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1、雅思阅读基础班教案step2学生教案资料仅供参考雅思阅读基础班教案step2教学目标:1. 坚定同义替换的概念:养成这样的习惯是修炼内功的第一步;2. 理解同义替换的手法:常见的手法并不多,一旦掌握,即可得心应手;3. 积累考点词:做过的阅读真题已经不具有测试意义了,可是能够帮你印证和理解考点词的奥秘。同学们能够对照剑桥雅思阅读考点词真经体验“无招胜有招”的绝妙佳境。4. 熟悉填词题的出题形式和熟练典型题目。教学步骤:1. 坚定同义替换的概念并经过真题理解同义替换的三种手法;2. 学习阅读真经原文标注法,养成好的阅读和做题方法;3. 熟悉单词填写题的命题规律与解题要诀;4. 经过做题来掌握填词

2、题的做题步骤;5.教学过程:I. 莫夸境界高,无招胜有招首先,请牢记: 无论什么招数,只要有招数,就有破绽。 无论什么题型,只要是题目,就有题干。 刘洪波只要是题目,就有题干,而题干中的每一个单词必然来自原文或是原文的同义替换。题干中有first,原文中一定有first或是同义表示;题干中most或majority;题干中有最高级,原文中一定有最高级或它的同义表示;题干中有并列结构,原文中也一定存在并列关系。如违反上述原则,题目表示的含义就会偏离原文,造成出题不严谨或有瑕疵。这显然不是英国剑桥严格学术之风范。因此,雅思阅读考题只有一种命题方式 同义替换(Paraphrase)。同义替换的三种手

3、法在题干中实现同义替换表示有三种常见手法:同义替换多 单词有灵犀同义替换方式雅思阅读中出题概率1同义词设计80%2双重反义词设计10%3对原文思想归纳总结10%手法1:同义词设计真题示例A剑桥雅思7第25页Test 1 Reading Passage 2第22题题型:TRUE/FALSE/NOT GIVEN(是非判断题)题目:Feeding increasing populations is possible due primarily to improved irrigation systems.原文:B Food production has kept pace with soaring

4、populations mainly because of the expansion of artificial irrigation systems that make possible the growth of 40% of the worlds food.解析:注意题干中每一个单词在原文中的来源:feeding 来自原文中的food production;increasing 来自soaring;due to 来自because of;primarily 来自mainly; improved来自expansion。考官很严谨而敬业,改写很仔细而辛苦,因此答案是TRUE。手法2:双重反

5、义词设计真题示例A剑桥雅思7第20页Test 1 Reading Passage 1第2题题型:Paragraph Matching(段落信息匹配)题目: How early mammals avoided dying out原文:A In the time when the dinosaurs dominated the daytime economy, our mammalian ancestors probably only managed to survive at all because they found ways of scraping a living at night解析:

6、注意题目中early一词的含义来自原文ancestors(祖先);avoid (避免,没有做)的反义词是manage to do (成功地做了);die out (灭绝)的反义词是survive(幸存)。因此题干是双重反义表示原文的同义的设计。手法3:对原文思想归纳总结真题示例A剑桥雅思8第52页Test 2 Reading Passage 3第35题题型:Multiple Choice(选择题)题目: What is the writer doing in paragraph C?A. supporting other researchB. making a proposalC. rejec

7、ting a common beliefD. describing limitations原文:C In spite of its importance to our emotional and sensory lives, smell is probably the most undervalued sense in many cultures. The reason often given for the low regard in which smell is held is that, in comparison with its importance among animals, t

8、he human sense of smell is feeble and undeveloped. While it is true that the olfactory powers of humans are nothing like as fine as those possessed by certain animals, they are still remarkably acute. Our noses are able to recognize thousands of smells, and to perceive odours which are present only

9、in extremely small quantities.解析:答案是C选项rejecting a common belief。注意C选项中的几个单词原文中没有出现,也没有明显的同义词。如果考生读懂C段大意,会发现“在许多文化中人们低估了嗅觉这种感知”就是一种common belief。common 一词=in many cultures; belief指的是嗅觉的low regard。 rejecting(反驳)一词是来自一个句型:While it is true that, they are still这是一个让步转折:“虽然(你说的有一定道理),可是(我还是要反驳你)。”雅思命题者经过

10、这个句子归纳总结出了reject 这个单词。 归纳题是难题。以上三组例题分别对应三种不同的同义改写,同时对应了三种不同的雅思阅读题型。因此我们再次强调:不同的命题方式本质只有一种-同义替换。莫夸境界高 无招胜有招II. 阅读真经原文标注法用双下划线画出某题目定位词在原文的出处;尽可能找出题干中的所有单词(a, the 能够不论)对应于原文中的同义词出处,并用下划线把原文出处的对应单词画出来;最后用圈将答案在原文中圈出来。示例:题型:Sentence Completion(句子填空)题目: The word “echolocation” was first used by someone wor

11、king as _zoologist_(NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS)原文: The American zoologist Donald Griffin, who was largely responsible for the discovery of sonar in bats, coined the term “echolocation” to cover both sonar and radar, whether used by animals or by human instruments.心中的做题流程是:经过题目中带引号“echolocation”一词定位,找到原文

12、出处。仔细阅读发现:因为它(word)等于它(term);因为它(someone)等于它(Donald Griffin);因为它(working as)等于它(zoologist);因为它(first used)等于它(coined)因此答案是它(zoologist)。在这个因果关系推导中,我们能够清晰地看到:原因越多,逻辑就越缜密,推导出的结果正确率就越高。 同义替换多 单词有灵犀 这种同义词原文标注习惯养成后,考生能够迅速提升正确率,而且便于错题检查,搞清楚错的原因;同时以便于将来的再次复习。因为你在原文中完整地记录了你当时的解题思路。 雅思考生做过的阅读教材原文上不应该是干净无笔记的,也

13、不应该是乱勾乱划没有规律章法的。每做一篇文章都应该采用这种阅读原文真经标注法来巩固境界,提醒自己。真实考场上也要采用此标注法,在考卷文章的原文上做标注,这是雅思阅读考试允许的,因为最后考官不会看你的阅读考卷,只看答题卡。III. 填词有规律,前后找规律不要说答案词汇不认识,词汇量不够,因此卷子上才四大皆空,空空如也。“空格前后动词名词处,才是醉翁之意。(我们从这种题型学起,是因为它主要考查单词理解,不像TRUE/FALSE/NOT GIVEN是理解判断一个句子;而选Headings则是理解归纳自然段。因此该题型难度居适中,阅读6分水平的考生应控制该题型错在两道题以内。其实单词填写题还能够包括填

14、表格、填图题;但填表格、填图题更为简单,而且出现概率不高,因此我们将在最后一种题型来归纳总结。)单词填写题命题规律与解题要诀单词填写题可细分为:原文选词填空完成摘要;从题目后面的单词列表中选词填空完成摘要;从原文选词填空完成句子;从原文选词回答问题。概率:真实考试40个题目中平均10个题难度:前三种第四种(从原文选词回答问题)难度为中等,变换四种题单词填写题中出现概率最大的是填空完成摘要,简称Summary。再此,我们再次强调:第一,先看题,再读文章;阅读先看题,定位快寻觅 第二,单词填写题是细节题,优先做。两种题后做,优先细节题原文选词填空完成摘要从原文选词填空Summary 做题步骤Ste

15、p1确定整个Summary 在原文的出处具体技巧:1. 看题型描述中是否已给出信息。(e.g. The summary below is based on Part C of the passage.)2. 看summary 的题型位置。(如Summary是第二种题型,则大多数是对文章中间的13个自然段的总结;如Summary 是最后一种题型,则大多是对文章末尾的13个自然段的总结。注意Summary较少作为第一题型出现)3. 定位Summary首句中的keywords,在原文中查找。Step2判断所需空格词性真实考试中空格填名词的概率占到80%;填动词占到10%;而填形容词、副词、和数词共占

16、到10%。注意不考介词、连词、代词、冠词。Step3根据空格前后信息在原文中锁定答案 这是最重要的一个解题步骤。“空格前后的信息”指的是空格前后重要的单词,特别是动词和名词。“锁定答案”是一个夹心饼干原则:题目的空格就是夹心饼干的“心”,空格前后的单词就是两块“饼干”;要找到“心”在原文的出处,我们就需要拿着这两块“饼干”在原文中一夹,就夹出来了。但要特别注意这两块“饼干”在原文的同义词替换。填词有规律,前后找痕迹Step4填完后通读一遍Summary这种题型检查起来简单有效,只需将所填答案带入空格中,将Summary整个通读一遍,从逻辑、语义和语法上即可检查。NB(注意)1. 答案空格有字数

17、限制,如:Use NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS, 解题前要看清楚。2. 空格答案大多数情况下符合原文顺序原则,有可能出现12个倒序。3. 一个Summary题型中会设置12道难题。4. 空格答案有可能需要变换原文单词的词性。5. 空格答案经常是高难词或生词。生词不用疑6. 该题型重点考查空格前后的单词对应原文中的同义词理解。填词有规律,前后找痕迹真题示例A剑桥雅思7第90页Test 4 Reading Passage 1第8段Others feel there is more of a case for the theory. Harnessing the wind wou

18、ld not have been a problem for accomplished sailors like the Egyptians. And they are known to have used wooden pulleys, which could have been made strong enough to bear the weight of massive blocks of stone. In addition, there is some physical evidence that the ancient Egyptians were interested in f

19、light. A wooden artefact found on the step pyramid at Saqqara looks uncannily like a modern glider. Although it dates from several hundred years after the building of the pyramids, its sophistication suggests that the Egyptians might have been developing ideas of flight for a long time. And other an

20、cient civilisations certainly knew about kites; as early as 1250 BC, the Chinese were using them to deliver messages and dump flaming debris on their foes.Questions 8-13Complete the summary below.Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage for each answer.Write your answers in boxes 8-13 on your

21、answer sheet. Additional evidence for theory of kite-liftingThe Egyptians had 8 , which could lift large pieces of 9 and they knew how to use the energy of the wind from their skill as 10 . The discovery on one pyramid of an object which resembled a 11 suggests they may have experimented with 12 . I

22、n addition, over twothousand years ago kites were used in China as weapons, as well as for sending 13 真题示例B剑桥雅思6第27页Test 4 Reading Passage 3 C、D段C The Canadian Arctic is a vast, treeless polar desert thats covered with snow for most of the year. Venture into this terrain and you get some idea of the

23、 hardships facing anyone who calls this home. Farming is out of the question and nature offers meagre pickings. Humans first settled in the Arctic a mere 4,500 years ago, surviving by exploiting sea mammals and fish. The environment tested them to the limits: sometimes the colonists were successful,

24、 sometimes they failed and vanished. But around a thousand years ago, one group emerged that was uniquely well adapted to cope with the Arctic environment. These Thule people moved in from Alaska, bringing kayaks, sleds, dogs, pottery and iron tools. They are the ancestors of todays Inuit people.D L

25、ife for the descendants of the Thule people is still harsh. Nunavut is 1.9 million square kilometres of rock and ice, and a handful of islands around the North Pole. Its currently home to 2,500 people, all but a handful of them indigenous Inuit. Over the past 40 years, most have abandoned their noma

26、dic ways and settled in the territorys 28 isolated communities, but they still rely heavily on nature to provide food and clothing. Provisions available in local shops have to be flown into Nunavut on one of the most costly air networks in the world, or brought by supply ship during the few ice-free

27、 weeks of summer. It would cost a family around f7,000 a year to replace meat they obtained themselves through hunting with imported meat. Economic opportunities are scarce, and for many people state benefits are their only income.Questions 33-40Complete the summary of paragraphs C and D below.Choos

28、e NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from paragraphs C and D for each answer.Write your answers in boxes 33-40 on your answer sheet.If you visit the Canadian Arctic, you immediately appreciate the problems faced by people for whom this is home. It would clearly be impossible for the people to engage in 33. as a

29、 means of supporting themselves. For thousands of years they have had to rely on catching 34. and 35. as a means of sustenance.The harsh surroundings saw many who tried to settle there pushed to their limits, although some were successful. The 36. people were an example of the latter and for them th

30、e environment did not prove unmanageable. For the present inhabitants, life continues to be a struggle. The territory of Nunavut consists of little more than ice, rock and a few 37. In recent years, many of them have been obliged to give up their 38. lifestyle, but they continue to depend mainly on

31、39. for their food and clothes. 40. produce is particularly expensive.从单词列表中选词填空完成摘要这种Summary 的解题方法与从原文选词填空是一致的,只多了一个步骤:从原文中找出心目中的答案单词后,还要在题目后面的单词列表中选一选,看看哪一个选项单词是原文答案,或原文答案的同义表示。 因此从这个角度来说,这种题型可能需要考生多做一次同义替换理解:原文答案单词和正确选项的同义替换。这样就增加了难度。 可是从另外一个角度来说,因为限定了单词选项,也提供了考生经过词性词义选择或经过排除法来正确解题的可能性。真题示例A剑桥雅思8

32、第65页Test 3 Reading Passage 1 第56段And anyway, who would want to fire streams of rockets in a populated area? What goes up must come down, points out Jean-Claude Diels of the University of New Mexico. Diels is leading a project, which is backed by EPRI, to try to use lasers to discharge lightning safe

33、ly - and safety is a basic requirement since no one wants to put themselves or their expensive equipment at risk. With around $500, 000 invested so far, a promising system is just emerging from the laboratory. The idea began some 20 years ago, when high-powered lasers were revealing their ability to

34、 extract electrons out of atoms and create ions. If a laser could generate a line of ionisation in the air all the way up to a storm cloud, this conducting path could be used to guide lightning to Earth, before the electric field becomes strong enough to break down the air in an uncontrollable surge

35、. To stop the laser itself being struck, it would not be pointed straight at the clouds. Instead it would be directed at a mirror, and from there into the sky. The mirror would be protected by placing lightning conductors close by. Ideally, the cloud-zapper (gun)would be cheap enough to be installed

36、 around all key power installations, and portable enough to be taken to international sporting events to beam up at brewing storm clouds.Questions 7-10Complete the summary using the list of words, A-I, below. Write the correct letter, A-I, in boxes 7-10 on your answer sheet. In this method, a laser

37、is used to create a line of ionisation by removing electrons from 7 . This laser is then directed at 8 in order to control electrical charges, a method which is less dangerous than using 9 . As a protection for the lasers, the beams are aimed firstly at 10.A cloud-zappers B atoms C storm clouds D mi

38、rrors E technique F ions G rockets H conductors I thunder 真题示例B剑桥雅思7第68页Test 3 Reading Passage 1 第36段They(ants) have never mastered fire nor progressed. Their fungus farming and aphid herding crafts are sophisticated when compared to the agricultural skills of humans five thousand years ago but have

39、 been totally overtaken by modern human agribusiness. Or have they? The farming methods of ants are at least sustainable. They do not ruin environments or use enormous amounts of energy. Moreover, recent evidence suggests that the crop farming of ants may be more sophisticated and adaptable than was

40、 thought. Ants were farmers fifty million years before humans were. Ants cant digest the cellulose in leaves but some fungi can. The ants therefore cultivate these fungi in their nests, bringing them leaves to feed on, and then use them as a source of food. Farmer ants secrete antibiotics to control

41、 other fungi that might act as weeds, and spread waste to fertilise the crop.It was once thought that the fungus that ants cultivate was a single type that they had propagated, essentially unchanged from the distant past. Not so. Ulrich Mueller of Maryland and his colleagues genetically screened 862

42、 different types of fungi taken from ants nests. These turned out to be highly diverse: it seems that ants are continually domesticating new species. Even more impressively, DNA analysis of the fungi suggests that the ants improve or modify the fungi by regularly swapping and sharing strains with ne

43、ighbouring ant colonies.Questions 7-13Complete the summary using the list of words, A-0, below.Write the correct letter, A-0, in boxes 7-13 on your answer sheet.Ants as farmersAnts have sophisticated methods of farming, including herding livestock and growing crops, which are in many ways similar to

44、 those used in human agriculture. The ants cultivate a large number of different species of edible fungi which convert 7 into a form which they can digest. They use their own natural8 as weed-killers and also use unwanted materials as 9 .Genetic analysis shows they constantly upgrade these fungi by

45、developing new species and by 10 species with neighbouring ant colonies. In fact, the farming methods of ants could be said to be more advanced than human agribusiness, since they use 11 methods, they do not affect the 12 and do not waste 13 .A aphids B agricultural C cellulose D exchanging E energy

46、F fertilizers G food H fungi I growing J interbreedingK natural L other species M secretions N sustainable 0 environment原文选词填空完成句子填空完成句子解题方法和从原文选词填空Summary一致。可理解为一句话Summary题型。真题示例A剑桥雅思7第18页Test 1 Reading Passage 1 E段EThe Sonar and Radar pioneers didnt know it then, but all the world now knows that bats, or rather natural selection working on bats, had perfected the system tens of millions of years earlier, and their “radar” achieves feats of detection and navigation t

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