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1、2021年浙江省金华市中英语试题卷I说明:本卷共有三大题,45小题,满分 70分。第一部分 听力部分一、听力(共 15 小题;满分 25 分)第一节:听小对话,从 A、B、C三个选项中选出正确的选项,回答问题。(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分 )1. What kind of sports does Jack like best?A. Running. B. Swimming. C. Skating. 2 When will the movie start?A. At 7:30. B. At 8 :00. C. At 8 . 303 Who won the first prize in the

2、 writing competition?A. Mary. B. Marys father. C. Marys brother. 4. Where does the conversation most probably take place?A. In the museum. B. In the restaurant. C. In the hospital. 5. Why does Tony look worried?A. Because he didnt meet Tina at the airport. B. Because he got up too late and missed th

3、e plane. C. Because he lost his mobile phone and couldnt find it. 第二节:听长对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确的选项,回答问题。(共5小题;每小题2分,满分 10分)听下面一段较长对话,回答下列问题。6. What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?A. Teacher and student. B. Doctor and patient. C. Father and daughter. 7. How did the accident happen?A

4、. The car was running too fast. B. The young man fell off his bicycle. C. The young man didnt stop at the red light. 听下面一段较长对话,回答下列问题。8. How does Emma fee about planning for the party?A. Surprised. B. Happy. C. Terrible. 9. Where does Emma plan to have the party?A. In the classroom. B. In the school

5、 hall. C. On the playground.10. What will they do at the end of the party?A. Give best wishes. B. Sing and dance. C. Have a picture taken. 第三节:听下面一段独白,从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确的选项,回答问题。(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10 分)11. Who is giving the speech?A. Linda. B. Pcter. C. David. 12. When does the speaker probably make the spe

6、ech?A. At the end of the class. B. In the middle of the class. C. At the beginning of the class. 13. How much time does Linda spend on her homework every day?A. One or two hours. B. Two or three hours. C. Three or four hours. 14. What does David think of doing homework?A. Helpful. B. Interesting. C.

7、 Boring. 15. What is the purpose of this speech? A. To advise students to learn to speak. B. To tell students to do more homework. C. To ask students to share ideas about homework. 第二部分 笔试部分二、完形填空(共 15 小题;每小题1 分,满分 15 分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。As the students entered the classroom,

8、 they could all tell something was wrong. Their _1_ teacher was crying. Tom was the first to ask if there was anything they could do. “Everything is fine, Tom,” Mrs. Williams tried to _2_ as she spoke. “Ive just lost something important, and I dont think I can find it.”“What did you _3_?” Mike asked

9、. “Maybe we can help you look for it.”Mrs. Williams looked at their faces for some time. _4_, she answered, “Well, I left an old _5_ on my desk. This newspaper belonged to(属于)my _6_. I had hoped to share something in the paper with you in todays history class. The paper is old, but it is also _7_ be

10、cause she gave it to me before she died. It is something my grandmother left to _8_. The newspaper was gone when I came back from lunch.”The other students looked at each other. They _9_ who had taken the paper and hoped nobody would do something like that. Everyone liked Mrs. Williams. No one wante

11、d to make the teacher _10_.Trevor went over and spoke up for the whole class. “_11_, Mrs. Williams. We will all help you. Were sure to find it _12_ we work together.”Mrs. Williams smiled again at her students. She knew they might not find the missing paper, but even if they didnt, she would _13_ fee

12、l very lucky. She had a group of students who _14_ her and each other, and that was probably the best thing she could ever hope to _15_ in her life!1. A. EnglishB. historyC. mathsD. science2. A. cryB. nodC. smileD. shout3. A. getB. hearC. loseD. say4. A. FinallyB. NervouslyC. ImmediatelyD. Proudly5.

13、 A. magazineB. newspaperC. mapD. photo6. A. grandmotherB. grandfatherC. motherD. father7. A. expensiveB. fantasticC. popularD. special8. A. himB. meC. youD. us9. A. discoveredB. explainedC. imaginedD. wondered10. A. afraidB. angryC. sadD. surprised11. A. Im sorryB. Excuse meC. Good ideaD. Dont worry

14、12. A. becauseB. beforeC. ifD. so13. A. almostB. againC. onlyD. still14. A. cared aboutB. depended onC. laughed atD. played with15. A. findB. learnC. makeD. teach三、阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列材料,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。AThe world is full of amazing nature, buildings, technology and discoveries. Some

15、 are man-made and others happen naturally.Musical roadIn Japan, there are roads that play music as cars travel over them. Grooves(沟)are carefully cut into the surface of the road. The spaces between the grooves make different music as cars touch them. The closer the groves are, the louder the music

16、will be. Bicycle in the treeOn Vashon Island, Washington, a bike is seen high up in a tree. The bike is not hanging on a branch(树枝)it is fixed in the tree and the tree has continued growing upwards. The tree grows around the bike instead of pushing it over, making it part of its growth. Underground

17、cityIn Cappadocia Turkey, a man knocked down a wall of his home and discovered a huge underground city. It has many tunnels(隧道), rooms and wells. Thousands of shafts(通风井)bring air to even the deepest levels. The city is huge enough for 200 people and their animals to live in.16. According to the pas

18、sage, the musical road plays music because _.A. the road is huge enoughB. cars are running very fastC. cars touch the spaces between the groovesD. there is a piano on the road17. What makes the tree so amazing?A. Its high up in the sky.B. It pushes a bike over.C. A bike hangs on its branch.D. It con

19、tinues growing with a bike inside.18. In which part of a magazine can we most probably read this passage?A. Travel.B. Technology.C. Education.D. Health.BFor as long as we can remember, one of the most popular ways parents use to punish their children has been the “time out”. It seems that it is a go

20、od idea: the child sits on his own to reflect(反思)on what he has done. Then when the time is up, he will apologize and learn from the mistake. However, just because its something thats been done for years, that doesnt mean it is the right thing to do. In fact, very often, children dont sit nicely and

21、 think about what theyve done. Instead, they need to be told a few (or many) times to go back to their places and stay quiet. Theyre not reflecting on why they are in the “time out” at all. More likely than not, theyre probably just really angry, and so are the parents. In the end, both the parents

22、and the children make each other unhappy, or even angry. What can parents do to change this situation? You may have already heard of things like peaceful parenting(育儿)and gentle parenting. These focus on the relationship between parent and child through building trust and love. So, instead of starti

23、ng a “time out”, try something called “time in”. A “time in” needs both parent and child to stay close until both get calm. After that, the parent, and child can discuss what happened and solve the problem together. If the child can make changes, everyone can then move on. As we all know, punishment

24、 and violence(暴力)seldom work and will never teach the children what the right way to act is. A “time in” can be the great time for the children to learn through mistakes, Kids learn how to build their emotional and social skills through difficult situations. So, instead of punishing them for acting

25、their age, we can use chances to teach and guide them to a place of learning. A “time in” may take more time, but it does work.19. During a “time out”, a child is told to _.A. stay outsideB. make a promiseC. sit alone and reflectD. return to school20. In the writers opinion, a “time out” _.A. is bec

26、oming more popularB. doesnt always workC. should be parents first choiceD. takes too much time21. When a child has done something wrong, the writer suggests that _.A. both teachers and parents discuss how to solve the problemB. parents try something called “time in” instead of “time out”C. the child

27、 say sorry to his or her parents and learn from mistakesD. the child stay at home and reflect until he never makes mistakes22. Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?A. Why not “time in”?B. Learn from mistakesC. “Time out” or “time in”?D. No violence at home!CAnimal behavior(行为

28、)is an interesting and attractive study. Scientists research the ways animals use to look for food. They study how animals protect themselves from their predators, and which animals kill other animals for food. All of this helps us understand how useful animals can be. Each country or culture raises

29、 some animals for food. In the United States, people mainly eat meat from cows, chickens and pigs. In other countries, people might raise sheep or buffalo for meat. These differences come in part from weather and other environmental conditions. People around the world eat all kinds of fish and shell

30、fish from oceans and rivers. In some countries, people dont always choose some animal groups, such as dogs, for food while in other countries such animals may become peoples favorite food. In West Africa, animals provide humans with more than food. They have been helping people do daily work for tho

31、usands of years. Horses, oxen, and other work animals pull heavy things. Elephants; camels; and other animals carry people and things from place to place. Carrier pigeons(信鸽)have been used to send messages. People also receive health benefits(利益)from animals. For example, dogs and cats can help calm

32、 people down. This is helpful for people fighting illnesses. Animals can also reduce stress, helping people to draw their attention to learning new information, such as reading. When people are walking their dogs or horses, it encourages exercise. Animals and humans share space on Earth, so keeping

33、a healthy relationship with animals, around us is in our best interest.23. What is the passage mainly about?A. Where animals live and how they look for food.B The relationship between animals and humans.C. The different things animals can do in different countries.D. What humans should do when commu

34、nicating with animals.24. The underlined word “predators” in Paragraph l probably means _.A. neighboursB. friendsC. childrenD. enemies25. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A. People around the world eat all kinds of fish.B. Horses are helpful for people fighting illnesses.C. El

35、ephants encourage humans to do more exercise.D. Africans mainly eat meat from cows, chickens and pigs.26. Which of the following is the structure(结构)of the passage?A. B. C. D. DThe sound from Mirandas alarm, clock(闹钟)would not stop. Miranda reached over. and stopped the noise ringing in her room. Th

36、e action brought her, a few minutes of peace and quietness. On a usual day, Miranda jumped out of bed even before the alarm clock could ring. She did not. mind getting up early. She loved morning because she could, complete her two-mile run before most of her family members got up. She ran every mor

37、ning so that she would realize her dream of being the best runner in the school. However, this morning was different. She would go and find out whether the pain in her leg was something that could be easily treated or would stop her. from doing something she loved most: running with the school track

38、 team. As the alarm clock rang out again, . She cut off the annoying (讨厌的) noise and rose from her bed. She could hear the sound from the kitchen where her mother was making her favourite breakfast of pancakes and bacon. Her mother always made her favourites whenever Miranda was facing a problem or

39、in a bad situation, but shed never faced anything like this before.Sighing (叹气)deeply in the quiet room, she tried to stand up. She could feel the pain in her right leg. It was serious but not unbearable. Surely, Miranda thought, it would not be as bad as she had imagined.She shook her head to clear

40、 her thought and got ready to join her mother. As she walked into the kitchen, her mother gave her a big smile. Immediately, Miranda felt comforted. If nothing else, she at least knew one thing was certain. She was not alone in this and that would make all the differences, no matter what the day wou

41、ld bring.27. What did Miranda usually do every morning?A. She woke her family up.B. She cleaned her room.C. She cooked for her mother.D. She ran for two miles.28. Which of the following sentences can be put in the in Paragraph 3?A. Miranda jumped out of bedB. her mother came into her roomC. Miranda

42、knew she had to get upD. the telephone rang at the same time29. What did the smile on her mothers face mean to Miranda?A. Suggestion.B. Encouragement.C. Instruction.D. Agreement.30. What would Miranda probably do after breakfast?A. She would go to see the doctor.B. She would go to bed and have a res

43、t.C. She would join her team members.D. She would join her mother in the kitchen.卷 II说明:本卷共有四大题,31小题,满分 50 分。四、词汇运用(共 15 小题;每小题1分,满分 15 分) A. 用方框中所给词语的适当形式填空。每词限用一次。fail, knife, exactly, thanks to, himself31. Every time when she _, Jane tells herself not to give up.32. _ the high-speed trains, our j

44、ourney becomes much shorter now.33. Many people cant remember _ when their mothers birthdays are.34. Western people eat with _ and forks while Chinese people use chopsticks.35. Bob told his parents that he could look after _ even when he was home alone.B. 阅读下面短文,然后根据括号内所给汉语意思写出单词的正确形式。每空限填一词。In diff

45、erent countries and cultures around the world, free time is spent in different ways. Several years _36_ (以前), researchers made a couple of surveys on how people spent their free time. The results _37_ (显示)that reading was the most popular activity in the United States, followed by watching TV. In UK

46、, watching TV and videos was the most popular, and listening to the _38_ (收音机) came second. For Japanese, eating out was their favourite activity in their free time. And they also like _39_ (驾驶)around. There were also differences in what people liked to do outdoors _40_ (在之中)the three countries. The most popular outdoor activity for _41_ (美国人)was gardening while in Japan it only came _42_ (第九). For British people, going to the pub was their first choice, followed by visiting the cinema. _43_ (虽然)people around the world

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