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1、2021年辽宁省葫芦岛市中考英语试卷. 单项选择(共15分,每小题1分) 从下面各题的四个选项中选择一个最佳答案。1(1分)The _ of this game is to let students know the importance of pulling together.()AprizeBprogressCpracticeDpurpose2(1分)My school ID card is on the desk.What about _ ?Its in my schoolbag.()AhisBhersCyoursDmine3(1分)These photos _ the doctors

2、unusual working experiences.()ArecordBreceiveCrememberDrealize4(1分)My mother gets up _ five oclock every morning to cook breakfast for me.()AonBatCinDfor5(1分)I dont understand my teachers great love _ I become a teacher myself.()AifBuntilCsinceDthough6(1分)After the exam,my parents will meet me _ at

3、the school gate.()Ain personBin commonCin publicDin silence7(1分)You are going to get much exercise.Are you _ that?Of course.I promise to keep it.()Aproud ofBthirsty forCsure aboutDinterested in8(1分)Sit down,please.You _ be tired after standing for so long.()AcouldBcanCmustDmight9(1分)Sam,lets _ these

4、 old things.I dont need them anymore.No.We can try to put them to good use.()Apull downBfix upChand outDthrow away10(1分)Lily,can you get my dictionary?Wait a minute,Lucy.I _ clothes.()AwashedBam washingCwill washDhave washed11(1分)In order to protect his eyes,he _ uses electronic products.()AalwaysBo

5、ftenCusuallyDseldom12(1分)The boy is so _ that he makes few mistakes in English grammar.()AstrictBcarefulCactiveDpatient13(1分)We can leave two hours earlier if the work _.()AcompletesBcompletedCis completedDwas completed14(1分)Can you tell me _ Beijing?Twice.()Ahow often you go toBhow soon youll go to

6、Chow long you have been inDhow many times you have been to15(1分)Dont be noisy in the school library._.()ASorry,I wontBNo problemCIt doesnt matterDYoure welcome一. 补全对话(共5分,每空1分)从所给的选项中选择恰当的句子完成此对话。(有两个多余选项)16(5分)A:Hi,Zhang Rui, (1) B:Ill return to my hometown.A:How long havent you returned home?B:For

7、 almost three years.A:(2) B:Yes.It used to be old,but now many new buildings have appeared.A:What are you going to be after you return home?B:(3) I want to be a teacher there.A:(4) B:I want to help the kids achieve their dreams.A:(5) I hope your hometown will be better and better.B:Thank you.A.It ta

8、kes time.B.You are so great!C.What is your hometown like?D.Why do you want to be a teacher?E.Has your hometown changed a lot?F.What will you do after leaving school?G.The government set up a new primary school. 完形填空(共10分,每空1分)根据短文内容,从各题所给的四个选项中选择一个最佳答案。17(10分)Most polar (北极) bears could disappear by

9、 the end of the century because of global (全球) warming,scientists say. According to a study in Nature Climate (气候) Change,the number of most polar bears will (1) rapidly by 2080.There are two reasons.One is that the sea ice is melting (融化).Polar bears catch seals (海豹) to eat on the ice.(2) ice,they

10、have to stay on land.But there is no (3) food on land to support so many bears.The animals could die from hunger.The other reason is that mother bears may not be fat enough to(4) milk for their babies,so some bears could stop having babies. Polar bears are (5) land animals that eat meat on the plane

11、t.They help control other kinds of animals.Losing them would break the balance of their living place. The Arctic (北冰洋) is the (6) to about 25,000 polar bears.Arctic sea ice usually melts in spring and summer,then grows in winter.But now,the (7) is taking longer to grow back.Scientists say the Arctic

12、 is warming twice as fast as the rest of the planets. The study also shows (8) it is possible to slow Arctic melting.Greenhouse gas (温室气体) could lead to climate change.In order to avoid creating greenhouse gas,the world should try to stop burning coal and riding in cars. Saving the bears is (9) us.H

13、olland,one of the writers of the study,says, I believe there is hope,but humans need to act (10) to make that hope come true. Lets take action to protect our earth and save polar bears.(1)A.developB.fallC.increaseD.improve(2)A.ThroughB.AcrossC.WithoutD.Except(3)A.enoughB.goodC.sweetD.delicious(4)A.p

14、rotectB.processC.prepareD.produce(5)A.the largestB.the loveliestC.the simplestD.the luckiest(6)A.roomB.familyC.houseD.home(7)A.seaB.iceC.plantD.animal(8)A.ifB.whenC.thatD.whether(9)A.up toB.hard onC.good withD.thankful to(10)A.widelyB.clearlyC.quicklyD.quietly.阅读理解(共20分,每小题5分)根据短文内容,从各题所给的四个选项中选择一个正

15、确答案。18(5分)Spending almost a full day in the car with a 70yearold woman could be boring.However,for a 15yearold girl,it was a great memory for many reasons.During the trip,we discussed anything we had wondered about in life.And I learned a lot I had never expected to. I learned that we shouldnt take

16、ourselves seriously and that not everyone has to get old and boring.She is probably one of the coolest,funniest and most downtoearth people Ive ever met.In boring moments (时刻),she never fails to tell one of her famous jokes.But when you need a shoulder to cry on,she is there to comfort you.She taugh

17、t me that Laughter is the best medicine. She never brings her phone,and she is okay with it.That hasnt stopped her from shopping and talking with her family online.She doesnt take pictures of everything she sees. From now on,I plan on accepting the fact that I dont need to stay connected with social

18、 media (社交媒体) all the time.Even though I dont use a mobile phone,I can also be better at communicating with people. There are so many things you can learn from someone older and wiser than you.You dont need to ask for advice,just slow down and enjoy the conversation.Youll be surprised at how amazing

19、 it is.(1)The writer spent a full day with .A.a bus driverB.a young girlC.an old womanD.a woman guide(2)We can know from the second paragraph.A.the writer learned nothingB.the old woman often criesC.everyone gets old and boringD.the old woman likes telling jokes(3)The underlined word comfort in the

20、passage means .A.安慰B.鼓励C.夸奖D.慰问(4)The writer thinks .A.the old woman is the coolestB.she needs to ask the old for adviceC.she must stop using a mobile phoneD.we can learn from older and wiser people(5)The best title of the passage is .A.The Best MedicineB.A Boring TripC.Learning Along the WayD.Life

21、without a Mobile Phone19(5分)MeiqiGuangdongMany of my classmates are losing weight so they can look more beautiful.There is nothing wrong with being beautiful,but it is not wise to lose weight by dieting (节食) unhealthily.Every year,many people become sick because of dieting,it is bad for their health

22、 and even costs them their own lives.In fact,life is the most important thing.Exercise more and eat less.This could be the best way to lose weight.ZixuanWuhanThese days,many of us have idols (偶像).They are mostly pop stars.Its good to like someone with great qualities (品质).But sometimes some fans are

23、 too crazy.For example,they might spend too much time watching their idols shows.They also buy expensive gifts for their idols.But their own lives might be pretty hard.Some young fans might pay so much attention to their idols that their grades get worse.Some even give up classes to see their idols.

24、Fans should love their idols in a healthy way.MiaoxiSichuanI often see people wearing hanfu on the street.Some might think they are strange,but I dont think so.Everyone has the right to make a choice.Some people enjoy fashion (时尚),while others like tradition.In fact,when I sometimes see girls wearin

25、g hanfu in my school,I say to myself, Wow!Thats a beautiful dress!They are so different! One day,I will wear hanfu and introduce it to foreigners.(1)The first paragraph tells us is the most important.A.attentionB.exerciseC.lifeD.beauty(2)According to Meiqi,the best way to lose weight could be .A.bec

26、oming sickB.dieting unhealthilyC.giving up classesD.exercising more and eating less(3)Zixuan thinks idols should .A.buy fans giftsB.lose weightC.have great qualitiesD.get good grades(4)From the last paragraph,we can infer Miaoxi .A.doesnt like traditionB.wants to visit foreignersC.thinks wearing han

27、fu is strangeD.wants to spread Chinese tradition culture(5)The three people in this passage may be .A.studentsB.writersC.reportersD.teachers20(5分)Have you ever heard of Who knows that each bowl of rice is the fruit of hard toil (苦工)? It tells us not to waste food. As we all know,every bit of food we

28、 eat comes from hard work.Its not easy to turn a seed (种子) into the food you can eat.Recently,to help students better understand this,the No.4 Middle School in Huzhou,Zhejiang held an activity.Under the hot sun,hundreds of students went to a field to experience farming.With the help of others,they l

29、earned how to grow rice and pick vegetables.After the activity,they better understood how hard farming was. Many countries are facing the foodshortage problem now.According to the UN,there are 820 million people living in hunger today.Our country used to face this problem,too.In the 1960s,because th

30、ere wasnt much food,many people even died from hunger.In 1973,Yuan Longping and his team succeeded in the development of hybrid (杂交) rice.They made great progress in solving our foodshortage problem.Many scientists like Yuan are always going out of their way to solve this problem now. When we waste

31、food,we waste not only food but also resources (资源) for growing,transporting and cooking the food.These all take energy,time and water.Wasting food also creates greenhouse gas.So food waste is bad for the environment,too. Please value what youre eating.(1)The poem tells us not to .A.throw foodB.wast

32、e foodC.pollute foodD.hate food(2)Students from Huzhou on the farm.A.sold seedsB.grew vegetablesC.understood each otherD.experienced farming(3)Chinese people in the 1960s.A.had a hard lifeB.died from illnessesC.had much foodD.ate a new kind of rice(4)Saving food is for the environment.A.goodB.badC.s

33、afeD.meaningless(5)The main idea of this passage is .A.how we should save foodB.why we should value foodC.where we can experience farmingD.how we should protect the environment21(5分)There are about 1.4 billion (十亿) people in China.WeChat is part of life for many Chinese.We use it to chat,send photos

34、,pay for things,etc.It is playing a bigger role.But do you know who invented WeChat?The man behind it is Zhang Xiaolong.He is the vice president (副总裁) of Tencent and is called Father of WeChat. Zhang Xiaolong was born in Shaoyang,Hunan Province in 1969.He graduated from Huazhong University of Scienc

35、e and Technology in 1994.While at university,he had many hobbies,such as chess,tennis and bowling.His classmates said whatever he did,he could get quite good at it after trying hard for several years.He liked to sleep late,but that didnt mean he was lazy.He would keep working hard on something for m

36、any hours till midnight. Such a clever and hardworking man would surely succeed.In 1997,he created Foxmail and achieved success.He created WeChat in 2011,and it became a bigger success.It is so easy to use._ .Because of it,Zhang has become rich and successful,but he always keeps a low profile (低调).F

37、ew people know about him.He only lets his work speak for him.You may have a good understanding of him by using WeChat. January 21,2021 was the 10th birthday of WeChat.Its said that Zhang Xiaolong is making his another 10year plan for WeChat.Will he surprise us again?Thats for sure.(1)If you forget t

38、o take money,you can by WeChat.A.cookB.chatC.send photosD.pay for things(2)Zhang Xiaolong left his university .A.in 1969B.in 1994C.in 1997D.in 2011(3)According to Zhangs classmates,he was at university.A.lazyB.hardworkingC.relaxedD.friendly(4)Which of the following can be put in the in the third par

39、agraph?A.About one billion people use it now.B.Few people find WeChat very interesting.C.People never use WeChat in their daily life.D.Someone likes using WeChat to do many things.(5)Which of the following is TRUE? A.Zhang Xiaolong likes speaking for himself.B.People have used WeChat for less than t

40、en years.C.WeChat is playing a bigger role in peoples lives.D.Zhang Xiaolong can get good at something easily.第二部分 非选择题(共70分). 补全对话(共5分,每空1分)在下面对话的空白处填入适当的话语,使对话完整。22(5分)A:Hi,Yu Yue. (1) ?B:Hi,Qu Tao.Im fine,thanks.A:Yu Yue,I didnt see you in the story telling club yesterday. (2) ?B:My mother was il

41、l.I had to look after her at home.A:Sorry to hear that.But you really missed many good stories.B:Really?What a pity! (3) ?A:Wang Fengs story is the best.B:Whats its name?A:Yu Gong Moves a Mountain. (4) ?B:Yes,I do.I have read many Chinese traditional stories like this.A:Quite good!Lets tell a story

42、in the club next time.B: (5) . 句子翻译(共15分)(A)根据所给中文完成句子翻译。(共11分。局部翻译,每小题1分;整句翻译,每小题1分)23(1分)这次表演能把孩子们最好的一面展示出来。The show can the best in the children.24(1分)他们经常给儿童之家捐书。They often books to a childrens home.25(1分)这个女孩天生有唱歌的能力。The girl the ability to sing.26(1分)你知道飞机是什么时候起飞的吗?Do you know when the plane ?

43、27(1分)相信我,这次考试我不会让你们失望。Believe in me,and I wont in the test.28(2分)多么生动的一节课啊! !29(2分)这附近有一家电影院。 .30(2分)昨天暴风雨来的时候这些学生在做什么? ?(B) (共4分,每小题4分)阅读下面的短文,将短文中画线部分的句子译成中文。31(4分)阅读下面的短文,将短文中画线部分的句子译成中文。 China has a long history of making lanterns.And lanterns are necessary decorations (装饰品) during important fe

44、stivals such as the Chinese New Year.They are beautiful and create an air of festivity.Today,I want to tell you a kind of plant.(1)This kind of plant is very similar to lanterns. The plant is Winter Cherry (樱桃).Chinese people also call it the Chinese Lantern plant.Its papery orangered flowers look l

45、ike little lanterns.It grows mainly in central and southern Europe,Iran,China,and Southeast Asia.The plant is not only beautiful but also useful.Its fruit and leaves can be used to make medicine. (2)Because of this,it is loved by many people. Will you pick it when you see it next time?(1) (2) .完形填空(共10分,每空1分)根据短文内容,用方框中所给词的正确形式填空,使短文完整、正确。(每个词只能用一次,有两个多余词)32(10分)用方框中所给词的正确形式填空,使短文完整、正确.add,oil,education,use ,still ,so,many,at ,friend,speak,with ,encourageWhen the people around us feel down,we

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