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1、Questions1. There are several examples in your dissertation. Whats the standards for choosing them(文中有多处举例,请问你选择例子的依据是什么?)Well, choosing examples, is a key process when finishing the thesis. Well. In my dissertation cites 4 songs as examples to elaborate on the function of Skopos theory. When i choo

2、se the cases, i will obey 3 rules: firstly, i should make clear whether the song belongs to pop music. Taking the sing style as standard, the songs can be divided into 8 types, such as pip-pop, classical, opera, pop, reggae, instrument, mature vocals, children vocals. Pop song in one kind of them. S

3、econdly, among all pop songs, i would choose some classic ones. Because classic songs are spread widely, and are appreciated by a lot of people. They have less errors and higher value of appreciation. Thirdly, Ill try my best to choose the songs whose english version has been published. Such as the

4、song Cherie, love peas, they are from the EP west and east , which published by Sophia Kallgren. I think, the published ones have higher research value. Thats all. Thank you! 2. In your dissertation, you mentioned Skopos theory. Please clarify it briefly.(简要概述一下目的论的理论)The development of Skopos theor

5、y has four stages. It was improved mainly by four scholars: Katharina Reiss, Vermeer, Jasta Holz Manttari and Chriatina Nord , and finally formed the theory which including three rules: the first one is Skopos rule. (Skopo is a Greek word, means aim, purpose) Skopos rule means that the translation s

6、hould make effort in the way that the audience expecting, under the background of translators culture and language environment. The purpose of translation decide the whole process of translating action. Namely, the method is decided by result. The second rule is coherence rule. This rule is not diff

7、icult for us to understand. It means a translation should be acceptable and coherent in the receivers situation. That is to say, translation is to produce a target language text, at least likely to be meaningful to the receiver. The last rule is loyalty rule. It means the translation text must be lo

8、yal to its corresponding source text in a certain level of features, including sentence length, grammatical features and so on. It is a certain extent between a complete imitation and a complete deviation.3. What will you do before you translating a lyric?(在进行歌词翻译之前,需要做什么前期工作?)Before translating a l

9、yric, we should make clear some questions. Such as, who is the author of this lyric? Whats the experience of the author? Whats the story behind the song? Actually, this is Skopos rule. Before we translating a lyric, we should choose the translation style. So that the translation version can reach th

10、e same aim as the original one, passing the same emotion. Without this process, translation version will deviated from origin, and the translation is failed.4. Introduce the process of lyric translation under the guidance of Skopos theory? And some examples.(简述目的论指导下歌词翻译的流程,并举例说明)Under guidance of S

11、kopos theory, the lyric translation mainly has 3 steps: first of all, we should make clear the background of this song as well as the author. So that we could choose a right style of translation, ensuring that the purpose of origin is not changed. That is the Skopos rule. Then, when translating the

12、lyrics, we should make sure the translation is loyal to the original one. If not, it cant be called as translation, but creation. It will deviate from the aim of translation. Namely, the lyrics translation should abide by loyalty rule. Lastly, during the process of translation, we should make sure,

13、the translation version is coherent in the target language environment. To make the translated one readable and singable. That is the coherence rule. Lets take the song Tian MiMi for example. Look at the first four sentences. Obviously, the styles of two versions are all love songs. The meaning of l

14、yrics in two versions are corresponding. And every sentence in song are coherent in context and acceptable no matter in the source language or target language environment. Certainly, there are also some other factors in translation. But this three rules play a basic role. 5.Can you pick out one example in your dissertation to sing it out.(挑选论文中的一个例子,并把它演唱出来).

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