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1、第卷(选择题 共69分)一、听力选择(共20小题,满分20分)(一)录音中有五个句子,每个句子听一遍,然后从每小题A、B、C中选出适合每个句子的答语。 1. A. Im from England. B. Fine, thanks. C. Nice to meet you!2. A. Thank you! B. Its all right. C. Im sorry.3. A. Well done! B. Dont worry. C. Good idea. 4. A. Two years later. B. For two years. C. Two years ago.5. A. From th

2、e library. B. To the classroom. C. On the wall.(二)录音中有五组对话,每组对话听一遍,然后从每小题A、B、C中选出能回答每个问题的正确答案。6. Where is the woman from?A. America. B. Africa. C. Australia.7. What would the man like?A. Coffee. B. Water. C. Tea.8. What does the woman think of Mr Wang?A. Patient. B. Popular. C. Proud.9. Who is the m

3、an visiting?A. His relatives. B. His parents. C. His friends.10. How will Peter go to Guilin?A. By train. B. By bus. C. By plane.(三)录音中有一段对话,听对话两遍,然后从每小题A、B、C中选出能回答每个问题的正确答案。11. What does Marys father grow?A. Trees. B. Corn. C. Flowers.12. What are kept in the building?A. Cows. B. Horses. C. Sheep.1

4、3. When was the house built?A. 100 years ago. B. 200 years ago. C. 300 years ago.14. What color is the house?A. Red. B. White. C. Yellow.15. Where are they?A. On a farm. B. In a market. C. In a city.(四)录音中有一篇短文,听短文两遍,然后从每小题A、B、C 中选出能回答每个问题的正确答案。16. How was Chaplins life when he was young?A. Hard. B.

5、 Rich. C. Comfortable.17. Where was Chaplin born?A. In America. B. In Switzerland. C. In England.18. What role did Chaplin always play in his films?A. A bad man. B. A big man. C. A little man.19. Which film was Chaplins?A. Gold Finger. B. City Lights. C. Hard Times.20. When did Chaplin die?A. In 197

6、7. B. In 1988. C. In 1989.注意:请同学们翻到第卷,继续做第五大题听力填表。二、单项填空(共15小题,满分15分)从每小题A、B、C、D中选出一个能填入句中空白处的最佳答案。21. Mum, Will you please get me some _? Im hungry now. OK. Ill do it right now. A. pencils B. bread C. water D. books22. Lucy, you look so excited. Why? I will have a _ holiday. A. two-week B. two week

7、s C. two-weeks D. two weeks 23. You may go to the park this evening, _ you must finish your homework first. A. or B. so C. and D. but 24. Bill, please _ your computer and go to sleep. Its too late. A. turn on B. turn offC. turn up D. turn down 25. Ill buy the green skirt. It _ me well. A. feelsB. dr

8、esses C. looksD. fits 26. Its difficult _ me to follow you. You speak too fast. A. toB. of C. forD. with 27. The price of the book was so _ that I had to go back home for more money. A. high B. low C. expensive D. cheap 28. Read it _ and you will understand the writer better. A. careful B. carefully

9、 C. carelessD. carelessly 29. Look! Mr Green is at the end of the street. No. It _ be him. He has gone to England. A. mustnt B. wont C. shouldnt D. cant 30. The next Summer Olympics _ in Brazil in 2016. A. will hold B. will be held C. is held D. is holding 31. Lin Tao practices _ English every day.

10、A. speaking B. speak C. speaks D. to speak 32. _ is impossible if you put your heart into it and try your best. A. Anything B. Something C. Nothing D. Everything 33. Do you know _ Jeff is going to do when he finishes school? 来源:学|科|网A. what B. whichC. why D. how 34. When he _ TV, his mother came in.

11、 A. watchesB. is watchingC. watched D. was watching 35. Could you please tell me _? OK. I came here two days ago. A. where you came fromB. how you came hereC. when you came hereD. why you came here三、完型填空(共10小题,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从各题A、B、C、D中选出一个能填入文章中相应空白处的最佳答案。A superstar usually is someone who has become

12、 famous in sports, films, orpopular music. For example, in 36 , Michael Jackson made a record albumcalled“Thriller”. It quickly became the most popular record in the history of music and it made Michael Jackson a 37 . The word “super” means something that is extremely good. And of course, a “star”is

13、 a person who is very 38 . So people use superstar to describe the top people in sports, acting and music.One of the most famous sports superstars in the United States was the boxer(拳击手) MuhammadAli. 39 a young man, he won a gold medal in the Olympics. 40 he became the heavy-weight boxing champion o

14、f the world. Before long, he was known as one of the greatest and most famousboxers in sports history. Muhammad Ali said that when he was a champion, he was 41 famous than the president of the United Sates and the leaders of other countries. He was a true superstar.Everyone knew his 42 .But 43 the s

15、tars in the sky, a superstar may disappear gradually as the time passes. Many young people these days know 44 about Muhammad Ali. Superstars, loved by millions of people today, may be 45 tomorrow.36. A. the 1980s B. the 1980 C. the 1980thD. 1980s37. A. teacherB. superstarC. sportsmanD. manager38. A.

16、 tallB. famousC. kindD. active39. A. ForB. WithC. OfD. As40. A. WhenB. ThenC. YetD. But41. A. muchB. littleC. moreD. less42. A. nameB. coachC. assistantD. fans43. A. exceptB. withoutC. likeD. for 44. A. fewB. manyC. much D. little45. A. rememberedB. forgottenC. lovedD. hated四、阅读理解(共15小题,满分24分)阅读下列短文

17、,并做每篇后面的题目,从A、B、C、D中选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。AThe lovely teddy bear can be found all around the world. You can find it not only in toy stores, but also on T-shirts, schoolbags, posters and so on. Do you know how the teddy bear got its name?On November 14, 1902, the US President Theodore Roosevelt went

18、to Mississippi to solve a problem. After a days work, Roosevelt went hunting(打猎). However, he was unhappy because he couldnt find any big game to shoot during the hunt.His host wanted the hunting trip to be successful, so he went out and found a young bear. He tied the young bear to a tree for Roose

19、velt to shoot. But Roosevelt refused and asked him to set it free.Hearing about this moving story, an artist called Clifford Berryman drew a cartoon of Roosevelt and the bear. He then published(发表) the cartoon in The Washington Post.A few days later, the owner of a shop saw the cartoon. Using the be

20、ar as a model, he asked his wife to make many toy bears. They named them after Roosevelts nickname(绰号) Teddy. In early 1903, they sold these teddy bears in the shop and many people came to buy them.46. The underlined word “game” in Paragraph 2 means _. A. 游戏 B. 靶子C. 比赛D. 猎物47. The cartoon bear was d

21、rawn by _.A. Theodore RooseveltB. Clifford BerrymanC. the hostD. the owner of the shop48. From the article, we know that _.A. Theodore Roosevelts nickname was TeddyB. Teddy was named after Clifford BerrymanC. Clifford Berryman was the President of the USD. Theodore Roosevelt was happy because he sho

22、t a bear49. What happened to the young bear at last?A. It was killed.B. It was set free.C. It was sold to Washington. D. It was kept by the owner of a shop.B来源:学#科#网注:deliver 投递;递送 earn 赚钱;挣钱50. In which job do you need to speak a foreign language? A. Advertisement A.B. Advertisement B. C. Advertise

23、ment C. D. Advertisement D. 51. You have to work _ if you are interested in babysitting. A. before 8amB. on Saturdays来源:学&科&网Z&X&X&KC. every dayD. after school52. To be a _, you can call Bella. A. shop assistant B. waiter C. babysitter D. paper boy53. If you want to _, you should have a bike. A. del

24、iver newspapersB. look after childrenC. work in a shopD. work in a caf CNext time youre in a public place, take a look around you, and count how many people are using their phones. I can tell you that it is probably more than half, whether youre in a bus, in a caf or simply walking down the street.I

25、m not saying that I am not an example of this, but I wonder how people can spend so much time on their phones without actually talking to anyone in particular. We can now do almost anything with a phone. But has it gone too far? We spend too much time on our mobiles but not enough time talking to pe

26、ople in real life.Last time I visited London, I traveled by subway. I noticed that almost everybody else was on their phones except those who were asleep. People were playing games, reading articles and listening to music.Recently, my smart phone broke and I had to use an old basic phone just to kee

27、p in touch with my family and friends. I could only send text messages, make calls and play one game with it. And I loved it. I loved being free from the Internet, and I really didnt mind what my friends were doing or what the latest news was. I could enjoy my time watching the people around me and

28、seeing what was going on.However, I knew that as soon as I got my smart phone back, I would be one of those people once again.54. The writer finds that _ people are using their phones in public places. A. mostB. fewC. halfD. all55. Which of the following cannot be done on a phone?A. Playing games. B

29、. Sending text messages. C. Listening to music. D. Having meals. 56. The writer could use his old basic phone to _. A. surf the InternetB. watch the people around himC. play one game D. look through the latest news 57. From this article, we know that _. A. everybody was on their phones when the writ

30、er traveled in London by subwayB. most people spend enough time talking to people in real lifeC. the writer enjoyed his time without his smart phone D. the writer wont use his smart phone any moreDAccording to a psychologist, William James, we do not laugh because we are happy, but rather, we are ha

31、ppy because we laugh.The happiest people alive are those who know how to laugh often and well.In his book A Touch of Wonder, Arthur Gordon tells of a friend of his who knew how to laugh. Though deaf and almost blind, he went on working, laughing and enjoying his life.One Christmas Day, Arthur and hi

32、s friend went into a crowded drugstore. On the back of the door was a mirror(镜子), which you can see when the door was closed. As they were leaving, Arthurs friend saw his image(影像) in the mirror. He thought the door must be open and his own image was a customer trying to enter the store. He moved to

33、 one side, and naturally, so did the image. He moved to the front again, and once more met his image. Again he moved back.By now all the other people in the store felt strange but they kept silent. No one quite knew what to do or say. But when he moved to the front for the third time, the man realiz

34、ed that he was facing a mirror. “Why,” he cried, “its only me!” He bowed and said, “Good to see you, old boy! Merry Christmas!” All the people in the store laughed.And why not? Here was a man who knew how to laugh at himself! He accepted his problems humorously. We are given the ability to laugh, no

35、t only to laugh at things, but also to laugh things off. Well always meet difficulties and troubles, but the happy person learns how to laugh them off. And thats the reason why they are happy.58. The underlined word “rather” in the first paragraph means _. A. 确实如此B. 相反地C. 不要相信D. 由此推理59. Which of the

36、 following is TRUE? A. William James is Arthur Gordons friend. B. Arthur Gordons friend was deaf and almost blind. C. Nobody noticed Arthur Gordons friend in the store. D. Arthur Gordons friend was angry with the other people in the store. 60. According to the article, when we meet difficulties and

37、troubles, we should _. A. help each other B. move back C. laugh them offD. keep silent 第卷(非选择题 共51分)五、听力填表(共5小题,满分5分)录音中有一段对话,听对话两遍后,根据所听到的内容填写下面的表格。 请务必将6165小题的答案写在答题卡的相应位置!International Student ID Card InformationNameSam WestAge61. _ Address62. 12 _ Street, CalgaryCountry63. _School64. Stone _ Sch

38、oolDate of Birth65. _ 2nd, 2000六、单词拼写(共5小题,满分5分)根据句意完成句中已给出首字母的单词。请务必将6670小题的答案写在答题卡的相应位置! 66. Dogs are usually f_ to people.67. Do you like living in a city or a v_?68. We should h_ in our homework on time.69. I cant see the blackboard c_ without glasses.70. The boy only cares about h_, so he has n

39、o friends.七、综合填空(共10小题,满分10分)阅读短文,根据短文内容和已给出的首字母,在空白处填入适当的单词。请务必将7180小题的答案写在答题卡的相应位置!Maybe my school years in the UK were not the best days, but there were certainly a lot of advantages at school. Here are some of them:1. Friends. I cant think of anything m 71 comfortable than spending every day wit

40、h my friends.2. Free knowledge. My school cost me and my parents nothing for English, math, geography, history, art, and lots of other s 72 . Learning can be really expensive when you leave school.3. Uniform. In England, school kids w 73 uniforms to school. Mine was blue. It wasnt fashionable, but i

41、t saved a lot of time in the mornings. Now it t 74 me too much time to decide what to wear.4. Short days. My school days sometimes felt very l 75 , but in fact, they were very short. The school day started at 9:00 and finished at 15:30. 5. Exercise. Im not very g 76 at sport, and I dont really like

42、it. But now I realize that this was a good thing! 6. Holidays.Christmas, Easter, Half-term, and, of course, the summer holidays. There was always a holiday to look forward t 77 at school. 7. Teachers. Believe it or not, I m 78 my teachers. Although they give homework, they also share their knowledge

43、 with you and help you find out the right a 79 . When you n 80 longer have teachers, you have to find the answers all by yourself!八、阅读表达(共5小题,满分10分)阅读短文,根据要求完成下面各小题。For thousands of years, kites have been made and flown by people of all ages living in most parts of the world. 83Kites have been espec

44、ially popular in Asian countries. In Korea, people fly kites on the first few days of the new year as a kind of celebration. In Japan, kite flying is an important part of the boys festival that is held each May. In China, one day out of every year is celebrated as Kites Day. At these special “kite c

45、elebrations”, thousands of kites are flown. 84They are made in all shapes, colors, and sizes. Some are shaped like fish, butterflies, or birds. All of them are very bright and colorful. Most kite fans fly their kites just for fun, but serious kite fliers take part in contests. Kites are used for practical(实用的) purposes, too. The U.S. Weather Bu

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