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PDMS项目阀门Commodity Code软件开发应用.pdf

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1、28化工设计 2023,33(4)CHEMICAL ENGINEERING DESIGNPDMS 项目阀门 Commodity Code 软件开发应用邹培轩*中海油石化工程有限公司青岛266101摘要本文主要介绍利用 PDMS 内置 PML 编程语言进行阀门 Commodity Code 开发的思路及程序应用效果。关键词阀门PDMSPMLCommodity Code DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1007-6247.2023.04.007*邹培轩:2014 年毕业于辽宁石油化工大学化学工程与工艺(石油加工方向)专业,管材工程师。现主要从事石油化工管道及材料设计工作。联系电话:18866

2、280207,E-mail:。随着项目工程设计与采购施工结合越来越紧密,许多工程项目要求设计出的管道材料表带Commodity Code(元件代码)。在某大型国际总承包项目中,业主明确要求管道专业发表的管道材料表带 Commodity Code。经过综合考虑工期、费用等因素,决定对除阀门外的工程材料,先利用 SRD(Smart Reference Data)建立等级库,再利用 SRD 与 PDMS 的接口导入 PDMS 中,然后利用二次开发的映射程序,将 Commodity Code和详细描述赋给已经存在的管道等级。对于阀门的 Commodity Code,主要是先制定项目级的编码规则,然后利

3、用 PDMS 内置的编程语言 PML 进行软件开发来进行 Commodity Code 的建立。软件开发采用 PDMS 自带的 PML 语言来完成,PML 是 AVEVA 产品内置的开发语言,是 AVEVA产品命令的集合,功能强大,与软件所有模块无缝对接,同时又具有简化的图形用户界面。1项目特点该项目由于其介质特殊性及复杂性,涉及的材质类别很多,阀门的特殊要求多,采用 SRD 进行阀门 Commodity Code 的建立,不仅难度大,且耗时耗力,不能满足项目管道材料表的要求。因此针对该项目,单独制定了一套项目级的阀门Commodity Code 规则,并通过软件开发来满足合同的要求。2软件开

4、发思路软件开发的目的主要有如下四点:制定项目级通用阀门的 Commodity Code 的编码规则;对比利用 SRD 生成阀门 Commodity Code,具有效率高、周期短、可读性高、可操作性高的优点;构成阀门 Commodity Code 的中间数据可以通过软件开发,保存在 PDMS 数据库中,方便数据追溯和校核人校对数据库;灵活性高,可满足不同业主方要求。2.1制定阀门 Commodity Code 规则通过借鉴 SRD 针对阀门的编码规则并结合项目情况,制定规则如下:Rule:Group+Part+Design Code+Rating+End Prep+Operating+Body

5、Material+Tag Number(中间的字符-用 ZZZZ 替代)。规则描述如下:Group:阀门的大类,用 2 位英文字母表示,均用 PV 表示。Part:阀门的小类,用 1 位英文字母表示。详见表 1。Design Code:阀门设计标准,用 3 位英文字母表示。详见表 2。Rating:阀门压力等级,用 1 位英文字母表示。详见表 3。End Prep:阀门端面连接形式,用 2 位英文字母表示。详见表 4。Operating:阀门操作形式,用1位英文字母表示。详见表 5。Body Material:阀门主材,用 3 位英文字母表示。详见表 6。Tag Number:阀门标识,Tag

6、 number 和项目有关,每一个 Tag Number 对应一种阀门的详细规格邹培轩PDMS 项目阀门 Commodity Code 软件开发应用292023,33(4)描述,主要包括阀门的内件材质、阀杆材质、密封面材质以及一些特殊要求,例如酸性介质对阀门的特殊要求。在制定 Commodity Code 规则的时候,通过加入 Tag Number 来进行 Commodity Code与 Tag Number 的关联。考虑到 Tag Number 中常有字符-,但 Commodity Code 一般不包含特殊字符,因此,在进行 Commodity Code 建立时,用四个大写字母 ZZZZ 替

7、代字符-。下面通过 PVG2FKDFAF2ABGAZZZZ1A12 来详细解释编码规则:PV-GroupG-Part2FK-Design CodeD-RatingFA-End PrepF-Operating2AB-Body MaterialGAZZZZ1A12-Tag Number表 1阀门类别-Part 示例标识码描述标识码描述BBall ValveKJacket Check ValveCCheck ValveLGlobe ValveDDiaphragm ValveNNeedle ValveGGate ValvePPlug ValveJJacket Ball ValveYButterfly

8、Valve表 2设计标准-Design Code 示例标识码描述2FAAPI 6D/ASME B16.34/ASME B16.102FBAPI600/ASME B16.34/ASME B16.102FCAPI602/ASME B16.34/ASME B16.102FDAPI608/ASME B16.34/ASME B16.102FEISO 15761/ASME B16.34/ASME B16.102FFAPI623/ASME B16.34/ASME B16.102FGAPI609 Category B lug Type2FHAPI609 Category B Double Flanged(Sh

9、ort Pattern)2FJAPI594 Type A Lug Check/ASME B16.342FKAPI 6D/ASME B16.34/MSS SP-117,ASME B16.102FLISO 15761/ASME B16.34/MSS SP-117,ASME B16.102FMAPI623/ASME B16.34/MSS SP-117,ASME B16.10表 3压力等级-Rating 示例标识码描述标识码描述DCL150PCL1500ICL300RCL2500LCL600SCL4500NCL900表 4端面形式-End Prep 示例标识码描述 FARF Flange To ASM

10、E B16.5FBRF Flange To ASME B16.47 AFCFF Flange To ASME B16.5FDFF Flange To ASME B16.47 AFEButting Welding To ASME B16.25FFNPTF To ASME B1.20.1表 5操作形式-Operating 示例标识码描述 标识码描述 ABevel Gear OperatorHDiaphragm,pneumaticBDrive,gear operatorIIndicator postCLeverKMultiport DSpur Gear OperatorGGearEWrench,sh

11、ortRAuto-Sping Return LeverFHand WheelWWorm Gear表 6阀门主材-Body Material 示例标识码描述2AAASTM A105N2ABASTM A105N(NACE)2ACASTM A105N+PTFE lined2ADASTM A105N+Alloy 825 Clad2AEASTM A216 WCB2AFASTM A216 WCB(NACE)2AGASTM A216 WCB(or ASTM A105N)+PTFE lined2AHASTM A216 WCB(or ASTM A105N)2HJASTM A216 WCB(NACE)or AST

12、M A105N(NACE)2HKASTM A216 WCB(or ASTM A105N(NACE)+Alloy 825 Clad2ALASTM A182 F512AMASTM A182 F304L2ANASTM A182 F316L2APASTM A182 F316/316L Dual Certified2AQASTM A351 CF32ARASTM A351 CF3M2ASASTM A351 CF8M/CF3M Dual Certified2ATASTM A494 N088262AUASTM B564 UNS N088252AVASTM A350 LF2 CL12AWASTM A352 LC

13、C2BAASTM A995 Gr.4A2BBASTM A216 WCB(or ASTM A105N)+S31803(THK 3 mm)weld overlay30化工设计 2023,33(4)CHEMICAL ENGINEERING DESIGN2.2数据定义为了将构成阀门 Commodity Code 的中间数据保存在 PDMS 数据库中,建立如下自定义属性用于保存中间数据,详见表 7。在实际建立阀门 Commodity Code 的过程中,记录的中间数据详见图 1。表 7自定义属性列表自定义属性描述自定义属性描述:PDMSSpco_GtypeofCatref阀门的 Gtype:PDMSSp

14、co_End_PrepDesc阀门的端面类型描述:PDMSSpco_Group阀门的大类,默认为值 PV:PDMSSpco_Material阀门的主材:PDMSSpco_Part阀门的小类:PDMSSpco_MaterialDesc阀门的主材描述:PDMSSpco_PartDesc阀门的小类描述信息:PDMSSpco_Tagnumber用于记录阀门的 Tag Number:PDMSSpco_Standard阀门的设计标准:PDMSSpco_CommodityCode用于记录阀门的 Commodity Code:PDMSSpco_StandardDesc阀门的设计标准描述:PDMSSpco_Co

15、mmodityCodeDesc用于生成阀门的描述信息:PDMSSpco_Rating阀门的压力等级:PDMSCate_ValveTrueType用于判断阀门的类别:PDMSSpco_RatingDesc阀门的压力等级描述:PDMSCate_ValveRating用于判断阀门的压力等级:PDMSSpco_End_Prep阀门的端面类型2.3软件界面软件的主界面通过使用 PML 进行开发,主要包含如下功能:展 示 Commodity Code;生 成 Commodity Code;启动生成阀门 Part 的窗体;启动生成阀门 Rating 的窗体;启动生成阀门 Operating 的窗体;启动生成

16、阀门 Tag Number 的窗体;检查漏项、缺项(红色字体标记);生成阀门的Design Code;生成阀门的 Body Material;生成阀门的 End Prep 等主要功能。软件主界面详见图 2。部分示例代码如下:define method.ssavework()-getSatandardData !getSatandardData=!this.standard.selection()!tempDetail=!getSatandardData.substring(1,4).图 1记录信息trim(LR)!tempDesc =!getSatandardData.substring(4)

17、.trim(LR).replace(”,)if!this.grid.GetSelectedRows().size()eq 0 then !alert.message(请先选择需要修改的行)return endif do!x from 1 to!this.grid.GetSelectedRows().size()!this.target=!this.grid.GetSelectedRows()!x1.dbref()!this.target.:PDMSSpco_Standard =!temp-Detail !this.target.:PDMSSpco_StandardDesc=!tempDesc.

18、replace(,)!rowTag =!this.grid.GetSelectedRowTags()$!x邹培轩PDMS 项目阀门 Commodity Code 软件开发应用312023,33(4)!this.grid.setCellColor(!x,6,red)-!this.grid.FeedbackSuccessColor(red)enddo -!this.ApplyPart()!this.extract()Endmethoddefine method.loadFromExcel()import PMLFileBrowser Handle Any Endhandle using names

19、pace Aveva.Pdms.Presentation !browser=object PMLFileBrowser(OPEN)!browser.show(D:,Load Grid from Excel,true,Excel Documents|*.xls,1)!nds=object NetDataSource(Grid Control Ex-ample,!browser.file()!this.grid.BindToDataSource(!nds)!this.grid.setColumnColor(Standard,yellow-green)!this.grid.setColumnColo

20、r(End_Prep,yellowgreen)!this.grid.setColumnColor(Material,yellowgreen)endmethod3软件应用效果软件小组对软件进行了功能测试。小组成员采用常规水洗罐项目进行测试,该项目共计 20 个等级,数据库中阀门数量大约有 2500 个。参考以往通过 SRD 建立相应数量阀门 Commodity Code,大致需要 30 天的时间,而利用开发的程序仅需要 2 天时间就可以完成全部阀门 Commodity Code 的建立。此外,通过软件小组校核,发现准确率能达100%。可见该软件的效率和准确率均非常高。该软件成功运用在该项目中,大

21、约有 40 个等级,共计节约 90%的工期。4结语本软件应用效果明显,目前虽只针对阀门建立Commodity Code,但对于其他管道元件,通过制定项目级的编码规则,可以快速进行开发。(收稿日期2022-06-27)图 2程序主界面Analysis of LNG Cold Energy Power Generation ModeRen Jin(Wison Engineering(China)Co.Ltd.Beijing Branch,Beijing 100020)In this paper,a project example is used to apply the Rankine cycle

22、 to the combined power generation process flow.Through simulation calculation,the results show that the mixed working medium is the most suitable working medium for the low-temperature Rankine cycle.The evaporation temperature and condensation temperature of the working medium have obvious effects o

23、n the net output of the system.Using the waste heat of peripheral devices as the evaporation heat source of the working medium can effectively improve the recovery rate of the system cold energy.Key wordsliquefied natural gas(LNG)low-temperature Rankine cyclemixed working mediumcold energy recycling

24、 Numerical Simulation Study on Influence of Venturi Nozzle on Back Blowing Effect of Filter ElementLi Caixia,et al(Western BaoDe Technologies Co.,Ltd.,Xian 710201)In this paper,numerical simulation is used to simulate the back blowing effect of gas passing through a Venturi nozzle after increasing s

25、peed on a 4m long filter element.The effects of inlet gas velocity and the structure of the Venturi nozzle on the back blowing effect of the filter element are studied.The simulation result is that the velocity of the back blowing gas reaches its peak at the throat after passing through the Venturi,

26、which is 3.75 times the inlet velocity.In addition,within a certain range,the smaller the diameter of the throat,the greater the peak value of back blowing at the Venturi throat.The shorter the length of the throat,the farther the blowing range of the back blowing gas.The smaller the inlet cone angl

27、e,the farther the blowing range of the back blowing gas.The smaller the radius of the outlet crimping,the slower the velocity attenuation of the blowing gas within a certain range.The presence of a straight edge at the inlet and the length of the throat section have little effect on the blowing perf

28、ormance of the filter element.Key wordsVenturifilter elementback blowing performancenumerical simulation Design of Economic Pipe Diameter for Vacuum Residue Hot Material Transportation between PlantsHan Xiaohui,et al(CNPC East China Design Institute Co.Ltd.Jilin Branch,Jilin 132000)In order to solve

29、 the problems of high pressure drop of piping,high power consumption and large pipeline heat dissipation loss in long-distance transportation of vacuum residue hot feed to solvent deasphalting unit between plants,it is necessary to determine the optimal scheme with low energy consumption,investment

30、and operating costs.This paper compares the construction investment and operating costs of different specifications of pipelines to obtain the annual total cost.Through comprehensive analysis,a piping transportation process flow scheme is proposed to achieve the dual goals of saving investment and e

31、nergy consumption.This method can be applied to the optimization piping design of hot material conveying between plants and various units,and it can be used for reference to determine the process flow of piping system in similar projects.Key wordsinterplant pipelinevacuum residuesolvent deasphalting

32、 unithot feedcost annual value analysis Embarrassment and Solution of Industrial Waste SaltMa Xiumei,et al(Chongqing Chemical Engineering Design and Research Institute Co.,Ltd.,Chongqing 400039)This paper starts from the current situation of industrial waste salt,analyzes the various embarrassments

33、faced by industrial waste salt,and based on this,elaborates on the effective ways out of industrial waste salt through case studies,including“point-to-point”comprehensive utilization,reduction and harmless disposal.Key wordscurrent situation of industrial waste saltembarrassment of industrial waste

34、saltreflections on the way out and direction of industrial waste saltResearch on Technology of High Concentration Coal Water Slurry Preparation by Classified GrindingLi Xingyi(Xinjiang MarkorChem Chemical Co.,Ltd.,Korla 841000)Coal water slurry gasification technology has been widely applied in fiel

35、ds such as chemical industry,power generation and urban gas preparation.However,in the gasification coal water slurry preparation industry in China,most enterprises currently use the single stage grinding slurry(single grinding slurry)process.The coal water slurry prepared by this process has proble

36、ms such as coarse particle size,unreasonable grading and low concentration,which directly affect the improvement of coal water slurry gasification efficiency.Classified grinding slurry preparation is a new technology developed relative to traditional single grinding slurry preparation.Compared with

37、traditional single grinding slurry preparation,its slurry concentration can be increased by about three percentage points,which can improve the production capacity of the plant,reduce gasification oxygen consumption and coal consumption in production.Key wordsclassified grindinghigh concentrationcoa

38、lpulpingPiping Arrangement of Molecular Sieve DryerYu Luona(Hualu Engineering&Technology Co.,Ltd.,Xian 710065)Through the analysis and comparison of different schemes for the inlet and outlet piping layout of the molecular sieve filler dryer in a certain project,optimization schemes are explored fro

39、m the perspectives of operability,liquid bag requirements and economy.Key wordsmolecular sievedryerpiping arrangementcompressionproduct gas Valve Commodity Code Software Development and Application in PDMS ProjectZou Peixuan(CNOOC Petrochemical Engineering Co.,Ltd.,Qingdao 266101)This paper mainly i

40、ntroduces the idea and program application effect of using PDMS built-in PML programming language to develop valves Commodity Code.Key wordsvalvePDMSPMLCommodity CodeStructural Design of High Temperature Direct Chlorination ReactorWang Zhituo,et al(China Chengda Engineering Co.,Ltd.,Chengdu 610041)I

41、n this paper,the structural optimization design for the large tube type demister,large conical orifice plate distributor,large disc type control valve and descending pipe support in a high temperature direct chlorination reactor in a certain project is conducted.The stress intensity and stability of

42、 the reactor are checked through finite element analysis and calculation,which ensures the safety and economy of the equipment,and provides reference for the design of similar reactors.Key wordshigh temperature direct chlorination reactortube type separation defoamerconical orifice plate distributor

43、Discussion on the Bottom Frame-Upper Portal Rigid Frame Structure SystemGe Xiaohui(China Chengda Engineering Co.,Ltd.,Chengdu 610041)The bottom frame-upper portal rigid frame structure system is commonly used in industrial and warehouse buildings,but currently there are no relevant regulations for s

44、imilar structure systems in the specifications.This paper analyzes the overall performance of this type of structure system and the whip effect of the two-story portal rigid frame,and explores the design focus and precautions for similar structures.Key wordsbottom frameportal rigid framewhiplash effect ,(,),()()(),()()(),(,),(,),(,),(),:,(,),(,),(,),(,),(,),()2023,33(4)

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