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1、中考英语动词短语辨析练习题40篇及解析含答案一、选择题1Scientists need to _ several surveys before making a conclusion.Agive upBcarry outChear ofDlook for2This bus doesnt go to the train station. I am afraid you will have to _ at the next stop and take BRT Line 1.Aget outBget offCget throughDget down3Amy, how many of your cla

2、ssmates have brothers or sisters?Believe it or not, it _ to be one quarter.Atakes outBbreaks outCturns outDfinds out4Make sure that you have prepared everything well before you _ the plan.Acarry outBbreak outCturn outDput out5Its rude and impolite to _ before others while everyone is queuing to buy

3、tickets.Atake inBcut inCput inDbreak in6The meeting was supposed to _ on Tuesday, but weve had to put it off.Aturn onBturn outCtake placeDtake up7 Hi, Simon! You look so excited. What happened?We won the football match, and the result _ to be better than expected.Aturned outBfound outCworked outDcam

4、e out8Daniel is the most modest boy in our class, because he never _ in public.Agets offBtakes offCshows offDturns off9The workers _ a sign to warn people of the danger here.Aput outBput inCput upDput on10Sorry to _ your valuable time.Its OK.Atake offBtake upCtake outDtake in11If the customer rings

5、up for me again, please _ the call to the sales department.OK, I will.Arun throughBlook throughCgo throughDput through12How terrible the disaster is! Many people lose their homes and most of them are badly hurt.Im sure things are going to _ fine because the soldiers, the most lovely people, are tryi

6、ng to help them.Afind outBturn outCrun outDput out13I _ reading English every morning.Yes, English is very important and it _ the first language in England and some other countries.Aused to; is used byBused to; is used asCam used to; is used asDam used to; is used by14Last week a fireman came to our

7、 school and told us what to do if a fire _.Abreaks outBworks outCputs outDruns out15Aunt Lexie, could you please teach me how to _ red envelope on WeChat?Certainly. It goes like this.Agive awayBgive upCgive backDgive out16Please _ the water when you brush your teeth.Atake downBturn upCtake awayDturn

8、 off17Ive had some difficulties, but they were nothing compared _ yours.AtoBofCforDfrom18Youd better_all the questions before having the test.Alook afterBlook atClook outDlook through19Bilibili is popular among teenagers.A survey about why teenagers like bilibili so much was _ here last week.Ataken

9、outBcarried outCturned outDworked out20What can I do for you, Linda? I hope you can help me _ the useless words in my article.Amake upBcut outCturn offDput up21The rain has stopped. Why not _ the raincoat?Atake awayBpass awayCput awayDput off22Most boys _ toy guns while girls _ have dolls.Awould rat

10、her; preferBprefer; would ratherCwould rather; would ratherDprefer; prefer23Excuse me, sir, but smoking is not allowed in hospital.Sorry, I didnt see the sign. Ill _ my cigarette.Aput inBput upCput outDput on24Where is Jack? His mother is looking for him.Oh, he is _ leaflets there to make people kno

11、w more about UNICEF.Aputting outBputting inChanding outDhanding in25My sister seldom spends time on TV or computer at weekends because reading _ most of her free time.Atakes onBtakes upCtakes awayDtakes off26Volunteers _ leaflets to encourage more people to separate rubbish correctly.Aput outBfind o

12、utChand outDturn out27The Civil Code (民法典) _ to be a big success and it is a milestone in our country legal science. I cant agree more.Aturns outBputs outCtakes outDbreaks out28A society cannot be successful if it _ tradition, but it cannot be successful either if we do something to stop progress.At

13、akes awayBthrows awayCgets awayDputs away29How was your May Day holiday?Just so-so. We drove to Suzhou and tried to find a place for parking, but they were all_.Aturned upBstayed upCtaken upDput up30Im sorry to _ on you, but there is something I dont understand. It doesnt matter.Acut downBcut outCcu

14、t inDcut off31Andrew once tried to _ a brighter light in his bedroom, but he failed in the end.Aput onBput inCput outDput up32Oh, my God! I have _ 5 pounds!No worries. Its normal for a growing teenager.Aput upBput downCput onDput off33Oh,my God! I have _ five pounds!No worries. Its normal for a grow

15、ing teenage girl.Aput upBput downCput onDput off34It _ the director of Hi, Mom has become one of Chinas most successful female filmmakers.Aruns outBbreaks outChands outDturns out35I know how busy you must be and naturally I wouldnt want to _ too much of your time.Atake onBtake awayCtake upDtake off3

16、6No rules, all things will not be long. Without proper lessons, you could _ a lot of bad habits when playing the piano.Agive upBcatch upCkeep upDpick up37 Excuse me, which is the way to Kaiming Middle School? _ this street, and youll find it on your right.AWrite downBGo downCLie downDSit down38Every

17、 time a serious disease _, city planners will come up with new ideas to fight it.Abreaks downBbreaks outCbreaks intoDbreaks up39Daniel, stop playing computer games, please! It has _ your free time too much.Aturned upBpicked upCput upDtaken up40I know how busy you must be and naturally I wouldnt want

18、 to _ too much of your time.Aput upBtake upCgive upDmake up41Why did Linda come to China?To experience Chinese culture and _ the most suitable university to attend.Aturn outBput outCrun outDfind out42Life is full of ups and downs. When your friends are unhappy, tell them something funny and encourag

19、e them to _.Aput upBcheer upCstay upDgive up43The person who _ a new idea of how to work out the puzzle will be given a(n) _.Akeeps up with; praiseBcomes up with; prizeCends up with; priceDputs up with; award44Your spoken English is very good. How do you improve it?Thanks. Mrs. Wang always asks us t

20、o _ dialogues in our English classes and practice speaking English as often as possible.Atake upBmake upCput upDmop up45What do the students think of this book?Its really a good book. They all_it.Alook overBthink aboutCthink highly ofDwin the heart of46Who is the best basketball player in your class

21、?Daniel. And he takes any chance to _ his sports skills to girls.Atake offBturn offCfall offDshow off47If parents do everything for their children, they wont learn to _ themselves.Adepend onBget onCput onDcome on48My father is crazy about DIY. Hes trying to _ a cupboard in the kitchen.Aput upBput in

22、Cput onDput away49I know how busy you must be and I wouldnt want to _ too much of your time.Aput upBtake upCset upDmake up50The baby is sleeping. Would you please _?Aturned the radio onBturn the radio downCturned the radio offDturn the radio up【参考答案】*试卷处理标记,请不要删除一、选择题1B解析:B【详解】句意:科学家在做出结论之前,需要完成数个调查

23、。考查动词短语词义辨析。give up放弃;carry out 实现,完成;hear of听说;look for寻找。根据“several surveys before making a conclusion ”可知,指科学家在做出结论之前,需要完成数个调查。故选B。2B解析:B【详解】句意:这辆公共汽车不开往火车站。恐怕您得在下一站下车,换乘快速公交1号线。考查动词短语。get out出去;get off下车;get through通过;get down下来。根据“This bus doesnt go to the train station.”可知此处指下公共汽车,用get off。故选B

24、。3C解析:C【详解】句意:Amy,你的同学中有多少人有兄弟姐妹?信不信由你,结果是四分之一。考查动词短语辨析。takes out取出;breaks out爆发;turns out结果是;finds out发现。根据“how many of your classmates have brothers or sisters”可知,告诉对方,结果只有四分之一的同学有兄弟姐妹,故选C。4A解析:A【详解】句意:在执行计划之前,一定要把一切都准备好。考查动词短语。carry out执行,实施;break out爆发;turn out结果是;put out扑灭。根据空后“the plan”可知是要执行计

25、划,其他选项不能使句子通顺。故选A。5B解析:B【详解】句意:在大家排队买票的时候插队是粗鲁和不礼貌的。考查动词短语。take in吸收,领会;cut in插入;put in安装;break in闯入。根据“while everyone is queuing to buy tickets”结合常识可知排队时插队是不礼貌的。故选B。6C解析:C【详解】句意:会议原定于星期二举行,但我们不得不推迟。考查动词短语辨析。turn on打开;turn out结果是;take place发生;take up占据。根据“but weve had to put it off”可知,原定开会的时间发生在星期二,

26、现在要推迟了,故选C。7A解析:A【详解】句意:你好,西蒙!你看起来很兴奋。发生了什么事?我们赢得了足球比赛,结果比预期的还要好。考查动词短语。turn out结果是;find out查明;work out算出;come out出现;根据“to be better than expected”可知,此处说的是结果是,用turn out to be表示,故选A。8C解析:C【详解】句意:丹尼尔是我们班最谦虚的男孩,因为他从不在公共场合炫耀。考查动词短语辨析。gets off下车;takes off脱下;shows off炫耀;turns off关掉。根据“Daniel is the most m

27、odest boy in our class”可知,此处是从不在公共场合炫耀。故选C。9C解析:C【详解】句意:工人们张贴了一个标志,警告人们这里有危险。考查动词短语辨析。put out扑灭;put in安装;put up张贴;put on穿上。根据“a sign”可知,是张贴标志,故选C。10B解析:B【详解】句意:很抱歉占用你宝贵的时间。没事的。考查动词短语辨析。take off起飞;take up占用;take out取出;take in领会。根据“Sorry to . your valuable time.”可推断,空格处表达“占用”时间。故选B。11D解析:D【详解】句意:如果顾客再

28、打电话找我。 请把电话转到销售部。好的,我会的。考查动词短语辨析。run through浏览,贯穿;look through浏览,温习;go through经历,通过;put through接通。根据句中“rings up”和空后“the call to”可知,这里指接通电话,故选D。12B解析:B【详解】句意:多么可怕的灾难啊!许多人失去了家园,大多数人受了重伤。我相信一切都会好起来的,因为士兵们,最可爱的人,正在努力帮助他们。考查动词短语。find out查明;turn out变得;run out用完,耗尽;put out扑灭;根据“because the soldiers, the mo

29、st lovely people, are trying to help them.”可知,此处指的是“事情会变好的”,故选B。13C解析:C【详解】句意:每天早晨我已经习惯读英语了。是的,英语非常重要。英语在英国和其它的一些国家作为第一语言来使用。考查used短语的区别。be used to doing sth习惯于做某事;used to do过去常常做某事;be used by被来使用;be used as被用作;根据“every morning”可知,第一句表达“习惯于”,应用be used to doing;结合“the first language”可知,第二空表达“被当作”,应用b

30、e used as,故选C。14A解析:A【详解】句意:上周,一名消防队员来到我们学校,告诉我们如果发生火灾该怎么办。考查动词短语。breaks out爆发,突发;works out解决;puts out扑灭;runs out用完。根据“Last week a fireman came to our school”及常识可知消防员告诉我们着火了怎么办,用breaks out表示火灾的突发。故选A。15D解析:D【详解】句意:Lexie阿姨,你能教我怎么在微信上发红包吗?当然可以。是这样的。考查动词短语辨析。give away 捐赠;give up 放弃;give back 归还;give ou

31、t 发出,分发。根据“red envelope 红包”可知,说话人想让阿姨教如何用微信发红包,“give out”符合语境,故选D。16D解析:D【详解】句意:当你刷牙的时候, 请关闭水源。考查动词短语辨析。take down取下; turn up调高; take away带走; turn off关掉。根据常识可知,故选D。17A解析:A【详解】句意:我遇到了一些困难,但与你的相比根本算不上什么。考查动词短语。由“they were nothing comparedyours.”可知,此处应为我遇到的困难无法与你遇到的困难相比,sth be compared to把与相比,固定短语。这里用的是

32、非谓语动词compared to。故选A。18D解析:D【详解】句意:你最好在考试前把所有的问题都看一遍。考查动词短语。look after照顾;look at看;look out小心,留神;look through浏览,逐一查看。由语境可知,在考试之前浏览所有的问题,故应用短语look through。故选D。19B解析:B【详解】句意:哔哩哔哩在青少年中很受欢迎。 上周在这里进行了一项关于青少年为什么如此喜欢哔哩哔哩的调查。考查动词短语。taken out去除;carried out实施,执行;turned out结果是;worked out计算出。根据“A survey about wh

33、y teenagers like bilibili so much was.here last week.”可知,此处表示进行调查。故选B。20B解析:B【详解】句意:琳达,有什么事吗?我希望你能帮我删掉文章中无用的词。考查动词短语辨析。make up弥补;cut out删掉;turn off关闭;put up张贴。根据“the useless words”可知,此处表达删掉没用的词。故选B。21C解析:C【详解】句意:雨已经停了,为什么不放好雨衣呢?考查动词短语词义辨析。take away拿走;pass away去世;put away放好,储存;put off推迟。根据“The rain h

34、as stopped.”可知,指雨停了,为什么不放好雨衣呢。故选C。22B解析:B【详解】句意:大多数男孩喜欢玩具枪,而女孩更喜欢玩具娃娃。考查固定搭配。本题考查prefer sth.“喜欢某物”以及would rather do sth“宁愿做某事”。两者都是固定搭配。结合题干可知,B项符合题意。故选B。23C解析:C【详解】句意:对不起,先生,医院里不允许吸烟。对不起,我没看到标志。我要把烟灭了。考查动词短语。put in安装;put up张贴;put out熄灭;put on穿上。根据“Excuse me, sir, but smoking is not allowed in hospi

35、tal.”可知是要熄灭正在燃烧的烟。故选C。24C解析:C【详解】句意:杰克在哪里?他妈妈正在找他。哦,他在那里发传单,让人们更多地了解联合国儿童基金会。考查动词短语辨析。putting out扑灭;putting in投入;handing out分发;handing in上交。根据题干“he isleaflets there to make people know more about UNICEF”,可知是在发传单,故选C。25B解析:B【详解】句意:我姐姐周末很少花时间看电视或玩电脑,因为读书占用了她大部分的空闲时间。考查动词短语辨析。takes on承担,接受;takes up占用;t

36、akes away带走;takes off 脱下。根据上文“My sister seldom goes out”及空后“most of her free time”可知,此处是表达读书 “占用”了她大部分的空闲时间。故选B。26C解析:C【详解】句意:志愿者分发传单,鼓励更多的人正确分类垃圾。考查动词短语。put out扑灭;find out找出;hand out分发;turn out结果是。根据“Volunteers.leaflets to encourage more people to separate rubbish correctly.”可知,此处表示分发传单,应用hand out。

37、故选C。27A解析:A【详解】句意:民法典是我国法学史上的一个里程碑,取得了巨大的成功。我完全同意。考查动词短语。turns out最后是,结果是;puts out熄灭;takes out取出;breaks out爆发。根据“to be a big success”可知,此处使用turn out,表示“取得巨大成功”。故选A。28B解析:B【详解】句意:一个社会如果抛弃传统就不可能成功,但如果我们采取措施阻止进步也不可能成功。考查动词短语辨析。takes away拿走;throws away扔掉;gets away逃走;puts away收起。根据“.tradition, but it can

38、not be successful either if we do something to stop progress”可知,此处表示抛弃传统。故选B。29C解析:C【详解】句意:你们的五一假期怎么样?一般般吧。我们开车去了苏州并且想找个地方停车,但是停车场都满了。考查动词短语。turn up调高,出现;stay up熬夜;take up从事,占据;put up张贴,搭建。根据“tried to find a place for parking”想找个地方停车和空格前的“but”,可知没找到地方停车,停车场都被占了。故选C。30C解析:C【详解】句意:对不起打断你,但有件事我不明白。没关系。

39、考查动词短语辨析。cut down砍倒;cut out删除;cut in 插嘴,打断;cut off切断。根据“but there is something I dont understand”可知是插嘴、打断,故选C。31B解析:B【详解】句意:Andrew曾经试图在他的卧室里放一盏更亮的灯。但他最后还是失败了。考查动词短语。put on穿上;put in放入;put out熄灭;put up举起;根据a brighter light in his bedroom可知,要在他的卧室里放入一盏更亮的等,故选B。32C解析:C【详解】句意:哦,我的天哪!我增重了五磅!别担心。对于一个成长中的青少

40、年来说这很正常。考查动词短语辨析。put up张贴;put down放下;put on增重;put off推迟。根据“five pounds”及“Its normal for a growing teenage girl”可知,此处指增重了五磅,故选C。33C解析:C【详解】句意:哦,我的天哪!我增重了五磅!不要担心。对于一个正在成长的少女来说,这很正常。考查动词短语辨析。put up张贴;put down放下;put on增重;put off推迟。根据“five pounds”及“Its normal for a growing teenage girl”可知,此处指增重了五磅,故选C。34

41、D解析:D【详解】句意:事实证明,你好,李焕英的导演已经成为中国最成功的女性电影人之一。考查动词短语。runs out用完;breaks out爆发;hands out分发;turns out最后是,结果是。根据“ the director of Hi, Mom has become one of Chinas most successful female filmmakers”可知,此处讲的是一个结果,D选项符合句意。故选D。35C解析:C【详解】句意:我知道你一定很忙,自然我不想占用你太多的时间。考查动词短语辨析。take on承担;take away带走;take up占据;take o

42、ff脱下。根据“I know how busy you must be”及“too much of your time”可知,知道对方忙,所以不想占用对方太多的时间,故选C。36D解析:D【详解】句意:没有规则的一切,不会长久。如果没有适当的课程,你弹钢琴时可能会养成很多坏习惯。考查动词短语辨析。give up放弃;catch up赶上进度;keep up跟上;pick up捡起,拾起。根据上文“Without proper lessons”可知,及下文“a lot of bad habits when playing the piano”可知,此处是养成很多不好的习惯。故选D。37B解析:B

43、【详解】句意:请问,去开明中学怎么走?沿着这条街走,你会发现它在你的右边。考查动词短语。Write down写下;Go down下去;Lie down躺下;Sit down坐下;根据“which is the way to Kaiming Middle School?”及“this street”可知,此处是问路,回答应该是沿着这条街走下去,故选B。38B解析:B【详解】句意:每当一种严重的疾病爆发,城市规划者就会想出新的办法来对付它。考查动词短语辨析。breaks down发生故障;breaks out爆发;breaks into闯入;breaks up分裂。根据disease和下文“cit

44、y planners will come up with new ideas to fight it”,可知是爆发疾病,故选B。39D解析:D【详解】句意:丹尼尔,请停止玩电脑游戏。它占据你太多的空闲时间了。考查动词短语辨析。turned up调高声音;picked up捡起;put up张贴;taken up占据。根据“stop playing computer games, please! It has.your free time too much”可知玩游戏占据空间时间。故选D。40B解析:B【详解】句意:我知道你一定很忙,当然我不想占用你太多时间。考查动词短语。put up张贴;take up占据;give up放弃;make up弥补。根据“too much of your time”可知,此处表示占用太多时间。故选B。41D解析:D【详解】句意:琳达为什么来中国?体验中国文化,找到最适合自己的大学。考查动词短语辨析。turn out结果是,证明是;put out扑灭;run o

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