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1、绪论IntroductionExamples of projects:1 Developing a new product or service;1 Effecting a change in structure,staffing or style of an organization;1 Designing a new transportation vehicle;1 Designing or acquiring a new or modified information system;1 Constructing a new building or facility;1 Running a

2、 campaign for political office;1 Implementing a new business procedure or process;1 Responding to a contract solicitation由人来实施的;受制于有限的资源;需要计划、实施和控制Why do we classify?1 To classify means to group similar things.1 Taxonomy:principles of classification.CRITERION!分类的目的:把多个事物中具有相同或相近属性的事物归 为一类,有利于对客观事物进行

3、科学的管理。什么是项目?Project Vs Operation由人来实施的;受制于有限的资源;需要计划、实施和控制Peoples working activities can be classified into two categories?one is operation,the other is project.An operation is ongoing and repetitive.,、项目的定义和特点A project is a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product,service or result.

4、A Guide to the Project ManagementBody of Knowledge(PMI)项目是用来创建 唯一性的产品或服 务的临时性努力。Most distinguishing characteristicsTemporary means that every project has a definite beginning and a definite end;unique means that the product or service is different from all others.临时性是指每一个项 目都有明确的开始和 结束。唯一性是指任 何产品或服务

5、以一些 显著的方式区别于其 他任何相类似的产品 或服务。The UK Association for Project Management defines a project as a discrete undertaking with defined objectives often including time,cost and quality(performance)goals The British Standards Institute(BS6079)defines a project as a unique set of coordinated activities5 with d

6、efinite starting and finishing points,undertaken by an individual or organization to meet specific objectives with defined schedule,cost and performance parameters?特点:次性(Temporary)独特性(Unique)目标的确定性(Objectives)活动的整体性(Integration)组织的临时性和开放性(Temporary and Open)1开发与实施的渐进性(Progressive Elaboration)成果的不可挽回

7、性(Irretrievable)Project goalsI The three goalsThree dimensions of project goalsare interrelated and must be addressed simultaneously;exclusive emphasis on any one goal is likely to detract from the others.Argument on Project SuccessTraditionally,the basic criteria of cost,time and quality,the so-cal

8、led 6 61Toli Triangle or Golden Triangle,have been widely adopted for a long time.However,these criteria have been criticised for being inadequate for many reasons.Over the years,various attempts have been made in overcoming the perceived inadequacies.These attempts may be grouped into two different

9、 approaches:one is to add more dimensions to the basic criteria while the other to abstract to fewer dimensions.项目的成功Vs成功的项目悉尼歌剧院澳大利亚的悉尼歌剧院项目于1959年开工,预算为700万美元,原计划用4年的时间 完工,但实际在1973年才竣工,总造价达到 了L2亿美元。该项目因为过度超工期和预算,在建设过程中遭到了人们强烈的反对,甚至 在项目刚完工时也不被看作是一个成功的项 目。但随着项目投入到运营后,人们对它的 评价却完全改变了,人们不再因为项目过度 超工期和预算而

10、责难它,反而给予了很高的 评价。悉尼歌剧院不久便成为全世界公认的 艺术杰作,被纳为人类的一笔宝贵财富。悉尼歌居!院Sydney Opera HouseThe site of the opera house is some 500 yards from where the first European colonists landed in 1788.Fort Macquarie was established there at Bennelong Point in 1821.A tram depot came along in 1902.Trams were phased out in the

11、 1950s,not long after Sydney Symphony Orchestra conductor Eugene Goossens began actively floating the idea of a concert hall.A government official seized on the concept and established an advisory committee,which selected the site of the old tram shed as the new home of the Sydney Opera House.In 195

12、6,the government announced an international design competition.Utzon won the next year with his distinctive nsoaring sailsn vision of a harborside center.He said his idea for the structure had come from a simple source:the orange.澳大利亚的悉尼歌剧院项目于1959年开工,预 算为700万澳元,原计划用4年的时间完工,但实际 在1973年才竣工,总造价达到了 1.2亿澳

13、元。Construction began in 1959.It was supposed to take four years and cost$7 million Australian(US$4.7 million)-to be paid from lottery revenues.That turned out to be an unrealistic figure.Construction wasnt finished until 14 years later in 1973,with a$100 million Australian(US$66 million)price tag.但随

14、着项目投入到运营后,人们对它的评价却完全改变 了,悉尼歌剧院不久便成为全世界公认的艺术杰作,被纳为 人类的一笔宝贵财富。Sydney Opera House must be one of the most recognizable images of the modern world-up there with the Eiffel Tower and the Empire State Building-and one of the most photographed.Not only is it recognizable,it has come to represent Australia.

15、Although only having been open since 1973,it is as representative of Australia as the pyramids are of Egypt and the Colosseum of Rome.Sydney Opera House facts and figuresDesigned by Danish architect J0rn Utzon.Opened by Queen Elizabeth II on 20 October 1973.Presented,as its first performance,The Aus

16、tralian Operas production of War and Peace by Prokofiev.Cost$AU 102,000,000 to build.Conducts 3000 events each year.Provides guided tours to 200,000 people each year.Has an annual audience of 2 million for its performances.Includes 1000 rooms.Is 185 meters long and 120 meters wide.Has 2194 pre-cast

17、concrete sections as its roof.Has roof sections weighing up to 15 tons.Has roof sections held together by 350 km of tensioned steel cable.Has over 1 million tiles on the roof.Uses 6225 square meters of glass and 645 kilometers of electric cable.WHAT CHANGED PEOPLES ATTITUDE TO IT?Three Gorges Projec

18、tCTGPCThe idea of building a gigantic dam in the Three Gorges area to harness the Yangtze River is not new.More than seventy year ago.Dr.Sun Yat-sen?pioneer of the Chinese democratic revolution?first proposed that a Yangtze Three Gorges Project be constructed.Later,numerous experts conducted investi

19、gations on and preparatory work for the project.But because of historic reasons and lack of resources the development of the project remained only a dream.Since the founding of the Peoples Republic of China in 1949,the project was back on the agenda After meticulous feasibility studies by experts,it

20、 was finally concluded that the merits of the project far overweigh its demerits.On April 3,1992,the National Peoples Congress approved the construction of the project The Three Gorges Project has its main benefits in flood control,power generation and navigation.Targets achieved:Quality:first-class

21、Investment(Dynamic):190 billion The drawback is that the principles presume much more order and rationality than actually exists in organizations?therefore they provide poor guidance about how managers should practice these principles in different situations.1 Behavioral viewpointThe 1930s brought t

22、he behavioral viewpoint in which the emphasis shifted from work principles to the human and social aspects of organizations.Four outstanding early advocators:Robert Owen,Hugo Munsterberg?Mary Parker Follett and Chester BarnardElton Mayo,“The Hawthorne studies”The contribution of this viewpoint is th

23、at it highlighted the importance of leadership style,group dynamics,and social environment,concepts never acknowledged by the classical theorists.The behaviorists?however,like their classical counterparts,tended to look at management rather narrowly.Human and organization behavior are more complex t

24、han they presumed,and many behaviorist theories concerning satisfaction9 morale,and productivity are too simplistic to be of practical use.In the end,managers still have to rely on their own best judgmentContemporary Theories of Motivation(ERG Theory:Existence;Relatedness;Growth1 Three-Needs Theory:

25、Need for Achievement;Need for Power;Need for AffiliationI Goal-Setting Theory:The proposition that specific goals increase performance and that difficult goals,when accepted,result in higher performance than do easy goals.I Reinforcement Theory:The theory that behavior is a function of its consequen

26、ces.1 Designing Motivating Jobs:Job enlargement(job scope);Job enrichment(job depth).Job characteristics model(JCM)I Equity Theory:The theory that an employee compares his or her jobs inputs-outcomes ratio with that of relevant others and then corrects any inequity.I Expectancy Theory:The theory tha

27、t an individual tends to act in a certain way based on the expectation that the act will be followed by a given outcome and on the attractiveness of that outcome to the individual.I Systems viewpointDuring World War II the third viewpoint,called systems approachwas introduced.Whereas the first two v

28、iewpoints sought to simplify management through concepts that would fit all situations,the systems viewpoint acknowledges complexity and causal relationships.Simply stated,before the manager can prescribe action,she must first understand the system and its relationship with the environment.The appro

29、ach suggested ways to understand the elements and dynamics of a situation,and models to help clarify problems and identify courses of action.But even these models were not panacea.They could not always be relied upon to tell the manager what to do because they could not adequately represent“nonquant

30、ifiables”such as human motivations?emotions,and values.Even the systems viewpoint must eventually be supplemented by the judgment of the managers Contingency viewpointAll three viewpoints represent different perspectives5 all make valuable contributions to management theory and practice,and all have

31、 limitations.The current contingency viewpoint recognizes that none of them alone can guide a manager in all aspects of the job in every situation.The current viewpoint,which includes ideas like situational leadership and the contingency approach to management,stresses that all three views can be ap

32、plied independently or in some combination,depending upon the situation.The contingency viewpoint suggests that for management practice to be effective,it must be consistent with the requirements of the environment,the tasks to be performed,and the people who perform them.A manager should be familia

33、r with the concepts of the three earlier viewpoints,be able to understand and diagnose each situation,and then choose the most appropriate mix of procedures,leadership styles,and management functions.The contingency viewpoint does not provide solutions to what works in all situations9 but does sugge

34、st what tends to work best in specific cases.3、项目管理的定义Project management is the application of knowledge,skills,tools,and techniques to project activities in order to meet or exceed stakeholder needs and expectations from a project.Meeting or exceeding stakeholder needs and expectations invariably i

35、nvolves balancing competing demands among:-scope,time,cost,and quality.-Stakeholders with differing needs and expectations.-Identified requirements(needs)and unidentified requirements(expectations).-A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge项目管理是在项目活动中运用知识、技能、工具和技术,以便满足和超过项目业主对项 目的需求和期望。满足和

36、超过项目业主的需 求和期望总是包含在下列各种矛盾的需求之 间寻求平衡:范围、时间、费用和质量;有不同要求和期望的项目业主;已明确的需求和未明确的需求。The UK Association for Project management defines it as the planning,organization monitoring and control of all aspects of a project and the motivation of all involved to achieve project objectives safely and within agreed ti

37、me,cost and performance criteriaThe British Standards Institute(BS6079)defines it as the planning monitoring and control of all aspects of a project and the motivation of all those involved to achieve the project objectives on time and to cost,quality and performance项目的进程管理(动态)项目启动过程(ProjectInitiati

38、ng):初步确定项 目组成员、项目量限、项目计划等;1 Initiating processesrecognizing that a project or phase should begin and committing to do so;项目的进程管理(动态)项目计划过程(ProjectPlanning):建立WBS(工作分解结构),确认项目流程、项目详细计 划,评审、批准计划;I Planning processesdevising and maintaining a workable scheme to accomplish the business need that the pro

39、ject was undertaken to address;项目的进程管理(动态)项目执行过程(ProjectExecuting):组织和协调 人力资源和其他资源,激励团队完成工作计划;I Executing processescoordinating people and other resources to carry out the plan;项目的进程管理(动态)项目控制过程(ProjectControlling):制订项目 工作标准、监督、纠偏等。1 Controlling processesensuring that project objectives and met by m

40、onitoring and measuring progress and taking corrective action when necessary;项目的进程管理(动态)1项目收尾(Project Closing):完成项目移交。Closing processesformalizing acceptance of the project or phase and bringing it to an orderly end.Links among process groups in a phaseThe process groups are linked by the results th

41、ey produce-the result or Outcome of one becomes an input to another.An underlying concept for the interaction among the project management processes is the PDCA cycle(as defined by Shewhart and modified by Deming).Project management process groups mapped to the PDCA cycleMonitoring&controlling proce

42、ssesClosing processes项目管理九大知识领域(静态)(1)项目范围管理(Project Scope Management)是 指对一个项目从立项到结束所涉及范围进行的管理 和控制;项目时间管理(Project Time Management)也 就是进度管理或工期管理;(3)项目成本管理(Project Cost Management)即项 目结算、项目预算编制和控制等活动;(4)项目质量管理(Project Quality Management)项目人力资源管理(Project Human Resource Management)后人力资源的规划、开发、配置、评 估、激励等

43、工作;(6)项目沟通管理(Project Communication Management)包括项目内外部沟通,信息传递方 式、内容和过程管理,项目团体有关思想感情等活 动的管理;项目风险管理(Project Risk Management)包 括项目风险识别、评价与控制等过程;(8)项目采购管理(Project ProcurementManagement)项目组织从外部寻求和采购资源的 过程,如招标;(9)项目集成管理(Project Integration Management)指项目管理的全局性工作。4、工程项目管理的类型按管理主体不同划分1 f业主方项目管理咨询监理方项目管理承包方项目

44、管理BOT项目管理f宏观项目管理 按管理层次划分、微观项目管理广义项目管理1按内涵和范围划分狭义项目管理6、工程项目管理的内 容从管理职能划分-项目计划职能-项目组织职能-项目协调职能-项目控制职能-项目人事领导从项目活动的过程划 分-项目决策-项目规划设计-项目实施-项目终结从项目目标角度划分-项目进度管理-项目造价管理-项目质量管理从项目管理的任务划分设计前的 准备阶段设计 阶段施工 阶段动用前准 备阶段保修期安全管理投资控制进度控制质量控制合同管理信息管理组织和协调五、项目管理的发展(Evolution of PM)HistoryNo single individual or indus

45、try can be credited with the idea of project management.It is often associated with the early missile and space programs of the 1960s,but clearly its origins go back much earlier.Techniques of project management probably first appeared in the major construction works of antiquity,such as the Pyramid

46、s,the Roman aqueducts,and the Great Wall of China.Later,these techniques were improved and modified for usage on other forms of construction projects,such as shipbuilding.The commonality among construction works is that they all require special organizations labor,facilities?and material resources j

47、ust for the purpose of doing one job.Traditional non-project management practices work well for high-volume9 standardized products,but they are often inefficient on large nonstandard jobs such as production and installation of specialized machinery and tools.During World War I,a new production sched

48、uling and monitoring tool called the Gantt chart was introduced;about 30 years later,the first network-type display for describing industrial processes,called a process flow diagram was developed.Both are widely used today.By the 1950s?the size and complexity of many projects had increased so much t

49、hat even these techniques proved inadequate.Two new network-based planning and control methods were developed,one by the Navy in 1958 called PERT,and the other by DuPont Corporation in 1957 called CPM.A decade later,these methods were combined with computer simulation in a method called GERT to perm

50、it more realistic analysis of schedules.By the mid-1950s,the wide-scale development and installation of computerized data processing systems provided increased capability for handling the immense amount of information necessary to manage large-scale projects.Throughout the 1960s,additional methods e

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