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1、PubMed文献服务系统 及PubMed RSS学科是艮踪月艮务 PubMed简介I PubMed(Medline)由美国国立医学图书馆(NLM)、国际MEDLARS成员(中国为第 6个成员国)及合作的专业组织共同研制开发,是目前国际上公认的检索生物医学文献最具权威 利用率最高、影响最广的数据库,也是我国卫生 部认定的科技查新必须检索的国外医学数据库。演讲提纲PubMed概况PubMed功能栏介绍 认识PubMed文献PubMed基本检索 PubMed高级检索 示主题词MeSH检索 循证及临床查询检索 PubMed全文获取 PubMed RSS学科跟踪Pub,ed概况网址:www.ncbi.n

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14、he acl Mt v of a des igner t iss ue mMor of.cel l-bas e。envr onmen tiil r v.rrLee MH,At kins on S Rdpt i M Hsndsl cy MCancer Let t 2009 Oct 6;Epub ahead of pnnfPMID:19815335(PubMed-as suppl ied by publ is her)Reia 胤 amdesThe mos t l r那咐的住皖仙Wenner MNat IM 2009 0115(10):1106-9.PI.IID:19812559 PubMed-i

15、n pr ocessRel at ed ar t ideDecol or izat ioW电子优先2009年5月l.l at t oLl HusainJ Hazar d Mat er.2009l.l a See more.I在检索框中键入一个或多个英文单词(大写或小写均可),击GO按钮,PubMed系统会自动在主题词表,期刊名表,短语,及作者索引中查询与输入的词相匹配的形式,这就是它特有的,自动词汇匹配功能”。例如:检索肿瘤(cancer)方面的文章。在检索框中输入:“cancer”,再点击“Go”按钮。PubMed将自动地利用它的“自动词汇匹配”功能将重要的 词语结合在一起,并将不规范的词语

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21、7:La”ce KerTit l es wit h your s ear ch t er msr Sodium vis wel le and t he fet us a cas e s t udY an。r eview of t he l it er at ur e Re A cofl ipanson of t he naJence and l owt ion of post r ve sur gical mar gms n r obo p Ur ol 20082 Smit h J Whit ehal l Jneonat al Net#.2009 Nov-Dec:28(6):363-7.PMI

22、D:19892633 PubMed-in pr oces s Rel aRO ar t icl es Type 1 r ibos ome-mact Nat r g pr ot ens-efl t omot oxj c.oxr t at r.e an(J Insect Physiol 2009 Re A companson of t he nadence and iocat n of pos t ve sur gical mar gt is t r obo|J Ur ol 2008r mma w oacieaa i$eouc oeninc a i$ia$e$(See more.3 Rut hr

23、auff CM.Smit h J Gl er um LJ Am Anim Hos p As s oc.2009 Nov-Oec45(6):268-76.PMID:19887384 PubMed-in pr oces s 1Rel at ed ar t icl es316 fr ee ful l-t ext ar t icl es in PubMed Cent r alr A Mus cul os kel et al Ul t r as ound Cour s e fo r Phys ic al Medicine and Rehabil it at ion Res ident s,Fmnoff

24、JT Smit h J Nut z DJ Gr ogg BEAm J Phj S l.l ed Rehabil 2009 Oct 30 Epub ahead of pr int Ur r or wr t ng and a ds s ocat ne dent t yds or det.Cas e Repor t Med 2009,Nucl eol ar pr ot er s suppr es s Caenor t iaMt s eie9ans nnat e nwunt y by nPl oSr r r r r r u PubMed基本检索期刊检索.在检索框中键入期刊名,如:Eur opean j

25、 our nal ofnmunol ogy,系统的“自动词语匹配”功能会将它转换成“Eur J.j r imunor iJour nal OR Meur opean j our nal ofEhmunol ogyMAII Fiel ds进行越索。空T也可以直接输入Medl ine的期刊标准缩写形式,如:Eur J Immunol,或者是输入刊物的ISSN(国际标准出版物代码)进 行检索,如:00142980。如果一个杂志名恰好是主题词或关键词,如:cancer,science,cel l等,PubMed会首先将这些词转换成MeSH词表中 的主题词进行检索。因此,需要将检索请求进行标准化处理,即

26、在 杂志名后面加TA。in:ffcel lMt aC-c e!T(t a卜 PubMed r ewt t-Windows Int er net Expl or er|%ht t p:/www.ncbi.nl m.r ih.gov/$it e$/er t r e2文件编播出 查看收a侠工剧I)帮助*1 p o PubMed基本检索I/A|百度一下-I S|x|P W&%*ceTt a PubMed r es dt%NCBI Res our ces Ho wTo 期刊的标准检Pu,gwU S National Library of Medicine National Inwtutt*of Heal

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28、 dunna DFIA Reoiicabi Remus D Beur on F Tol un G Gnffit h JD Mor r is EP Diffl ey JFCel l 2009 Ng.4 Epub ahead ofpnnt iPLIID:19896182 PubMed-as s uppl ied by publ is her Rel at ed a idesrSnaoShoi fmdiRIIAsIMaot eins an。t he Dinq-Don。cycl eTus hir JS Zamor e PD Zhang ZCel l 2009 Oct 30:139(3)634.634

29、e1.No abs t r act avail abl ePMID:19879848 PubMed-in pr oces s Rel at ed ar t icl esrAnal ysis of cel l fal e 1sinqie-ceii qene expr ess ion pr ofil es in C el eqansLiu X Long F Peng H Aemi SJ Jiang M Sanchez-Bl anco A Mur r ay JI Pr est on E Mer ide B Bat zogl ou S Myer s EW Kim SKCel l 2009 Oct 30

30、:139(3):623-33.PLIID 19879847 PubMed-in pr oces s Rel at ed ar t icl esr Pr o加no he human moiein-Dr iA int er act ome r eveal s ERK2 as a Tans cnoMnal r eor es s or of inl er fer on signal ing4 Hu S Xie Z Onishi A Yu X Jiang L Lin J Rho HS Woodar d C.Wang H Jeong JS LongS Hex Wade H Biackshaw S Qian

31、 J Zhu HCel l 2009 Oct 30:139(3):610-22.PMID:19879846 PubMed-in pr oces s Fr ee Ful l Text(322:Ha1吟蛤/Tit l es wit h your s ear ch t er ms p53 and P!e Se mor e.322 fr ee ful l-t ext ar t icl es in PubMed Cent r alThet or t os eand t he har s iow-cydng cel s n t he st em cel r ace Cel 2009 Col aps e o

32、f gennine pRMAs n t he abs ence of Ar gonaut e3 r eveal s s omat c piRt l As|Cel 2009;刊;2、方便检索某本期刊上被PubMed收录的所有文章。【比如查看medl ine收录的关于麻醉学(Anest hesiol ogy)方面的期E可以根据血刊的主题分类,查看medl ine收录的各学科的期刊,凝刊类目等等;可以查看期刊的详细信息,包括出版国家,.,出版语言,期刊数据库的作用:期刊数据库(journaldatabase)PubMed基本检索检索界面,在检索框中输入AcadPediat r,再点击Go按钮即可。操

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46、h Hel pSt l t ul t Sof Mfdibntj bact er ITI)Sear chCl ear截词检索可以 扩大检索范围 提高查全率。Dis o l a,Set bnos 0 Summar y.20 per page.Sor t ed by Recent l.AddedSend t o AFil t er your r es ul t s:AJI(163626)Res ul t s:1 t o 20 of 163626Page 1 Next Las tReview(12502)Res ident bact er ia in a mixed Doouiat ion of me

47、s us ma caque(廿aca iFr ee Ful l Text(39236)rrrCar r ier CA El l iot t TB Ledney GD J l.l ed Pr imat ol.2009 Dec:38(6):397-403.PI.IID:19899213 PubMed-in pr oces s Bel at ed amciesTit l es wit h your s ear ch t er m#La”ceAnt imicr o bia l r esa nt e in Gr a m-Dos mve Timor es e River Buffa l o(BubalOl

48、 iveir a M Mont eir o JL Rana S Vil el a CLTr op Anim Heal t h Pr od 2009 Nov 10.Epub ahead of pnnt iPMID:19898998 PubMed-as s uppl ied by publ is her Rel at ed ar t icl esPea l ect in r eceot or-hke kinas e pr omot es hicih s al init y s t r es s t ol er ance in bact er ia and expr es s es in r es

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