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1、威海市2019年初中学业考试英语注意事项: 1. 本试冬共8页, 共80分。考试时间90分钟。考试结来后, 将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。2. 答题前, 考生务必用0. 5毫米黑色签字笔将自己的姓名、考生号、座号填写在答题卡和试卷规定的位置上。2. 需要涂十的小题, 选出答案后, 用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑; 如云改动, 月综皮擦干净后, 再选涂其他答案标号, 答案选在试卷上无效。4. 非选择题必须用0. 5毫米黑色签字笔作答, 答案必须写在答题卡指定区域内相应的位置, 写在试卷上的答案无效; 如需改动, 先划掉原来的答案, 然后再写上新的答案; 不能使用涂改液, 胶带纸、修正带,

2、 不按以上要求作答的答案无效。一、阅读理解(共五篇短文, 共25小题, 计30分。其中1-20每小题1分; 21-25每小题2分。)阅读A、B篇, 从文后每小题A、B、C选项中选择最佳答案。请将答案编号涂卡。AMr Chen was puzzled(闲惑的)and a little suspicious(怀疑的). He sat in the office and studied a letter apparently(看似)from Mrs Wang, the mother of one of the pupils in his class. There was something abou

3、t it which worried him. “I dont understand, ”he said to himself. He shook his head as he circled four mistakes in the letter. Mrs Wang is an educated woman. She wouldnt make mistakes like these even if she did write the letter in a hurry. Mr Chen took out his class register(名册)and said to himself, “

4、Yesterday was Thursday. Let me see. Ah, yes. I thought so. David was absent on Thursday last week and the week before. Hm. Why is he so often absent on Thursdays? Was he really ill yesterday? Could it be a coincidence(巧合)?”Mr Chen stared at the register as if the answers to his questions were hidden

5、 in it somewhere. Then he took out a copy of the timetable(课程表)for his class. I wonder. . he told to himself. I wonder if his absence has anything to do with one of these lessons. Mr Chen looked at the subjects for Thursday: Mathematics, English, P. E. He thought about P. E. He knew that the pupils

6、had P. E. twice a weck: once on Monday, when they usually played games on the school field, and once on Thursday, when they did exercises in the gym. Mr Chen glanced round the office to find Mr Long, the rather strict P. E. teacher, but he was not there. Id better have a chat with Long and David, Mr

7、 Chen thought. The bell rang. I cant do anything right now, Mr Chen thought. Its time to go to Class 2. I ll do it later on. Mr Chen picked up his books and walked off to teach Class 2. Later, on Friday, Mr Chen spoke to Mr Long, the P. E. teacher. Mr Long agreed that it seemed strange for David to

8、be absent so often on gym days. They thought about it for a while. “David is a good athlete(运动员), ”Mr Long finally said, but hes afraid of heights. I was hard on him once because he wouldnt climb more than a couple of metres up the rope. Do you think thats why hes been absent recently? ”“Yes, I thin

9、k so, Mr Chen said. Im going to talk to him this afternoon before he goes home. Well, Ive got a suggestion to make, said Mr Long. If hes scared of heights, hed better come and see me after school. Quite a few people suffer from(遭受)vertigo. Ill be glad to help him. ”“Thats very kind of you, said Mr C

10、hen. Ill get him to come and see you on Monday or Tuesday. ”1. The letter was sent to Mr Chen because David on Thursday. A. was llat home B. didnt go to school C. was absent from P. E. class2. Mr Chen was puzzled by the letter because . A. Davids mother sent him the letterB. he couldnt understand th

11、e letterC. it didnt seem to be written by an educated adult3. Mr Chen got the idea that Davids absence had something to do with P. E. after he . A. studied the timetable B. studied the class register C. talked with Mr Long4. The underlined word“ vertigo means in the passage. A. 身体疼痛B. 恐高眩晕C. 肠胃痉挛5.

12、From the passage we know. A. David didnt like P. E. classesB. David didnt like Mr Longs being hard on himC. David was afraid of heightsBWe know people can be nice, but what about animals? Scientists say that some animals are capable(有能力的)of being nice. Animals that live in groups-like foxes, chimpan

13、zees(大猩猩), and elephants-follow rules. They have to follow rules to get along and to survive(生存). However, animals can act nicely, even when they dont have to. Here are some surprising stories about animal behavior. Most people usually walk away when someone is unkind to them. Marc Bekoff, a researc

14、her at the University of Colorado, saw a female(母的)red fox do just that. The female fox was unhappy because a male(公的)fox played roughly(粗鲁地)with her. When she walked away, the male fox showed her that he wanted to play nicely. He lowered his head and rolled on his back. The female fox gave him anot

15、her chance, and this time, he played more gently. Geza Teleki is a scientist who studies chimpanzees in Tanzania. One day, Teleki hiked far away from his campsite. He didnt have any food. Teleki wanted some fruit from a tree, but the tree was too tall. A young chimpanzee watched him curiously as he

16、tried to get something to eat. The chimpanzee climbed the tree, picked the fruit, and gave it to him! An elephant in Kenya hurt his trunk(象鼻子). He needed help because he couldnt put food into his mouth. Researcher Kayhan Ostovar watched silently. He saw the hurt elephant show his sore trunk to a hea

17、lthy elephant. The healthy elephant didnt need any more information. He took a bush and put it carefully into his new friends mouth. Hippos(河马)and crocodiles are usually good friends. They hang out together in rivers. But Karen Paolillo, a wildlife expert in Zimbabwe, saw something surprising. One d

18、ay, a crocodile tried to eat a monkey that was next to a river. A hippo ran quickly to the crocodile and chased it away. Why did the hippo attack(攻击)the crocodile? Paolillo says hippos sometimes protect other animals from crocodiles. 6. The main idea of the passage is . A. animals that live in group

19、s follow rules B. some animals can be nice to other animals C. most animals are nice to people7. The underlined phrase “do just that” means . A. be niceB. play roughlyC. walk away8. We can say that Teleki . A. is shortB. hates hikingC. could not climb the tree9. The elephant needed help because. A.

20、the tree was too tall B. it could not use its trunk C. it had no food10. The underlined word “it” in the last paragraph refers to. A. the crocodile B. the chimpanzee C. the monkeyC阅读C篇, 判断正误。请将答案编号涂卡。MisunderstandingsA man, wearing dirty clothes, with dirty hair and only 35 cents in his pocket, got

21、on a bus and headed straight for the restroom. He thought that if he hid in the restroom, he could ride to New York without paying. But a passenger at the back of the bus saw him. She tapped(拍)the person in front of her on the shoulder and said, Theres a bum in the restroom. Tell the bus driver. ”Th

22、at passenger tapped the person siting in front of him. Tell the bus driver theres a bum in the restroom, ”he said. The message was passed from person to person until it reached the front of the bus. But somewhere along the way, the message changed. By the time it reached the bus driver, it was not “

23、Theres a bum in the restroom” but “Theres a bomb(炸弹)in the restroom. ”The driver pulled over to the side of the highway(高速公路)at once and called the police. When the police arrived, they told the passengers to get off the bus and stay far away. Then they closed the highway. That soon caused a 15-mile

24、-long traffic jam. With the help of a dog, the police searched the bus for two hours. Of course, they found no bomb. Two similar-sounding English words also caused trouble for a man who wanted to fly from Los Angeles to Oakland, California. His problems began at the airport in Los Angeles. He though

25、t he heard his flight announced, so he walked to the gate, showed his ticket, and got on the plane. Twenty minutes after take-off, the man began to worry. Oakland was north of Los Angeles, but the plane seemed to be heading west, and when he looked out his window all he could see was ocean. Is this

26、plane going to Oakland? ”he asked the flight attendant. No, she said. Were going to Auckland-Auckland, New Zealand. ”Because so many English words sound similar, misunderstandings among English-speaking people are not uncommon. Most misunderstandings are much less serious. Every day, people speaking

27、 English ask one another questions like these: Did you say seventy or seventeen? ”“Did you say that you can come or that you cant? ”Similar-sounding words can be especially confusing(混淆)for people who speak English as a second language. When a Korean woman who lives in the United States arrived at w

28、ork one morning, her boss asked her, Did you get a plate? ” “ No. . ,”she answered, wondering what in the world he meant. She worked in an office. Why did the boss ask her about a plate? All day she wondered about her bosss strange question, but she was too embarrassed to ask him about it. At five o

29、clock, when she was getting ready to go home, her boss said, “Please be on time tomorrow. You were 15 minutes late this morning. Sorry, she said. My car wouldnt start, and. . ”Suddenly she stopped talking and began to smile. Now she understood. Her boss hadnt asked her, “Did you get a plate? He had

30、asked her, “Did you get up late? ”Auckland and Oakland. A plate and up late. When similar-sounding words cause a misunderstanding, probably the best thing to do is just to laugh and learn from the mistake. Of course, sometimes its hard to laugh. The man who traveled to Auckland instead of Oakland di

31、dnt feel like laughing. But even that misunderstanding turned out all right in the end. The airline paid for the mans hotel room and meals in New Zealand and for his flight back to California. Oh well, the man later said. “I always wanted to see New Zealand. A表示正确, B表示错误。11. A man got on the bus and

32、 hid in the bus restroom with a bomb. 12. The 15-mile-long traffic jam was caused by the man in the restroom. 13. The man who traveled to New Zealand actually wanted to fly to California. 14. The boss of the Korean woman asked her if she had got a plate that day. 15. Misunderstandings happen sometim

33、es because of the similar-sounding words. D阅读D篇, 根据短文内容, 将下面方框中的句子还原到文章当中, 使短文内容完整。请将答案编号涂卡。Time ManagementDo you ever wish you had more time? Everyone gets the same amount of time each day. But here are some ways to use those hours better. As a popular saying says, “Work smarter, not harder. ”The m

34、ost important way to manage your time is to set priorities(优先权). 16 Also, consider whether or not they are urgentif they need to be done right away. It can be easy to forget important tasks that arent urgent, so make time for them. Decide ahead of time what youre going to do at certain times each da

35、y. Schedule times not only to meet people but also to do things alone. Then you can make sure everything gets done. 17 Are you smarter in the morning, afternoon or evening? Schedule difficult tasks for times you feel good, saving easy ones for when youre tired. Write down what you need to do and whe

36、n. I keep two to-do lists: one for the present tasks and one for larger projects Im working on. 18 And I dont get discouraged by looking at a long list of items I cant finish. I focus on the shorter list of each days tasks. 19 When someone wants to give you a task, think carefully. Is it really impo

37、rtant enough to spend your precious(宝贵的)time on? Could someone else do it instead? 20 If youre in charge of running a meeting, keep it short. Reading articles or talking to friends online can also use up much of your time. Dont allow it. In the end, using time well is about making a good plan and st

38、icking to it. A. Think about the time of day you work best. B. That way I can make sure I dont forget anything. C. Figure out(弄明白)which of your tasks is the most important. D. Often, managing time means saying no to things that arent so important. E. Meetings also tend to be a waste of time, so avoi

39、d them whenever possible. E研读E篇广告, 根据广告所提供的信息, 对后面的问题简要作答。请将答案填写到答题卡指定位置。Notes: draw 抽奖; entry form报名表; receipt收据; claim认领21. When is the last day to enter the Lemonade Lucky Draw”? 22. Where will the draw for the car take place? 23. Which one is more possible to win, a free trip to Bangkok or a bra

40、nd new car? 24. If you want to enter the Lucky Draw, what should you e-mail to whlukydrawqq. com?25. How will the Lemonade T-shirts be dealt with if they arent claimed by 30 July? 二、单词拼写(共8小题, 计8分)根据句意和音标提示以适当形式填写单词, 请将答案填写在答题卡指定位置。26. He works in an office in the /sentr: l/part of the city. 27. It

41、gives me great /plege(r)/to grow flowers. 28. Thank you for your /veljusbl/information. 29. She took the clothes out of the washing /mafi:n/30. The talented boy can play different kinds of: musical /instrements/. 31. All the members are /rtkwaisd/to attend the meeting. 32. Turn over the page of the

42、/kelnd(r)/. Today is June 13. 33. He /leid/his tennis bat on the top of the shelf. 三、动词填空(共8小题, 计8分)用括号里所给动词的适当形式填空。请将答案填写在答题卡指定位置。Mr Lee, the head teacher of Starlight School, 34 (write)an email to all the teachers and students. Dear teachers and students, We are almost at the end of the second ter

43、m. It 35 (be)a busy term and you al deserve(应得)a break. But there is still plenty happening at school. Please read the following. Classroom change We are fixing the windows in Classroom 6. The work 36 (expect)to take a couple of weeks. In the meantime, all lessons which were in Classroom 6 are now i

44、n Classroom 15. Library Please 37 (return)all the books and DVDs youve borrowed from the school library before the end of term. You cannot borrow any books during the holiday, but you can read them in the library. |School play This year, the school play is Snowy Days. Students can buy tickets from t

45、he entrance of the school. Friends and family are welcome. Pets arent allowed. If you like, you can hand in your play and we 38 (take)a look. If it is good enough, you can act it out. School trip Mr Williams 39 (plan)an exciting school trip. Forty students from Year 7 and 8 will go to South America

46、40 (visit)a school. The school is on top of a mountain. They will make new friends, and learn about new cultures. If you are interested, talk to your teacher before the end of next week. I do hope that all of you have a good break. Remember 41(bring)your sports clothes with you at the beginning of n

47、ext term. Best wishes Jack Lee, Head teacher四、完成句子(共6小题, 计12分)根据所给汉语句子完成英语句子, 词数不限。请将答案填写在答题卡指定位置。42. 所有的教室昨天都打扫了一遍。43. 陆地上什么动物最重? 44. 妈妈让他把手洗干净再吃午饭。45. 看, 她买了条多么漂亮的裙子呀! 46. 你能告诉我一支足球队有几个队员吗? 47. 我们吃晚饭的时候, 一只鸟儿从窗户飞了进来。五、短文填空(共10小题, 计10分)请将答案编号涂卡。根据短文内容, 选择适当的单词或短语填空, 使短文意思完整。每个选项仅使用一次。A. Although B.

48、 Noiselessly C. As a result D. Sometimes E. prefer to stay F. keep away from G. become silent, watchful and suspicious H. As soon as I. will never see J. HoweverThere are wild elephants in Malaysia, Thailand and several other countries but most people 48 them. Elephants dislike the hot sun. They 49 in the cool shelter of the jungle, coming out at nig

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