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1、黄冈市2015年初中毕业生学业水平考试英语试题参考答案一、听力测试15 CABBC610 BCCBA1115 BBCBB1620 AABCA2125 BAAAB二、单项选择2630 DBDCB3135 ABDBC3640 CADBD三、完形填空4145 CBBAD4650 CBDDD5155 CACAD四、综合阅读5659BCBD6063BCAD6467ADBB68. Long-distance running69. Fun-oriented participants70. be slim and graceful71. have disappeared / have gone / cant

2、be found any more./ are on the playground / also take part in doing / playing sports (too) do / play sports, too(also) take exercise (说明:只要表示“参加体育活动”的情况都正确)五、补全对话7276 EACGD六、完成句子77. keep away from78. getting along/ on with79. hears from80. to be strict with81. giving me a lift82. took pride in83. ha

3、s come up with84. were sold out七、书面表达One possible version:Hello! My name is Xiao Ming. Im studying in No.1.Middle School. Our school had an activity “Learn from Sunshine Teenagers”. From then on, there are many sunshine teenagers around us. Xiao Hui is one of them. He is honest and kind. He gets on

4、well with others. He is always ready to not only help others but also go to the old peoples home to do something for the olds. He reads newspapers for them, cleans their rooms and washes their clothes. Also he is warm-hearted, active and outgoing. He always shares all kinds of his parents housework,

5、 like doing the dishes, sweeping the floor and making dinner. He is never afraid of different difficulties. He works very hard and he likes reading. And he takes an active in all kinds of sports. After school, he plays football with his teammates. And he joins the school clubs, like music, art and chess. He learns a lot from his all activities. Xiao Hui is my good sunshine teenager. I should learn from him.

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