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1、Reviews and Monographs综述与专论生物化学与生物物理进展Progress in Biochemistry and Biophysics2023,50(3):瞬时受体电位香草醛亚家族1(TRPV1)的生物学功能*刘夏阳 李壮 周欣悦 郭晓红*(湖北中医药大学基础医学院,武汉 430072)摘要 瞬时受体电位香草醛亚家族1(TRPV1)又称辣椒素受体(VR1),是一类可被辣椒素、热(43)、酸(pH43)、酸(pH43)、酸(pH43)and H+(pH6.0).TRPV1 is highly permeable to Ca2+.Previous studies found t

2、hat TRPV1 mainly distributes in nervous system and mediates pruritus and pain response.Recent studies have shown that TRPV1 also widely distributes in non-nervous cells such as mast cells,bladder epithelial cells,monocytes,skin keratinized epithelial cells,islet cells and so on.TRPV1 has a wide rang

3、e of functions and can mediate beneficial or harmful biological effects on the body.In the nervous system,TRPV1 related signal pathway mainly mediates itching and pain response.Relevant studies in pancreatic cells have shown that the upregulation of TRPV1 can alleviate the process of diabetes,but st

4、udies in pulmonary epithelial cells,pulmonary vascular endothelial cells,bronchial smooth muscle cells,etc.have shown that the upregulation of TRPV1 can accelerate the development of respiratory diseases.In addition,TRPV1 has dual effects of promotion or inhibition on the disease progression in card

5、iovascular system,digestive system and skin system.In cancer research,it was also found that the This work was supported by a grant from The National Natural Science Foundation of China(82174020).Corresponding author.Tel:86-27-68890123,E-mail:JReceived:March 31,2022 Accepted:August 1,2022刘夏阳,等:瞬时受体电

6、位香草醛亚家族1(TRPV1)的生物学功能2023;50(3)447 upregulation of TRPV1 played an important antineoplastic effect,which could inhibit the proliferation,invasion and migration of tumor cells in human tongue squamous cell carcinoma,prostate cancer,breast cancer and so on,arrest the cell cycle and induce cell apoptos

7、is.At present,many studies have been carried out on the mechanism of TRPV1,among which the mechanism of TRPV1 mediating itching and pain is relatively in depth.TRPV1 has become a promising therapeutic target due to its extensive functions.New drugs targeted to TRPV1 have been developed to ameliorate

8、 diabetes,cardiovascular diseases,and some kinds of cancers.This paper introduces the latest progress in the distribution,structural characteristics and functions of TRPV1,and focuses on the research progress of pruritus and pain related signaling pathways mediated by TRPV1.We also introduced the Ch

9、inese herbal medicine with TRPV1 as the target,looking forward to providing theoretical guidance for taking TRPV1 as a potential therapeutic target by combination of traditional Chinese medicine and modern medicine.Key wordsTRPV1,pruritus,pain,signaling pathways,drug targetsDOI:10.16476/j.pibb.2022.0127

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