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1、实验 低碳钢和铸铁拉伸实验设计人:丛金坤学号:071311031指导老师:孔丽海军航空工程学院机械系2011-3-22目录封面1简介2实验3一、实验目的 3二、设备及仪器4三、试件6四、实验原理7五、实验步骤8六、注意事项11七、思考题12附一、英文译文13附二、参考文献30实验 低碳钢和铸铁拉伸实验一、实验目的1.观察低碳钢和铸铁在拉伸破坏过程中的各种现象,并用试验机的自动绘图装置绘制拉伸曲线(PL曲线)2.测定低碳钢的屈服极限s、强度极限B、延伸率和断面收缩率,测定铸铁的强度极限B。3.对实验数据进行分析、归纳、总结的能力。二、设备及仪器1万能材料试验机能进行拉伸、压缩、剪切及弯曲等各种静




5、。因此,一般只确定其强度极限。而且通常采用L010d0的圆形截面试件。四、实验原理1测定屈服极限s、强度极限b可根据相应的载荷除以横截面原始面积而得到,即:, 2 测定断后伸长率和断面收缩率断后伸长率和断面收缩率分别用下式进行计算:, 其中:L0试件标距原长。L1试件拉断后的标距长度,可将拉断后的试件对紧,然后测量。A0试件横截面的原始面积。A1试件拉断后颈缩处的最小横截面面积。五、实验步骤1 低碳钢的拉伸试验(1)试件准备在试件两端,根据标距长度要求,打两个浅的冲眼作为标距长度的标志,两标志之间的联线应平行于试件的轴线.用游标卡尺在试件的范围内,测量两端及中间等三处截面的直径,要求测量精度至

6、少达到0.02mm,在每一处截面的两个相互垂直方向各测量一次,取其平均值,并取三处截面中最小的平均直径来计算横截面积。(2)试验机的准备操作步骤及注意事项: 选择吨位:在实验前,需估计试件能承受的最大荷载,然后选择试验机的量测范围,挂上相对应的摆锤,并选用相应的测力度盘。 开机调零:开动油泵电机,关闭回油阀。打开送油阀,使工作台空升10mm左右,以消除工作台和活塞等自重的影响,再调测力指针使之对准测力度盘上的零点。 安装试件时,先用上夹头夹紧试件一端,再调整下夹头位置,使上下夹头间的距离适合试件的长度。下夹头的位置调整,可操作另一个电动机的按钮来完成。试件夹紧后,就不允许再调下夹头位置,以免调

7、位电动机烧坏。 调好自动绘图装置。 载入:操作送油阀,使试件加载,加载时要求测力指针匀速平稳地走动,以免试件受到冲击作用。 实验完毕后,关闭送油阀,缓慢打开回油阀。使工作油缸内的油回到油箱,工作台回到初始位置,并卸下外加仪表和取下试件。根据最大载荷的要求,配置合适的摆锤和选用相应的测力度盘,并调整测力指针,对准零点,再拨动从动指针使与主动指针靠近,同时调整自动绘图装置。(3)安装试件先将试件安装在试验机的上夹头内,再移动下夹头使达到适当位置,把试件夹紧。(4)检查及调试:完成上述步骤后,开动机器,预加少量载荷(注意务使应力远小于弹性极限),然后卸载接近零点,以检查试验机、自动绘图装置等工作情况



10、 carbon steel and cast iron experiment tensile experimentsA, experimental purposes1. Observation low carbon steel and cast iron tensile failure process in the various phenomena, and the automatic drawing device rendering enginery tensile curves (P - L curve)2. Determination of low yield limit sigma

11、s, intensity limit sigma B, elongation delta and section determination of iron, shrinkage intensity limit sigma B.3. The data is analyzed, synthesized and summarized the ability.Second, equipment and instrument1. Universal material testing machineCan stretch, compression, shear and bending, etc. Var

12、ious kinds of static experiment test enginery called universal material testing machine (referred to as the universal machine). This tester grades many, type varies, but it is composed of the following three major components for loading system respectively, provide make specimen deformation (force),

13、 measurement system (quantity test pieces were force and deformation of), recording system (automatic recording test curve graphics device).According to the test enginery strength devices usually divided into two types, hydraulic transmission type and mechanical drive type.The hydraulic universal ma

14、chine working principle (figure 1-1) is the hydraulic oil cylinder 4 by six, and working the pistons And drive and piston connected platform 9, to make activity deformation force and specimens.Will the specimens under fixed in between, chuck, start by high pressure oil pump 5 will be pressed into th

15、e tubing (1) working oil cylinder piston, work with the pistons, six immediately rises connected activity pillar 8 and workbench 9, and with the rising drive chuck 10 moving upwards, that allows caused by tension specimen tensile deformation.When conducting a compression test, will the 9 specimens p

16、laced on a table, and then the piston rise on the pad, specimens are generated compression pressure.Add in the load size specimens can be measured by the pendulum agencies to measure strength. In load time, work in high pressure oil cylinder by another root tubing (2) into force measurement oil cyli

17、nder 14, two oil cylinders hydraulic is same, the hydraulic force measurement through promoting transfer to bars, piston 15 by rod again through ledger make pendulum 16, at the same time, place on tilt putts gear lever 17 and promoting level driven gear rotating, in the gear axis force measurement c

18、an be equipped with Pointers, in measuring strength plate shows the size of the load.Change the weight of the pendulum, can adjust to the different load test enginery, generally range can be replaced three hammer heavy, measuring strength plate also corresponding has three scale. If 30 tons of unive

19、rsal machine have 0 6 tons, 0 15 tons, 0 30 tons of three kinds of measurement range.2. Vernier caliperThree and specimenExperiment shows that the size and shape of the specimen of test results will have effects, in order to avoid this kind of influence, to make all kinds of material mechanical perf

20、ormance data can be compared each other, so for the size and shape of the specimen, national standards (86) GB6397 - clear-cut provisions.Specimen common round or rectangular section specimens, the circular shape as shown in figure 1-5 shows. Commonly used for measuring central length specimens from

21、 tensile deformation, called standard. From the part of the specimen standard size allowable deviation and surface roughness implemented in national standards are defined. Specimen of standard test pieces and scale specimens are divided into two. These two specimens have length two kinds, for circul

22、ar section L0 = 10d0 specimens, long, often called the ten times as samples, short L0 = 5d0 specimens, often called the five times the specimen.In this experiment, the low carbon steel used d0 = 10mm specimens is ten times the specimen. Cast iron is brittle material, mechanical deformation is small

23、will suddenly fracture, not strictly observe the hooker law. Therefore, determine the ultimate strength only commonly. And usually adopts L0 = 10d0 specimens of circular cross sectionFive, the experiment principle1. Determine yield limit sigma s, intensity limit sigma bBut according to the correspon

24、ding load cross-section divided by the original area and get, namely:,2. Delta and section determination of elongation epigastric shrinkageEpigastric elongation and section shrinkage is calculated separately in next type:,Among them:L0 - from the original long specimens standard.L1 - from the standa

25、rd specimens of tensile length, can be pulled to the specimen, then tighten measurement.A0 - cross-sectional primitive area of specimens.A1 - specimens of necking place after ruptured minimum cross section area.Six, experimental steps1. The tensile test low-carbon steel(1) specimen preparationAt bot

26、h ends, according to standard specimens from length requirements, a dozen two shallow blunt eye as standard length of signs, from between the two marks the on-line should be parallel to the axis of the specimen.The specimens with vernier caliper, within the scope of the measuring three place among b

27、oth ends and the diameter of the section measurement precision, request to 0.02 mm, at least in each place section two mutually perpendicular direction measuring time, take the average, and to take the youngest of three places section to calculate average diameter cross-sectional area.(2) test engin

28、ery of preparationOperating procedures and matters needing attention:(1) the choice before under the experimental tonnage to estimate the largest specimens can withstand loads, then select test enginery measurement range, hang relative should pendulum, and choose corresponding measuring strength pla

29、te.(2) the boot zero: actuate the oil pump motor, close return oil valves. Open sent oil valve, around 10mm workbench empty litres, in order to eliminate table and the influence of the piston, etc, and adjustable weight force measurement of efforts on measuring pointer disk zero.(3) when installatio

30、n, use specimens first collet tight end, adjustments specimens under chuck position, make fluctuation chuck suits in the distance between the length of the specimen. Next chuck position adjustment, operational another motor button to complete. Specimen clamping, were not allowed to attune falls chuc

31、k position, lest adjustable bits moters.(4) adjusted the automatic drawing device.(5) : operating sent oil loading specimens valve, when loading, loading force measurement requirements of uniform smoothly walking around, and a pointer to by impact specimens.6 the experiment is finished, close to sen

32、d oil valve, opened slowly return oil valves. Make work within the cylinder of oil tank, workbench back to back initial position, and remove instrumentation and take off plus specimens.According to the maximum load demand, configuration suitable pendulum and choose corresponding measure and adjust e

33、fforts plate force measurement pointer, aimed at zero, then clicked with active pointer driven pointer, and adjustment automatic drawing closer device.(3) installation specimensFirst installed in the test enginery of specimens, within the chuck move again under chuck to reach the proper place, clamp

34、ing the specimen.(4) check and debug:Complete the above steps, start the machine, pre plus a small load (note unbroken stress is far less than the elastic limit), and unload close to zero to check test enginery, automatic drawing device etc. Work situation.(5) for the testStart the machine, with slo

35、w loading, make specimen deformation slowly and evenly. When observing tensile force measurement pointer, automatic plotter. When measuring forces back (or a pointer standstill), explanatory material happen yield. Record pointer measuring forces back to the lowest position of the yield of load Ps.Af

36、ter yield phase, the need for continued until the specimen cracking loading date, stop. And record by the maximum load driven pointer instructions Pb.(6) end testTake down specimens, will fracture specimen together, with both ends joining together after vernier caliper measure tensile length between

37、 two logo and measured the L1, necking fracture in the smallest diameter, should be in d1 fracture two mutually perpendicular direction measuring time, take the average, taken from automatic plotter tensile curves drawings.2. Cast iron specimenCast iron specimen test procedures and low carbon steel

38、specimens similar, but relatively simple, as long as there is a specimen section size d (not need measurement standard distance L), will be installed in the experiment on the specimens, gradually loading, make specimen cracking, write down the biggest load intensity limit can draw Pb horizontally b.

39、Seven, the matters needing attention1. Before the test, make it clear this test purpose, determination content and requirements, familiar with the operation procedure and the relevant precautions, such as have not clear place, want to undertake research. Discussion or ask your teacher. Has nothing t

40、o do with the experiments of instruments and equipment, do not get optional touch.2. Test enginery, must strictly observe the procedures used instruments with.3. Trials, such as hear different sound or failure, immediately after downtime, stay out fault and then continue loading.4. Specimen installa

41、tion must be correct, prevent deflection or clip into the part too short.5. Experiment ends, must clean test equipment, good finishing equipment and tools used.Eight, graded1. On the basis of the experimental phenomena and the results compared the mechanical properties of low carbon steel and cast iron have any different?2. The yield phenomenon describes the experiment whats the problem?附二、参考文献1.牛济泰.王式正 焊接基础1987 2.张文钺 金属熔焊原理及工艺 1980 3.王健安 金属学与热处理 1980 4.王泽光 用普通低碳钢焊条补焊灰口铸铁 1999(03)

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