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1、宁夏回族自治区2019年中考英语试题听力材料Text 1W:Tom,do you often go to school on foot?M:No,I ride a bike.Text 2w:Which sport do you like best?M:Football.Text 3W:Hi,Jim.Will you go out with me for a while?M:Sorry,I cant.Im washing my clothes.Text 4W:It is raining heavily outside.Dont forget to take an umbrella.M:OK,mo

2、m.Text 5W:Hi,Peter.Where did you go last week?M:Hongkong.Text 6W:Bob,who will go to Shanghai with you this Friday?M:I think Lucy will,Mrs.Smith.Q:Who will go to Shanghai with the man this Friday?Text7W:Whats the weather like this Saturday?M:The radio says it will be sunny.Q:What will the weather be

3、like this Saturday?Text 8W:My hometown used to be small and quiet.M:Yes,its more like a modern city now.Q:What is the womans hometown like now?Text 9W:How many hours do you spend on painting every week?M:About 13 hours.Q:How many hours does the man spend on painting every week?Text 10W:Look at the m

4、ap.The nearest post office is next to the bank.M:No,thats an old map.The nearest one is across from the school.Q:Where is the nearest post office on the new map?Text 11W:Good morning,doctor.M:Good morning,Mrs.Brown.You look terrible.Whats the matter with you?W:Ive got a stomachache.M:What did you ea

5、t yesterday?W:I had lots of beef and ice-cream.M:You shouldnt eat so much next time.Um,nothing serious.Just lie down and have a rest.Text 12W:Aden Police Station.Can I help you?M:Oh,yes,please.Its about my daughter,Sally.She went to school this morning and she hasntcome back yet.W:Take it easy,sir.T

6、ell me more about it,please.M:Well,my little daughter,Sally,she went to school early this morning and hasnt come back yet.W:What does she look like?M:She has short brown hair and blue eyes.W:And whats she wearing?M:Shes wearing a blue skirt and black shoes.W:Dont worry,sir.Well do our best to find h

7、er.M:Thank you very much.Text 13Hello,boys and girls.Heres some information about our trip to the Sand Lake.Well gothere by bus.Its a long trip,about a few hours.So we have to start early.The bus will wait foryou at the school gate at eight tomorrow morning.Well take some bread,milk and fruits forlunch with us and well eat them together somewhere in a park.After lunch,well play gamesand ride camels on the sand.Then you can take some photos.Well leave at five in theafternoon.If you are lost,please call me.My phone number is 8496696.Any questions? OK.Seeyou tomorrow then.

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