1、硕士学位论文MASTERS THESIS摘要当今社会,科学技术飞速发展,中国与世界各国的科技交流也愈加频繁,科技 英语的重要性不言而喻。如何高效准确地进行科技英语文本的翻译工作值得我们探 究。该翻译实践报告基于S/npCMSfw4M中的部分篇章,以目的论为指导,对翻 译的整个过程进行分析。内容涉及造船焊接与切割工艺、焊接操作与检测焊接,船 厂布局,造船厂设计部门、放样、计算机辅助设计、计算机辅助制造等。笔者做了 大量的翻译准备工作,认真分析了科技英语的词汇和句法特征,对原文理解透彻。通过阅读大量文献,笔者意识到翻译目的论对翻译实践起着重要的指导作用。本翻译实践报告初步研究了目的论对于科技英语翻
2、译的重要意义,根据目的论 的方法和原则确定了该实践中科技英语的翻译标准,用目的论指导科技英语翻译策 略的选择。本报告结合笔者亲身翻译实践,通过利用具体的翻译实例,还补充了实 用的翻译方法和技巧,进而证明目的论是行之有效的翻译理论。总体来说,目的论 指导科技英语的翻译,有助于推动科技翻译实践,提高翻译质量,促进国际科学技 术交流。本报告根据目的论对科技英语进行研究,希望对科学技术发展做出积极的 贡献。关键词:科技英语;目的论;翻译标准;翻译策略I万方数据硕士学位论文MASTERS THESISAbstractIn recent years,with the rapid development o
3、f science and technology,the communication between China and the world becomes more and more diverse,promoting the development of English for science and technology(EST).In view of this point,it is of high value for translators to conduct EST translation efficiently and accurately.In this report,the
4、 author selects some of the chapters of Ship Construction to analyze the whole process of the translation task from the perspective of Skopos theory,including welding and cutting processes used in shipbuilding,welding practice and testing welds,shipyard layout,ship drawing office,loftwork and CAD/CA
5、M.A plenty of translation preparations have been carried out by the author to carefully analyze the lexical and syntactic features of English for science and technology in order to thoroughly master the contents of the original text.Through deep reading and full understanding of a large number of do
6、cuments,it has been found that Skopos theory plays a vital role in guiding translation practice.This translation report makes a preliminary study on the significance of Skopos theory fbr EST translation.The author adopts the appropriate translation principles and strategies from the perspective of S
7、kopos theory.This report is based on the authors firsthand translation practice to conduct an analysis of the case study,and suggests some practical translation methods and techniques.It is self-evident that Skopos theory is an effective translation theory fbr the analysis of the translation.All thi
8、ngs considered,Skopos theory is beneficial to develop EST translation,strengthen the translation quality and promote international science and technology exchanges.From the perspective of Skopos theory,this paper presents an analysis of EST translation,hoping to exert positive influences on the deve
9、lopment of world science and technology.Key words:English fbr science and technology;Skopos theory;translation principles;translation strategiesn万方数据硕士学位论文MASTERS THESISContents摘要.IAbstract.IIChapter 1 Task Description.11.1 Background of the Task.11.2 Description of the Task.11.3 Purpose and Signifi
10、cance of the Task.2Chapter 2 Task Process.42.1 Pre-translating.42.2 While-translating.52.3 After-translating.5Chapter 3 Theoretical Basis.73.1 The Definition of Skopos Theory.73.2 Rules of Skopos Theory.83.2.1 Skopos Rule.83.2.2 Fidelity Rule.103.2.3 Coherence Rule.113.3 Application of Skopos Theory
11、 to EST Translation.133.3.1 Recipient Principle.133.3.2 Text Principle.143.3.3 Communication Principle.15Chapter 4 Case Study.174.1 Understanding of the Ship Construction.174.1.1 Introduction of EST Translation.174.1.2 Lexical Features of Ship Construction.184.1.3 Syntactic Features of Ship Construc
12、tion.194.2 Expression.214.2.1 Scientific and Technical Terminology.214.2.2 Nominalization Structure.234.2.3 Passive Voice.264.2.4 Long and Complex Sentences.304.3 Readjustment.35Chapter 5 Conclusion.375.1 Major Findings.375.2 Limitations and Suggestions.38Bibliography.40Acknowledgements.41Appendix 1
13、 42Appendix II 68万方数据1.1 Background of the TaskWith the increasingly enriched exchanges between China and the world,English for science and technology(EST)which is regarded as an important medium to promote scientific and technological achievements,has been paid due attention in recent years,resulti
14、ng in the great demand for EST translation.As EST is distinctively featured in terms of vocabularies and syntax structures,it is incumbent for the author to understand the lexical and stylistic features of EST,master the theme and context of the original text and flexibly apply various strategies in
15、to translation practice.The author is keen on the knowledge of ship building,and the selected material Ship Construction is a best-selling book for the professional shipbuilding and naval architecture sector.It serves as both a reference on the latest developments in ship construction processes,ship
16、yard practice and an important guideline for students,the book mainly covers the complete construction process,involving every important operation process and providing detailed knowledge of key ship construction steps and techniques,in addition,the book gives a description of the latest development
17、s in computer-aided design(CAD)and manufacture,plus updated international regulations for ship types,new materials,fabrication technologies,safety practice and shipyard technology.In this report,the author selects some of the chapters as the translation practice,including:Welding and Cutting Process
18、es used in Shipbuilding,Welding Practice and Testing Welds,Shipyard Layout,Ship Drawing Office,Loftwork and CAD/CAM.1.2 Description of the TaskThis report is carried out on the basis of the author5s translation practice of Ship Construction,with a selection of 10000 words of this book as the origina
19、l text,in which the author analyzes and summarizes the characteristics and strategies of EST translation under the guidance of Skopos theory.It is a first-hand practice for no official translation version has been found in the market,the selected chapters introduce or discuss the1万方数据硕士学位论文MASTERS T
20、HESISwelding and cutting processes in shipbuilding,welding practice and testing welds as well as shipyard practice.This report consists of five chapters.The first chapter gives a brief introduction of the background information of the task,plus presents the significance and purpose of the research,b
21、esides,it lays out the research scheme and steps of the report.Chapter two attempts to analyze the task process,including pre-translating,while-translating and after-translating.Chapter three presents a detailed description of the theoretical basis,which summarizes the formation and development of S
22、kopos theoiy and analyses the relationship between its core rules,and finally suggests three principles when translating EST text in accordance with the three rules of Skopos tlieory.Chapter four presents a detailed analysis of EST translation in terms of professional terminologies,nominalization st
23、ructures,passive voice and long and complex sentences,from the perspective of Skopos theory and based on the case study,the author conducts a study of appropriate translation strategies.To put it simply,the translation of professional vocabularies and noun phrases should be guided by loyalty rule an
24、d coherence rule.Transliteration or free translation is frequently adopted when translating professional vocabularies,in addition,various dictionaries are indispensable to achieve accuracy;Conversion is usually used in the translation of nominalization structures;Passive sentences should be translat
25、ed into active sentences,passive sentences,and non-subject sentences according to skopos rule and coherence rule;multiple methods should be adopted comprehensively in dealing with long and complex sentences in line with coherence rule.Chapter five comes to a conclusion of the translation report whic
26、h gives a summary of the findings in the practice and points out some limitations and suggestions fbr the study.1.3 Purpose and Significance of the TaskThe materials selected in this report are related to ship construction,which is quite practical and is closely linked with social science and techno
27、logy.As the science and technology continues to develop,the number of science books in this filed also grows significantly.Acting as an important medium fbr international communication,English has become the most popular language in international scientific and technological exchange activities.Taki
28、ng into account the cuiTent trend of scientific and technological 2万方数据硕士学位论文MASTERS THESISdevelopment and the reality of ship industry in China,it becomes an agenda for us to import into foreign technologies and study on a lot of abroad scientific and technical literature to promote technological i
29、nnovation,technology difiusion and technology transfer.However,there are still great challenges for the translation of these documents about ship industry.For example,translators lack relevant professional knowledge while experts are not familiar with English,so it should be attached much attention
30、to enhance the quality of scientific translation under appropriate theory.The Skopos theory is regarded as an important content in pragmatics,since the advent of this theory,researchers have realized some internal relationships between this theory and the EST translation.Theories are the guidelines
31、of strategies,the Skopos theory is proved to be an important principle in EST translation practice.Therefore,it is indispensable to grasp this essential principle.It is of prime importance for the author to accurately translate this cutting-edge scientific and technical document into Chinese,which i
32、s beneficial to help develop the progress of Chinese technology about ship construction.This report aims to find out the common problems during the translation process and strives to solve these problems by using Skopos theory,and attempts to reveal certain characteristics of EST translation by givi
33、ng a preliminary explanation to Skopos theory,hoping to provide some references for the future EST translation.3万方数据硕士学位论文MASTERS THESISChapter 2 Task Process2.1 Pre-translatingScience and technology has developed rapidly in this fast-paced era,large quantities of professional terminologies also eme
34、rge and continue to spring up.The selected parts of Ship Construction cover the latest research trends in the field of expertise,many concepts are involved in welding and cutting processes,welding practice and testing welds.There exist numbers of technical terms and complex sentences in the source t
35、ext,in addition,the sentence structure of the original text is complex,and its extremely strict logic renders it quite difficult for the author to conduct this practice.Since the author has limited background knowledge on the subject of ship construction and lacks translation experience,it is no eas
36、y work for the author to make this translation report.Given the factors outlined above,the author believes that it is very necessary to make full preparation before the translation of this task.Actually,the author has carried out a lot of preparation work before the translation,chief among these are
37、 collecting relevant information related to the text and sorting out scientific and technical vocabularies in ship building industry.For the chapters of welding and cutting processes,welding practice and testing welds,the author also searches the Internet and carefully reads the relevant documents.T
38、he translation of professional works,especially the social science works,tends to be more difficult than other works,because in addition to the Chinese characters,the grammar and the sentence pattern have been seriously westernized in the process of translation.However,in terms of EST translation,th
39、ere are actually no more than two steps:Firstly,to accurately understand the meaning of English source text;secondly,to express the meaning of original text in native Chinese under the guidance of appropriate theory.The most important is to accurately understand the meaning of original text.To put i
40、t bluntly,it tests the readers reading comprehension.One may come across some new words or phrases and solve them by consulting a dictionary,but in terms of some complicated sentence patterns,a dictionary is far away capable to solve them.It is the often case that the original text is quite understa
41、ndable for translators,but it is by no means easy work to convey this rough,primitive and fragmented understanding into 4万方数据硕士学位论文MASTERS THESISfluent,refined,and cohesive Chinese.As EST is featured with preciseness and simplicity while Chinese is gorgeous and complicated,it will take more time to
42、polish the translation in order to bridge the gap between the two languages.In terms of professional vocabularies,the author reviews the Ship Engineering Dictionary edited by 潘正英,4 English-Chinese Dictionary of Naval Architeture and Ocean Engineering edited by 马 佐章,Wikipedia,Youdao diet,Google and o
43、ther professional dictionaries to strive fbr a more accurate grasp of the professional vocabularies.Then the author conducts a deep analysis of the original text,ranging ficom the stylistic features,sentence structure to the text framework.Moreover,relevant translation tutorials are also referenced
44、to study the theory,translation strategies and techniques of EST translation.After several days of pre-translating work,the author has obtained a preliminaiy understanding of the contents and the difficult points of the selected chapters,which serves as a guideline fbr the following task.2.2 While-t
45、ranslatingThis translation practice is planned to be completed in one week.According to the actual translation task and material difficulty,the author translate about 2000 words every day.Although the author has grasped some knowledge of ship construction,and has carried out a preliminary review and
46、 collation work on the related professional vocabularies and expressions,there are still many problems in actual translation,which more or less affects the overall understanding of the text.Therefore,in the process of translation,the author carries out further consulting work on the difficult points
47、,and organically combined New English-Chinese Dictionary edited by 陆谷孙,Ship Engineering Dictionary and An English-Chinese Dictionary of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering.With the help of network resources,the author conducts multiple modifications of difficult vocabularies and technical terms
48、 encountered in translation process,and finally chooses a more standard translation version.The whole translation process lasts for one week.With the assistance of dictionaries,professional books and network resources,the author eventually completes the translation task.2.3 After-translating5万方数据硕士学
49、位论文MASTERS THESISAfter the completion of translation task,the translator carried out various revisions and quality conti-ol work on the translation version.First and foremost,the author reviewed the translation of the previous day before the daily translation work and sought to find errors and made
50、relevant annotations and amendments in a timely manner.Secondly,the translation version sent to the tutor has been modified by the translator and will be modified further based on the comments and suggestions given by the tutor and others.In the course of this translation practice,the translator alw