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1、(初中天地)13 LeeClowMother NatureSome call me nature.Others call me“Mother Nature”.Ive been here for over 4.5 billion years,22,500 times longer than you.I dont really need people.But people need me.Yes,your future depends on me.When I 1)thrive,you thrive.When I 2)falter,you falter.Or worse.But Ive been

2、here for eons.I have fed species greater than you.And I have starved species greater than you.My oceans.My soil.My flowing streams.My forests.They all can take you or leave you.How you choose to live each day,whether you regard or disregard me,doesnt really matter to me.One way or the other.Your act

3、ions will determine your fate.Not mine.I am nature.I will go on.I am prepared to evolve.Are you?OceanI am the ocean.Im water.Im most of this planet.I shaped it.Every stream,every cloud,and every rain drop.It all comes back to me.One way or another,every living thing here needs me.Im the source.Im wh

4、at they crawled out of.Humans?Theyre no different.I dont 3)owe them a thing.I(初中天地)13Spotlight/聚光灯大自然在说话由国际性非营利环保机构保护国际基金会发起,是一部以大自然为“第一人称”的公益短片。此片以大自然独特的视角,让人类倾听大自然的声音,引发人类对自己行为的思考,并倡导人类要有关爱环境的意识。短片共有来自大自然、海洋、雨林、土地、水、红木、花、珊瑚礁、天空、冰、山、家园等的 12 个“声音”,本文节选了一部分。Lee ClowNature Is Speaking大自然在说话14Crazy Eng

5、lish Spotlight/聚光灯14Crazy English give.They take.But I can always take back.Thats just the way its always been.Its not their planet anyway.Never was.Never will be.But humans,they take more than their share.They 4)poison me,then they expect me to feed them.Well,it doesnt work that way.If humans want

6、to exist in nature with me and off of me,I suggest they listen close.Im only going to say this once.If nature isnt kept healthy,humans wont survive.Simple as that.Me,I could give a damn,with or without humans.Im the ocean.I covered this entire planet once.And I can always cover it again.Thats all I

7、have to say.FlowerI am a flower.Yes,Im beautiful.Ive heard it before and it never grows old.Im worshiped for my looks,my scent,my looks.But heres the thing.Life starts with me.You see I feed people.Every fruit comes from me.Every potato,me.Every 5)kernel of corn,me.Every grain of rice,me.Me,me,me,I

8、know.But its true.And sometimes I feed their souls.I am their words when they have none.I say“I love you”without a sound.“Im sorry”without a voice.I inspire the greatest of them.Painters,poets,pattern makers.Ive been a 6)muse to them all.But in my experience,people underestimate the power of a prett

9、y little flower.Because their life does start with me and it could end without me.HomeI am Home.I give you comfort.I shelter your family.See me for who I amhome,sweet home.I am your 7)refuge.I am the floor that supports you.The foundation that keeps you 8)steady.The walls that give you shelter.The r

10、oof that protects you.I am your home.If you dont take care of me,I cannot take care of you.1)thrive v.兴旺2)falter v.衰退3)owe v.欠(债)4)poison v.下毒5)kernel n.仁;核6)muse n.灵感7)refuge n.避难所8)steady adj.稳定的 大自然母亲有人称我为大自然,也有人叫我大自然母亲。我已经度过了四十五亿年,是你们人类存在时间的两万两千五百倍。我并不需要人类,人类却离不开我。是的,你们的未来取决于我,如果我繁盛,你们也将繁盛;如果我衰败


12、一切收回,毕竟,这不是你们的星球,以前不是,以后也不是。人(初中天地)15类,你们不仅贪得无厌,还毒害我,竟然还想让我继续养活你们,这怎么可能?如果人类想在大自然中与我共存,赖我而生,我要你们听仔细,我只说一次。没有健康的大自然,人类,就将走向灭亡。道理,就这么简单。至于我,有没有人类,不是很有所谓,因为我是海洋,我曾经覆盖过整个地球,我也可以再一次把它全部覆盖,这就是我要说的。花我是花,人们常说我很美。我知道,你们喜欢我,迷恋我,我的外表。但是你们别忘了,没有我,生命无从谈起,想想看,谁在哺育你们?是我。每个水果来自于我,每颗麦子也来自于我,每个土豆、每粒米,都来自于我。我,我,我,难道不是么?有些时候,你们的心灵也会需要我:当你无法表达的时候,我可以轻而易举地帮你说出“对不起”,还有“我爱你”。那些不朽的创作,我更是你们灵魂的源泉。可惜,即便如此,你们仍然低估了一朵美丽的小花。有没有人告诉过你,我没了,你们也就没了。家园我是家园。我是你温暖舒适的源泉。我为你和家人遮挡风雨。请看清我是谁:家园,温馨的家园。我是你的避难所。我承载着你,是助你稳固的基石,是让你躲避风雨的墙垣,是一直保护你的屋顶。我就是你的家园。可是,如果你不在乎我,我也将无法照顾你。16Crazy English Spotlight/聚光灯

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