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1、山东枣庄市2012年毕业会考英语试题温馨提示:本试卷分第I和第II卷,第I卷为客观选择题,请将答案填涂在答题卡上。第II卷为主观笔试题,请将答案写在相应位置。第I卷(选择题)第一部分:英语知识运用第一节 单项选择题(15小题)( ) 1. I like to walk in the countryside because the air there is very _. A. little B. thick C. polluted D. fresh( ) 2. Our English teacher dresses up _ Father Christmas. A. with B. in C.

2、 as D. for( ) 3. This is todays homework. You must finish it at home this evening and _ your homework tomorrow morning.A. hand out B. give out C. hand in D. give in( ) 4. The boy invented the pan _.A. in mistake B. by accident C. in accident D. for mistake( ) 5. He told me that they _. So I added so

3、me salt.A. were enough salty B. werent enough salty C. were salty enough D. werent salty enough( ) 6. I like listening to music. That makes me _. A. relaxing B. relaxed C. boring D. bored( ) 7. The restaurant _ nice food.A. serves B. service C. services D. serves for( ) 8. Congratulation! All the te

4、achers and parents are very _ you. A. pride of B. pride in C. proud of D. proud in( ) 9. The students are looking forward to _ the Great Wall.A. visit B. visited C. on a visit D. visiting( ) 10. Can you tell me _?A. how much does it cost B. how much it isC. how much it costs D. Both B and C( ) 11. W

5、hen she finished her work, she the seashore to have a swim. A. left for B. left C. came for D. came ( ) 12. I cant find my train timetable, so I have to go to the station tothe exact time when our train leaves. A. find B. look C. find out D. look out ( ) 13. It is the hardest time we have ever had .

6、 During that time, we ate almost anything. A. to live on B. living on C. to be lived on D. being lived ( ) 14. He is veryin China and everyone, old and young, likes him very much. A. polluted B. portable C. possible D. popular ( ) 15. Which sign can you probably see in the library?第二节 完形填空(共15道小题)As

7、 a student, you must have 1 a lot of interesting books. Most of the books come from the school 2 , I am sure . Perhaps you also get books from the public library in your town. Then books are something given to you as presents by your parents or friends, I think. Besides, if you like reading and want

8、 to learn 3 , I am sure that you buy books 4 . Have you ever thought how books are 5 ? Well, after a book is written, it passes 6 the hands of many different workers. Each one 7 very carefully, for there must not be any 8 in the book, it is read many times by different people before it is finished.M

9、illions of books are printed in our country every year. So people can get 9 to read. Now may I ask you a 10 ? How well do you take 11 of books ? What have you learned about the care of books?Perhaps you bought yourselves some 12 books. Have you put paper covers on them? Do you open 13 ? Sometimes ne

10、w books break along the back if you open 14 suddenly in the middle. I hope that you dont 15 the pages carelessly. If you do, you may tear them.( ) 1. A. read B. watched C. looked D. seen ( ) 2. A. headmasters office B. classroom C. teachers office D. library ( ) 3. A. much B. more C. most D. few ( )

11、 4. A. all B. yourself C. also D. either ( ) 5. A. sold B. bought C. given D. made ( ) 6. A. through B. to C. in D. from ( ) 7. A. does B. is work C. work D. works ( ) 8. A. mistakes B. questions C. wrong D. thing ( ) 9. A. many B. enough C. a lot of D. great ( ) 10. A. matter B. thing C. word D. qu

12、estion ( ) 11. A. careful B. after C. out D. care ( ) 12. A. more B. new C. well D. nicer ( ) 13. A. always B. the book C. carefully D. it( ) 14. A. them B. carefully C. it D. book ( ) 15. A. break B. throw C. turn D. write第三节 阅读理解(共15小题)AThis dictionary tells you about English words and how to use

13、them in reading, writing and speaking English. It not only gives the meaning of words, it can also help you with spelling, word building, grammar and pronunciation.To use your dictionary correctly, you need to understand how the dictionary works. At front of the book, you will find some exercises to

14、 help you make the most use of your dictionaryIf you look up the word colour”, you will find two spellings for this word. Colour is used in British English, while color is used in American English. When there are differences between British and American spelling, the dictionary shows it with the wor

15、d BrE for British English hand AmE for American English. The dictionary also helps you pronounce words correctly. We use a special alphabet(特殊字母表)to show pronunciation, ff you turn to the inside back face, you will see all the phonetic letters (音标) with some words to show you how they are pronounced

16、. Just look at the inside back cover when youre not sure hew to pronounce a word. The most important reason for using a dictionary is to find out the meaning of a wont-its DEFINITION.In this dictionary, the definitions have been written using only 2,000 words. This means that the definitions of even

17、 the most difficult words are simply explained (简单解释) and easy to understand.When a word has more than one meaning, read all the meanings until you find the one correctly tells the use of the word you are looking for.Most of the words in this dictionary can be used by people in all parts of the worl

18、d. ( ) 1. This dictionary cannot help you with A. singing B. grammar C. spelling D. pronunciation ( ) 2. The AmE spelling of the Chinese word 颜色in this dictionary is _ A. colour B. color C. color D. comer( ) 3. The Chinese meaning of definition here is A. 词性 B. 词条 C. 词义 D. 词库( ) 4. How many words ar

19、e there in this dictionary? _ _A. Two thousand B. One thousand C. One hundred D. We don t know( ) 5. The dictionary explains A. some of the difficult wordsB. all the words in a simple wayC. all the easy wordsD. the words of two meaningsBToday, many people dont carry a lot of coins or even paper mone

20、y with them. They use bankcards. Bankcards are small, plastic cards that computers in stores can read. The computers tell the bank to pay the storeowner for what someone buys in a store. The person needs to pay the bank.Plastic bankcards can be useful. People dont have to carry around lots of coins

21、or paper money. Computers can keep track (踪迹) of lost bankcards. However, bankcards are not money. People need to pay the bank for the things they buy.In China, there are some kinds of bankcards, such as “Dragon cards”, “Great Wall cards”, “Golden Ear cards” and so on. They are from different kinds

22、of banks. For example, “Great Wall cards” are emitted (发行) by Bank Of China. If you want to send your friend some money in the bankcard, he will go to the bank and write down your friends name and his card number on a piece of paper given by the bank, then put the money in the bank. And very soon, y

23、our friend can get his money. Of course, you must know which kind of bankcard he owns.( ) 1. What are bankcards? _. A. Paper money that people buy at a store B. Plastic cards that people can use like money C. Computers that give people money D. Plastic cards that a person can buy at a store( ) 2. If

24、 we want to use bankcards, what should we do? _. A. We should buy a card at a store B. We must put money in the banks C. We should have some gold and silverD. We should have plastic( ) 3. Heres a bankcard. Its owner is _. A. CCB B. DL C. Sun Shubin D. ATM( ) 4. Heres your bankcard. If your friend wa

25、nts to put some money in your bankcard, he must know _.A. your nameB. which kind of your bankcardC. the number of your bankcardD. all above( ) 5. Look at these two bankcards. Which bank are they from? _.A. BANK OF CHINA B. CHINA CONSTRUCTION BANK C. AGRICULTURAL BANK OF CHINA D. INDUSTRIAL AND CMMME

26、RCIAL BANK OF CHINACAll students need to have good study habits (习惯). When you have good study habits, you learn things quickly. You also remember them easily.Do you like to study in the living room? This is not a good place, because it is usually too noisy. You need to study in a quiet place, like

27、your bedroom. A quiet place will help you only to think about one thing.When you study, do not think about other things at the same time. Only think about your homework. If you do so, you will do your homework more quickly, and you will make fewer mistakes (错误).Good study habits are very important.

28、If you do not have them, try to learn them. If yours are good, try to make them better.1. Each student needs to have good study_ . A. times B. habits C. books D. moms2. We may _ if we study in the living room. A. do our homework quickly B. make a lot of mistakes in our homework C. remember words eas

29、ily D. spend little time doing much work3. It is fight for us to _ when we study. A. sing a song B. watch TV C. talk with somebody D. think about one thing4. The writer tells us how to_. A. study hard B. remember new words C. study well D. use our heads5. According to (按照) the writer, which of the f

30、ollowing can be a good study habit? A. Reading English among a crowd of people. B. Thinking only about maths in a maths class. C. Drawing pictures while listening to the teacher. D. Thinking in Chinese while talking in English.第II卷(非选择题)第二节 单词拼写:根据下面句子中的含义词义写出所缺单词的正确形式,每空一词。1. All of us went to the

31、museum _ (除了) Li Lei because he was ill. 2. All those foreign (贼) have been caught. 3. Is Australia the third _(大的) island country in the world? (three)4. After supper, Father always seats (他) in an armchair reading a newspaper.5. Look, our dog Colly is lying (舒服地) on the grass, enjoying its sunbath

32、. (comfort)6. Have you played computer games too _(许多)?7. My grandfather got a serious _(疾病).8. The old man was hurt _(严重).9. They ran to _(安全), away from the fire.10. It think its very _(危险的) to cross the bridge now.第三节 阅读短文,用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。More and more middle school students 1 (go) to training cl

33、asses or 2 (have) family teachers at weekends. There 3 (be) two different opinions about it.Some 4 (think) it necessary. First of all, its better 5 (study) with a teacher. Secondly, it can strengthen what 6 (learn) in class. Besides, they can learn a lot more. I think it unnecessary. For one thing,

34、students can easily 7 (form) the habit of dependence. For another, students need time 8 (relax) from time to time. Whats more, the purpose of many training classes and teachers 9 (make) money. So you 10 (not need, go) to classes like that.第四节 阅读表达Dear Students, The following rules are for living and

35、 working in Bellerbys School. Please read them carefully. Stand up when a teacher or a visitor goes into the room. You must be in a classroom or other study places during lesson time. Arrive in time for the start of each lesson with the things you need so that you are ready to start work. Wear smart

36、, clean clothing. Hair must be clean and tidy; extreme colours and styles are not allowed (允许). Long hair must be tied back neatly. Do not leave the school if you are not allowed. Food and drink must not be taken out from the dining room. All medicines must be given by the school doctor, Radios and

37、personal computers may only be used in dormitory (寝室) house where the house rules allow. They are not allowed in classes or in the library.Bellerbys School阅读回答下面的问题:1. Can students go outside the school on Wednesday?_2. What are the students asked to go to class on time for?_3. Where must be student

38、s have their lunch and supper?_4. Where can students use their personal computers?_5. 请把划线句子译为汉语。 _第五节 汉译英1. 请告诉我她长相如何。_2. 我不敢说你是错误的。_3. 那双鞋我不喜欢,而且也太贵了。_4. 我愿意坐在你旁边。_5. 我想让我的手表修一下。Ill have _ 第六节 书面表达:假如你叫方芳,在因特网上找到了一个叫Joyce的英国网友。请根据下面的要求写作:A)现在请你根据下列要点给Joyce发个e-mail,介绍你自己的一些情况。1方芳,中学生,家住在重庆;2喜欢集邮和运动

39、;3对英语很感兴趣,会唱几首英文歌曲;4班里同学也想找网友,希望得到帮助; 5想去英国看看。_B)假如你想把下面的照片用附件的方式发给Joyce,请用英语描述如何利用e-mail进行操作。你的照片名ffpic。 参考词汇:附件affix,粘贴n. stickup; v. stick,对话框dialog box,完成over。_山东枣庄市2012年毕业会考英语试题参考答案:第一节 15 DCCBD 610 BACDD 1115 ACADA第二节 15 ADBBD 610 DDDBD 1115 DBACC第三节A)15 ABCDB B) 15 BBCDA C) 15 BBDCB第二卷第二节1. except 2. thieves 3. largest 4. himself 5. comfortably 6. much 7.

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