其他类专业组各一支,每队限报2名选手、1名指导教师。Professional English Ski

14、lls Competition is a team competition. Contestants are divided into two categories, Service and Others, according to their majors. The competition consists of four rounds, which are Online Evaluation, Communicationin Simulated Scenarios, Professional Application and Professional Skills Demonstration

15、. Contestants comprehensive language application ability are evaluated under common professional circumstances on line; they are requested to describe pictures with work or life scenarios in English; cooperate with each other to finish professional tasks and demonstratetheir own professional skills.

16、Each province can have two teams with two contestants from one school and one instructor for each team.11. 比赛样题(一)在线测评环节本次考试包括听力和阅读两部分,共55道题目。请在1小时之内完成。Part I Listening听力(40%)Task 1Directions: In this section, you will hear 10 short sentences and questions. There are three pictures marked A, B and C

17、 for each question. Choose the picture that best matches the question. Each sentence and question will be read out twice. You will have 10 seconds for each question.(在本节中,你将听到10个句子和相应的问题,每道题配有A、B、C三幅图片,请选择与题目内容相符合的一幅图片。每道题读两遍。每题你将有10秒钟的作答时间。)1. A B C2. A B C3. A B C4. A B C5. A B C6. A B C7. A B C8.

18、 A B C9. A B C10. A B CTask 1 Transcripts: 1. W: I am exhausted by searching for the latest information of that project on the Internet. M: What has the woman been doing all day?2. W: Amy is a cashier in a shopping centre and she starts to work at nine in the morning. M: What does Amy do?3. W: Cathe

19、rine will travel abroad on her own next week. She is calling to book a room. M: Which room does Catherine most probably book? 4. W: My daughter isnt feeling very well now. I have to go to the drug store. M: What does the woman want to buy?5. W: Hurry up! Its 8:30. We only have half an hour to dress

20、up before the party starts. M: When does the party start?6. W: This Friday is Marys birthday. I want tosend her a card.M: Which card will be sent by the woman?7. W: Judy is going to have a job interview. She wants to wear something formal. M: What does Judy want to wear?8. W: Our village was destroy

21、ed by the flood and many people lost their homes. M: What was the disaster?9. W: Call 119 as soon as possible if you find the fire is out of control. M: What kind of emergency does the woman talk about?10. W: Do you know where I can copy these documents? I need to get them ready before lunch.M: What

22、 is the woman looking for?Task 2 Directions: In this section, you will hear a dialogue. Match the information according to what you hear and fill in the brackets with the letters. Notice there are two extra pieces of information you do not need. The dialogue will be read out twice. You will have one

23、 minute to complete the task. There is one example.(在本节中,你将听到一段较长的对话。请根据对话内容匹配信息,并将与信息对应的字母填在括号内。注意有两条冗余信息。对话读两遍。你将有1分钟的作答时间。请参照示例。)Example: 0.Winnie E Amechanic 11.Jack Bsalesman 12.Ben Cmanager 13.Johnson Dsecretary 14.Betty Ereceptionist 15.Carol Fdriver Gcleaner Hinsurance agent Task 2: Transcri

24、pts:W: Morning. Im Blair, a new employee of TAC 4S store. M: Welcome to our company. Im Mark. Let me show you around and let you get to know our colleagues. W: Thats great. Thanks. M: Look at the lady behind the front desk. She is Winnie, the receptionist of our company. Her job is to answer the tel

25、ephone and arrange appointments. W: She looks nice. M: Look at Jack, the gentleman beside the red car. Jack is from the Sales Department of our company. He can always figure out the target customers needs and make the deal. W: Wow, hes wonderful. M: Can you see Ben, the man talking with a couple? W:

26、 Yes. M: Ben is an insurance agent. He is employed by the insurance company to decide how much to pay people who have had a vehicle accident. W: Whos the man over there? M: He is Johnson, the mechanic. Hes responsible for checking and repairing cars. W: Whos the girl with the headphone? M: She is Be

27、tty, the secretary of the After Sales Department. She answers the telephone calls from the clients and deals with their problems and complaints. W: Mark, theres a lady coming to us. M: Shes Carol Draper, the manager. She manages the whole company. Good morning, Ms Draper. (Fade) Task 3Directions: In

28、 this section, you will hear a dialogue. Fill in the blanks according to what you hear. The dialogue will be read out twice. You will have one minute to complete the task. There is one example.(在本节中,你将听到一段较长的对话。请根据对话内容填空。对话读两遍。你将有1分钟的作答时间。请参照示例。)An Introduction to Eiffel TowerExample: Construction T

29、ime: Built in 1889 Purpose: In memory of the 100th _16_ of the French RevolutionThe _17_: Gustave EiffelInteresting history: Not _18_ by all at first; _19_ up by a mountaineer in 1954;A journalist rode a bicycle down from the _20_ level.Task 3: TranscriptsM: What are you looking at?W: Its a postcard

30、 of the Eiffel Tower from my friend. M: Do you know its history or anything at all about it?W: Just a little. M: Well, I was born in France and I can tell you anything you want to know.W: Well, thats great. When was it built? It looks like a modern building.M: The Eiffel Tower was built in 1889 in m

31、emory of the 100th birthday of the French Revolution. W: Who was the designer?M: Gustave Eiffel. He was an excellent designer and the perfect choice for a project so large. W: I think the construction of the Eiffel Tower is important for all French people.M: But it was not accepted by all at first.

32、W: Why? M: Because some people saw the Tower as useless. However, there are some interesting things in its history.W: Ive heard one of them. It was climbed up by a mountaineer in 1954.M: Oh yes. And I read that in 1923 a journalist named Pierre rode a bicycle down from the first level. W: Well, they

33、 must have been crazy! Anyway, the Eiffel Tower doesnt have a really long history, but its an interesting one.Part II Reading阅读(60%)Task 4Directions: In this section, you will read six statements and seven pictures. Match the statement and the picture and fill in the brackets with the letters. Notic

34、e there is one extra picture you do not need. There is one example.(在本节中,你将看到6条描述和7幅图片。请将这些描述与相应的图片匹配起来,并把与信息对应的字母填在括号内。注意有一幅冗余图片。请参照示例。)A B CD E F GExample: 0 _( D )_ It is a small electronic machine that can add and divide etc. 21._(_)_ It is a tool used for measuring electricity. 22._(_)_ It is a

35、 tool with a handle and a heavy metal head, used for breaking things. 23. _(_)_ It is a tool used for turning a small piece of metal, like nut, to make it tight or loose. 24._(_)_It is a machine with special equipment on the front for moving andlifting heavy objects. 25. ( _)_It is a tool used for r

36、ubbing hard objects to make them smooth, shape them, or cut through them. Task 5 Directions: In this section, you will read four texts and six questions. Match the text and the question and fill in the brackets with the letters. There is one example.(在本节中,你将看到4个文本和6个问题。请将这些文本与相应的问题匹配起来,并把与文本对应的字母填在括

37、号内。请参照示例。)A B CDWhich text tells you:Example: 0 the name of Phils friend? ( A)26.the time of Phils lesson? ( )27.information on how well Phil plays the guitar? ( )28.the name of the music teacher? ( )29.information on how to find the music school? ( )30.how many instruments Phil can play? ( )Task 6D

38、irections: In this section, you will read six short descriptions and seven pieces of information related to them. Match the description and the related information and fill in the brackets with the letters. Notice there is one extra piece of information you do not need. There is one example.(在本节中,你将

39、读到6段描述和7条相关的信息。请将这些描述和相应的信息匹配起来,并把与信息对应的字母填在括号内。注意有一条冗余信息。请参照示例。)Online Training CoursesA. Beauty Courses B. Computer ScienceC. Career ManagementD. Preschool EducationE. Art and Design CourseF. Customer Service SkillsG. Accounting for Companies Example: Lynne loves children and wants to teach them s

40、inging and dancing. Shed like to work in a kindergarten.0. (D)Donald has been working as a financial assistant. He wants to learn more about tax and account keeping services.31. ( )Cathy wants to develop her knowledge, skills and experience in her work and gain success in the future.32. ( )Robert li

41、kes to write different kinds of computer software and use mathematics to analyze a system.33. ( )Sally works in a customer service center. She needs better communication skills while dealing with customers.34. ( )Judy is interested in painting and design. She is trying to find a job in a website des

42、ign company.35. ( )Task 7Directions: In this section, you will read two passages and five questions about each passage. Choose the best answer for each question.(阅读下面两篇短文,每篇5个问题,请从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案。)AA robot is a machine that senses the world, processes the sensor information with a computer and

43、 then does something in response to that information (such as moving or turning). A robot isnt just a computer. A desktop computer can “sense” that you are typing or moving the mouse, but the computer itself doesnt move or act in the physical world.In fact, robots are used all over the world right n

44、ow. Robots build cars, clean houses, help soldiers and doctors, are played with by kids and explore other planets. They may not look like the robots we see in the movies but they are still doing important jobs. Robots can also be very powerful tools for learning. Kids all over the United States are using robots in their classrooms a

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