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1、Olympic Games because they have never been held before in this country.Lesson38 Everything except the weather 惟独没有考虑到天气My old friend, Harrison, had lived in the Mediterranean for many years before he returned to England. He had often dreamed of retiring in England and had planned to settle down in t

2、he country. He had no sooner returned than he bought a fine house and went to live there. Almost immediately he began to complain about the weather, for even though it was still summer, it rained continually and it was often bitterly cold. After so many years of sunshine, Harrison got a shock. He ac

3、ted as if he had never lived in England before. In the end, it was more than he could bear. He had hardly had time to settle down when he sold the house and left the country. The dream he had had for so many years ended there. Harrison had thought of everything except the weather.Lesson39 Am I all r

4、ight? 我是否痊愈?While John Gilbert was in hospital, he asked his doctor to tell him whether his operation had been successful, but the doctor refused to do so. The following day, the patient asked for a bedside telephone. When he was alone, he telephoned the hospital exchange and asked for Doctor Millin

5、gton. When the doctor answered the phone, Mr Gilbert said he was inquiring about a certain patient, a Mr John Gilbert. He asked if Mr Gilberts operation had been successful and the doctor told him that it had been. He then asked when Mr Gilbert would be allowed to go home and the doctor told him tha

6、t he would have to stay in hospital for another two weeks. Then Dr Millington asked the caller if he was a relative of the patient. No, the patient answered, I am Mr John Gilbert. Lesson40 Food and talk 进餐与交谈Last week at a dinner-party, the hostess asked me to sit next to Mrs Rumbold. Mrs Rumbold wa

7、s a large, unsmiling lady in a tight black dress. She did not even look up when I took my seat beside her. Her eyes were fixed on her plate and in a short time, she was busy eating. I tried to make conversation. A new play is coming to The Globe soon, I said. Will you be seeing it ? No, she answered

8、. Will you be spending your holidays abroad this year ? I asked. No, she answered. Will you be staying in England? I asked. No, she answered. In despair, I asked her whether she was enjoying her dinner. Young man, she answered, if you ate more and talked less, we would both enjoy our dinner ! lesson

9、41 Do you call that a hat? 你把那个叫帽子吗?Do you call that a hat ? I said to my wife. You neednt be so rude about it, my wife answered as she looked at herself in the mirror. I sat down on one of those modern chairs with holes in it and waited. We had been in the hat shop for half an hour and my wife was

10、still in front of the mirror. We mustnt buy things we dont need, I remarked suddenly. I regretted saying it almost at once.You neednt have said that, my wife answered. I need not remind you of that terrible tie you bought yesterday. I find it beautiful, I said. A man can never have too into the cave

11、 hoping to find buried treasure. The leader of the party was examining the soil near the entrance to the cave when the machine showed that there was gold under the ground. Very excited, the party dug a hole two feet deep. They finally found a small gold coin which was almost worthless. The party the

12、n searched the whole cave thoroughly but did not find anything except an empty tin trunk. In spite of this, many people are confident that The Revealer may reveal something of value fairly soon.Lesson56 Faster than sound! 比声音还快!Once a year a race is held for old cars. A lot of cars entered for this

13、race last year and there was a great deal of excitement just before it began. One of the most handsome cars was a Rolls-Royce Silver Ghost. The most unusual car was a Benz which had only three wheels. Built in 1885, it was the oldest car taking part. After a great many loud explosions, the race bega

14、n. Many of the cars broke down on the course and some drivers spent more time under their cars than in them ! A few cars, however, completed the race. The winning car reached a speed of forty miles an hour-much faster than any of its rivals. It sped downhill at the end of the race and its driver had

15、 a lot of trouble trying to stop it. The race gave everyone a great deal of pleasure. It was very different from modern car races but no less exciting. Lesson57 Can I help you, madam? 你要买什么,夫人?A woman in blue jeans stood at the window of an expensive shop. Though she hesitated for a moment, she fina

16、lly went in and asked to see a dress that was in the window. The assistant who served her did not like the way she was dressed. Glancing at her scornfully, he told her that the dress was sold. The woman walked out of the shop angrily and decided to punish the assistant next day. She returned to the

17、shop the following morning dressed in a fur coat, with a handbag in one hand and a long umbrella in the other. After seeking out the rude assistant she asked for the same dress. Not realizing who she was, the assistant was eager to serve her this time with great difficulty, he climbed into the shop

18、window to get the dress. As soon as she saw it, the woman said s many ties.And a woman cant have too many hats, she answered.Ten minutes later we walked out of the shop together. My wife was wearing a hat that looked like a lighthouse !Lesson42 Not very musical 并非很懂音乐As we had had a long walk throug

19、h one of the markets of Old Delhi, we stopped at a square to have a rest. After a time, we noticed a snake-charmer with two large baskets at the other side of the square, so we went to have a look at him. As soon as he saw us, he picked up a long pipe which was covered with coins and opened one of t

20、he baskets. When he began to play a tune, we had our first glimpse of the snake. It rose out of the basket and began to follow the movements of the pipe. We were very much surprised when the snake charmer suddenly began to play jazz tunes and modern pop songs. The snake, however, continued to dance

21、slowly. It obviously could not tell the difference between Indian music and jazz!Lesson43 Over the South Pole 飞越南极In 1929, three years after his flight over the North Pole, the American explorer, R. E. Byrd, successfully flew over the South Pole for the first time. Though, at first, Byrd and his men

22、 were able to take a great many photographs of the mountains that lay below, they soon ran into serious trouble. At one point, it seemed certain that their plane would crash. It could only get over the mountains if it rose to 10,000 feet. Byrd at once ordered his men to throw out two heavy food sack

23、s. The plane was then able to rise and it cleared the mountains by 400 feet. Byrd now knew that he would be able to reach the South Pole which was 300 miles away, for there were no more mountains in sight. The aircraft was able to fly over the endless white plains without difficulty. Lesson44 Throug

24、h the forest 穿过森林Mrs Anne Sterling did not think of the risk she was taking when she ran through a forest after two men. They had rushed up to her while she was having a picnic at the edge of a forest with her children and tried to steal her handbag. In the struggle, the strap broke and, with the ba

25、g in their possession, both men started running through the trees. Mrs Sterling got so angry that she ran after them. She was soon out of breath, but she continued to run. When she caught up with them, she saw that they had sat down and were going through the contents of the bag, so she ran straight

26、 at them. The men got such a fright that they dropped the bag and ran away. The strap needs mending, said Mrs Sterling later, but they did not steal anything.Lesson45 A clear conscience 问心无愧The whole village soon learnt that a large sum of money had been lost. Sam Benton, the local butcher, had lost

27、 his wallet while taking his savings to the post-office. Sam was sure that the wallet must have been found by one of the villagers, but it was not returned to him. Three months passed, and then one morning, Sam found his wallet outside his front door. It had been wrapped up in newspaper and it conta

28、ined half the money he had lost, together with a note which said: A thief, yes, but only 5o per cent a thief! Two months later, some more money was sent to Sam with another note: Only 25 per cent a thief now! In time, all Sams money was paid back in this way. The last note said: I am 100 per cent ho

29、nest now!lesson46 Expensive and uncomfortable 既昂贵又受罪When a plane from London arrived at Sydney airport, workers began to unload a number of wooden boxes which contained clothing. No one could account for the fact that one of the boxes was extremely heavy. It suddenly occurred to one of the workers t

30、o open up the box. He was astonished at what he found. A man was lying in the box on top of a pile of woollen goods. He was so surprised at being discovered that he did not even try to run away. After he was arrested, the man admitted hiding in the box before the plane left London. He had had a long

31、 and uncomfortable trip, for he had been confined to the wooden box for over ten hours. The man was ordered to pay &345 for the cost of the trip. The normal price of a ticket is &230 !Lesson47 A thirsty ghost 嗜酒的鬼魂A public house which was recently bought by Mr Ian Thompson is up for sale. Mr Thompso

32、n is going to sell it because it is haunted. He told me that he could not go to sleep one night because he heard a strange noise coming from the bar. The next morning, he found that the doors had been blocked by chairs and the furniture had been moved. Though Mr Thompson had turned the lights off be

33、fore he went to bed, they were on in the morning. He also said that he had found five empty whisky bottles which the ghost must have drunk the night before. When I suggested that some villagers must have come in for a free drink, Mr Thompson shook his head. The villagers have told him that they will

34、 not accept the inn even if he gives it away. Lesson48 Did you want to tell me something? 你想对我说什么吗?Dentists always ask questions when it is impossible for you to answer.桃江县供销社“香炉山”优质品牌茶精加工及有机茶种植基地建设项目可行性研究报告第一章 总 论 1.1 项目概要1.1.1项目名称年产5249吨“香炉山”优质品牌茶精加工及3.5万亩有机茶种植基地项目(以下简称本项目)。1.1.2项目性质:改、扩建工程1.1.3项目


36、款3413万元,请求上级政府部门扶持450万元。1.1.6建设规模(1)改造低产茶园35000亩;(2)改扩建茶叶精加工茶厂1个,建筑面积1500米2 ;达产时年产有机茶5249吨;(3)新建副产品提炼厂一个,拥有1500米2生产车间,年产茶花油专利产品80吨;(4) 新建茶叶专业批发部与产品展示市场一个,面积2000米2;(5)建设优良品种母本园600亩、无性系繁殖基地3000亩。1.1.7主要经济技术指标(1)生产能力年产优质品牌茶436吨;大宗茶1313吨;茯砖茶3500吨;红花茶油80吨;(2)财务指标达产年销售收入29597万元;达产年利润净额4936万元;达产年利税总额8498万元

37、;销售收入净利润率16.68%销售收入利税率28.71%达产年固定资产投资净利润率120.98%固定资产投资回收期:2.3年投资总额(第1-3年净利润+折旧) 31.1.8项目辐射范围及带动能力本项目带动了全县5个有机春茶品种开发;红花茶油副产品科技项目一个;同时开发了年产1.5亿株无性系种苗扩繁一个; 本项目直接安排社会闲置劳动力上千人;是社会效益与经济效益显著的阳光产业、福民产业。1.2可行性研究报告编制依据1、农业部全国主要农产品加工业发展规划;2、中共中央国务院关于促进农民增加收入若干政策、意见;3、财政部国家农业综合开发产业化经营项目相关政策;4、国家质检总局、国家标准局有机产品标准

38、;5、农业部行业标准:NY5196-2002有机茶、NY/T5197-2002有机茶生产技术规程、NY/T5198-2002有机茶加工技术规程、NY5199-2002有机茶产地环境等技术标准;6、国家有机食品生产基地考核管理规定(试行);7、国家计委、经贸委当前国家重点鼓励发展产业、产品和技术标准; 8、国家计委、建设部建设项目经济评价方法与参数;9、湖南省“十一五”经济建设规划; 10、桃江县鼓励投资的若干规定;11、桃江县茶叶产业化发展规划。1.3综合评价桃江县是历史上有名的产茶大县,同时又是农业大县,工业基础薄弱,财政收入有限,也就没有足够财力反哺农业。作为全县农业支柱产业的茶叶,茶园严


40、做强、做好我县茶叶产业。建议上级有关部门批准立项,对我社茶叶产业升级给予大力支持。第二章 项目建设背景及必要性茶叶是当今世界三大饮料之一,也是我国传统的出口商品,几千年来,我国劳动人民在长期的生产实践中,积累了丰富的经验,为茶叶生产做出了重大贡献。2.1 项目来源茶叶源泉于我国西南部,那里至今还生长着许多高大的野生乔木大茶树。传说在神农时代就知道茶能解毒,到了唐代,茶叶生产进一步发展,民间饮茶逐渐普及。世界第一部茶叶著作茶经,就是唐代陆羽写成的。该书系统地总结了我国劳动人民丰富的种茶、制茶和饮茶经验。书中的许多内容,直到今天仍有指导意义。尽管我国劳动人民在茶叶生产上做出了卓越的贡献,但在解放前


42、也从19世纪开始由我国输入茶籽试种。新中国成立以后,我国应许多国家的邀请,先后帮助许多亚非国家发展茶叶生产。目前全世界已有51个国家种茶,总产量达258万吨左右。2.2 项目建设背景2.2.1国家宏观政策建设背景2008年中共中央国务院发布了中共中央国务院关于切实加强农业基础建设进一步促进农业发展农民增收的若干意见。这是2004年以来,中央连续发出的“5个”一号文件,是党中央、国务院进一步加强“三农”工作的重大部署,对桃江农业大县来说,具有极其重要的针对性和现实指导意义。过去的5年是农业发展最好,农业变化最大,农民得到实惠最多的五年。党的十六大以来,党中央、国务院顺应时代要求,遵循发展规律,与



45、各大中城市;销售品种以花茶为主,红条茶、绿茶、砖茶、名优茶,各类茶每年销售总量在3500吨以上,年销售总额在3000万元左右。1、茶叶产业格局初步形成。一批私营茶叶企业主成为了茶叶市场营销的领头雁,如大粟港镇郑家坳村、鸬鹚渡镇淘金山村等500亩以上的专业村10个,高桥乡黑石村周裕组、决心组等50亩以上的专业组50个,张建中、尹德良等5亩以上的茶叶专业户560户,“一村一品”“一户一业”的茶叶产业格局正在形成。 2、茶叶生长生态条件优势。我县属以雪峰山余脉组成部分的山丘为主的地貌,其中山丘面积占全县总面积的71.2%,近10年来平地茶园逐步淘汰,剩下的茶园中有约3万亩面积分布在海拔300米以上的


47、发展一批、改造一批、淘汰一批”的政策调控,茶园面积由八十年代5858公顷调减到现有4390亩,这些茶园大多是新发展的或经低改后的茶园,条件优越、品种优良、相对连片、长势茂盛;1000亩以上的成片茶园集中在自然条件好的马迹塘、鸬鹚渡、大栗港、武潭、乍埠、高桥、浮邱山、雪峰山等地。4、茶叶加工生产水平不断升华。全县现有茶厂100多家,其中具有粗、精制联合加工能力的中小茶厂15家,年可加工大宗茶5000吨以上,名优茶100吨以上。 同时,规模较大,经营状况较好粗精制联合加工厂多数分布在集中成片的茶区。5、可供新扩良种的丘岗山地资源丰富。全县有宜茶的红黄壤丘山坡地20万亩,海拔较高、生态环境优越、土质


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