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1、2019年辽宁省沈阳市中考英语试题第一部分 选择题(三大题)一、单项填空从A、B、C、D中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。1. Paper is useful invention.Cai Lun invented it around 2,000 years ago.A. aB. anC. theD. 不填【答案】A【解析】【分析】【详解】句意:纸是一项有用的发明。蔡伦大约在2000年前发明了它。考查冠词辨析。invention发明,单数名词需用不定冠词修饰;useful(有用的)以辅音音素开头,需用a。根据句意语法,可知选A。2. Why is Graces Chinese so good?Be

2、cause she China for ten years.A. has gone toB. has been toC. has come toD. has been in【答案】D【解析】【分析】【详解】句意:为什么格蕾丝的中文这么好?因为她在中国已经十年了。考查现在完成时。for ten years是一段持续的时间,用于现在完成时;go和come是终止性动词,不可和持续的时间连用,可排除AC两项。have gone to意为“到某地去了”,说话时作句子主语的人不在现场;have been to意为“曾经去过某地”,现在已不在那里了;have been in意为“在某地呆了多长时间”,常与表

3、示一段时间的状语连用。根据句意结构和语境,可知B不合句意,故选D。3. People who always do sports are in spirits than those who dont.A. highB. higherC. tallD. taller【答案】B【解析】【分析】【详解】句意:经常做运动的人比那些不做运动的人更有精神。考查形容词和比较级辨析。high高的,可用于表示数量、程度、强度等;tall高的,主要用于形容人、建筑物、树木等。than比,用于比较,句子需用比较级,可排除AC两项。根据句意语境,可知tall不合句意,故选B。4. You should walk in

4、snowy weather so that you will not fall over.A. happilyB. slowlyC. sadlyD. quickly【答案】B【解析】【分析】【详解】句意:你应该在下雪天慢慢走,这样你就不会跌倒了。考查副词辨析。A. 高兴地;B. 缓慢地;C. 伤心地;D. 迅速地。根据so that you will not fall over可知下雪天要慢走,故选B。5. Last week,some students an English play at Rosie Bridge School.A. put outB. put awayC. put onD

5、. put up【答案】C【解析】【分析】【详解】句意:上周,一些学生在罗西布里奇学校上演了一出英语剧。考查动词短语辨析。put out熄灭; put away放好,把收起来;put on穿上,上演;put up举起,粘贴。an English play英语剧,根据句意语境,可知ABD三项意思都不合句意,故选C。6. When we succeeded in reaching the top of Mount Tai,we felt proud of .A. weB. usC. ourD. ourselves【答案】D【解析】【分析】【详解】句意:当我们成功登上泰山之巅时,我们为自己感到骄傲。

6、考查代词辨析。proud of以为荣;根据When we succeeded in reaching the top of Mount Tai可知为自己感到骄傲,需用反身代词,we和us都是人称代词,our是物主代词,均可排除。ourselves我们自己,故选D。7. A hanfu show in Museum of History next week.A. is heldB. was heldC. will be heldD. has been held【答案】C【解析】【分析】【详解】句意:汉服表演下周将在历史博物馆举行。考查动词语态辨析。next week下周,用于一般将来时;show

7、是动词hold(举行)的受动者,需用被动语态,可排除ABD三项。根据句意结构,可知选C。8. You always be careful with electricity for safety.A. mustB. canC. mustntD. cant【答案】A【解析】【分析】【详解】句意:为了安全,你必须经常小心用电。考查情态动词辨析。must必须,强调主观意愿;can能,表能力或许可,否定式是cant;mustnt不能,表禁止。根据be careful with electricity for safety可知BCD三项不合句意,故选A。9. The book is excellent.C

8、ould you tell me ?A. where did you buy itB. where you bought itC. where do you buy itD. where you buy it【答案】B【解析】【分析】【详解】句意:这本书很好。你能告诉我你在哪儿买的吗?考查宾语从句。宾语从句需用陈述句语序,AC两项都是疑问句语序,可排除。根据句意语境,可知“买buy”是发生在过去的动作,需用过去式,故选B。10. Hi,Joan!I won the mens 100metre race yesterday! Thats wonderful news.A. Never mind.

9、B. You are welcome.C. Congratulations!D. Thats all right.【答案】C【解析】【分析】【详解】句意:嗨,琼!我昨天赢得了男子100米比赛!恭喜你!这真是个好消息。考查口语交际。A. 没关系,用于回应别人的歉意。B. 不客气,用于回应别人的感谢。C. 恭喜你! D. 没关系/不用谢。根据Thats wonderful news.可知需表示祝贺,故选C。二、完形填空阅读短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Ray had a wonderful family and lived very happily. He

10、had four grandchildren, and they all came to see him_11_their holidays. One day,Ray was preparing to welcome them as usual: cleaning the house and cooking delicious food. _12_he was working,he lost his favorite watch which was a _13_from his deceased(已故的)wife. Ray loved the watch very much,and he wa

11、s very sad.When his grandchildren arrived,they _14_ him they would find the watch. One granddaughter asked,“Grandpa,where did you see the watch last_15_it went missing?”Ray replied,“Maybe in the barn(谷仓)!“The children searched there for more than two hours _16_ could not find it.One of his grandsons

12、 wanted to search the barn _17_,and Ray asked why he was going there. The little boy didnt explain but asked _18_ not to follow him. A moment later, he rushed back to his grandfather,I found it!he shouted. Ray was _19_and asked how he made it. The little boy replied,I stood in the barn_20_making any

13、 noise,and tried my best to keep silent. After a few _21_,I heard the sound of tick tick. At last,I _22_ the watch from the hay(干草).After hearing his words,Ray hugged the little boy and_23_him very much.The story tells us if we _24_calm(冷静的),we can find a solution. This shows the power of _25_ .11 A

14、. betweenB. duringC. amongD. past12. A. UnlessB. OverC. WhileD. Still13. A. reportB. giftC. letterD. message14. A. suggestedB. doubtedC. expectedD. promised15. A. afterB. beforeC. untilD. since16. A. andB. soC. orD. but17. A. everB. againC. alreadyD. always18. A. otherB. anotherC. the otherD. the ot

15、hers19. A. angryB. boredC. unhappyD. surprised20. A. withoutB. byC. aboutD. except21. A. weeksB. daysC. hoursD. minutes22. A. looked upB. tuned upC. picked upD. made up23. A. acceptedB. thankedC. savedD. protected24. A. stopB. sendC. stayD. seem25. A. habitB. decisionC. silenceD. suggestion【答案】11. B

16、 12. C 13. B 14. D 15. B 16. D 17. B 18. D 19. D 20. A 21. D 22. C 23. B 24. C 25. C【解析】【分析】短文大意:本文是一篇记叙文,主要介绍了Ray一次不小心丢了妻子送给他最心爱的手表,他的四个孙子孙女帮他找回的故事。故事告诉我们,只要保持冷静,我们就能找到解决方案。【11题详解】句意:他有四个孙子孙女,他们都在假期里来看他。考查介词辨析。between用于两者之间,多与and连用;during在期间,表示一段时间;among在之间/中间,用于三者及以上;past在之后/晚于。their holidays他们的假期

17、/度假,指的是一段时间;根据句意语境,可知ACD三项不合句意,故选B。【12题详解】句意:在他干活的时候,他丢失了他最喜欢的手表,那是他已故妻子送给他的礼物。考查连词辨析。A. 除非,表条件;B. 超过;C. 在的时候,表时间,用于主从动作同时发生的场合;D. 仍然。本句是时间状语从句,根据句意语境,手表是他在干活时丢的,可知主从动作是同时发生的,ABD三项意思都不合句意,故选C。【13题详解】句意:在他工作的时候,他丢失了他最喜欢的手表,那是他已故妻子送给他的礼物。考查名词辨析。A. 报告;B. 礼物;C. 信;D. 信息。根据句意语境,可知选B。【14题详解】句意:当他的孙子孙女们来到的时

18、候,他们向他保证一定会找到手表。考查动词辨析。A. 建议;B. 怀疑;C. 期望;D. 承诺。根据下文they would find the watch可知对爷爷做了承诺,故选D。【15题详解】句意:有个孙女问:“爷爷,这块表丢失前你最后是在哪里看到的?”考查连词辨析。A. 在之后;B. 在之前;C.直到,和not连用表示“直到才”,引导时间状语从句;D. 自从,用于表示一段时间。last最后,根据where did you see the watch last可知最后一次看到手表当然是在它丢失之前,故选B。【16题详解】句意:孩子们找了两个多小时,还是没有找到。考查连词辨析。A. 和,表并列

19、;B. 所以,表结果;C. 或者,表选择;D. 但是,表转折。本句前后是转折关系,根据句意结构和语境,可知选D。【17题详解】句意:他的一个孙子想再一次搜查谷仓。考查副词辨析。A. 曾经;B. 再次;C. 已经;D. 总是。根据上文The children searched there for more than two hours but could not find it可知这里是想再搜一次,ACD三项不合句意,故故选B。【18题详解】句意:小男孩没有解释,只是叫其他人不要跟着他。考查不定代词辨析。other作形容词或代词,表示“其他的,别的”,不可单独使用;another作形容词或代词,

20、泛指三个或三个以上不定数目中的“另一个”;the other作形容词或代词,特指两者中或两部分的另一个或另一部分;the others相当于“the other+名词”,表示“剩下的,其余的”,特指除此之外的全部 人或物。根据前文He had four grandchildren, and they all came to see him during their holidays可知这里是小男孩不让其他三个人跟着;四人中的三个,是特指,故选D。【19题详解】句意:雷很惊讶,问他是怎么做到的。考查形容词辨析。A. 生气的;B. 无聊的;C. 不高兴的;D. 惊讶的。根据上文孩子们找了两个多小时

21、都没有找到,现在小男孩却自己找到了,可知爷爷很惊讶,故选D。【20题详解】句意:我站在谷仓里,没有发出一点声音,尽量保持安静。考查介词辨析。without没有,表伴随;by通过,表方式;about关于;except除了。根据下文and tried my best to keep silent可知没有发出一点声音,without符合句意,故选A。【21题详解】句意:几分钟后,我听到滴答滴答的声音。考查名词辨析。A. 周;B. 天;C. 小时;D. 分钟。根据上文A moment later, he rushed back to his grandfather, I found it! he sh

22、outed.可知after a few minutes符合句意,故选D。【22题详解】句意:最后,我从干草中捡起了手表。考查动词短语辨析。A. 查找;B. 调高;C. 拿起/捡起;D. 编造。根据from the hay可知从草堆里捡起来,故选C。【23题详解】句意:听了他的话,雷紧紧地抱住小男孩,非常感谢他。考查动词辨析。A. 接受;B. 感谢;C. 保存;D. 保护。根据Ray hugged the little boy可知爷爷心里很激动,以拥抱来表示谢意,故选B。【24题详解】句意:故事告诉我们,如果我们保持冷静,我们就能找到解决办法。考查动词辨析。A. 停止;B. 发送;C. 停留;D

23、. 似乎。根据下文we can find a solution可知遇事冷静才会想到办法,stay calm保持冷静,故选C。【25题详解】句意:这显示了沉默力量。考查名词辨析。A. 习惯;B. 决定;C. 沉默;D. 建议。根据if we stay calm, we can find a solution,结合上文I stood in the barn without making any noise,and tried my best to keep silent可知ABD三项意思都不合句意,故选C。【点睛】完形填空。完形填空集阅读理解、语法、词法、句法于一体,考查语言的综合运用能力,是难度

24、最大的题目。本文从词汇短语方面看,考查了介词、连词、动词、名词、形容词、副词、代词、短语搭配,没有太难的单词出现,都是日常学习中常见的中考高频词汇,如: suggested v.建议; doubted v.怀疑,不确定; expected v.期待; promised v.承诺; protected v.保护; accepted v.接受; decision.决定等等。第5题需要注意上下文衔接,注意翻译的顺序,此题易错。第8题需要区别四个词即可选出, other别的,其他的; another另一个(大于等于三者); the other另一个(两者或两部分中); the others另一些(剩下

25、的全部)。12题需要四个动词短语意思都认识即可选出,looked up查阅; turned up调高/出现; picked up拾起; made up编造/组成/化妆。三、阅读理解阅读短文,然后根据其内容从A、B、C、D中选出最佳选项。AAntibiotic Cream(消炎药膏)uses: cream to treat pain and infection(感染)from small burn on skin. 26. Where can we use the cream on our bodies?A. In eyes.B. On skin.C. On teeth.D. On hair.2

26、7. We should visit if we have serious burns.A. a dentistB. a reporterC. a doctorD. a nurse28 How many times a day do we put the cream on the burn at least?A. TwoB. ThreeC. Four.D. Five.29. Which of the following statements about the Antibiotic Cream is true?A. It is only used on faceB. It can be eat

27、en as food.C. It is best for pregnant women.D. It must be kept at room temperature.【答案】26. B 27. C 28. A 29. D【解析】【分析】短文大意:本文是治疗烧伤的一种消炎药膏的使用说明。【26题详解】题意:我们可以在身体的哪个部位使用这种消炎药膏?考查细节理解。根据Use on skin only.可知仅用于皮肤,故选B。【27题详解】题意:如果我们有严重烧伤,我们应该去看医生。考查细节理解。根据Visit a doctor if you have serious burns.可知选C。【28题

28、详解】题意:我们每天至少要在烧伤处涂几次消炎药膏?考查数字理解。根据Put the cream on the burn twice or three times a day. 一天两到三次,可知至少2次,故选A。【29题详解】题意:关于消炎药膏,下列哪个陈述是正确的?考查细节判断。A. 仅用于面部;根据Use on skin only.可知说法错误。B. 它可以当食物吃;根据uses: cream to treat pain and infection(感染)from small burn on skin.可知说法错误。C. 对孕妇最好;根据If you are pregnant, ask a

29、 doctor before use可知说法错误。D. 必须在室温下保存;根据生活常识可知说法正确。综合以上分析,故选D。【点睛】阅读理解是最能体现学生英语能力的题型,分值较高,如何通过解题方法的掌握来提升自己解答阅读理解题的技巧是学生最关心的问题。初中阅读理解一般考查学生的细节理解能力,主旨理解能力和推理判断能力。做阅读理解题,首先要准确理解题意,然后根据题意根据短文内容做出正确的答案。(1)考查细节理解能力,此类型题较简单,准确理解题意后,直接到文中找出答案。(2)考查猜词能力。做这种题型时,要根据上下文意思准确猜出词意。3)考查推理判断能力,此类题型较难,准确理解题意后,在文中找出相关的

30、内容做出合理的推断。(4)考查主旨理解题。此类题型需通读全文,整体把握,根据文本主要内容选择合适的选项。BMost people are afraid of sharks,but they usually do not know very much about them.For example,there are 350 types of sharks,and all of them are meat eaters.Some sharks are very big.The whale shark is 50 to 60 feet long.But some sharks are very sm

31、all.The dwarf(侏儒)shark is only 6 inches(英寸)long.Sharks are 100 million years old.In fact,they lived at the same time as dinosaurs.Today,sharks live in every ocean on the earth,but most sharks live in warm water.They keep the oceans clean because they eat sick fish and animals.Most sharks have four t

32、o six rows of teeth.When a sharks tooth falls out,another tooth moves in from behind.Sharks do not have ears.However,they hear sounds and movements in the water. Any sound or movement makes the water vibrate. This helps sharks find food. Sharks use their large eyes to find food,too. Most sharks see

33、best in low light. They often hunt for food at dawn(黄昏),in the evening,or in the middle of the night. Scientists want to learn more about sharks for several reasons. For example,cancer(癌症)is common in many animals,including people. However,it is rare(罕见的)in sharks. Scientists want to find out why sh

34、arks almost never get cancer. Maybe this information can help people prevent cancer,too.30. According to the text,most sharks live_.A. in very deep waterB. in warm waterC. near the surface of the oceanD. in cold water31. Sharks keep the oceans clean because they_.A. do well in cleaning waterB. eat s

35、ick fish and animalsC. can get cancer like humanD. can produce a kind of chemical32. What does the underlined(划线的)wordvibratemean in Chinese?A. 振动B. 停止C. 变清澈D. 变浑浊33. According to the text, we know _.A. the whale shark is 50 to 60 feet longB. the dwarf shark is only 6 feet longC. sharks and dinosaur

36、s lived in different timesD. sharks only use large eyes to find food【答案】30. B 31. B 32. A 33. A【解析】短文大意:本文是科普类阅读,介绍了鲨鱼的形体特征、种类、生活环境和习性,以及科学家们想要更多地了解鲨鱼的原因。【30题详解】题意:根据课文,大多数鲨鱼生活在暖水中。考查细节理解。根据Today, sharks live in every ocean on the earth, but most sharks live in warm water.可知大多数鲨鱼生活在温暖的水中,故选B。【31题详解】

37、题意:鲨鱼能保持海洋清洁是因为它们吃生病的鱼和动物。考查细节理解。根据They keep the oceans clean because they eat sick fish and animals.可知他们吃生病的鱼和动物来保持海洋清洁,故选B。【32题详解】题意:划线词vibrate在中文里是什么意思?考查词义理解。make使/让,使役动词,make sb. do让某人做某事;根据they hear sounds and movements in the water. Any sound or movement makes the water vibrate.可知任何声音或运动都会使水振

38、动,BCD三项不合句意,故选A。【33题详解】题意:根据课文,我们知道鲸鲨有50到60英尺长。考查细节判断。根据第二段The whale shark is 50 to 60 feet long. But some sharks are very small. The dwarf shark is only 6 inches long. Sharks are 100 million years old. In fact, they lived at the same time as dinosaurs.和第三段Any sound or movement makes the water vibra

39、te. This helps sharks find food. Sharks use their large eyes to find food, too.可知BCD三项和短文描述不符,the whale shark is 50 to 60 feet long说法正确,故选A。CThe engine of a giant ship broke down,so the ship lost its power.The owner of the ship was very worried.The owner of the ship was very worried.He sent for one

40、expert after another,but none of them could figure out(弄清楚)how to fix the engine.Then an old man who had been fixing ships since he was young was brought in.The old man carried a large bag of tools with him.When he arrived,he went to work immediately.He examined the engine very carefully,from top to

41、 bottom,The owner of the ship stood there,watching the old mans every move.After looking things over,the old man reached into his bag and pulled out a small hammer(锤子).He tapped(敲打)something gently.The engine started back up at once.He then put his hammer away carefully.The engine was fixed.A week l

42、ater,the owner of the ship received a bill from the old man for $ 10,000.What?!the owner shouted,He hardly did anything.So he wrote the old man a note saying,Please send me an itemized(逐条记录的)bill.The man sent a bill that read:Tapping with a hammer-$2Knowing where to tap-$9,998Effort(努力)is important,

43、but knowing where to put the effort in your life is more important.34. How did the owner of the ship feel when the engine broke down?A. ExcitedB. WorriedC. TiredD. Interested35. After pulling out a small hammer,the old man_.A. looked things over rapidlyB. reached into his bag secretlyC. tapped somet

44、hing gentlyD. put his hammer away carefully36. According to the itemized bill, knowing where to tap cost.A. $10,000B. $9,998C. $9996D. $237.37. Whats the main idea of the text?A. Effort is very important when you are in trouble.B. Fixing the engine of a giant ship costs too much.C. Putting the effor

45、t in the right place is more important.D. Losing the engine s power is the reason for asking for help.【答案】34. B 35. C 36. B 37. C【解析】【分析】短文大意:短文讲述了老人修船的故事,启发我们知识和经验是很重要的。【34题详解】题意:当引擎出故障时,船主有什么感觉?考查细节理解。根据The owner of the ship was very worried.可知当引擎出故障时船主非常担心,故选B。【35题详解】题意:老人拿出一把小锤子,轻轻地敲了敲什么东西。考查细节理

46、解。根据After looking things over,the old man reached into his bag and pulled out a small hammer. He tapped something gently.可知老人用小锤子轻轻地敲了敲什么东西,故选C。【36题详解】题意:根据明细账单,知道从哪里下手- 9998美元。考查细节理解。根据The man sent a bill that read:Knowing where to tap-$9,998可知选B。【37题详解】题意:课文的大意是什么?考查主旨理解。根据Effort is important,but

47、knowing where to put the effort in your life is more important.(努力是很重要的,但知道在生活中把努力放在哪里更重要)可知把努力放在正确的地方更重要,故选C。【点睛】前三题均是细节题,仔细找好问题,准确定位,即可答对,难度不大。第四题是主旨题,根据文章最后一段总结分析,即可选出正确答案。D第二部分 非选择题(四大题)四、回答问题阅读短文,然后根据内容回答所提问题。DumplingsYou need:wrappers(饺子皮)vegetablesbeefsaltoilSteps1.Put beef in a bowl.2.Cut the vegetables in

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