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1、李未韬:未见筑设计事务所主持建筑师LIWeitao:ChiefArchitectofWELIVEARCHITECTS李博:未见筑设计事务所主持建筑师LIBo:ChiefArchitectofWELIVEARCHITECTS采访:孙迎喆Interviewer:SUNYingzhe编辑:孙迎喆、忻运Editor:SUNYingzhe,XINYun释放天性的乡村俱乐部A Country Club to Release Nature李未韬、李博LIWeitao,LIBo如何通过该项目使江小白酒业实现一二三产业的联动?重庆江小白酒业有限公司(以下简称“江小白酒业”)本身的酿酒产业属于第二产业,其酒厂位于



4、江小白的文化。但如果更加深入了解的话,就会发现江小白的品牌理念里有对农业的追求和对艺术的热爱,具有很强的文化属性。我们认为对于这样的企业,只是设计一个接待中心不足以承载品牌的追求。大地美术馆的设计初衷,也是希望田地里可以产生更多的艺术价值,希望这样的空间可以承载品牌生长、蜕变、创造的过程,将当下的活动和未来不断创造的新事物源源不断地展示出来。在这栋建筑内,一层是纯展示功能,1、2、3 号展厅为不同尺度的展览空间。二三层是科创和会议办公空间,江小白的农业科技研发、农作物种植的研究等活动也会在此进行。游客或客户、供应商前来参观时,不仅能看到农庄和美术馆当下展出的内容,空间形态思考草图 Spatia

5、l form thinking sketch80特辑:文旅为媒,城乡共生 CulturalTourismasaCatalystforUrban-RuralSymbiosis还能够看到江小白的农业研发过程,感受到江小白真实和真诚的态度。选用清水混凝土是因为我们想要表达出这个项目“质朴”的灵魂属性。当初在跟江小白酒业的董事长陶石泉先生沟通的时候,他也表达了“质朴”的愿望,他不希望在这个项目中表达过多城市中的东西,不要“巧”,也不要“花里胡哨”,要“质朴”,要“拙”,要与乡村的气质相匹配。这是非常触动我们的地方,也与我们的想法相吻合。很多的乡村项目使用的是竹、石、瓦之类的乡村化材料,但我们不希望人们




9、外我们注意到目前来这里商议举办研学活动、团建、培训的人非常多,计划在二期通过建设一个研学基场地鸟瞰 Site aerial view 重庆江小白农庄有限公司 Chongqing Joybo Farm Co.,Ltd.地来满足这类活动需求。结合研学基地,这里还可能会有学生公寓,满足学员的短期住宿需求。这些功能性的需求在接下来的设计中都会被着重考虑。另外,在蜗牛菜园旁边原本设计有茅草屋样式的大地厨房,人们采完菜以后可以直接在这里做饭,体验城市里体验不到的乡村趣味,由于成本和时间的原因,很遗憾未能实现。丘陵地带的地形给项目带来很多有意思的节点空间,原方案里针对这些节点空间设计有很多装置艺术,也未能实

10、现。我们在考虑将来仍然增设一些观景平台、观景塔、步道或互动装置等,丰富人们的体验。希望在未来二期、三期的建设中逐步去实现这些想法。(本文图片由未见筑设计事务所提供)812022.12 建筑实践ArchitecturalPracticeHow to enable the Jiangxiaobai Liquor to realize the linkage of primary,secondary and tertiary industries through this project?The brewing industry of Chongqing Jiangxiaobai Liquor Co

11、.,Ltd.(hereinafter referred to as“Jiangxiaobai Liquor”)itself belongs to the secondary industry,and its distillery is locat-ed in Baisha Industrial Park,Baisha Town,not far from the project,with a large scale.It is mainly the production space of liquor products,and has high safety requirements.The d

12、istillery used to use the purchased sorghum to brew liquor,but if it grows sorghum by the distillery themselves,the cost will be more controllable firstly.Secondly,it can improve the quality of raw materials by developing sorghum varieties,thus improving the taste of liquor,which is more conducive t

13、o the development of the enterprise.Based on this consid-eration,Jiangxiaobai Liquor has successively transferred tens of thousands of hectares of land in Huangzhuang Village,Jiangjin District,which is 1015 minutes drive from the indus-trial park where the distillery is located to plant crops and re

14、alize their own planting and production.Sorghum grows in summer.In order to enhance the benefit of farmland,it adopts the crop rotation planting pattern of one-season sorghum and one-season oilseed rape.The sorghum is used for brewing liquor,while the rapeseeds of oilseed rape are used for making co

15、lleseed oil.In this way,Jiangxiaobai took a step from liquor production in the secondary industry to planting agriculture in the primary industry.With agricultural land,it needs to build corresponding supporting houses.Previously,there were many people who went to the distillery to discuss business

16、franchise,visit and study every day,the reception cost was relatively high,and the distillery itself indeed needed a reception space for people to conduct cultural and business exchanges.Therefore,the client hoped that the supporting houses could not only meet the basic functional needs of the farm,

17、but also share the business reception pressure of the distillery.Meanwhile,it can make use of the better natural environment to open the production base for people to visit,display the brand culture and research work of Jiangxiaobai,etc.,which also drives the development of the tertiary indus-trycul

18、tural tourism.Through this process,Joybo Farm has promoted the Jiangxiaobai Liquor to realize the linkage of primary,secondary and tertiary industries.How did you conceive the functional orientation of the individual buildings in this project,such as the Land Museum?Why did you choose fair-faced con

19、crete as the main material?At the beginning of the project,we actually considered it according to the function of the reception center.While meeting the needs of business reception,visitors can also have a chance to understand the culture of Jiangxiaobai.However,if you have an in-depth knowledge of

20、it,you will find that Jiangxiaobais brand concept has the pursuit of agriculture and the love of art,which has a strong cultural attribute.We believe that for such an enterprise,it is not enough to carry the pursuit of the brand by designing a reception center only.The original intention of the desi

21、gn of Land Museum is that there will be more artistic value in the field,and we hope that such a space can carry the process of brand growth,transformation and creation,and continu-ously display the current activities and new things that will be constantly created in the future.In this building,the

22、first floor plays a pure display function,and exhibition halls 1,2 and 3 are exhibition spaces of different scales.The second and third floors are science and technology innovation and conference office space.Jiangxiaobais agricultural science and technology R&D and crop planting research,etc.,will

23、also be conducted here.When visitors or customers or suppliers come to visit,they can not only see the contents currently displayed in the farm and museum,but also see the agricultural R&D process of Jiangxiaobai,and feel Jiangxiaobais authentic and sincere attitude.Fair-faced concrete was chosen be

24、cause we wanted to express the“rustic”soul attribute of this project.At the beginning,when communicating with Mr.TAO Shiquan,the chairman of Jiangxiaobai Liquor,he also expressed his desire for“rustic”.He did not want to express too many things from the city in the project.He hoped that the project

25、would not be“ingenious”or“garish”,but“rustic”or“clumsy”,so as to match the temperament of the countryside.It is what touched us very much,and it is also consistent with our ideas.Many rural buildings use rural materials such 大地美术馆立面的清水混凝土 Fair-faced concrete of the Land Museun facade 存在建筑 Arch-Exist

26、大地美术馆内的办公空间 Office area in the Land Museum 存在建筑 Arch-Exist82特辑:文旅为媒,城乡共生 CulturalTourismasaCatalystforUrban-RuralSymbiosisas bamboo,stone and tile,but we do not want people to simply think in terms of formal language that as long as rural materials are used,it is a rural building project,but we want

27、 to convey the temperament and inner spirit of the country-side.We believe that it may reduce the formal intervention and better show the invisible side of the countryside by using a modern material to complete a rural building project.Based on this consideration,we chose fair-faced concrete.Who are

28、 the main visitors of this project?What activities will be held here?There are many people who care about and like Jiangxiaobai,mainly young people,and most of the visitors are young and middle-aged Jiangxiaobai fans who are relatively fashionable and artistic.In addition to these people,many enterp

29、rises will also choose to hold team building activities here.Moreover,car brands such as Audi and Mercedes-Benz also hold new car launches at the Land Museum,because they feel that such a venue is in line with their brand tonality.Finally,due to the parent-child attribute of this project,family visi

30、tors who visit here are often re-ceived on weekends.In terms of activities,the Night of Poetry in Chongqing was held here some time ago,and hundreds of poets gath-ered in the Land Museum to hold activities.I feel that this project has carried such a large-scale activities within less than half a yea

31、r after its completion,which also shows the love and recognition of the society.In this project,do urban visitors have the possibility of deeper participation in addition to being“visitors who have visited this place”?Actually,we think more about this from the social value and significance.At the be

32、ginning of the design,we raised several questions:Why do urbanites come to the countryside?What does the countryside want to be?Why does Jiangxiaobai want to do agriculture?In response to these questions,we define this place as“A Country Club to Release Nature”.From the perspective of urbanites,ever

33、y-one lives in a depressed state every day,and their nature is suppressed.We hope that when people come to the countryside,they can really get out of the city mentally,run and jump unscrupulously,and relax their bodies and nerves completely without worrying about trivial matters in work or life for

34、the time being.And then,we also hope that this place can enable people to realize the lofty and great value of agriculture,arouse peoples awe of agriculture,and change peoples ste-reotype of“low”and“poor”agriculture and rural areas.For example,the design of the Land Museum,to a certain extent,create

35、s a divine space.The internal display includes the planting and growth of sorghum,the brewing of sorghum liquor,the development of liquor industry in the southwest-ern China,and the design and construction concept of the farm,etc.,so that people can have a more comprehensive understanding of the pro

36、ject and express their respect for agriculture.In the face of the vast farm,people can also feel the greatness of agriculture and the insignificance of human beings.Therefore,it is not a pure amusement project,but a project with both participation and experience.Is there any follow-up construction p

37、lan for this project?Yes,there is.There is no B&B in the completed construction,but we may start the design of hotels and B&B in Phase II.In addition,we have noticed that there are many people who come here to discuss and hold research,team building and training activities,so we plan to meet the nee

38、ds of such activities by building a research base in Phase II.Combined with the research base,this project may also have student apartments to meet the short-term accommodation needs of students.These functional requirements will also be considered.In addition,we originally designed a thatch-style L

39、and Kitchen next to the Snail Vegetable Garden,where people can cook directly here after picking vegetables,and expe-rience the rural taste that cant be experienced in the city.Unfortunately,it cant be realized due to the cost and time.The terrain in hilly areas brings many interesting node spaces t

40、o the project.In the original plan,there are many installation arts for these node space designs,which also have not been realized.We are considering adding some sightseeing plat-forms,sightseeing towers,trails or interactive devices in the future to enrich peoples experience.We hope to gradually realize these ideas in the construction of Phase II and Phase III in the future.(AllfiguresareprovidedbyWELIVEARCHITECTS)大地美术馆与亲水平台 Land Museum and water platform 存在建筑 Arch-Exist832022.12 建筑实践ArchitecturalPractice

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