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1、2019年湖南省娄底市中考英语试卷(word版,含解析)一、听力理解第一节 听下面5段对话,根据所听到内容,选择相应的图画听每段对话前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间1ABC2ABC3ABC4ABC5ABC6听下面的对话,回答第6小题WhattestdidErichaveyesterday? EricAArt BMath CEnglish7听下面的对话,回答第7小题Whatdoesthemanwanttobuy?AAmartrobot BAsmallradio CAmobilephone8听下面的对话,回答第8小题Whataretheytalkinga

2、bout?AAphotoofarock BAphotoofastarCAphotoofablackbole9听下面的对话,回答第9小题WhendidthefireinNotreDame(巴黎圣母院)takeplace?AOnAprilI5thBOnApril14thCOnApril13th10听下面的对话,回答第10小题Whatstheprobablerelationshipbetweenthetwospeaker?ADoctorandpatentBHusbandandwifeCTeacherandstudent11听下面的对话,回答下列小题1)Howmucharetheapples?A.13



5、ers2)HowoftendoesJennyvisithergrandparents?AonceamonthBTwiceamonthCThreetimesamonth3)WhodidJennyandLindahaveapicnicwit?AJennysfriendBJennysparentsC Lindasfriends二、完形填空 阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出一个最佳答案.There was a tree in my gardenOne day,two birds came to the tree and built a house for thei

6、r_1_ newborn babiesOne morning,I was getting up when I _2_the sound of the little birdsI ran out of my bedroom and found two babies eating food on the ground in the _3_I thought they dropped off their house,so I decided to help them get back to their houseAt that time,the _4_bird and the mother bird

7、 came backThey brought some food for the third babyThey put it on the ground_5_ their third babyTo get the food,she had to fly to itAlthough she was_6_,she was afraid of getting out of the house to eat itTo my _7_her parents just stood there and did nothingAfter about ten_8_ the third baby bird didn

8、t have any other choiceShe slowly went to the border(边缘)of the house and began to_9_,she flew down from the houseFinally,she landed safely on the ground and found the food soonThese birds taught us a lesson:If we want our food,we will have to learn to fly on_10_1. A. twoB. threeC. five2. A. heardB.

9、smeltC. saw3. A. gardenB. houseC. bedroom4. A. sisterB. brotherC. father5. A. besideB. nexttoC. farawayfrom6. A. fullB. hungryC. thirsty7. A. joyB. surpriseC. excitement8. A. daysB. weeksC. minutes9. A. flyB. eatC. run10. A. ourselvesB. yourselvesC. themselves三、阅读理解 第一节阅读下面的短文,判断下列句子是否与短文内容相符,符合的写(A

10、),不符合的写(B)People always call firefighters(消防)for help when there is a big fireDo you think they only need to do many other kinds of strange thingsFirefighters are often called to save people or animals that are trapped(困住)In many countries,there are lots of stories of firefighters saving animals tra

11、pped in strange placesFor example,several firefighters in England saved a dog trapped in a wheelchair (轮椅) last winterAlso,firefighters often save people trapped in very unusual placesOnce some firefighters saved an adult American trapped in a washing machineThey cut up the machine and helped him ou

12、t in the endSometimes,firefighters also have to save any person in danger -even when the person is doing something wrong or breaking the law(法律)Firefighters always come to help people in need even at the risk of their own livesThey are heroes in our hearts11. Firefighters only need to fight fires_(判

13、断对错)12. Firefighters often save people or animals that are trapped_(判断对错)13. A dog trapped in a wheelchair was saved by firefighters in England_(判断对错)14. Firefighters neednt save a person in danger who is breaking the law_(判断对错)15. Sometimes firefighters need to risk their own lives to help people i

14、n danger_(判断对错)第二节阅读下面三篇材料并根据材料内容做后面的题目,从各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案ADoyouwanttomakeourcityabetterplace?Joinusandvolunteertogether!PlantingtreesPlantingtrees isagreatwaytomaketheairfresherandmakeourcitygreenerIfyoureover12yearsold,comeandhelpustoplantmoretreesinZhushanParkLetsmeetattheeas


16、aroldclothes!CollectingrubbishYoucanhangoutwithyourfriendsintheparkandcleanupourcityparksatthesametime!WearegoingtocollectrubbishatLouxingSquarefrom9:30amto11:30amnextSaturdayNomatterhowoldyouarecomeandjoinus!Anyonewhocollectsthemostrubbishcangetagiftforfun16. Accordingtothepassage,youcantvolunteert

17、o _ ifyouaretenA. planttreesB. repaintwallsC. collectrubbish17 Volunteersneedto_ iftheyplantorepaintwallsaccordingtothepassageA. bringpaintingtoolsB. wearoldclothesC. knowhowtopaint18. WherewillvolunteerscollectrubbishnextSaturday?_A. InZhushanParkB. OnLianbinStreetC. AtLouxingSquare19. Volunteerswh

18、owanttocollectrubbishshouldmeetatLouxingSquare_A. at8:30amthisSundayB. at9:30amthisSaturdayC. at9:30amnextSaturday20. Accordingtothepassage,wecanknowthat_A. wecanplanttreestoimprovetheenvironmentB. wecanmakebuildingscoolandinterestingwithgraffitiC. anyonecangetagiftifheorshehelpstocollectrubbishBAmy

19、 told her mother she wasnt feeling well yesterday morningShe stomachache,a high fever,and a sore throatThe mother thought that she had caught a bad cold and became very worried,so she drove her Centre Hospital right awayThey got to the doctors waiting room at 8:20There were too many patients,so they

20、 had to wait thereAt 11:20,Amy finally saw the doctorThe doctor asked her a few questions and began to check herHe listened to her breathing and took her temperatureAfter finishing her check-upThe doctor was sure that she was quite sick,although he still couldnt make sure what was wrong with herTher

21、e were more tests that he could do to find out her illness, but at first,he decided to just ask her about her symptoms(症状)to see if he could get a better diagnosis(诊断)The doctor asked,Young lady,what is troubling you the most right now? The little girl answered:Whats troubling me the most? Its my el

22、der brother JohnnyHe is always breaking my toys and sometimes beats me!21. WhatswrongwithAmyyesterdaymorning?_A. ShehadatoothacheB. ShehadasorebackC. Shedidntfeelwell22. HowdidAmygotoCentreHospital?_A. BycarB. BybusC. Bytaxi23. HowlongdidAmywaitinthedoctorswaitingroom?_A. OnehourB. Two hoursC. Three

23、 hours24. Which of the following is NOT true?_A. Amys mother took her to hospitalB. The doctor could make sure whats wrong with Amy after checking herC. The doctor wanted to ask Amy about her symptoms before doing more tests25. What can we infer(推断)from the passage?_A The doctor was sure that Amy wa

24、s quite sickB. Amy didnt really understand the doctors questionC. Amys brother was always breaking her toys and sometimes beat her CChinaandWesterncountrieshavesomethingdifferentinculturesaboutcertainanimals,butwhenitcomestopigswehavethesameidea-pigsareugly,lazyandstupidJustlookatsomeChinesesayingss

25、uchas “Boilingadeadpig” an“Apiglookinginthemirrorisstillapig”AndinEnglish,therearesomeexpressionslike“Eatinglikeapig”and“Pigsmightfly”Noneofthemare complimentaryHowever,pigshavesomegoodqualities(品质)TheyareevenassmartasdogsandelephantsTheyhavegoodmemoriesAndtheyknowwhetherpeopletreatthemwellornotAUKc


27、uccess,butMeDullisslowandpatient,andnotafraidoffailingagainandagainMaybewhenwetalkaboutpigsnexttime,weshouldthinkoftheirgoodqualities26. Chinaandwesterncountrieshave _ inculturesaccordingtothepassageA thesameideatowardspigsB. differentideastowardspigsC. thesameideatowardsalltheanimals27 Whatdoestheu

28、nderlinedword“complimentary”meaninChinese?_A. 固执的B. 赞美的C. 负面的28. Fromthethirdparagraph,wecanlearnthat_A. pigshavebadmemoriesB. pigsdontknowwhotreatsthemwellC. pigsareascleverasdogsandelephants29. Thewritergivesthetwoexamplesofcartoonsinthepassagetoshow_A. pigshavegoodqualitiesB. thetwocartoonsarewel

29、l-knownC. bothChineseandEnglishchildrenlikepigs30. Whatsthebesttitleofthepassage?_A. OpinionsonPigsB. OpinionsonAnimalsC. OpinionsonCartoons第三节阅读短文,根据短文内容,从短文后的A、B、C、D、E五个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项每个选项只能用一次.How do you often go to school? Do you take a bus or a car? These ways mean you have to stay on the grou

30、nd. But have you ever dreamed of flying to school? _31_ Now let me introduce the first flying motorcycle in the world to you.Its name is Speeder and its made in the USA. Speeder has no wheels, but there is a screen on it. _32_ It can fly for 10 to 22 minutes each time._33_ Thats much faster than a c

31、ar It can fly more than 4,500 meters high.Whats more, Speeder can move things or people more easily than a helicopter(直升机). _34_ Maybe you want to have one and fly it to school right now. But if you want to ride Speeder, you have to have a pilots license first _35_ If youre too heavy, it will be too

32、 hard for Speeder to take off.A. It can fly at 240 Kilometers an hourB. And you must weigh less than 109 kgC. It can take patents to hospital more quicklyD. Riders find their way by touching the screenE. Can you imagine a motorcycle can fly high in the sky.四、语法填空 阅读下面的材料,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号内所给单词的正确形式



35、verywhere,sothekingshoutedathim_44_(angry),ButsuddenlythesecondsonlightedacandleandtheroomwasfulloflightThekingfeltveryexcitedandhuggedhimproudlyHerealized:Wisdom(智慧)ismoreimportantthansimpleanswers_45_areeasytoget五、补全对话 通读下列对话,然后根据上下文补全对话内容.(A:MrWuB:Sally)A:Hi,Sally_46_?B:Notbad,MrWu_47_?A:Imtransl

36、atinganEnglishpassageintoChineseforLoudiAssociationofTranslatorsandinterpreters(娄底市翻译协会)B:OhIveneverheardofit_48_?A:ItwassetuponMay30,2019B:Haveyoujoinedit?A:_49_IjoinedittwoweeksageB:Great!IalsowanttobeamemberofitwhenIgrowupWhatshouldIdo?A:_50_B:Thanksforyouradvice六、阅读表达 阅读下面的短文,按要求完成后面各个小题.MrGreen

37、broughthisfamilytoChinaandvisitedZhangjiajieOnMay4th,2019,theyenjoyedthemagicmountainsthereTheyhadagreattimeTheytookalotofphotosonthewayandthentheyhadapicnicunderabigtree,54. Suddenly it began to rain heavily,so they hurried to The hotelWhentheygotthere,theycouldntfindtheirexpensivecameraTheywantedt

38、ogobacktolookforit,buttherewasntenoughtimebecausetheyhadtocatchtheplaneat20:30thatnight!TheydidnthavedinnerinthehotelbecausetheyallfeltsorryTomakehisfamilyhappy,MrGreensaid,Well,55.让我给你们讲一个有趣的故事吧Anoldmanlivedina200-meter-tallbuildingOnedayhefelldownfromitbyaccident,buthedidnthurthimselfatall Itwasam

39、iracle(奇迹)shoutedhischildrenwhy? Becausehelivedonthefirstfloor! TheyallbegantolaughloudlyJustatthattimeapolicemanwithacameracameinHesaidaChineseboyfounditunderabigtreeandtheboyaskedhimtofindouttheownerItsreallyamiracle!theGreenssaidhappily根据短文内容用简要答语回答51-53三个问题将短文中划线的两个句子(54 、55)翻译成中文或英文 51. DidtheG

40、reensenjoythemselvesinZhangjiajie?_52. WheredidtheGreenslosetheircamera?_53. IfyouweretheChineseboy,whatwouldyoudo?_54. _55. _七、书面表达56.读万卷书,行万里路,研学旅行现在受到教育主管部门和学校的高度重视,也深受学生和家长的欢迎假如你们学校的英文网站就研学旅行中需要注意的事项发帖,征集建议请你根据以下要点写一篇短文,进行跟帖回复1要点:2要求(1)文中不能出现真实的校名和姓名等;(2)语言要通顺,表达要正确;(3)要求包含所有要点提示,为了行文需要,可适当拓展和增加要点;(4)词数不少于60个英语单词,开头已给出,不计入总词3参考词汇:在危险中indanger报警callthepoliceNowstudytripsarebecomingmoreandmorepopularwithparentsandstudentsWhat shouldwepayattentiontowhenwerehavingastudytrip?Heresmyadvice_

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