1、、高考英语作文技巧I 高考英语作文完美行文步骤 Step 1认真审题,把握文章体裁,格式,时态,人称。审题是写好文章的关键、基础。考生对写什么,怎么写,在头脑中必须有一个清晰的思路。首先要弄清楚题目要求、写作意图,抓住内容要点,确定体裁,明确人称与时态,构思框架、层次等。目前高考写作类型总的说来分两种。一种是先叙述现象或图画,再发表自己的看法。另一种是先叙述两种讨论的结果,然后发表自己的意见。作文题材有记叙文、说明文、议论文、故事、应用文(如:书信、日记、便条、通知)等。记叙文、日记用过去时。议论文多用一般现在时。通知用将来时。说明文、书信的时态比较灵活,要酌情而定。看图作文如果没有“I”,用
2、第三人称。STEP2:正式开始写作,整理思路成篇,行文连贯。 STEP3:检查全文,主要检查语法以及粗心犯下的错误。II notice一 作文的“龙头”和“凤尾”1、 开门见山,一言中的。“龙头”可以在一定程度上反映出作者驾御材料的能力,也可以让人耳目一新。英文的写作规范是开门见山,直接点题。东、西方具有不同的思维方式。在表达思想时,英语民族的思维更直截了当,他们习惯把要点放在前面说出,然后把次要的信息一一补充进去。2、结尾有力,干净利索和“龙头”一样,“凤尾”也可以反映出作者总揽全文的能力,同时,它也应该是控制字数,画龙点睛之笔。一定不要“添枝加叶随意发挥延伸”。好的结尾应该照应全文,总结全
3、篇,干净利索,使全文结构紧凑。例如:(2006年浙江卷)In a word, to read the original work is better than to see the film based on it. 结尾万能公式一:如此结论 开头很好,也必然要有一个精彩的结尾,让读者眼前一亮,这样,你就可以拿高分了! 比如下面的例子: Obviously(此为过渡性词语),wecandrawtheconclusionthatgoodmannersarisefrompolitenessandrespectforothers.如果读者很难“显而见之”,但说无妨,就当读者的眼光太浅罢了! 更多过渡
4、短语:tosumup,inconclusion,inbrief,onaccountofthis,thus 更多句型:Thus,itcanbeconcludedthat.Therefore,wecanfindthat 2结尾万能公式二:如此建议 Obviously,itishightimethatwetooksomemeasurestosolvetheproblem.二 选词准确,搭配得当。 “语法结构和词汇选用恰当、丰富”是高考第一档次作文的要求之一。英语词语搭配是我国学生学英语最棘手的地方。如果不注意英语和汉语的语言差异,很容易出错。许多学生语言基本功欠缺,作文中往往出现关键词语用错、搭配不
5、当。如“找工作”写成“find a job ”, “价格太贵”写成“The price is too expensive .”把“学习知识”翻译成learn knowledge 其实这是很不地道,应该用acquire, gain, obtain, gather等词汇与knowledge搭配:而learn只能与某一学科搭配使用。“ Mary won Jane in the speech contest.”中的“won ”应改为“beat”。“win”和“beat ”都可表示“赢”,但“赢了一场比赛”应用“win”,而“赢了某人”则应用“beat”。此类错误会直接降低作文的档次,因此平时的训练中要
6、特别注意要求学生不要孤立地记单词,要重视词汇的习惯搭配。这样可以杜绝写作中词不达意,甚至错误百出的现象。除此之外,学生还应避免在一篇文章中反复使用同一词语,而要用不同的单词和词组表达同样的意思。例如表达“不同的”可用different, various, “喜欢”可用like, enjoy, be fond of, appreciate,“五岁的女孩”可以表达为a five-year-old girl, a girl of five, a girl aged five如此表达有异曲同工之妙。三、注重结构,活用复杂句型高考的书面表达要求写大约十个句子。如果一直使用一个主语,都用简单句,就显得非常
7、单调乏味。而有些学生担心自己因冒险使用复杂结构而失分,于是为了安全便不敢大胆尝试复杂句式,这势必遏制学生英语表达能力的发挥。目前的高考作文的第五档、第四档中都对句子结构有了更高的要求。因此,写作中不仅要使用简洁短小的句子,还要鼓励学生适当使用三两个结构较为复杂的句型。从句式上力求多样化,如强调句Itwasnotuntil/till5pmthathecamehereyesterday. 、倒装句例:Notuntil/till5pmdidhecomehereyesterday. 一般句式例:Hecamehereat5pmyesterday. 否定句例:Hedidnotcomehereuntil5p
8、myesterday. 各种从句及常用句型与长短句交互使用,丰富自己的表现力,同样的意思尽量用多种方法表达.进行书面表达训练时,应注意一些复杂句式的相互转换。例如On the other side , where the playground used to be , now stands another new building , our building.此句中倒装的运用使文章显得灵活多样。例如:直到他妈妈来了男孩才不哭了。The boy didnt stop crying until his mother came.It was not until his mother came th
9、at the boy stopped crying.Not until his mother came did the boy stopped crying.例如:总统亲自出席会议给了他们极大的鼓励。The president attended the meeting himself and gave the soldiers a great deal of encouragement.The president attended the meeting himself, which gave the soldiers a great deal of encouragement.(非限制性定语
10、从句)The president attended the meeting himself, giving the soldiers a great deal of encouragement.(现在分词做状语)The presidents attending the meeting himself gave the soldiers a great deal of encouragement.(动名词做主语)That the president attended the meeting himself gave the soldiers a great deal of encourageme
11、nt.(that 引导的主语从句)。考试时可以根据自己的实际情况,扬长避短,灵活使用。四、巧妙过渡,行文流畅过渡性词语的恰当使用能起到承上启下,使行文流畅的作用。特别注意挖掘要点之间、句子之间、段落之间的逻辑关系,从而运用适当的过渡性词语,使句子之间建立起有机的联系,使整篇文章语言连贯、浑然一体,给人一种自然流畅,一气呵成的感觉。这是一篇好文章所必备的,也正是评分标准所要求的“有效使用语句间的连接成分,使全文结构紧凑”。 正确使用连接词 Wearegoodfriendsandweshouldhelpeachother.(并列连词) Aswearegoodfriends,weshouldhelp
12、eachother.(从属连词) 如要表达转折对比概念,可用but, while, however, on the contrary ,ontheonehand、ontheotherhand、inspiteof 等如要表列举,可用for example ,for instance, take something for example, thatistosay等如要表示概括总结观点,可用generally, basically, in a word ,in other words ,in general, in short, in conclusion, generally speaking,
13、 toconclude、inbrief、tosumup这些短语,还可用as far as I know 这样过渡性很强的句式。如果要表示补充或层次递进,可用besides, furthermore, in addition, whats more , moreover, whats worse等如要表结果,可用so, as a result, as a consequence, consequently, therefore, in this way, thus等表原因:becauseof、thanksto、dueto、owingto 表顺序:atfirst,then,lateron,afte
14、rwards,soon,finally,atlast不论使用哪一类过渡性词语,都应巧妙自然,切忌堆砌。五、克服汉语思维的干扰,减少中式英文句式。英汉句式在表达上存在差异,具有一定的干扰性。我们的学生英文写作中很多失误就是由汉语思维的干扰造成的。重视英汉句式表达的差异,找到相应的对策,并对其进行针对性训练,就能收到事半功倍的效果。 1、缺少谓语 :误we all against all forms of terrorist activities.正we are all against all forms of terrorist activities.2、谓语重叠: 误There were a
15、lot people died in the fire.正There were a lot people who died in the fire.3、主语和状语混淆不请: 误 My hometown has taken place great changes. 正Great changes have taken place in my hometown.4、对比错位: 误The population of China is larger than America.正The population of China is larger than that of America5主表搭配不当: 误
16、Are you convenient to start work tomorrow?正Will it be convenient for you to start work tomorrow?误He is difficult to find a job.正 He has difficulty in finding a job.六 遇到不会写的单词怎么办 遇到不会的单词时,可以用同义词或近义词代替;选择不同的词性,变化一下句型;当出现了非要使用的单词不会拼写或拼不准时,不要放弃;尽量采用较简单的词和句子结构和句型来表达相近或与主题相关的内容。七、检查与卷面高考作文阅卷是一种主观性很强的工作。这就
17、要求考生既要反复斟酌,注意发挥自己的真实水平,还要考虑阅卷老师的感受。每次写作训练成文后要认真检查,修改错误。第一要看要点、内容是否遗漏。这样可以避免因漏要点而被扣分。第二要保证字数符合要求。因为高考作文评分原则3明确规定“字数少于120或多于150的,从总分中减去2分”,评分原则6明确规定:如果书写较差,以至影响交际,将分数降低一个档次。第三、考生对自己的书写要严格要求,养成良好的书写习惯,保证卷面的工整。誊写作文后,认真检查、核实、校正,将错误降低到最低限度。八 时间安排要想在限定的时间内写出质量上乘的文章,非一日之功。因此,在平时的写作训练不要放松要求,要把握好时间,要有时间观念。时间安
18、排:审题3分钟;打草稿、修改15分钟;誊写5钟;检查2分钟。只有这样才可以避免因为时间分配不合理,而影响写作水平发挥的现象。英语高考作文的质量很大程度上决定高考成败。每周至少进行两次作文训练。每次写作完毕,都将批改中学生们写的地道优秀的句子以及表达较好的文章,连同学生的姓名一起进行打印,印发给学生阅读、模仿、背诵、以达到“熟读唐诗三百首,不会做诗也会吟”的效果。. 高考英语作文开头语怎么写 1It is fairly well-known that education plays an important part in the development of our country, but
19、it is probably less well-known that education is also important to the growth of a person.2 With the development of the society, there is an increasing demand for talented people to do work in all areas of the economy.3 It is important / necessary for people to receive a good education.4 Different p
20、eople have different ideas about the nature of the problem / the solution to this problem.5 As a matter of fact, it is just the other way round.6 From the above analysis (discussion / data ), we can see (conclude) that 7 With the development of society, undergo corresponding change.8 Therefore, in o
21、rder to , effectives measures should be taken to 9 While many people attach great importance to this problem/ issue, no real effective actions have been taken to solve it.10The effective solution to this problem depends on the efforts made by the both government and the ordinary people. On the one h
22、and, the government should make a proper policy concerning the problem; on the other hand, the ordinary people should 11The most important thing is that we should give enough attention to such phenomenon.12Ignoring this problem will simply make the situation worse.13The picture seems to convey the m
23、essage / idea that 14Those who obtain the latest knowledge and information and are able to use them to solve practical problems will succeed.15 Knowing the nature of the problem is important, but what is more important is to find effective measure to solve it.16Unless we take such measures, chances are that the situation will become worse.17Different people may interpret the meaning of the picture in different ways, but to me, it means that18The reason why education is important is that it has great influence on the well-being of our country.