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1、2014年湖南省湘潭市中考英语试卷一、听力选择(15小题,计15分)听对话,选择相应的图片或正确的答案听每段对话前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间1(1分)无2(1分)无3(1分)无4(1分)无5(1分)无6(2分)无7(2分)无8(3分)无9(3分)无二、笔录要点(5小题,计10分)根据你所听到的内容,完成下面的表格填空,每空不超过3个单词10(10分)无三、语法填空(15小题,计15分)从所给的A、B、C三个选项中选择最佳答案填空11(1分)The right pronunciation of the wordpracticeis _()A/pr

2、sts/B/prkti:s/C/prkts/12(1分)Who is _ little boy in the photo?Oh,Its me!I was six that year()AanBtheCa13(1分)Is this your dictionary?No,it isnt_ is in my desk()AMyBYourCMine14(1分)Of the four lovely children,I think Maria is _()Athe most outgoingBmore outgoingCoutgoing15(1分)How _ he _ to school yesterd

3、ay?By bus()Adid,goBhas,goneCdoes,go16(1分)A talk on different table manners _ in the school hall tomorrow afternoon()Awill giveBhas givenCwill be given17(1分)How much _ do you want for breakfast?()AmilkBa cup of milkCcups of milk18(1分)Bruce is learning Chinese _ watching news on TV()AinBbyCat19(1分)At

4、the party,we sang,danced and played games with our head teacher_ exciting!()AHowBWhat aCWhat20(1分)I prefer the singers _ write their own songs()AwhichBwhoseCwho21(1分)We are going to Zhangjiajie for summer vocation _ its not so expensive()AbutBbecauseCthough22(1分)Youre supposed _ something happy and

5、lucky to others on the New Years Day()Ato sayBsayingCsay23(1分)The organization _ thousands of homeless animals since last year()Ahas savedBsavedCwas saving24(1分)We plan to have a picnic tomorrow,so I wonder if _()Awill it rainBit rainsCit will rain25(1分)Hello!Han Lei,Im a reporter from Hunan TV_ I a

6、sk you some questions?Yes,go ahead()AShouldBMayCMust四、词语填空(10小题,计10分)通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳答案26(10分)I joined a club calledPassing Helplast monthNow let me tell you (36) I joined itOne (37) this February,my old car broke down on my way homeIt was far away from my homeI wanted to get a

7、 ride in somebody elses car,but it was dark and there was no carIt was also (38) to take a taxiI decided to take a bus homeI went to a bus stop nearbyAfter a while,a bus came,but it did not go to my townThe bus driver was a young womanShe was (39) and she told me which bus I should takeI waited ther

8、e for about half an hour,but no bus came(40) a car came to me and a woman came out of the carShe was just the bus driverWhen I reached the bus station,I (41) to know that there was no bus to your town at this late hour,so I returned hereI just cant (42) you here,she saidGet in my car and I will take

9、 you back to your homeIt is a long way,I said(43) ,sir,she said,Lets goOn the way she told me a storyA few days ago,her car ran out of gas(汽油)An old man drove her up to a gas station and then back to her (44) When we got to my home,I wanted to give her some money to thank her,but she didnt (45) itI

10、only want to help others and do something nice for somebodyPass it along,she said36AwhenBhowCwhy37AmorningBafternoonCevening38AeasyBdifficultCearly39AkindBbeautifulCtall40AFirst of allBAt lastCAt first41AgotBwantedCbecame42AseeBtakeCleave43AGet upBCome onCGo on44AcarBhomeCbus45AreceiveBacceptCfind五、

11、阅读技能(共三节,计40分)第一节阅读选择(10小题,计20分)阅读下面的材料,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出最佳选项回答问题或完成句子27(10分)This is a letter from a pet dog to his master(主人)Dear master,when you took me away from my mum,it was snowing heavilyYou kept me in your arms,and that made me feel very warm and comfortableIve been with you for about a ye

12、ar so far,but Im afraid you dont know me quite well,so I decide to write this letter to youIll live for ten to fifteen years before leaving this worldI enjoy every moment being with youSo Im always sad when I stay away from youPlease give me time to understand what you want me to doDont lock me up i

13、f you are angry with meDont leave me alone all the timeYou have your work and your friendsBut I only have youTalk to me sometimesAlthough I dont understand your words,I can tell from your voice whether you are happy or sadPlease dont treat me badly when you are unhappyRemember that:however you treat

14、 me,I will never forget itAnd if you treat me terribly,it will have a bad influence on me for a long timeBefore you hit me,remember that I have sharp teeth that could easily hurt you,but that I choose not toYou are my master,I can never hurt youTake care of me when I get oldYou will grow old,tooOne

15、day I might leave you foreverHowever,everything will be easy for me if you are therePlease keep in mind:I love you,always46How long will the pet dog live? A.510yearsB.1015yearsC.1520years47The pet dog doesnt want its master to Alock it upBunderstand itChave his/her friends48The pet dog will never fo

16、rget Aits masters voiceBits masters wordsChow its master treats it49The underlined wordsharpmeans in ChineseA轮廓鲜明的B敏锐的C锋利的50Reading the passage,we can feel the deep love that Athe pet dog shows to its masterBthe master shows to the pet dogChumans show to animals28(6分)51How old is Tim? A.1year oldB.2

17、years oldC.100days old52The party is held Ain Xiangtan HotelBon July 18th,2014C.6:00am53Which is true? AThis invitation is sent by TimBIf you cant go to the party,you should call at 073158235678CTims family live at 199Shaoshan Road29(4分)Train NumberLeaving BeijingArriving at XiangtanPrice (Yuan)T239

18、06:2622:11198T6116:3109:18190K47119:2615:5018054Which train takes the least time? AT239BT61CK47155If Li Ying and her parents take K471back to Xiangtan,how much will they have to pay for the tickets? A.570yuanB.594yuanC.540yuan六、摘录要点(5小题,计10分)阅读短文,然后在下面的表格中完成内容摘要,每空不超过3个单词30(10分)Where Are We Going,Da

19、d?is very popular in ChinaIt is produced by Hunan TVThe program invites five fathers from different fields and their childrenThe guests are:the singer Lin Zhiying and his son Kimi; Olympics champion Tian Liang and his daughter Cindy; the actor Guo Tao and his son Shi Tou; the director Wang Yuelun an

20、d his daughter Angela,and the model Zhang Liang and his son Tian TianThe program has been on show every Friday night at 10:00pm on Hunan TV since October 11th,2013Fathers and children spend time together without mothersThey have to finish different tasks at the same timeBoth fathers and children hav

21、e learned a lot by joining the programFathers have learned how to look after their children better and try to spend more time with childrenChildren have been more independent(独立的) and gotten on well with othersThe popular Hunan TV program:Where Are We Going,Dad?Guestssinger Lin Zhiying and his son K

22、imi;Olympics champion Tian Liang and (56) Cindy;actor Guo Tao and his son Shi Tou;(57) Wang Yuelun and his daughter Angela;model Zhang Liang and his son Tian TianShow time (58) at 10:00pm since October 11th,2013What to doFathers and children spend time together without mothersThey have to (59) at th

23、e same timeAimFathers should learn how to look after their children betterChildren should be more independent and (60) with others七、回答问题(5小题,计10分)阅读下面的材料,然后根据材料内容回答问题31(10分)Rose White is a college studentShe expects to graduate in about two yearsWhat makes MrsWhite different from her classmates is h

24、er age73years oldShe has been studying at college,a few courses at a time,for 27yearsWhen Rose graduated from high school,she went to the bank to borrow money for further educationThe banker didnt think that a country girl should borrow money to go to collegeHe thought she should be at home doing ho

25、usework or should work on the farmSo Rose went home and raised a family of nine children instead of going to collegeMrsWhite never forgot the dream of getting higher educationWhen the children grew up,she tried again and succeededIn the class on her first day,when she introduced herself and explaine

26、d why she was there and what her aims were,all the other students stood up to give her a warm welcomeMrsWhite finds that the hardest part of going back to school at her age is sitting in class for the long time of the periodsHowever,she often says she will stick to her dream no matter how difficult

27、it is61How old is Rose White? 62How long has she been studying at college? 63Why didnt Rose go to college when she finished high school? 64How many children does MrsWhite have? 65What do you think of MrsWhite? 八、翻译语篇(5小题,计10分)阅读下面的材料,然后将划线部分的句子译成汉语或英语32(10分)Theyre all at the mallAfter school,a lot o

28、f young people go to the mallWe decided to talk to some students about why they go thereInterviewer:Why do you go to the mall?Yu Yue:(66)I go to the mall because my friends hang out thereBut I dont really like itInterviewer:Oh?Why not?Yu Yue:The air isnt fresh(67)我宁可待在外面Also,its usually crowdedInter

29、viewer:And how about you?Li Jun:Oh,I love the mallTheres always something happening(68)There are a lot of free concerts thereIts also just fun to watch peopleHu Peng:I like the mall,tooI like to go in the music store and listen to CDs(69)我也喜欢在书店里看看书Yu Yue:(70) Well,when I go into stores I always spe

30、nd too much money!(66) (67) (68) (69) (70) 九、完成对话(5小题,计10分)根据上下文将下面的对话补充完整33(10分)A:What can I do for you?B:(71) A:A scarf?Who would you like to buy it for?B:(72) Tomorrow is my mothers birthdayId like to buy her a presentA:I seeWhat color does your mother like?B:(73) A:Oh,your mother has a very nice tasteRed scarves look beautifulCome this way(74) ?It looks nice and its made of silkB:It feels soft and smoothI like it(75) ?A:Only 150yuanIts cheapB:OKIll take it十、情景作文(10分)34(10分)请根据你所在学校的实际情况,以My School Rules为题,列举至少五条校规并做简要评论要求:1、全文不得少于80词;2、文中不得出现真实的校名和人名10

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