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1、(初中天地)67(初中天地)67pick out the tenderest(柔 嫩 的)ones for them.Besides that,some bamboo shoots also should be prepared,because pandas love them more.However,the theory“The more,the better!”is not true of this situation,so Uncle Li has to carefully control the amount of their intake(摄入量),and especially h

2、e has to make sure they do not eat the food given by tourists,making sure they have a healthy eating habit.Anyway,he says,pandas are actually picky(挑剔)eaters.Pandas are like babies,and they play or even fight with each other sometimes out of nowhere.Say,they may grab others food to cause a conflict;

3、they may fight with each other for fun just out of feeling bored.Uncle Li sets rules for them and monitors them occasionally to make sure they dont hurt each other.Whats more,Uncle Li helps to clean and maintain the breeding area and sometimes do massage for these cute guys.Hearing this,I couldnt he

4、lp laughing.What a happy life these pandas are living!Do you want to have a close touch with them?Welcome to Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding.A Trip to Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding成都大熊猫繁育研究基地之旅成都七中八一学校 余若兮 刘馨语 指导教师:董惠玲As pandas enjoy worldwide popularity,Chengdu Researc

5、h Base of Giant Panda Breeding has been brought to the public attention.During the first day of this May Day,my friend Xixi and I decided to pay a visit there./校园派Campus68Crazy English Entering the door and turning left,we first walked onto a special path called ecological walkway(生 态 走 道).On our ri

6、ght hand side was a path of green bamboo forest,swaying in the wind,full of vitality.Down the road,we saw some black and white figures hidden in the trees.Ai Yue,todays guest,lay lazily on the wooden shelf and enjoyed the warm greetings from tourists,unmoved.He was so used to living a life like a ki

7、ng!Some red pandas appeared.However,these little guys are covered with short,brown hair.Just as I was wondering why they were more like raccoons(浣熊)rather than pandas,I saw the introduction of them:“Red pandas,like giant pandas,are bamboo eaters native to Asias high forests.Despite these similaritie

8、s and their shared name,the two species are not closely related.Red pandas are much smaller than giant pandas and are the only living member of their taxonomic(分类学的)family.”Pushed by crowds,we came to the quiet panda museum.From the third floor all the way down,we learned about the past and present

9、lives of pandas through many themed venues in different styles.We also saw some notes and research tools left by the scientists,showing us how they found and studied pandas in the dense forest.Back on the first floor,we each drew a cute panda on the display board as a souvenir(纪念品).Outside the base,stalls of food lined the roadsides,offering visitors cakes and ice creams in the shape of a panda,which was innovative and meaningful!

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