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1、Unit 4 A museum piece1/40现在完成时现在完成时区分:区分:have been to 和和have gone to have been to 去了,已经回来去了,已经回来have gone to 去了,还没有回来去了,还没有回来Review unit 3Pattern Practice2/40He has _ Holland and came back.He _ Holland _.(time)been towent tolast week3/40He has _ Mexico and is still there.He _ Mexico _.(time)gone tow

2、ent tolast month4/40He has _ Norway and came back.He _ Norway _.(time)been towent tolast year5/40He has _ Brazil and is still there.He _ Brazil _.(time)gone towent tolast summer6/40He has _ India and is still there.He _ India _.(time)gone towent toa fortnight ago7/40He has _ Australia and came back.

3、He _ Australia _.(time)been towent tosix months ago8/40He has _ Thailand and is still there.He _ Thailand _.(time)gone towent toin 19999/40He has _ China and came back.He _ China _.(time)been towent toin 10/40祖国玩开心市场农夫水壶按时地担心短信Word review11/40have a good timeon timestillkettleboardhome countrytextfa

4、rmerWord review12/40boardon timetextlike crazyhave a good timemarketstillkettlefarmerLets review and do the dictationworryexcitinghome country13/40Phrases:How exciting!What a worry for you!be with Paul phone off a moment agoput the kettle on have a nice cup of tea 14/40Were going to put the kettle o

5、n.Were not going to worry,are we?Ill miss her like crazy.Weve already had a long morning.Have you been to the Farmers Market today?15/40Pattern Practice现在完成时现在完成时have been in sp.for+一段时间一段时间 He has been in America for two months.since/for区分区分since+时间点,句子时间点,句子for+一段时间一段时间For example:since last summe

6、r,since I was five,for two weeks16/40Where is Jack?_How long has he been _?He has been _ for _.He has been _ since _He has gone to the States.in the Statesin the Stateslast Monday.in the Statesa week17/40Where is Daisy?_How long has she been _?She has been _ for _.She has been _ since _She has gone

7、to Bangkok.in Bangkokin Bangkokthe end of May.in Bangkokseveral weeks18/40Where is Polly?_How long has she been _?She has been _ for _.She has been _ since _She has gone to hospital.in hospitalin hospitallast Sunday.in hospitala few days19/40Where is Lucy?_How long has she been _?She has been _ for

8、_.She has been _ since _She has gone to the dentists.at the dentistsat the dentistsnine oclock.at the dentistsan hour20/40at the airportat the airportthree oclock.at the airportseveral hoursThey have gone to the airport.Where are William and Karen?_How long has they been _?They has been _ for _.They

9、 has been _ since _21/40last weekend.a weekWhere are the children?_How long has they been _?They has been _ for _.They has been _ since _They have gone to the Seaside.at the seasideat the seasideat the seaside22/40How often has Jack been to the circus?_In fact,_He hasnt been to the circus for many y

10、ears.he hasnt been to the circus since he was little.23/40How often has Nina been to the seaside?_In fact,_She hasnt been to the seaside for a long time.she hasnt been to the seaside since she was two.24/40How often has Paul been to the zoo?_In fact,_He hasnt been to the zoo for ages.he hasnt been t

11、o the zoo since he was very young.25/40How often has Annie been to the funfair?_In fact,_She hasnt been to the funfair for years.she hasnt been to the funfair since she was ten.26/40New words and expressionsattic n.阁阁楼楼since n.自从自从以来以来hard disk n.硬盘硬盘lawnmower n.割草机割草机Megabyte n.兆字兆字节节nothing n.没有东西

12、,没有事情没有东西,没有事情jet n.喷喷气式气式飞机飞机circus n.马戏团马戏团several 几个几个zoo n.动物园动物园for ages adv.长时间长时间funfair n.露天游乐场露天游乐场27/401.What are Robert and William talking about?2.When did it come onto the market?3.Where did Mum find it?4.How long has it been there?5.Does it still work?6.What does the noise sound like?7

13、.What can they do with it?8.How long hasnt it been out of its box?9.Who is a museum piece,too?Questions Questions 28/40Lets enjoy the flash!Lets enjoy the flash!29/4030/40Robert:Whats this,Dad?William:Its Apple 2.Its a very early computer.In fact(实际上),its the first Personal Computer,ever(曾今).It came

14、 onto the market(面世)in 1977.Where did you find it?the first 第一第一the second 第二第二the third 第三第三Where 特殊疑特殊疑问词,在哪问词,在哪PC:personal computer 个人电脑个人电脑31/40Robert:Mum found it in a box in the attic(阁楼).William:Oh,then its mine!Its been there for years.In fact,its been there since we moved into this house!f

15、ind-found 发觉发觉Mine=my thingIts been=it has been 现在完成时现在完成时 have/has+动词过去分词动词过去分词32/40现在完成时:现在完成时:Have/has+动词过去分词动词过去分词表示动词发生在过去,连续到现在或对现表示动词发生在过去,连续到现在或对现在产生影响,后接表示延续性时间状语。在产生影响,后接表示延续性时间状语。如:如:for+时间段时间段 since+时间点时间点I have been to America since d 1998.I have got the car for d five years.33/40six mo

16、nth three years Sundayten o clock last weekend a long time1996January for forsincesince34/40Robert:Does it still(依然)(依然)work?William:I dont know Ah,there you are!Can you hear the hard disk(硬盘)(硬盘)?Can 是情态动词,表是情态动词,表示能够,有能力做某示能够,有能力做某事。事。Can+动词原形,变动词原形,变普通疑问句时将普通疑问句时将Can提前至句首。提前至句首。35/40情态动词+动词原形can,

17、must,may 等都是情态动词,不能独立做谓语,需和实义动词连用。变普通疑问句时将情态动词直接提前至句首。I can open the box.(变普通疑问句)Can you open the box?36/40Robert:Is that noise(噪音)(噪音)the hard disk?It sounds like a lawnmower(割草机割草机)!William:It is noisy(喧华,嘈杂(喧华,嘈杂)!It hasnt been out of its box for twenty years!sound like 听听起来像起来像noise 名词名词噪音噪音nois

18、y 形容词形容词有噪声有噪声for+时间段时间段37/40Robert:What can you do with it?William:Good question!Its just a museum piece(古董)(古董),really.Its only got five Megabytes(兆)(兆)hard disk space(空间空间).Robert:Five Megabytes!Thats nothing!(太微不(太微不足道了)足道了)Its got=it has got(has got 有有)38/40William:I know.It was already a museum piece when I bought it,and that was a long time ago.Maybe(可能)(可能)Im a museum piece now,too!is was 过去式过去式buy bought when I bought it 当我买它时当我买它时候候(过去时间,(过去时间,用过去时用过去时)a long time ago 很久以前很久以前(过去时(过去时间,用过间,用过去时)去时)39/40Homework 1.誊录单词P28 30;2.誊录句子P26-27;3.口头总结P 32 4.练习册Unit4 B C D40/40

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