1、冰雪奇缘观后感作文(多篇)第一篇:冰雪奇缘观后感作文 爱似晴空冰雪奇缘观后感 河南省郑州市纬五路一小学五年八班 张馨予 最近,我看了一部美国迪士尼的3d新片冰雪奇缘,这部片子画面神奇瑰丽,内容曲折离奇,故事感人至深,我深深地感觉到爱似晴空。 这部电影讲的是一对善良姐妹的故事,当姐姐爱莎公主不小心用魔法伤了妹妹安娜时,爱莎的心很痛,她爱安娜,她绝对不允许自己再伤害到妹妹,伤害他人,她把自己关在房间里不出来。当我看到姐妹俩之间的感情就被那一扇门隔开时,我想爱莎要是天生不会魔法该有多好啊!她们可以快乐地在一起,可是事实就是那么无情。 直到爱莎成人了,要举行加冕仪式,王宫的大门终于打开了,爱莎和安娜再
2、次相见。她们也见到了各国前来道贺的王公贵族,因为安娜执意要与一个刚认识的王子汉斯结婚,爱莎不愿看到妹妹上当,但是妹妹又不听她的,爱莎没控制好自己的情绪,不被自己掌控的魔法使得冰雪覆盖了阿伦代尔小镇,小镇从夏天变到了冬天,人们生活在寒冷和悲哀中。爱莎为了赎罪不愿见人,一口气跑到一座孤山上面,用强大的魔法在那里建造了一个冰雪城堡,五彩的雪花,闪亮的冰建筑,雕梁画栋的墙壁,再配上美妙的音乐,让我感觉像到了仙境一样。但是画面虽美,我却为她们姐妹的命运担忧,为她们姐妹的分别感到深深的惋惜。 安娜回到王宫后,才发现与她一见钟情,想结婚的那个王子汉斯是个野心家,原来他蓄谋已久想篡夺爱莎的王位。安娜后悔不听姐
3、姐的,她要去找姐姐。她不顾危险,在热心肠科斯拖夫的帮助下,踏上了寻找姐姐的冰雪之路 历尽艰难终于找到了爱莎,安娜请爱莎回去,汉斯王子却要杀爱莎夺王位,当他杀爱莎时,安娜跑过来挡住了那一剑,同时安娜变成了冰人。安娜的心也给冰封了,这次比小时候那次严重多了。安娜需要爱来唤醒,爱莎抱着冰人安娜大哭起来,奇迹出现了,慢慢的安娜苏醒了过来。看到这里我好高兴,心中的一块石头终于落地了。我感觉爱莎、安娜用自己的生命为别人付出,这是爱的最好诠释。 最后汉斯王子被赶回他的国家,爱莎也学会控制自己的魔法了,把阿伦代尔又变回了生机勃勃的夏天,这时举国上下,一片欢腾。 是啊!爱的作用是如此的强大,能使冰雪天地变成晴空
4、万里爱似晴空。正如那首歌唱的:只要人人都献出一点爱,世界将变成美好的人间!愿天下人人都会爱别人,人人都被别人爱! 指导老师:谭敏、韩莹第二篇:动画片冰雪奇缘观后感 迪士尼的动画一直有他的传统,就是歌舞剧式的叙事,中间穿插的十分到位,并不突兀,歌词也很贴合,很容易感染人。 而且这次的作曲简直是赞爆了,主题曲let it go也是被各国翻唱为各种语言版本。 这次的故事,并不是单纯的王子公主恋爱冒险故事了。 其中最感人的不是王子和公主或者平民和公主的爱情,而是公主之间的姐妹情深,以及友情。 相信大家如果看完的话,最感触的是姐姐elsa暴走后,唱歌并且建造冰宫殿的一段。表现姐姐从痛苦,迷惑,解脱到暴走
5、的过程。 那每一帧的画面都是都是工作人员花费了上百个小时制作的,非常棒! 里面人物的每个表情,每个眼神,都刻画的非常细心。 最喜欢里面的小雪人,它是姐姐制作出来的,梦想竟然是过夏天!当时就觉得,这必然是最后死翘翘,催泪的角色啊。 它去救妹妹时,靠近火炉,开始融化。妹妹阻止它的时候,它说“有的人值得我为她融化。” 看到这句话都感动哭了。 这里比较有突破的就是,以前无论是白雪公主也好,美女与野兽也好,等等,都是美好的恋情。 但是这里的王子,却是个实实在在的道貌岸然的人渣。 这就教育我们,不是骑白马的都是王子啊,也有可能是唐僧啊。 女孩子要分辨什么才是真爱啊,有些对你跪舔的男人们,等他站起来的时候就
6、不是他了。 女孩子要富养,但不是让她们骄奢娇气,而是让她们开阔眼界,丰富社会经验,不会轻易被骗。 男孩子要穷养,但不是让他们吃糠咽菜,而是锻炼他们吃苦耐劳,有坚强不屈的意志去社会上拼搏,最起码要养家糊口,而且还要提高生活品质。第三篇:冰雪奇缘观后感 冰雪奇缘观后感 各式各样晶莹剔透的雪花出现在银幕上,昏黄的灯光缓缓亮起,我从座位上站起身,想要永远记住这部电影冰雪奇缘。 冰雪奇缘的英文名是“frozen”,意思是冰冻的,可是你一点也不会感到寒冷,反倒会觉得暖意融融。冰雪奇缘主要讲述了这样一个美丽的童话故事:城堡中居住着两位公主,生来就有召唤冰雪能力的姐姐elsa在游戏中误伤妹妹anna。地精治好
7、安娜并抹去她知道姐姐会魔法的记忆。从此,为了不再伤害任何人,姐姐带上手套遮住会施魔法却无法控制住魔法的手独居城堡的房间。以后数年,姐妹隔着一扇门,却仿若相隔万里,处于两个世界不能相见渐渐长大。父母去世,艾尔莎只能走出房间成为女王。好不容易瞒过众人她会魔法,却因为不同意妹妹想要和初识的王子结婚而失控,手套被妹妹拉下的那一刻,她所到之处冰天雪地,整个王国陷入茫茫冰雪,艾尔莎被认为是怪物躲进深山。妹妹为了振救王国踏上寻找姐姐的旅途,经历千辛万苦,两姐妹用爱战胜魔法,像所有童话故事的结局一样,从此她们永远幸福地生活在了阿伦戴尔。 除却剧情,音乐和画面的完美也是这部电影令我难以忘怀的一个重要因素。随着e
8、lsa那双充满神奇魔力的双手,晶莹剔透的冰雪宫殿在冰天雪地中拔地而起,在初升太阳的照耀下流光溢彩,宫殿里千奇百怪的雪花闪耀着湛蓝与暗紫色的光,与水晶般的地面发出的银光交相辉映,宛若仙镜。这一切在伴随着高亢激昂的音乐主题曲let it go,真是完美到爆的视听享受。 或许电影对受众而言,最大的意义就是造梦,向你展现爱、坚持、梦想以及所有的那些美好幸福,让你汲取力量和勇气,来面对真正的人生。影院的灯终究会亮起来,再美好的梦都会结束,而你的眼底却会因此多加了几分澄澈。所有的理论、技法、批判都可以是虚无的,而你的感受却是真实不虚的。第四篇:冰雪奇缘英文观后感 yoki 1332110 monday 1
9、4:20 movie report:frozen elsa was arendelleprincess who was born with magic.she had ability to creat ice and snow which brought her not only happiness,but also sadness.one day, while playing, she accidently hurt her little sister for she could not control herself.the king and queen asked help for tr
10、olls.they saved anna(elsas little sister) and removed her memories of elsas power of magic.in order to protect anna,the royal couple isolated the chindren in the castle.the sisters became wordless.elsa spended more time alone in her room. however,while the girls grew up,their parents died for an acc
11、ident at sea.when elsa came of age,the kingdom prepared for her coronation.during the party,anna met prince hans of southern isles and they talked for a long time.after,they felt they were fall in love with each other.anna told elsa that she wanted to marriged with hans which made elsa very angry.du
12、ring the quarrel,elsa could not control her power and exposed her ability.many people became afraid.so did elsa.then ,her motion made the summer turned ino winter and frozen a lot of things.she ran away and bult her own palace in ice.anna wanted to find her sister and met mountain man kristoff and h
13、is reindeer sven.they helped each other and with olafs(a snowman made by elsa and anna when they were small)help,they finally found elsa.however,elsa hurted anna inadvertently again and only act of real love can saved her.all the people think hanskiss can save anna.but,hans wanted to kill she and th
14、en he can became the king.so lucky,elsas love saved anna ,it called family love. at the end of the movie, kristoff and anna became lovers and hans was arrested.elsa knew how to control her ability and her people still loved her.she made the sky snowed and the summer became cooler.第五篇:冰雪奇缘观后感 in f ro
15、zen, disney can this ship across the boundaries of time and space, and often move back and forth between reality and dreams of luxury cruise ships, and came to the nordic audiences all over the world.you can enjoy the nordic castles, forests of northern europe, northern europe, ice and snow world an
16、d the local conditions and customs of northern europe.film first lens will let people have the feeling of surprise - from beneath the ice look up, waiting for ice transport workers to break the ice at the moment, the scene actual established the fundamental key of whole works free from vulgarity.as
17、the iceman shovel broke the ice, the audience also suddenly went into the world of northern europe, again heard that extremely local characteristics of booming of tonality , not the body and mind cant delivered to the film. story tells of a picturesque allen dell kingdom, life with two lovely beauti
18、ful princess, sister aisha and sister anna.aisha born with the ability to create snow and ice, at a young age in a play nearly take sister lives.in order to not hurt their loved ones, aisha chose to hide and escape, partition door from now on the connection of the two sisters.after aisha inherit the
19、 throne, the magic of her frozen the earth out of control, and hid in the mountains.for elder sister, for nor, anna and christopher and his reindeer villagers partner, the magic of light snow person, launched the return of her sister adventure. use musical narrative tradition of disney animation, mu
20、sic in the middle of the plot with the very reach the designated position, lyrics, infection and mobilize the audience mood easily. when aisha flee to the top of the snowy mountain, her singing naqu let it go is the most shocking moment film.endured years of loneliness, aisha had deserted her in thi
21、s moment all my problems and concerns, remove all the mental and physical bondage, decided to be myself, when she used magic to create a stairway to the top of the hill, when a snow castle with music melody miracle built, each audience seems to have his heart from a variety of depression and unhappi
22、ness in life to put aside. aaaa, in fact, elsa used magic to create two snowman: a snowman olaf is longing for the summer, it encountered in the jungle (or meet) anna;the other is a terrorist and a fierce giant snow, it anna out of ice and snow castle.olaf is (内容来源好 :WWw.haowOR)elsa and anna unwitti
23、ngly created when playing as a child, it is also a symbol of love two people, and snow giant is elsa fear and resist side show in the world.it is worth mentioning that the film really finally achieved her ambition of olaf enjoy summer, this incredible also let the audience feel magic of disney anima
24、tion will dream come true.as an aside, olaf reminds me of the domestic animation snow child, because the snowman is always used to represent the friendship, and the intention is only to get sublimation when it melts.aaaa the end to everyones amazing film, annas love melted aisha deliberately imposed
25、 by fear their imprisonment, and aisha love melted ice magic suffered by anna. is a wide variety of ice and snow, and warm affection.f rozen contrary to the audience is wonderful experience, is reflected in the film the pursuit of self , be yourself , true melt frozen heart and other elements, makes the audience heart touches. true love is not confined to the men and women of love, include our family love, friendship.the cold day, let true love companions to warm their hearts.