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2009年天津市高考英语试卷 .pdf

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1、20092009 年天津市高考英语试卷年天津市高考英语试卷 第第 I 卷第一部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分卷第一部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分 15 分)第一节:单项填空(共分)第一节:单项填空(共 15 小题;每小题小题;每小题 1 分,满分分,满分 15分)从分)从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。例:四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。例:Stand over there _ youll be able to see it better.A.or B.and C.but D.while 答案是答案是 B。1(1 分)Im trying to break

2、 the _ of getting up too late()Atradition Bconvenience Chabit Dleisure 2(1 分)My parents_ in Hong KongThey were born there and have lived nowhere else()Alive Blived Cwere living Dhad lived 3(1 分)Were organizing a party next Saturday,and Id like you to come _!I have another one that dayThank you just

3、the same()AGood luck BWhat a pity CNever do it again DWell done 4(1 分)_ the project in time,the staff were working at weekends()ACompeting BHaving completed CTo have completed DTo complete 5(1 分)A person _ email account is full wont be able to send or receive any emails()Awho Bwhom Cwhose Dwhoever 6

4、(1 分)Sorry,I have to _ nowIts time for class OK,Ill call back later()Ahang up Bbreak up Cgive up Dhold up 7(1 分)It is obvious to the students _ they should get well prepared for their future()Aas Bwhich Cwhether Dthat 8(1 分)Dont worry if you dont understand everything,the teacher will _ the main poi

5、nts at the end()Arecover Breview Crequire Dremember 9(1 分)_ by the advances in technology,many farmers have set up wind farms on their land()ABeing encouraged BEncouraging CEncouraged DHaving encouraged 10(1 分)The art show was _ being a failure;it was a great success()Afar from Balong with Cnext to

6、Dregardless of 11(1 分)Putting on a happy face not only helps us make friends but also makes us feel better _()AId love to BIm with you on that CIts up to you DIts my pleasure 12(1 分)It was a nice house,but _ too small for a family of live()Ararely Bfairly Crather Dpretty 13(1 分)Im not surprised that

7、 he became a writerEven as a child,he had a imagination()Aclear Bcautious Cfunny Dvivid 14(1 分)I travel to the Binhai New Area by light railway every day,_ do many businessmen who live in downtown Tianjin()Aas Bwhich Cwhen Dthough 15(1 分)This ipod is of good qualityIf it _ break down within the firs

8、t year,we would repair it at our expense()Awould Bshould Ccould Dmight 第二部分:完形填空(共第二部分:完形填空(共 1 小题;每小题小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分分,满分 30 分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从 16-35 各题各题所给的所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项四个选项中,选出最佳选项 16(30 分)The first time I remember noticing the crossing guard was when he waved to me as

9、 I drove my son to schoolHe(16)me with a puzzleall because he waved to me like someone does(17)seeing a close friendA big,(18)smile accompanied his waveFor the next few days I tried to(19)his face to see if I knew himI didntPerhaps he had(20)me for someone elseBy the time I contented myself with the

10、(21)that he and I were strangers,we were greeting each other warmly every morning like old friends Then one day the(22)was solvedAs I(23)the school he was standing in the middle of the road(24)his stop signI was in live behind four cars(25)the kids had reached the safety of the sidewalk,he lowered h

11、is sign and let the cars(26)To the first he waved and(27)in just the same way he had done to me over the last few daysThe kids already had the window down and were happily waving their replyThe second car got the same(28)from the crossing guard,and the driver,a stifflooking(表情刻板的)businessman,gave a

12、brief,almost(29)wave backEach following car of kids on their way to school(30)more heartily Every morning I continued to watch the man with(31)So far I havent seen anyone(32)to wave backI find it interesting that one person can make such a(n)(33)to so many peoples lives by doing one simple thing lik

13、e waving and smiling warmlyHis(34)armed the start of my dayWith a friendly wave and smiling face he had changed the(35)of the whole neighbourhood 16Ahit Bdisappointed Cpresented Dbored 17Aon Bfrom Cduring Dabout 18Afalse Bshy Capologetic Dbright 19Aresearch Bstudy Crecognize Dexplore 20Apraised Bbla

14、med Cmistaken Drespected 21Aconclusion Bdescription Cevaluation Dintroduction 22Aargument Bdisagreement Cmystery Dtask 23Avisited Bapproached Cpassed Dleft 24Adrawing back Bputting on Chanding in Dholding out 25AOnce BBefore CUnless DWhile 26Ain Bthrough Cout Ddown 27Acried Bcheered Csmiled Dgesture

15、d 28Aidea Breply Cnotice Dgreeting 29Aawkward Bangry Celegant Dpatient 30Acame Bresponded Churried Dappeared 31Asurprise Bfrustration Cinterest Ddoubt 32Afail Btry Cwish Dbother 33Aoffer Bsacrifice Cpromise Ddifference 34Aeffectiveness Bcheerfulness Ccarefulness Dseriousness 35Atrends Bobservations

16、Cregulations Dfeelings 第三部分:阅读理解(共第三部分:阅读理解(共 4 小题;每小题小题;每小题 10 分,满分分,满分 40 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个四个选项中,选出最佳选项选项中,选出最佳选项 17(10 分)Societies all over the world name places in similar ways Quite often there is no official naming ceremony but places tend to be called names as points o

17、f reference by peopleThen an organized body steps in and gives the place a nameFrequently it happens that a place has two names:One is named by the people and the other by the governmentAs in many areas,old habits died hard,and the place continues to be called by its unofficial name long after the m

18、eaning is lost Many roads and places in Singapore(新加坡)are named in order that the pioneers will be remembered by future generations Thus we have names such as Stamford Road and Raffles Place This is in keeping with traditions in many countriesin both the West and the East Another way of naming place

19、s is naming them after other placesPerhaps they were named to promote friendships between the two places or it could be that the people who used to live there were originally from the places that the roads were named afterThe mystery is clearer when we see some of the roads named in former British b

20、asesIf you step into Selector Airbase you will see Piccadilly Circusobviously named by some homesick Royal Air Force personnel Some places were named after the activities that used to go on at those placesBras Basah Road is an interesting example,Base Basahmeanswet ricein Malay(马来语)Now why would any

21、one want to name a roadWet Rice Road?The reason is simpleDuring the pioneering days,wet rice was laid out to dry along this road A few roads in Singapore are named by their shapesThere isCircular Roadfor oneOther roads may have part of their names to describe their shapes,likePaya Lebar CrescentThis

22、 road is called a crescent(月牙)because it begins on the main road,makes a crescent and comes back to join the main road again 36We learn from Paragraph 1that Athe government is usually the first to name a place Bmany places tend to have more than one name Ca ceremony will be held when a place is name

23、d Dpeople prefer the place names given by the government 37What does the underlined phrasedie hardin Paragraph 1probably mean?AChange suddenly BChange significantly CDisappear mysteriously DDisappear very slowly 38Which of the following places is named after a person?ARaffles Place BSelector Airbase

24、 CPiccadilly Circus DPaya Lebar Crescent 39Bras Basah Road is named Aafter a person Bafter a place Cafter an activity Dby its shape 40What can be inferred from the passage?ASome place names in Singapore are the same as in Britain BSome places in Singapore are named for military purposes CThe way Sin

25、gaporeans name their places is unique DYoung Singaporeans have forgotten the pioneers 18(10 分)I am a writerI spend a great deal of my time thinking about the power of languagethe way it can evoke(唤起)an emotion,a visual image,a complex idea,or a simple truthLanguage is the tool of my tradeAnd I use t

26、hem allall the Englishes I grew up with Born into a Chinese family that had recently arrived in California,Ive been giving more thought to the kind of English my mother speaksLike others,I have described it to people asbrokenEnglishBut feel embarrassed to say thatIt has always bothered me that I can

27、 think of no way to describe it other thanbroken,as if it were damaged and needed to be fixed,as if it lacked a certain wholeness Ive heard other terms used,limited English,for exampleBut they seem just as bad,as if everything is limited,including peoples perceptions(认识)of the limited English speake

28、r I know this for a fact,because when I was growing up,my motherslimitedEnglish limited my perception of herI was ashamed of her EnglishI believed that her English reflected the quality of what she had to sayThat is,because she expressed them imperfectly her thoughts were imperfectAnd I had plenty o

29、f evidence to support me:the fact that people in department stores,at banks,and at restaurants did not take her seriously,did not give her good service,pretended not to understand her,or even acted as if they did not hear her I started writing fiction in 1985And for reasons I wont get into today,I b

30、egan to write stories using all the Englishes I grew up with:the English she used with me,which for lack of a better term might be described asbroken,and what I imagine to be her translation of her Chinese,her internal(内在的)language,and for that I sought to preserve the essence,but neither an English

31、 nor a Chinese structure:I wanted to catch what language ability tests can never show;her intention,her feelings,the rhythms of her speech and the nature of her thoughts 41By sayingLanguage is the tool of my trade,the author means that Ashe uses English in foreign trade Bshe is fascinated by languag

32、es Cshe works as a translator Dshe is a writer by profession 42The author used to think of her mothers English as Aimpolite Bamusing Cimperfect Dpractical 43Which of the following is TRUE according to Paragraph 3?AAmericans do not understand broken English BThe authors mother was not respected somet

33、imes CThe authormother had positive influence on her DBroken English always reflects imperfect thoughts 44The author gradually realizes her mothers English is Awell structured Bin the old style Ceasy to translate Drich in meaning 45What is the passage mainly about?AThe changes of the authors attitud

34、e to her mothers English BThe limitation of the authors perception of her mother CThe authors misunderstanding oflimitedEnglish DThe authors experiences of using broken English 19(10 分)Tens of thousands of theatre tickets will be given away to young people next year as part of a government campaign

35、to inspire a lifelong love for theatre The plan to offer free seats to people aged between 18to 26funded with2.5million of taxpayersmoneywas announced yesterday by Andy Burnham,the Culture SecretaryIt received a cautious welcome from some in the arts world,who expressed concern that the tickets may

36、not reach the most underprivileged The plan comes as West End theatres are enjoying record audiences,thanks largely to musicals teaming up with television talent shows Attendances reached.13.6million in 2007,up 10percent on 2006,itself a record yearTotal sales were up 18percent on 2006to almost470mi

37、llion One theatre source criticized the Governments priorities(优先考虑的事)in funding free tickets when pensioners were struggling to buy food and fuel,saying:I dont know why the Governments wasting money on thisThe Yong Vic,as The Times reported today,offers excellent performances at cheap prices There

38、was praise for the Governments plan from Dominic Cooke of the Royal Court Theatre,who said:I support any move to get young people into theatre,and especially one that aims to do it all over England,not just in London Ninetyfive publicly funded theatres could apply for funding under the twoyear planI

39、n return,they will offer free tickets on at least one day each week to 18to 26yearolds,firstcome,firstservedIt is likely to be on Mondays,traditionally a quiet night for the theatre MrBurnham said:A young person attending the theatre can find it an exciting experience,and be inspired to explore a ne

40、w worldBut sometimes people miss out on it because they fear itsnot for themIts time to change this perception Jeremy Hunt,the Shadow Culture Secretary,said:The real issue is not getting enthusiastic children into the theatre,but improving arts education so that more young people want to go in the f

41、irst placeFor too many children theatres are a nogo area 46Critics of the plan argued that Athe theatres would be overcrowded Bit would be a waste of money Cpensioners wouldnt get free tickets Dthe government wouldnt be able to afford it 47According to the supporters,the plan should Abenefit the tel

42、evision industry Bfocus on producing better plays Chelp increase the sales of tickets Dinvolve all the young people in England 48Which of the following is TRUE about the plan?ANinetyfive theatres have received funding BEveryone will get at least one free ticket CIt may not benefit all the young peop

43、le DFree tickets are offered once every day 49We can infer from the passage that in England Amany plays are not for young people Bmany young people dont like theatre Cpeople know little about the plan Dchildren used to receive good arts education 50According to the passage,the issue to offer free ti

44、ckets to young people seems Acontroversial Binspiring Cexciting Dunreasonable 20(10 分)Next time a customer comes to your office,offer him a cup of coffeeAnd when youre doing your holiday shopping online,make sure youre holding a large glass of iced teaThe physical sensation(感觉)of warmth encourages e

45、motional warmth,while a cold drink in hand prevents you from making unwise decisionsthose are the practical lesson being drawn from recent research by psychologist John ABargh Psychologists have known that one persons perception(感 知)of anotherswarmthis a powerful determiner in social relationshipsJu

46、dging someone to be eitherwarmorcoldis a primary consideration,even trumping evidence that acoldperson may be more capable Much of this is rooted in very early childhood experiences,Bargh argues,when babiesconceptual sense of the world around them is shaped by physical sensations,particularly warmth

47、 and coldness Classic studies by Harry Harlow,published in 1958,showed monkeys preferred to stay close to a clothmotherrather than one made of wire,even when the wiremothercarried a food bottleHarlows work and later studies have led psychologists to stress the need for warm physical contact from car

48、egivers to help young children grow into healthy adults with normal social skills Feelings ofwarmthandcoldnessin social judgments appear to be universalAlthough no worldwide study has been done,Bargh says that describing people aswarmorcoldis common to many cultures,and studies have found those perc

49、eptions influence judgment in dozens of countries To test the relationship between physical and psychological warmth,Bargh conducted an experiment which involved 41college studentsA research assistant who was unaware of the studys hypotheses(假设),handed the students either a hot cup of coffee,or a co

50、ld drink,to hold while the researcher filled out a short information form:The drink was then handed backAfter that,the students were asked to rate the personality ofPerson Abased on a particular descriptionThose who had briefly held the warm drink regarded Person A as warmer than those who had held

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