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1、CERTIFICATE OF BACHELORS DEGREEPHOTO OF HOLDERThis is to certify that Chen Kefei, male, born on Jul. 12, 1990, has been permitted to graduate after completing Bachelors Program in North China University of Technology majoring in Industrial Design. Upon review, he is hereby conferred the Bachelors De

2、gree of Engineering according to the Regulations of the Peoples Republic of China on Academic Degrees. Steel Seal: North China University of TechnologyPrincipal Wang Xiaochun (Stamp)Chairman of Degree Appraising Committee:Jul.1, 2012Certificate Number: 1000942012000602 (For Undergraduates from Ordin

3、ary Higher Institutes) North China University of TechnologyGRADUATION CERTIFICATEPHOTO OF THE HOLDER ORDINARY FULL-TIME HIGHER INSTITUTESThis is to certify that Chen Kefei, male, born on Jul. 12, 1990, has majored a four-year full-time program of bachelors degree in Industrial Design in our school f

4、rom September 2008 to Jul. 2012. Having completed all the required courses according to teaching plan with satisfactory marks, he is permitted to graduate. Principal: Wang Xiaochun (stamp)Jul. 1, 2012Steel Seal: North China University of TechnologyCertificate number: 100091201205000660Regular instit

5、utions of higher educationGRADUATION CERTIFICATEPHOTO OF THE HOLDERThis is to certify that An Na, female, born on 12 Oct. 1982, has majored a four-year full time programme of bachelors degree in English in English Language Literature Department from Sep. 2001 to Jun. 2005. Having completed all the c

6、ourses according to teaching plan with satisfactory marks, she is permitted to graduate. Communication University of China (stamp)Principal: Lu Changfu24 Jun. 2005Ordinary higher educationCertificate number: 100331200505001813 No. 0511695This is to certify that Lin Lin, female, born on Mar. 10, 1981

7、, has majored off-job study of upgrade from junior college to university in English from Mar. 2007 to Jan. 2009. This is to certify that LI Jing, female, born on Feb. 27, 1986, has majored a two-year full time program of upgrading from associate degree to bachelors degree in International Economics

8、and Trade in our university from Sept. 2007 to July 2009. Having completed all the courses according to teaching plan with satisfactory marks, she is permitted to graduate. .ORDINARY HIGHER INSTITUTES GRADUATION CERTIFICATEPHOTO OF THE HOLDERSupervised by Ministry of Education of PRCNo. 02320895This

9、 is to certify that Liu Ting, female, born on 23 Aug. 1981, has majored a four-year full time programme of bachelors degree in English in Wuhan University of Technology from September 1999 to Jun. 2003. Having completed all the required courses according to teaching plan with satisfactory marks, she

10、 is permitted to graduate. Wuhan University of Technology (stamp)30 Jun. 2003 Certificate number: 104971200305005555Website for Certificates of Academic Qualifications established by the Ministry of Education of the Peoples Republic of China: http:/ Regular institutions of higher educationGRADUATION

11、 CERTIFICATEPHOTO OF THE HOLDERThis is to certify that student Feng Wei, male, born on Apr. 11, 1990, has majored a four-year full time program of bachelors degree in Telecommunications Engineering and Management from Sep. 2008 to Jun. 2012. Having completed all the courses according to teaching plan with satisfactory marks, he is permitted to graduate. Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (stamp)Principal: Fang BinxingCertificate No.: 100131201205002808Jun. 19, 2012Website for inquiry:

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