1、In the world, Starbucks is the only store open over the four continents of the world coffee brands. 星巴克从一件小咖啡屋成长为国际最著名的咖啡连锁店品牌的一个法门就是其灵活的经营智慧。 Grown from a small Starbucks coffee for the international brand the most famous coffee chain, a Famennian is its flexible business intelligence. 一。 One. 按照世界
2、各地分歧的市场环境采纳灵活的投资与合作模式 Differences in accordance with market conditions around the world to adopt a flexible mode of investment and cooperation 按照美国星巴克总部在世界各地星巴克公司中所持股份的比例看,星巴克与世界各地的合作模式主要有四种环境: According to the U.S. headquarters of Starbucks Starbucks around the world in the proportion of shares hel
3、d view, the Starbucks model of cooperation around the world, there are four environments: 1. 星巴克占 100% 股权,好比在英国,泰国和澳大利亚等地; Starbucks 100% stake, like in the UK, Thailand and Australia; 2. 星巴克占 50% 股权,好比在日本,韩国等地; Starbucks accounted for 50% stake, like in Japan, Korea and other places; 3. 星巴克占股权较少,一般
4、在 5% 摆布,好比在中国的台湾,香港,夏威夷和增资之前的上海等地; Starbucks shares accounted for less than 5% general mercy, like in China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Hawaii, and Shanghai, before the capital increase; 4. 星巴克不占股份,只是纯粹授权经营,好比在菲律宾,新加波,马来新亚和中国的厦门等地; Starbucks does not account for the shares, but simply authorized to operate,
5、 just like in the Philippines, Singapore, Malaysia and China, Xiamen, New Asia and other places; 这样做的好处是“他可以借别人的力量来帮它做很多工作,而且是同一个时间一起做。” The benefit of this is He can take someone elses power to help it do a lot of work, and the same time together. 二。 Two. 以直营经营为主 Direct operating mainly in 30 多年来,星
6、巴克对外传布鼓吹其整个政策都是:对峙走公司直营店,在全世界都不要加盟店。 30 years, Starbucks advocating the spread of foreign policy are the whole: the confrontation take company-owned, not franchises in the world. 星巴克之所以采纳直营方式的理由是:品牌背后是人在经营,星巴克严格要求本身的经营者认同公司的理念,认同品牌,强调动作,规律,品质的一致性;而加盟者都是投资客,他们只把加盟品牌看做赚钱的途径,可以说,他们唯一的目的就是为了赚钱而非经营品牌。 Di
7、rect methods to adopt the reason Starbucks is the reason: people in the business behind the brand, Starbucks, demanding the operator recognize the companys own concept of brand identity, emphasizing the action, the law, quality and consistency; and franchisees are investors they join the brand as th
8、e only way to make money, it can be said, their only purpose is to make money rather than the brand. 因此,为了不让品牌受到不必要的干扰,星巴克决定不开放加盟权。 Therefore, in order to prevent unnecessary interference with the brand, Starbucks decided not to open right to join. 三 Three. 不花一分钱做广告 Advertising without spending a pe
9、nny “我们的店就是最好的广告”,星巴克的经营者们这样说。 Our shop is the best advertising, Starbucks managers have said. 据了解,星巴克从未在公共媒体上花过一分钱的广告费。 It is understood that Starbucks has never spent a penny of public media in advertising. 星巴克认为,在处事业,最重要的行销管道是分店本身,而不是广告。 Starbucks believes that at the career, the most important m
10、arketing channel is the branch itself, rather than advertising. 如果店里的产物与出示不够好,做再多的广告吸引客人来,也只是让他们看到负面的形象。 If the stores products and produce are not good enough to do more advertising to attract customers, just let them see the negative image. 星巴克不愿花费复杂的资金做广告与促销,但对峙每一位员工都拥有最专业的常识与处事热忱。 Starbucks do n
11、ot want to spend money advertising and marketing complex, but the confrontation every employee has the most professional knowledge and enthusiasm of doing things. “我们的员工犹如“咖啡通”一般,可以对顾客详细解说每一种咖啡产物的特性。通过一对一的处事方式,博得信任月口碑。这是既经济有实惠的做法,也是星巴克的独到之处!” Our employees like the coffee-pass in general, can be exp
12、lained in detail to customers the characteristics of each coffee product through one way of doing things, to win trust on word of mouth, which is both economical and effective way there is also the unique Starbucks place! 此外,星巴克的创始人霍华德 舒 尔茨意识到员工在品牌传布中德重要性,他另辟蹊径开创了本身的品牌打点方式,将来用于广告的支出用于福利和培训。 In addit
13、ion, Starbucks founder Howard Shu Scholz, Germany realized the importance of employees in the brand spread his own brand of another way to create a RBI ways, the future for advertising spending for welfare and training. 这对星巴克“口口相传”的品牌经营起到了重要感化。 This is Starbucks word of mouth of the brand management
14、 has played an important probation. 四 Four. 风格:充实运用“体验” Style: enrich the use of experience 星巴克一个主要的竞争战略就是咖啡店中同客户进行交流,出格重视同客户之间的沟通。 Starbucks is a major competitive strategy to communicate with customers in the coffee shop, out of line with the importance of communication between customers. 每一个处事员都要
15、接受一系列培训,如根基发卖技巧、咖啡跟机场常识、咖啡的制作技巧等。 Each member must undergo a series of training doing things, such as the foundation Released skills, coffee knowledge with the airport, coffee making skills. 要求每一处事员都能够预感客户的需求。 Requires every member can do a premonition customers. 此外,星巴克更擅长咖啡之外的“体验”,如氛围打点、个性化的店内设计、暖色
16、灯光、柔和音乐等。 In addition, Starbucks coffee is more than good experience, such as atmosphere, RBI, personalized in-store design, warm lighting and soft music. 就想麦当劳一直倡导售卖欢喜一样,星巴克把美式文化逐步分化成可以体验的工具。 McDonalds has always wanted to promote the sale of joy, like Starbucks and gradually differentiate into the
17、 American culture can experience the tools. “当真对待每一位顾客,一次只烹调顾客那一杯咖啡。”这句取材自意大利老咖啡馆工艺精神的企业理念,是星巴克快速崛起的法门。 Really treat every customer, a customer that only cooking a cup of coffee. Phrase taken from the Italian spirit of the old coffee shop business process concept is the key to the rapid rise of Star
18、bucks. 注重“ oneatatime ”(当下体验)的不雅观念,强调在工作、糊口及休闲娱乐中,用新经营“当下”这一次的糊口体验。 Focus on oneatatime (current experience) and indecent ideas, emphasis on work, life and entertainment in the new business right now this time a living experience. 星巴克还极力强调美国式的消费文化,顾客可以随意谈笑,甚至挪动桌椅,随意组合。 Starbucks also strongly emphas
19、ized the American-style consumer culture, customers are free to talk and laugh, or even move tables and chairs, random combinations. 这也是星巴克营销风格的以部门。 This is the style of the Starbucks marketing department. 五、设计:表示特色 5, design: features that 据了解,在星巴克的美国总部,有一个专门的设计师,拥有一批专业的设计师和艺术家,专门设计全世界的星巴克店肆。 It is
20、 understood that, in the Starbucks headquarters in the United States, there is a dedicated designer, a team of professional designers and artists, designed the worlds Starbucks Diansi. 他们在设计每个门市的时候,城市依据当地的商业圈特色,去思考如何吧星巴克融入此中。 They design each store, when the city based on characteristics of local bu
21、siness circles, to think about how it Starbucks into herein. 所以,星巴克的每一家点,在品牌统一的根本上,又尽量阐扬了个性特色。 So, Starbucks every point on the fundamental unity of the brand, but also espoused as a personality characteristic. 这与麦当劳等连锁品牌敲掉所有门店的视觉设计高度统一截然分歧。 This McDonalds and other chain store brand knock down all
22、the sharp differences in the visual design of a high degree of unity. 在设计上,星巴克强调每栋建筑物都有本身的风格,应让星巴克的风格融合到未来的建筑物中去,而不是粉碎建筑物本来的设计,每增加一家新店,他们就用数码相机和店址内景和周围环境拍下来,照片传道美国总部,请总部辅佐设计,再发还去找施工队。 In the design, Starbucks emphasizes each building has its own style, the style of Starbucks should be allowed to int
23、egrate into the building to the future, instead of crushing the original building design, each increase in a new store, they use digital cameras and shop interior and the surrounding environment shoot the pictures missionary headquarters in the United States, please headquarters assisted design, and
24、 then returned to find the construction team. 这样下来,星巴克始终保持着原汁原味。 Way down, Starbucks has maintained authentic. 例如中国上海的星巴克,以年轻消费者为主。 For example, Starbucks in Shanghai, China, mainly to young consumers. 在拓展新店时,他们费尽心思去找寻具有特色的店址,并结合当地景不雅观进行设计。 In the expansion of new stores, they are racking their brai
25、ns to find a unique shop, combined with the local landscape unsightly design. 位于城隍庙商场的星巴克,外不雅观就像座现代化的庙;而频临黄浦江的滨江分店,则表示花园玻璃帷幕和宫殿般的华美。 Starbucks stores located in Temple, just outside the unsightly modern seat of the temple; the brink of the Huangpu River in the Riverside branch, said the gardens and
26、palaces of glass curtain-like gorgeous. 夜晚时分,透过巨大的玻璃窗,看着霓虹闪烁、流光异彩的街头,轻轻啜饮一口味道纯正的咖啡,这是一种何等“雅皮”的感受体验。 Night hours, through the huge glass windows, watching the neon lights, Streamer streets, gently sipping a taste of pure coffee, how it is a yuppie feel experience. 紧张忙碌的糊口中,人们都巴望这放松和悠闲。 Hectic ends meet, people are relaxed and laid-back look forward to this. 如果你的产物和处事满足了人们的这一需求,使他们拥有一份美妙而娴静的体验,就会吸引更多的消费者,从而提升品牌的认知度。 If your product and doing things that meet peoples needs, so they have a wonderful experience and demure, it will attract more consumers, so as to enhance brand awareness