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1、Unit 9 What does he look like?人教版人教版 七年级下册七年级下册Section A 1a1c执教者:侯慧梅执教者:侯慧梅谢家集区第二中学谢家集区第二中学short hairlong haircurly hair/k/k:l l i i/straight hair/streit/HairWhat does he/she look like?She/He has.short straight hairlong curly hairshort curly hairlong straight hair描述头发顺序:描述头发顺序:长短长短+形状形状+颜色颜色eg:她有一头短

2、的:她有一头短的卷卷棕色棕色的头发。的头发。She has short curly brown hair.of medium buildheavythinShe is thin.What does she look like?shortof medium heighttallHe is of medium height.What does he look like?What does she look like?She tall.She thin.She long straight black hair.isishasPractice:Fill in the blanks.朱婷朱婷He is

3、.He is .He has hair.What does he look like?of medium heightheavyshort straight black岳云鹏岳云鹏(build)1a Match the words with the people in the picture.You can use some letters more than once.1.short hair _2.curly hair _3.long hair _4.straight hair _5.tall _6.short _7.medium height _8.thin _9.heavy _ gea

4、fb hhaehfgmore than once 多次多次 afcdA A:Is that your friend?:Is that your friend?B:No,it isnt.B:No,it isnt.A:What does he look like?Is he A:What does he look like?Is he short or tall?short or tall?B:Well,hes really 1._ B:Well,hes really 1._ And he has 2._.And he has 2._.1bListen and fill in the blanks

5、 below.talltallcurly curly hairhair Can you find Amys friend?听力小贴士:听前我听力小贴士:听前我们应该浏览一下图片,们应该浏览一下图片,预测预测Amy的朋友是男的朋友是男还是女。还是女。Sample:A:What does your friend look like?B:She is of medium height,and she has long straight hair.A:Is she person a?B:Yes,she is.One of the people in the picture is your friend

6、.Describe your friend.Your partner will find him or her.1CHomework What do you look like when you are 20 years old?Draw a picture and write some sentences below it.Imagination(想象)想象)Everyone is special!Everyone is important!人人都很特别!人人都很特别!人人都很重要!人人都很重要!Dont judge the others by their looks!不要以貌取人不要以貌取人!A.Review what youve learnt in class.B.Finish your drawing and write down some sentences below it.THANK YOU!THANK YOU!GOOD BYE!GOOD BYE!

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